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[F2-PP] <<Long Live the Queen>> Mina/Hestia/Kaya

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"Oh dear, you got to see where you're running!!" Mina chuckled to herself and pulled Kaya back onto her two feet. The redhead seemingly tripped over a rock, while dashing straight towards the wasps, effectively canceling her attack, leaving Hestia to defend for herself. Which she could, actually. Hestia could solo this quest easily, but she decided to help these two newcomers like Kaya and Mina. Maybe they just needed more people to clear the frontlines. The faster we did it, the faster we get out to the real world. I'm kinda missing home, actually.

As Hestia destroyed one more wasp, leaving one hanging, Mina dashed forward, her sword glowing as she released the sword art, her balance slightly off, but the system assisting her in three direct cuts which struck 12HP off the wind wasp. "One last one guys, let's do this!" The field boss will spawn sooner or later, Mina could feel it in her gut.

@Kaya @Hestia


#91896  BD: 3+3 = 6 (Hit!)    

[H:0] @Kaya HP 60/60 | E 5/6 | DMG 7 | ACC 3 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 | LD 2 {DMG 7(x2 Whirlwind) = DMG 14}
[H:4] @Hestia  HP: 498/500   Energy: 35/50   (DMG:5,  MIT:62, Thorns: 14 DMG[on a MD of 6-8],  taunt x1 +1 hate per strike, x1 recovery)
[H 0] Mina: HP 80/80, EN 5/8, DMG 4, ACC 3, EVA 1, MIT 9

Wind Wasp #3: 28/40 ( - 4*3 = 12HP)


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Kaya watched as Hestia held her own against the flying nuisances. It was like watching a one man army. Hestia could've easily done this quest by herself, but you could say it's lonesome to solo it. Kaya know's the exactly feeling of loneliness it sucks. As Kaya slowly got up from her embarrassing fail, Mina manages to have time to help her up on her two feet. "Thanks." She didn't really give Mina a look as she thanked her. There was no time for that. There was one of the nuisances left and it was flying right in front of her. Kaya swings over her shoulder her enormous weapon as she waited for an opportunity to attack - which didn't really take that long cause after helping Kaya up Mina rushed the creature with an attack of her own. Wanted to follow up, she rushes the flying beast also. With a quick swing of her scythe, Kaya slices through the creature's wings. With her second swing, she ragdolls the creature to the ground, ready for the final blow from someone.

ID# 91966 results: Battle: 6 (3+3)

[H:1] Kaya | HP 60/60 | E 3/6 | DMG 7 | ACC 3 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 | LD 2 {Whirlwind | 7x2 = 14 DMG}
[H:6] @Hestia  HP: 498/500   Energy: 30/50   (DMG:5,  MIT:62, Thorns: 14 DMG[on a MD of 6-8],  taunt x1 +1 hate per strike, x1 recovery)
[H 3] @Mina HP 80/80, EN 2/8, DMG 4, ACC 3, EVA 1, MIT 9

Wind Wasp #2: 14/40

Edited by Kaya
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I smile as i watch the two girls move forward and strike at the wind wasp bringing it down from to around half of its health with their strikes. I nod my head with a smile on my face as i then quickly follow up as i dash towards the weak creature activating my sword art as i slash the downed creature four times twice along its chest to create an X and the last two on its wings. With the last strike the wind wasp shatters into millions of tiny little crystals. Well that should've been enough to activate the queen now it's only a matter of time to see if we have time to regenerate our energy or if the queen will arrive right away. I say with a nod of my head as i keep on guard encase it is the latter option of the two not wishing to be ambushed from possibly any direction. Ready to move to defend at a moments notice. I look around and spots my familiar up in the air having been on look out for any more enemies coming towards the area and from the lack of a roar that means no mobs decided to come towards here because of the sounds of battle.

#91978  BD: 7   5x4=20 DMG  CD: 10 (+1 energy to me do to recovery)  -4+1(natural energy regen) +1(recovery)=-2

[H:1] @KayaHP 60/60 | E 3/6 | DMG 7 | ACC 3 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 | LD 2 {Whirlwind | 7x2 = 14 DMG}
[H:8] Hestia  HP: 498/500   Energy: 28/50   (DMG:5,  MIT:62, Thorns: 14 DMG[on a MD of 6-8],  taunt x1 +1 hate per strike, x1 recovery)
[H 3] @Mina HP 80/80, EN 2/8, DMG 4, ACC 3, EVA 1, MIT 9

Wind Wasp #2: 0/40

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Hestia was strong, so strong that with her one attack, she was able to decimate the creature with ease, when it needed both Kaya's and Mina's strength to bring down it's HP to the yellow bar. Mina watched on with their tag team movements, cheering as the wasp was defeated. After listening to Hestia's warning that the boss monster will spawn soon, Mina gripped her sword tight, looking around and guarding herself for any unsuspecting attack. A boss monster was one she hadn't met before, particularly at this low level of hers. The only thing she knew was that they had multiple HP bars, and that their attack patterns change when down to a certain HP bar. Mina hoped that it didn't come too fast though, with the exception of Hestia, they were low on energy level, which meant that they couldn't cast sword arts to defeat the boss quickly. Which equates to a long and draggy fight, and equates to putting themselves at a higher risk of dying. 

 @Kaya @Hestia 

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As soon as Hestia finishes off the last of the wasps, Kaya collapses to the soft verdant grass. As she fell, she felt time move slowly around her. That little bout they've had really wore her out. Not really physically, but more mentally as she kept missing at the beginning of the fight. Good thing Hestia was there to carry the two. As she hits the ground, she hear from Hestia that was boss will spawn soon. "Man I hope he can wait a little bit, this soft grass feels to nice." Kaya spoke with a warm smile on her face. The grass was soft and comforting. One could fall asleep on there without any troubles. "Just a few more minutes." Kaya spoke as if getting woken up on a monday morning. She flips over to her side and began to actually sleep somewhat. One could really lose themselves in their surrounding here. The warm breeze didn't really help either.

@Hestia @Mina

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I chuckles at the reaction of these two girls and how their reactions are completely opposite of one another. One decides to relax and enjoy the world around her as much as she could while the other goes onto the defensive. I smile at that, but goes over to Kaya and nudges her gently with my foot. Come on Kaya get up the boss can spawn any minute we don't know when it could be, and you don't want to be vulnerable when it could come to attack. I tell Kaya with a smile as i look down at the girl before looking over to my head and nods my head with a approving look since i appreciate the response of being ready and defensive better then relaxed and about to fall asleep while in the field like this. When a attack or death can literally come any time and anywhere with nobody knowing when besides the one second, or more split reaction time of hearing something charging and having the time between hearing and seeing to react as fast as possible.

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It was at this moment that Mina heard a rustle in the bushes nearby. Having an ominuous feeling, she rushed towards Kaya's side and pulled her up a little, her sword still on guard. With a loud buzz, the hidden field boss appeared out of the bushes, it's height towering all three of them. This was the infamous <Wind Wasp Queen> boss, and it seemed like the amount of wasps they killed was just enough to trigger it's spawn. "You're right, Hestia," Mina turned toward the other girl, "This queen just appeared." This was the first time Mina had met a boss monster. With two bars of HP, she knew that it's attack pattern would change once it hit the next one. They had to be careful. Though with Hestia here, they could relax just a bit. How would low level parties fare against a creature of this caliber? "Hestia, can you taunt at it so that we can strike it without having to fear for our lives?" It was a little selfish to ask her to take all the damage, but her HP was the highest among here, and she was of the exact build to do it. 

<Wind Wasp Queen> HP: 50/50, DMG: 20

@Kaya @Hestia

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kaya turned over to her side with  face scrunched up into a pout. "Don't wanna." Kaya knew that Hestia only meant well for the rougette, but she really did wanna relax for a bit before finding the last boss. She doesn't have much energy to be useful so her wanting to relax had a point. That however didn't really stop the boss from appearing. As soon as Kaya turned over to complain a buzzing sound came booming just behind her. With it, Mina pulling Kaya up to her feet. "Ugh... so much for a rest." Kaya complained as she swung her blade around to complain about the boss appearing and not giving any time to rest. "You really piss me off, ya ****ing bug." Kaya's English accent finally came out. She was really irritated. So much so that in that moment, she began charging at the creature with her weapon in hand.

Before the creature could really react to anything, Kaya's ginormous scythe cuts deep on the creature's body. She quickly follows it up with one more attack which hooks on the the creature. Kaya then ragdolls the beast straight to the ground. As Kaya landed, her eyes glared at the creature itself. Not even the bar above it. She didn't care for it's health at all. All she knows is that that thing's still alive.

ID# 93702 results: Battle: 6 (3+3)

[H: 1] Kaya| HP 60/60 | E 2/6 | DMG 7 | ACC 3 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 | LD 2 {Whirlwind | 7x2 = 14 DMG}
[H: 0] @Hestia
[H: 0] @Mina

«Wind Wasp Queen» HP: 36/50, DMG: 20

Edited by Kaya
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I look over at Mina and nods my head with a smile liking her plan. yeah that would make sense. I'll howl and you ca- I get cut off seeing Kaya just run over towards the boss, and hit it as i then turn back over towards Mina. Welp looks like i should do my thing before Kaya gets messed up. I say as i watch the wasp queen about to get into attack position as i quickly activate howl to redirect the hate towards me. I grin seeing the wasp queen facing me as it quickly goes to charge at me, and sees the stinger coming at me trying to stab me as i try to dodge it out of instinct. However, instead it hits my armor as i slide along the ground for a moment, but grins as the queen gets hit back by the thorns of my armor to make it lose some of its health.

[H: 1] @KayaHP 60/60 | E 2/6 | DMG 7 | ACC 3 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 | LD 2 {Whirlwind | 7x2 = 14 DMG}
[H: 4]Hestia: HP: 499/500   Energy: 32/50   (DMG:5,  MIT:62, Thorns: 14 DMG[on a MD of 6-8],  taunt x1 +1 hate per strike, x1 recovery)  -10 ENG 
[H: 0] @Mina

«Wind Wasp Queen» HP: 24/50, DMG: 20


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