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About Spencer

  • Birthday 09/16/1999

Guild Information

  • Guild Name
    Holy Dragon Alliance

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  • Interests
    Sign Language, History

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  1. Noot Noot

    1. Raidou


      Noot Noot, Indeed

    2. Oji


      I concur, Noot Noot

    3. Macradon



  2. Current Level: 28 Current SP: 86 Link to SP Tracking: [Journal] Items to Upgrade: N/A
  3. Spencer gave a scowl when Arsenal admitted to not really knowing who Hikoru was, and he shook his head sadly. But when Nicholas called him sweetie and who he wanted to spend time with, his face lit up a bit. "Well, we could go see Cal-" His face brightened up and his eyes went wide, Nicholas planted a hard kiss on him, making his body slowly melt into it. He blushed brightly, mostly because it was out in public... again. He slowly broke the kiss and he laughed. "Well then, that was.... wow." He smiled and almost forgot not making eye contact with someone, which confused him. He shrugged it off
  4. Spencer could feel Nicholas's anxiety levels rising softly, but steadily. [censored] [censored] [censored], what do I do now? I gotta get him out of here. Hmmm, where should we go? Wait! There's a clearing next to two people, might as well go there! Spencer smiled a bit and hugged Hestia one last time. "Sorry to bolt, but I think I see someone I know." He pointed in a general direction and looked back at Hestia. "I'll be back to talk to you, I miss my guild sister." He smiled and practically dragged Arsenal away from Hestia. "Sorry!" He said to the man, "I didn't know you had a problem with bi
  5. Spencer's eyes went wide when the man pulled him into a kiss, but his eyes fluttered close and a small smile crossed his lips as Nicholas did. The man pulled Spencer into a hug, and he felt right as rain. "Snacks? And I was just about to cook something too." He crossed his arms and huffed annoyed, but quickly laughed. When Nicholas mentioned his dislike for big crowds, he almost unconsciously snaked his left hand down to grab on to Nicholas's right hand. "Don't worry Saint Nick," he gives the man a teasing look, "I'll be here for you, and if it ever gets to much, we can spend some time in my c
  6. Spencer was getting ready to start cooking, making some festive cookies for someone special. I wonder if he would like these.... wait what is going on outside? He cocked his head in confusion and slowly stepped out into the street, locking his café behind him. He opened up his umbrella to block the snow and saw a couple players starting to gather around a Christmas tree, it looked like a Christmas event. "Christmas event! Nicholas better get his ass here." Spencer quickly opened up his message section and started to type one to send to Arsenal He smiled a bit and closed the message scre
  7. Hmm, To Roleplay as Spencer (Someone who's plot is lacking)
    Or Clarence (Recently back and hella sad boy)

  8. I think I might start roleplaying here again, I just need a good plot to follow Spencer through.

    1. Ssong


      I am open for plot plans.

  9. That moment when you have a 5 page map, 3 page google doc, and 3 thread story going for 9 characters...

  10. It's very difficult to think of a plot arc for Spencer. A relationship maybe, but with the lack of male gay characters, he is kind of stuck in this hole of just making friends with out some goal in the future. This sucks..

    1. Shi


      @Baldur is generally good at helping people come up with plots xd

    2. Baldur


      I'm not somewhere i can look but send me a pm with a link to your journal and I'll see what i can come up with

  11. Anyone Wanna Roleplay? I could help with quests, or just meet and make friends.

    1. Pinball


      Pick me, Mr. Kraaaaabs

    2. Spencer


      Sounds good to me! You start or me?

  12. Spencer needs some Male friends or a male love interest ugh.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spencer


      Sounds good to me. Would you want to do any quests? Or just a meet and greet one?


    3. Fayetta


      Oh, hmm, I haven't done any. And all my stuff is really basic. I don't mind a quest, I just don't think I'll be very useful haha. Maybe it starts out social and they end up doing a quest together, but they don't realize he's so under-leveled. I dunno. xD Only if you don't mind carrying heh, I'm really not picky!

    4. Spencer


      I have "Secret Medicines of the Forest" I haven't done yet. I'll start it up and I'll carry you <3

  13. Quick. I have a TON of motivation to post. Someone do a thread with me.

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