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[PP-F1] Everything looked so real

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Litsy's attempt had failed, Outlander was still unconscious on his bed. At that moment, Litsy began to hear Samuel's voice and the information he had to say. She listened attentively, especially when talking about the way of healing. If what had attacked his friend was a dangerous animal that, when attacking, injected poison into the victim, it was probably like that, as Samuel said. Anyway, she did not rule out the possibility of verifying the properties of the poison in some future to be prepared in another occasion.

- Then we have no choice but to wait - said Litsy, after hearing the last words of Samuel saying that it took three days to recover from the poison. She believed that she deserved it.

Litsy looked through the window and appreciated the sunrise. The first rays of sunlight began to enter allowing him to observe more closely the nuances of the room. That meant one thing. They could go for the help of a professional or perhaps in the search for materials that would serve to recover Outlander. On the other hand, continue with your training.

- I'll go outside to investigate, do you want to come? - Litsy asked Sam.

She made her way to the door that led her outside, but as she did so a very large force made her retreat a few steps. Seconds later, she could see how a lot of strange species of animals were all running in the same direction. She began to wonder what was happening, so she looked at Samuel and then she went outside looking to the other side of where she was running. Something will have interrupted his peace.

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Samuel slammed open the door, and onlooked into he stampede of animals. "What is going on?!" He shut the door, "They won't be able to get in, this house is its own mini-safe zone. All of them are. Unfortunately, only the inside of the house is safe. As long as we don't leave, we will be fine."

**Outlanders Unconscious Mind**

"No, no, no..."

"Can anyone give me there best russian accent?" Felicity said happily "Anyone?"

Samuel looked at her "In mother russia, I kill polar bear with spoon!"

Everyone laughed but Outlander whom was spectating from the back.

"You guys need to turn around!" Outlander shouted as he jumped in front of the group.

They walked right through him...

"Sam, that was good." 


Sam stopped, "What was that sound?"

The door behind them shut

"What the?" Felicity said in Panic "Some get this thing open!"

Around 20 monsters began spawning in the room.

Felicity began barking orders, Samuel saw an exit on the far end of the room and ran.

By the time it was all over. All of them were dead, the monsters despawned. Samuel came back shouting names "Hello? Felicity? Anyone there?" Sam fell on his knees "No..." A younger version of Outlander ran into the room "What happened, I was listening in to Felicitys stream, then it got cut off? What happened?" Sam held up a sword "This WAS Felicitys sword. It was on the ground, we were ambush-"

"Where's Barrett?" Outlander said intensly


"WHERE IS HE!?" Outlander yelled

"He's gone..."

Outlander stopped,  in complete shock. "You mean he's-"

"He's dead..."

Outlander sat up paniced, his vision blurry but he saw two figures he reached for his sword but it wasn't there.

"He's Awake!" Someone shouted 

One of the figures ran over to him. He couldn't quite reconize him, he focused and realized, it was Sam.

@H3LL0 @Novafire

Edited by Outlander
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Novafire was exploring the woods of Honuku, when she hear some strange noises. She saw a herd of strange creatures running at her, and she feared for her life. She started to run despite the fact it would tire her out faster because she was wearing heavy armor.

She came across a cabin she ran towards it noticing there were the same craetures running around it too,  but there were not as many, so she ran right passed them agroing as little as possible.

When she got there she began to rapidly knock on the door. Come on open up! It opened and immediately the man asnwering the door grabbed her by her pauldron  (Shoulder armor) and shoved her into the room and slamed the door behind him with his back against it. Then he heard someone shout help, he opened the door a smidge to see a young man running towards the cabin whilst being chased by the same creatures.

Open the door!  He shouted


Edited by Novafire
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"A quest should open up in this kind of area real soon." Evan said as he strolled around Honoku. A forest as creepy as this on the First floor should help in leveling up beginners, right?

he thought. Then he heard a sound. Footsteps? And the owner came to view. This was not what he was looking for but maybe a warm up would be fine. 

"Alright girl, come to daddy and give me those extra Col and EXP." He shouted. But as the creature got closer, another one popped up to view, then another one, and more, and some more, and all of them were heading at his direction.

"This is gonna be a drag, but tactical retreat should be fine." Evan started to run.

He ran as fast as he can. Good thing I'm in a game. I'd probably be dead already with those lazy legs of mine he thought.

Seconds later, the herd was nearing to him, he started dodging the ones passing through, but he knew he'd probably fail at some point.

At the midst of all this chaos, he swore that he also saw another player running away and went inside a house. He started to follow her and take shelter at the same house, carefully dodging the passing ones. 

"Open the door!"  He shouted 

He was finally near it when a crammed group of the herd were rampaging across his path. "Or not!" 

Evan started to change course and head for the nearest tree. He jumped and planted his dagger on the tree and started to climb the tree as fast as he can with the help of his dagger until he reached the lowest branch. "It'd be such a drag to go through that." He whispered to himself gasping for breath.


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