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[F6-SP] The Cat and the Tree <<Calming the Soul>>

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Light streamed through the open window, golden rays circumventing the the efforts of the drawn blinds. The room was small - minimalist in design, to be sure. There was no sign of decoration, and what furniture did have a place in the room was bare, dull, and plain. Despite the blandness of the rooms themselves, the inn remained a hotspot for the adventurous types, due to its convenient location in-between safezones, and its above average food quality (by an inn's standards, at least). The style of the inn as a whole was much like its rooms; being simple in design and minimalistic in furnishing. The outside of the building would reveal that it was made chiefly from wooden logs, and there was a small patio by the front door. A single rocking chair was sat out on this patio, and players were welcome to use it when not occupied by the inn-keep. The NPC that ran the shop was an old, gruff woman who seemed to posess a general distaste for the majority of players that set foot in her cabin. By NPC standards, the old lady had rather complex dialogue, as opposed to the usual 'yes' or 'no' questions exclusively answered by other, more simple AI... if you could get her to have a conversation. Still, while the woman seemed a bit rude, there was one question she would always answer proudly and honestly. The name of the inn was, "The Rabbit's Burrow". 

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With a long, pained groan, Pinball sat up in bed, his hands covering his eyes. I closed that window, he thought bitterly, knowing he had not, in fact, closed the window. Even with the blinds drawn, the morning sun bathed the room in a golden light, and the normal forest ambience could easily be heard through the open window. He slowly removed his hands from his face, his eyes fluttering for a moment, sleepy eyes adjusting to the light. He scanned his surroundings. It was the same bland room he had ordered the night before, after storming off after the whole bar incident. He breathed heavily through his nose, playing with the idea of getting dressed and out of bed. Instead, he flopped back onto the mattress, staring at the wall with a blank expression. Memories of the previous night flooded his mind, and Pinball's face twisted in pain. He grit his teeth, and his fists clenched. "Damn it!" He took a swing at the mattress, his fist sinking maybe an inch into the cushioned bed. "So stupid," he growled, throwing the blankets off of him. "All of it is just... so stupid.He stood, grabbing fistfuls of his hair. Pinball paced back and forth, seething. "You're an idiot," he hissed through clenched teeth. Cardinal must have recognized the strong emotional distress, for the next thing he knew, tears sprung to his eyes. 

Edited by Pinball
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