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[F1-PP] Second Time's the Charm <<Earning a Living: Merchant>>

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Sat alone on his favorite bench (in the Town of Beginnings), Pinball wondered. He fiddled with his fingers, his spear between his arms, leaning against his shoulder. A cook, he thought. To feed the hungry. He shook his head. That's not what you had wanted, originally. His staring never left his fingers. Instead, Pinball yawned, but his gaze remained locked in the same spot. Pinball loved cooking. It was an excellent hobby, and he had gotten much enjoyment out of it. But... Cooking wasn't useful for him anymore. He didn't want to be stuck doing it forever, either. Coupled with the fact that he never used the buffs he crafted, and the surplus of Cooks popping up, Pinball didn't feel needed. Plus, I don't like being stuck doing one thing. Never have. Pinball stood, then, rolling his head. Do what you wantHe was brought back to the beginning of the game, where he had longed to be a merchant. A bit bittersweet, isn't it? With thoughts of the past came the regret that accompanied it. Regret, fear, anger, sadness. "Well. Second time's the charm.


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Spangie skipped in almost a sorrowful way around the town, maybe I should find a shop that's good with armor here.. she sighed, looking at the cobble path. When she finally looked up she was greeted with an unexpected visitor. Is that.. Pinball? She tilted her head and walked up behind him. Yeah it sure is.. she gave a silent sigh and put on her happy face. She reached in front of him and covered his eyes. "Guess who it isss~" she sang with a cheery voice. It's good to see a familiar voice..

"Bet you can't guess!" she stuck out her tongue playfully and giggled. The thought of seeing someone she knew soothed her, it made her feel clam and collected. The brown haired player had helped her with her first battle and its proven that she was actually capable of serving this death game.


Edited by Spangie
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Pinball jumped when his eyes were covered. When he heard her voice, he calmed down a bit. "Stranger danger, damn it!" He took a step forward, sliding out of her hands. He whirled around with a contorted smile, shooting finger guns. "Ayy, it's ya boy." A rattling at his waist stole his attention for a moment, and Zomekko leapt forth from her jar, shadow falling to the floor as if they were water droplets. Zomekko floated up and around Spangie, leaving a trail of blackness around her that faded in a few seconds. Zomekko stopped when she reached Spangie's eyes. Zomekko stared with large, white, empty eyes. The ghostly cat was completely silent. After a long moment of staring, it stuck out its tongue, white as its eyes. Pinball forced a smile, not knowing whether or not that gesture was a good or bad thing. He looked to Spangie, Zomekko floating lazily down to the floor. "Uhhh... what are you doing here?

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Spangie giggled at the startled boys reaction. "Stranger?" she gave a fake gasp and covered her mouth, "I'm offended!" she pouted, crossing her arms. After a few seconds, she giggled and repeated his actions, shooting a few hand guns here and there. "Eyyy!" she chuckled and gaped at the jar, who soon released a wispy black cat. 

"Ah, hi again Zomekko! It's good to see you again," she said happily, crouching down to meet the eyes of the cat. Dark, but bright. Creepy, yet elegant. She giggled to herself and watched in awe at the cat. I can never get bored of this cat. She thought to herself and gave a warm smile. She gave another giggled when the cat stuck out its tongue at her and reflected it, sticking out her own tongue. "I was hoping to buy some armor, mines getting a bit dated," she said casually, looking up at Pinball and giving him a small smile with a tinge of sadness.

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He laughed, his teeth grit together in a forced smile. "Yeahh," he sighed, his hand wrapped tightly around his spear. Zomekko still confused Pinball at times. He couldn't tell if she liked someone, or if she hated someone. Still, the fact that she hasn't choked her is relieving. Pinball recalled rather vividly the first time he had met Zomekko. It was a tomb, and he was with Hei. Zomekko had leapt from wall to wall, faster than Pinball's eyes could follow. Finally, she had stopped in front of him... and stared. Pinball had walked up to the pedastal, and put food in the jar on a hunch. Zomekko loved it, but she then jumped on Pinball, covering his face. He couldn't breathe. 

Pinball shuddered. Memories, he thought, but it still made him feel happy. Those were good times. "She must have missed you," Pinball said, a bit unsure of that himself. Zomekko, at least to Pinball, was difficult to read. "Buying armor, huh," he echoed, noticing something strange about the way she had said it. Whether it was something in her voice, or an expression, he didn't know, but he got the feeling something was off. "I'm, uhh, going to Earn a Living. Again. Pretty cool we ran into each other." He winked, snapping a fingergun. "Must be fate.

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She giggled and clapped her hands together. "It's been a bit huh?" she tilted her head and gave a warm smile. She could only watch in more awe at the foggy cat, her hands tempting to touch it. Still don't know if she'd want me to touch her.. she sighed but kept on smiling at the familiar. A strange one she is.. she puffed and stood up, a warm aura radiating from her.

She missed me, huh.. a miss a certain something too.. "I sure hope so!" she barely choked out, pushing the sad thought away. "Yeah.. I what to get stronger so I don't have to depend on people, like you! Not that I don't want you around or anything!" she shook her hands and giggled nervously. She twirled around playfully and 'booped' him on the nose. "Yeah, pretty cool.. it was good seeing you again, what me to help you?" she tilted her head. "It's the least thing I can do since you basically taught me how to fight," she chuckled and put her hands on her hips.


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Pinball nodded. "Yeah," he agreed. "It's been a while." Pinball looked to Zomekko, the wispy feline seemingly taking an interest to Spangie's boot. The cat rubbed against her leg, and Zomekko phased through Spangie completely. It looked as if formless shadow swirled around her legs for a brief moment, then they retook the form of a cat on the opposite side of her. Pinball coughed. He listened closely as Spangie explained herself, and Pinball shook his hands in front of him. "No, no," he said, "I didn't teach you how to fight. You did just fine without any instruction." Pinball looked behind him, wondering where he was supposed to go to start his quest, then turned back to Spangie, only to get booped. His hand instinctively went for his nose, which he covered, his face taking a shade of red. "Oh," was all he said. Pinball considered her offer for a moment, then nodded with a small smile. "Y-yeah, alright. You can come. I'm supposed to be meeting up with some NPC kid. He..." Pinball paused, looking down the street, where he saw a boy's head poke out of the alleyway, watching them. A single finger beckoned them forward. "Oh, God. Creepy."

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She nodded her head happily and gave a wide smile. Her smile wavered when Zomekko phased through her boot with no reason particularly. "Woooooaaah! That's so cool!" she squealed, bending down to look at the games mystery. She giggled and spun around or face the blank eyes of the Zomekko. "I still can't get how your familiar is so cool," she sighed, rubbing her eyes with a small smile. She tilted her head when her explained that he didn't do anything to teach her during the fight. "Are you sure? I'm pretty sure you helped me in some way," she giggled and gave a small shrug, "don't worry, you still helped me anyways," she chuckled. 

"Oh really? Well he must be around..." she trailed off, following his gaze. "Eek!" she jumped backwards, nearly bumping into Pinball. Oh god, that was so weird.

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Zomekko leapt back into the jar tied to Pinball's waist as he turned to the boy. Pinball offered a slight wave, and the boy rushed forward. His hand instinctively gripped his spear, but the boy slowed to a stop directly in front of him. "Hey you wanna learn how to cheat the sy- I mean make good sales? Follow me." Pinball took a step back, a bit surprised. " I - do I - what?" But the boy didn't say another word, rather, he firmly grasped Pinball's hand in his and pulled him along. I guess this is the Merchant Master, or whatever? He looks really young, though. I expected someone... older. Pinball looked to Spangie as the boy pulled Pinball down the alley, shooting her a helpless smile. He half-expected her to turn around and leave. They weren't particularly close, and though she showed an interest in Zomekko, he couldn't help but feel stiff and awkward around her. He felt like he was forcing himself on to other people, and that wasn't just limited to Spangie. He only just began to contemplate these things, when the boy halted. He stopped at a door, then turned to Pinball, looking at him expectedly. "Uhh, yeah? Do I... What? What's happening."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spangie gave a wary chuckle as she watched Pinball get dragged away. Oh yeah. she quickly followed after them, a small grin on her face as she did so. "He seems reliable," she snickered next to the confused player. She skipped next to the two in silence, her mind wondering off, What was I here again? Armor? Food? Eh, that's seems boring.. she frowned and stole a quick glance at Pinball. "Whatever's happening, I wanna help you," she giggled, and intertwined her fingers behind her back. "Whatever I came here for was probably boring so I'm going to help you!" she grinned cheekily and stopped next to them, peering at the door. Shop perhaps? she shrugged and chuckled at the confused player. "What do you think is happening?" she stuck out her tongue teasingly and fiddled with her hair. "Seems pretty obvious to me," she giggled and looked at the door as if it held some kind of treasure. This'll be an adventure I bet.


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