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[PP-F2] The Wrong Advice (Spencer/Erin)

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"I can't believe you!" An incredulous feminine voice rang out, followed by a resounding slap that brought an eerie silence over The Drunken Serpent. The unsavory tavern with a terrible atmosphere that was tucked away in one of the more dim and dreary corners of Urbus had only been that quiet before the game's release, when the only thing to populate it were a small handful of NPCs. Nowadays, the space was always filled with rough, crude, and otherwise unfriendly players. Or in Erin's case, perhaps a little too friendly. The man with short and wild fiery-red hair now wore a bright red handprint that decorated the left cheek of his avatar. Standing over the man, a woman with a short bob of auburn held onto an expression that was hurt, furious, remorseful, and devastated all at the same time.

"I knew you liked to fool around, but how long have you been chasing after that girl, huh?!" She demanded, tears pouring down her cheeks tinted red. "You've stood me up four times in the past two weeks, Erin! I... I can't do this anymore!" Her voice cracked while her hands balled into tight fists at her sides. She took in a sharp breath, "Don't message me anymore!" She demanded, turning on her heel and storming out of the stunned tavern. "Baby, wait--" The woman stormed out of the tavern before Erin had a chance to try to pull her from of her fit of outrage. The man cut his words off with a tired sigh, bringing a hand up to his messy fringe and running his fingers through his hair.

Sobbing, the woman rubbed futily at her wet eyes, the heels that clicked against the cobblestone paths and the indigo, slim-fitting dress that she wore attracting several pairs of eyes as she walked. Even if she hadn't been visibly distressed, the woman was likely to turn heads in the more dubious area of town. Just as she was about to round a corner, the force of a tall frame colliding with her caused the woman to stumble half a step back. "Hey, w-watch it!" She stammered through the rolling tears, about to redirect herself to continue past the sandy-blonde man.


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Spencer wasn't lost... definitely not.. okay maybe he was a tad bit. He didn't really know what part of the town he was in. He decided that he wanted to start exploring more and getting a hang of places and features of the different floors, but this floor wasn't one that he frequented regularly. He could find his way back to the middle of the town with the map, but he wanted to do this on his own and find his own way home, which was a bit difficult. 

While he was walking, he passed a bar that looked a bit run down, and heard a bit of commotion going on. They can't really hurt anyone in the bar, so no use in trying to break up anything that is happening, not like I could do a whole lot, but I mean hey, it would be worth a shot. He shrugged to himself and heard footsteps, but ignored them, until the footsteps turned into a collision and a girl was sobbing.

The woman said something about how he needed to watch and he looked confused at the girl. "Are you okay?" The woman was positively sobbing, not someone who should be just running around like they are. He looked concerned at the girl. "Did something happen in the bar?" He asked, thinking that what ever he heard going on earlier might have been caused by this girl and who ever else was involved.


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Just before she had stormed off past Spencer, the woman looked up to meet his confused, concerned expression with glistening brown eyes. Her brow furrowed after registering his initial question, "Do I look okay?!" She shot back with an unsteady voice.

"Come on, babe! Don't be like that!" A persuasive, masculine voice called out from the doorway of the tavern. Erin promptly jogged down the steps to catch up to her, standing across from Spencer with a hand on his hip. He seemed to ignore the sandy-haired boy, focusing instead on down-playing the woman's hysteric reactions with an exasperated sigh. "You know I've been busy, you gotta understand that I can't be around all the time, okay?"

The woman stood in the middle of the two men now, turning her trembling shoulders to better face Erin as she snapped back at him. "Oh, f*ck off!" She sniffled. "If you want to spend all your time with that other girl, then...then FINE!" She shouted, "Maybe I'll find someone else to spend MY time with!" She didn't even turn fully back around before she began to storm off again, and as a result her shoulder collided with Spencer's arm as she failed to move around the player. She stumbled just slightly, but managed to regain her balance and hurried off down the remaining length of the street in a heartbroken rage.

The corner of Erin's mouth pulled down into a frown and he brought his free hand up to run his fingers through his hair again. "Yeesh..." He mumbled. It was only when the two men were left alone that the redhead finally turned his attention and acknowledged Spencer. "Sorry you had to see that, kid." He closed his eyes with a sigh. A moment later they flickered back open and emerald orbs ran up and down Spencer's frame. Erin couldn't help but snicker. The man strode forward, closing the gap between them and bringing his arm around Spencer's shoulders. As he stood a couple of inches shorter, the redhead pulled down and forward to level his arm, likely bringing the boy into a slouch if he didn't provide any resistance. "You look young and impressionable. C'mon, I got some valuable advice for you--walk with me, talk with me." He pulled himself--and Spencer with him, should he comply--forward, opening his mouth to continue speaking as he would drag the unsuspecting boy through the winding streets of Urbus.

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Spencer was kind of at a loss for words at the moment. He was about to tell the woman that apart from her red eyes, that she looked fine. But, an attractive man ran from the bar and started to talk to the woman in a deep voice, trying to get her to come back to him. The woman, probably rightly so, refused to go back to the man, accusing him of cheating on her and running away before the man could get any other word out.

Spencer blinked, he hadn't really seen any relationship drama in this game, but it was bound to happen. He looked at the man, and saw the guild icon above his head. Is this Erin? Oh no, do not tell me the person that is in a the guild is a F***boi, I'm not in the mood for him to be in this guild.. but I guess I'm going to have to deal with it one way or another. He looked at the man who looked like a douche version of Jomei, and he turned to Spencer.

He apologised that Spencer had to see that, forced the man to slouch to meet his height, and proceeded to drag him along with the man. The man, who he now knew as Erin, started to talk about how girls aren't the best, and trying to give him advice. Oh no, he's talking to me, about girls, how does no one know I'm gay. Well only Jevi and Ryo know, but that's not the point, come on man. "Well honestly the advice isn't gonna h-" He started to say.


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"Trust me, kiddo, women are trouble." Erin cut him off, hardly letting Spencer get a word in as he led the way down the sparsely-populated streets of Urbus' less-peaceful corner. Luckily, the virtual sun still hung high in the sky above them, keeping most of the dangerous characters away. Not only that, but Erin's avatar happened to be well-known enough in the city he so often frequented that the pair of players weren't likely to have anyone that would dare approach them on their stroll. "Most of 'em are worth the trouble, but as soon as you piss one off, you're better off just dropping her right there." He sighed, reflecting on the woman who had exploded on him in the tavern. He shook his head, "I swear, you can have every trick in the book down pat, but as soon as they start getting all paranoid, th--" When his eyes opened, they were drawn towards a small symbol hovering nearby the man's avatar.

Emerald eyes grew sharper. It wasn't long ago that his failed pass at Blondie had resulted in receiving a bunch of useless information about her guild that he didn't want to bother committing to memory. The list of names she had provided was short enough, and the majority of them being feminine was enough to catch his attention at the time. But if he wasn't mistaken, there were two guys, and one of them was the boyfriend Blondie kept hiding behind. "Wait..." He stopped their pace, gaze shifting from his guild emblem to meet sapphire eyes with his emerald. "Which one are you?" His tone had shifted from casual to impassive, and he held back a scowl when the stranger didn't give him the information he was looking for. "Are you Blondie's guy?" He opted for a more straight-forward approach.

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Spencer rolled his eyes so aggressively that it might hurt him in the real world. This man was trying to give him a horrible point of view on women, one that was never going to use. "Actually I have you know that I-" He was cut off when he was talking about women getting paranoid and using every trick in the book and nothing working. Spencer groaned inwardly, the man was not even listening to him. He could probably say he was ten girlfriends and the man wouldn't even realize what he said.

The only strange part was that the man froze and saw the guild emblem, staring up at it then at the man himself. He looked at the man with confusion in his eyes, being asked who he was. "Spencer." He said, and the man got a deeper scowl. What the hell does he want from me. My life story? The man asked him if he was Telrenya's girl, the only blonde he could think of that had a boyfriend he knew. "You think I'm Jomei? No, trust me, I am not dating Telrenya, never will." He was trying his best to allude to the fact that he didn't like girls, because saying he was gay out right doesn't always go that well. "Do you know Telrenya? And wait, when would you have ever even met the woman." He was confused.


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A fiery-red eyebrow lifted at Spencer's quick denial, almost skeptical of his answer for a split second. But he had provided another name, and while Erin wasn't one to log away any details on people who weren't worth his time, he would commit that one to memory. Still, why go so far to say he would never date Blondie? Erin knew he had a soft spot for that sweet and innocent type that was so hard to come by, but he couldn't be that biased, could he?

He finally released his grip on Spencer, the corner of his mouth pulling up into a a smirk that only grew wider with the next question that was presented to him. There was a fleeting moment when Erin wished that the person he had run into was this 'Jomei' after all. Oh, how much fun would it be spilling all of her secrets. Maybe if he dumped her over it, he would finally be able to take that cute innocence for himself without a fight.

He placed a hand on his hip, chin tilted ever-so-slightly upwards before he turned and continued down the path they had been taking. Erin gave a casual wave of his hand for Spencer to come along on his own accord now--at least, if his relation to Blondie had piqued some interest, he couldn't think why the boy wouldn't walk and talk more willingly this time. "Oh, yeah. I met her and the taller angry one. Both very cute." His smirk persisted, having disregarded Jevi's name from memory when it became clear that the brunette wasn't going to let him anywhere near her.

Then, a thought came to mind. He wanted to know about his relationship with her, huh? A chuckle bubbled up from his chest, and Erin's smirk turned into a sly grin. "In fact, I got Blondie out on a date the other day." He bragged, shooting Spencer a sidelong glance to gauge the man's reaction.

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Spencer kept walking, the man was possibly going to spill something about Telrenya, and he wanted to hear what he was going to say about her. Tel was a very sweet and good girl so he didn't really think anything would happen between the two of them, even though Spencer had to admit Erin is an attractive man. He shrugged a bit and continued to walk with him, Erin not saying for a moment. The grip that Erin had on the man was released and Spencer glared at the man, he didn't like the man at all, glad that he hadn't really gone to any sort of guild function because he can already tell the two of them are not getting along at all.

Erin talked about meeting her and the "taller angry one" and he was guessing that was Jevi... but Jevy referred to Erin as a girl not a guy. He thought for a moment, very very confused. Wait, Jevi said Erin was a girl at the Christmas party. Wait now that I think of it so did Telrenya.... what in the world. He ignored those thoughts when Erin made a comment on him going on date with Telrenya, and Spencer's face dropped.

"No you didn't." He said plainly, his face a blank stare. She would never get with him, ever. She is head over heel in love with Jomei, even though this man looks like a warped version of Jomei, that does not mean she would ever go for him. "You did not go on a date with her." He said plainly again, no tone in his voice, and he kept walking. He shook his head a bit at the idea of those two going on a date.

Edited by Spencer
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Erin blinked. That wasn't the reaction he had been expecting. Not at all. Once the initial second of surprise and confusion passed, his eyes narrowed again. "What, you don't believe me?" He scoffed. 'Tch, what the hell kind of reaction was that?' His arms crossed over his chest, eyes closing while he walked a few more paces. How in the hell did he sound so matter-of-fact? Was he just intent on denying that the cutesy girl would do anything behind her boyfriend's back? Erin almost failed to hold back a snicker at the irony of the thought.

One of his lids opened with another sideways glance towards the sandy blonde walking beside him. His arms unfolded a couple of paces later, and shoulders pulled up into a shrug with his palms up on either of his sides. "Whatever, I ain't gonna argue with you. Maybe you should ask the little princess herself. I'll bet you 50 col her face turns red as a beet if you so much as say my name to her." His smirk was back in full force as the blonde's flustered face resurfaced in his memory.

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"Of course I don't believe you, I know her. She's sweet, kind, adorable, and all around a great and LOYAL girl. So I couldn't really see it happening." He had complete and utter faith in the female so he was seeming pretty concerned. He rolled his eyes at the man's snicker as he walked up towards him a bit. The man was talking about mentioning his name to Telrenya, and he thought for a moment. He thought of the Christmas Party... and he had to agree that it actually was kind of true. She got slightly defensive on the fact that he or rather "she" was some new level slightly low life who didn't want to go to anything. It almost made sense that it happened.

"So... So you're telling me that you and Telrenya went on a date. Hmm, when, where, and what did you all do. Also... Why does she refer to you as "She" when she mentions you, also the rest of them, Jomei and Jevi both talk about you as a she, but no one else does." He sat there for a moment and threw the thought away. "That- That doesn't matter, I still don't see you guys going on a date."

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'Oh man, what's this little troublemaker got herself into?' He inwardly chuckled, bringing a hand up to his chin. 'I've hardly gotta do anything before all her little plans start falling apart. Ah well, if she's not gonna give in now, maybe I'll get an easy rebound.

Erin's smirk persisted where Spencer's speech faltered. His words and his tone contradicted themselves now, as seeds of doubt were seemingly sown. Without hesitation, the redhead answered each of his questions in turn. "Last week, the cafe across from the teleport plaza here in Urbus, and oh we had a really nice time." His hands moved down to slip themselves inside of his pockets as he rounded another corner. An idea had entered his crafty, mischievous mind that had him leading them back towards the center of town. "Hmmm, you got me there." He hummed in response to the question of gender that Spencer quickly redacted. With a few quick motions, Erin pulled up his menus and panned over to his messages. He selected the name of the blonde in question, typing up a couple of quick sentences and then flicking them closed with a quick turn of his wrist. "Yeah, she told me all about the guild and everything. Sorry I couldn't make that fun party." It was nearly a thoughtless reaction when he paired the words with a casual wink towards the blonde.

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Spencer listened to the man talk about the date the two supposedly had and Spencer thought for a moment. There was a moment at the holiday party where Telrenya was getting a message and was blushing really bad, and Spencer was thinking that it might be Erin. No nonononono, she couldn't do that. She is sweet and genuinely a nice girl, I don't see her cheating on anyone, but so far what Erin is saying about her does make sense, god I hate thinking like this about my friends. Spencer huffed a bit and kept walking with Erin.

Erin mentioned something about him being referred to as a girl, which made Spencer feel like Erin knew he was but he didn't care. Maybe they had an agreement about something. But what? I could have sworn Jomei met Erin and she was a she, and she even had the guild emblem so there was no faking it, and the guild only has seven members, what the hell is going on. His thoughts were clouded, only the suttle and strange wink that he got brought him from his thoughts, and made him blush a bit. "Didn't take you as someone who also liked men as well as women, but hey, I can be surprised." He looked at the man, wondering if he was going to be pressing any buttons. If he is gonna be weird about Tel, know about the party, and wink at him. might as well play the game right back at him.


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Erin blinked, the smirk wiped clean off his face at Spencer's comment. For once, the man was lost for words, without a witty remark to shoot back at the sandy blonde. Their arrival at the edge of the main plaza that housed the teleport gate was his saving grace, and a fraction of his snarky expression returned to his features when his emerald eyes fell upon the sight of a familiar, distressed-looking blonde in a set of casual attire.

Telrenya's eyes finally met his, and went wide when she saw Spencer and Erin standing side-by-side. She was frozen for a few long moments until the latter raised a hand in casual greeting. "Yo. Sorry sweetheart, your friend here kinda bumped into me. Whoops." He offered an insincere apology.

"What...did you..." The words left Telrenya in small enough of a whisper that it likely wouldn't have reached the men's ears with the distance still between them. Her shoulders raised half an inch with a hint of anger sparking in her eyes. With a few strides she closed the gap between them, focusing all of her attention on the redhead as she reformed her question. "What did you do?! The one thing I asked you not to do, I--I can't believe you!" Her cheeks slightly flushed in a combination of embarrassment and frustration. Her hands balled into fists at her sides, and she had half a mind to bring them up towards Erin as she lashed out at him.

"Hey hey, easy, princess." He tried half-heartedly to quell the woman's anger. "Don't blame me, he just showed up. What am I supposed to do if your little guild friends get nosy and start looking for me, huh?" The corner of his mouth pulled up and he brought a hand up to rest on top and glide over the girl's blonde head, giving her a small pat. "Don't worry sweetheart, I didn't spill any of the juicy details." He continued to tease with another playful wink aimed at the girl in front of him.

Telrenya tensed up at the sudden contact, the heat on her cheeks growing more intense with every word that spilled out of Erin's mouth. She finally raised her arms between them, pressing her open palms into the man's torso to push him away. She continued forward, working to turn the redhead back the way he and Spencer had come and demanding that he leave. After a few forced steps Erin seemed to finally give in, and with a sigh and a casual goodbye, his hands slipped back into his pockets and he strode back down the streets of Urbus. Flustered, embarrassed, and beginning to panic, Telrenya turned back to her friend. "S-S-Spencer, it's not--I don't--" Her hands were curled and held up in front of her, and tears began to form at the corners of her eyes as words failed her.

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Spencer laughed a small bit when Erin's face basically dropped off the face of the planet and went down. "You okay?" He said with a smirk. It was fun to bother people who were so upset when they are called homosexual, makes it nice to harass. Spencer was going to milk this for a while longer, but when he saw Telrenya, his face dropped and he looked concerned with the woman, but suspicion back in his brain.

Spencer glared at Erin when he commented to Telrenya about bumping into him. He could tell he was not going to ever like Erin, or trust him for that matter. The look on Telrenya's face made Spencer's heart hurt when she turned to him.

He was slightly hurt that Telrenya was keeping something from him, and with it having Erin being apart of it made him a little concerned and a little made that this man had weaseled his way into Telrenya's life. But the harassing of her was getting to him. "Hey Erin, how about you leave us two alone, and you can get back to all the girls that are going to leave you one day because you have no value. Stop harassing someone who is way out of your league and always will be. Now get out of here." He glared at the man and gripped his fists tight against his body.

He was happy to see Telrenya start to push the man away, before he finally left, and she turned to him with tears in her eyes. Spencer ran up to her and gave her a hug. He had no idea what was going on, but he wasn't going to be pissed or mean to the woman who was crying in front of him. "Its okay, Its okay. I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt Jomei, its okay." He said and tried to calm the woman down.

"Now... Can you please tell me why that horrible man decided to come at you, and also tell me that you two went on a date? And why you and Jevi both call her a girl same with Jomei, yet she is obviously not a she." He said and looked at her and broke the hug, having a lot of questions for the girl.

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Before Telrenya could force out more stammered explanations or make any sense of her racing thoughts, she felt Spencer's arms wrap around her. She blinked, the moisture that had welled at the corners of her eyes easily spilling over. He had held her for a moment, giving her words of reassurance that gradually managed to seep in and managed to quell some of the panic that had threatened to overtake her. Her breathing steadied just enough, but when Spencer then began to question her--despite how justified those questions were--she felt her bottom lip tremble. She looked up at him, hardly able to meet the man's troubled gaze before her chin fell back down to the floor. "R-right..." She said in a tiny, almost defeated voice.

"I guess there's a lot to say..." She bit down on her bottom lip, gnawing gently on the skin while her eyes slowly drifted to the side. "Let's...go take a seat somewhere." She suggested with a voice that was still low. The two moved to a wooden bench at the edge of the plaza, just far enough away from any crowds that might form around the teleport gate to allow them to talk in peace. Telrenya took in a deep breath through her nose, trying to figure out where to start--trying to remember exactly when everything started.

"After Jomei and Ruby said they were going to the boss fight... I made a decision. I wanted to join them." Her hands rested in her lap, fingers naturally finding the emerald charm at her wrist and turning it over as she spoke. "I started trying to find people who knew my brother. One of them was willing to train me, and even made me a set of vanity armor so I could go out on my own without being recognized." She stared over her knees at the cobblestone floor in front of them, brows lowered as she recounted how everything started slipping out of her control.

"I... I ran into Jomei like that. I was already calling myself Erin, but I realized that my guild emblem would be a dead giveaway, so..." She took another deep breath to keep her voice steady while she felt a knot of guilt tightening in her chest. The secrets that she kept from Jomei and the trouble she had caused Jevi intermingled and nearly caused her stomach to turn. "Jevi helped me find the real Erin, and we convinced him to join the guild. He was just supposed to be a name on the list, so I could keep soloing without worrying about it."

There was still so much more to say, still questions that she hadn't answered, but Telrenya took a moment to keep herself as composed as she could manage. She couldn't stop wondering what Spencer might say, what he might think. The man had always be sweet and kind, to which she was incredibly grateful that they had become friends. It wasn't until the truth had been forced out into the open that she worried if that might somehow change.

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Spencer felt the woman start to calm down and he started to smile a bit, he was glad the woman was calming down. Spencer looked down on her and the two of them went to get seated near where they were. Spencer looked at her while she started to talk, and he was starting to let all the information slowly sink in to him. What the woman was saying was very, very surprising to him, but it filled in many holes in what he was learning that day, and also the way she was acting at the Christmas Party.

The woman was basically telling Spencer that she was also Erin, in the sense she was parading around as Erin because she let Erin join the guild to add another name to the list of names, so no one, mostly Jomei, would not find out that she was training and trying her best to get to the front lines to help out. She didn't want people to worry about her, so she kept silent about everything and was trying to keep everything a secret.

She didn't want to hurt anyone, it just took a life of its own when Erin decided to start getting a little nosy into Tel's business. Spencer sat there for a moment and pondered everything he had just learned. Maybe he should be angry, Telrenya keeping things from him, or how she involved someone who is such a douche, but he couldn't find any anger. He understood why she did. Of course he was nervous about her fighting in the front line, and nervous about how this might all blow over. However, it was understandable to Spencer, also being a low level himself. 

Spencer turned to the girl and gripped her hand. "I'm not mad at you, at all. Maybe I should be? But I'm not. I understand why you are doing it. You want to be important in the front lines and feel like you are able to help out and do something, that's something most people want to have as well. I'm lower than most of the people in our guild, I understand where you are coming from. Just be careful okay? I wont speak a word of you Extra Curricular Activities to Jomei, you deserve to have the chance to help out." He smiled a bit and looked at the woman. Thus came upon his second comment. "May I ask... What's up with Erin? Why is he so invested in you and trying to get with you? It's more than a little weird and could cause problems between you and Jomei, he even tried to convince me that you two went on a date before, in some cafe."


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Interrupting her nervous fidgeting, she caught sight of Spencer's hand shift over on top of hers and felt him give it a squeeze. She finally pulled her chin up to look at him, meeting the lingering concern in his bright blue eyes. The understanding he expressed caused a wide, sad smile to spread across her face, and her gaze dropped down once more. "Thank you, Spencer. That...that means a lot. When it all started, I thought it wouldn't cause that much trouble. I-it was supposed to just be a little secret, not to hurt anyone or anything. And the whole point was to keep everyone from worrying about me. They already risk their lives too much without me there..." The thoughts spilled from her.

She blinked when Spencer said that word again--that Erin had called their meeting a date. "He--!" She began to bristle with fresh anger towards the redhead, but she quickly held her tongue. She let the feelings leave her in an exasperated sigh, shaking her head before she spoke up again. "There was no 'date'." She huffed in a pout. "He told me he had questions about the guild, and since I convinced him to go along with all of this I agreed to meet with him. I don't know why he's trying to spin it like that..." She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She felt a new knot in her stomach when Spencer made mention of the man's presence causing strain on her relationship. "I-I already told Erin he's not coming between us..." It was foolish for Telrenya to tell herself that the redhead would respect those boundaries--or any, for that matter. And yet, she stubbornly did so. After all, she was inconveniencing him by asking him to go along with her plans and borrowing his username, she thought. "I guess that's just his personality..?" Her voice was smaller, grasping for an explanation or excuse as to why the redhead behaved the way he did.

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Spencer nodded and smiled at Telrenya, he was happy that she was starting to calm down a tiny bit. That only lasted a short while because she bubbled back up with anger when he commented on the fact that Erin had called their little interaction some sort of date. Spencer understood that it wasn't in Tel's nature to go behind someone else's back and cheat, so he knew that it wasn't actually any type of date at all. He smiled sadly and looked at her. "You.. You may want to try to explain to Jomei what's going on. I don't know how you could possibly do it while keeping your alter ego, but Jomei will find out something is happening soon or later, and I'd rather it be sooner and by you than be later when he meets Erin in person, and realizes "She" is actually a "he"." He frowned a bit and looked at her. 

"I know that you want to keep this secret identity and all, and try to make sure no one worries about you so you can be strong enough to do the boss battle without, I'm guessing Jomei, worrying about you the entire battle, or trying to make it so you won't battle. But, don't risk your relationship on it. Try to tell him that there is someone who is hitting on you, and just explain to him that if someone comes up to him and tries to get in between you two, that it's just some jealous ass who wants what he can't have. I don't know how you could possibly figure out how to do that, but I'm scared what Erin could do to your relationship, and I don't know exactly how to stop him from going at Jomei because he wants you so bad." He frowned and gripped her hand a little harder. "I'm here if you need anything, but I'm not sure how I can really help in this situation." He paused for a moment, and realized he rambled on for a while. "S-sorry, I'm really bad at giving advice." He blushed.


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As Spencer tried to provide a hesitant voice of reason, Telrenya's eyes fell again. "I...hate lying to him. I hate keeping a secret like this. If I didn't go so far as to find Erin and get him involved, maybe it wouldn't be so bad..." Her voice dropped to a mumble. Things were easy enough at first, but it was almost impressive at how quickly it got out of hand. What started out as just spending some of her free time questing on her own had turned into pretending to be someone else entirely while micromanaging the relations between their actual seventh guild member and her friends.

Spencer's stammered apology brought her eyes back to his, and she forced a small smile. "No no, it's okay. I got myself into this huge mess... It's kind of you to try and help me." Her own cheeks took on a small tint of pink shyness, but her smile grew a bit more genuine. "Thank you. I... I'll think of something. I'm starting to think that I really can't keep this up forever like I originally planned." A tiny chuckle that carried her nerves with it escaped her. The thought of telling Jomei everything--although it would lift the biggest of weights from her heart--filled her to the brim with dread. After everything he'd done for her, the love, kindness, and trust he'd shown her, he truly didn't deserve any of this deception.

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Spencer nodded to the woman and smiled a bit. He was happy that she felt bad. As bad as that sounds it's good that she is trying to make up for what she had done and make her relationship with Jomei better. He gave her a hug and stood, checking the time and realising that he was going to ask Jomei to hang out and do the Avalanche quest. He sighed a bit and looked at Telrenya. "I'm going to be hanging out with Jomei today probably. I promise I will not tell him about your secret. Just try to work on Erin and all." He frowned a bit at the thought of him.

Spencer stood up and hugged the woman softly again. "I hope you feel better Tel, and I hope this all goes over without a problem. I really hope everything works out for you." He smiled a bit and started to walk away. "And call Erin gay, it really helps with bothering him." He winked with a laugh and walked away. My god... what the hell has that girl gotten herself into. I really hope Erin doesn't start anything else.

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