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[ PP - F22 ] <<What We Live For>> [ Sharr + Spangie ]

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'What We Fight For : 

Spangie walked through the small paved paths of Coral, her familiar at her side. "We should look for that chamber thingy soon right?" she spoke out, asking her familiar. Agni merely snorted and trotted faster. "Hey, come back!" she puffed, speed walking faster. It was only a few minutes later that Agni started full out running, "H-hey! Stop itttt! You're too fast!" she shouted, her voice echoing throughout the entire town. Her walking turned into a full sprint as she chased after the troublemaking familiar. "Stooop!" she cried as her familiar ran into several people, leaving them wide eyed. "Sorry! I'll pay for that sword!" she gave a remorseful look to passing civilians before running faster to catch her familiar. 

Now running as fast she can, she chased her familiar through the village, causing havoc everywhere. It was only then did her familiar stop a few meters away from a player with a skidding halt did she realize she was going to crash. "W-wait!" was the only thing she said before completely crashing into a certain white haired player. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" she rubbed her head and groaned. Now I've done it..


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Sharr was just walking around town after stealing a simple sandwhich from a group of players in a gavern nearby. 'It is just a sandwhich, I bet they won't even bat an eye once they find out that I took it.' He was about to take a bite when he heard ruckus from somewhere nearby. It was getting louder as time went by. Soon enough he could hear the words, they were pleading for someone to stop. Then he saw a familiar stop running nearby, Sharr stopped finishing the sandwhich for a while and approached the Nine-tailed fox. "Hey I know-" He was cut short by someone crashing into him, his sandwhich flying from his hand, falling to the familiars head, making a soft "splat" before it shattered and disappeared. 

"Oww..." Sharr was lying on the ground with someone on him. He tried to get her off but stopped when his hands found its way to her chest, accidentally held them tight them. "Hey you're that girl from that party, Spanky was it?" He tried one more attempt to get her off but stopped once he accidentally held them tight again. 'Who knew they could feel this real in the NerveGear.' 


Edited by Sharr
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Her face flushed red as she felt her ‘area’ being touched. “Kyaahh!” She bounced back, “G-get away from me you pervert!” She stuttered, quickly standing up and clutching her arms close to her chest. “Just who do you think you are?!” She huffed angrily, her cheeks flaring. 

“No, my name is not Spanky!” She looked over to her familiar, “This is your fault,” she growled, sending her rare death glares. Her gaze reverting back to the white haired player. “Y-yeah, I saw you at the party or something,” She grumbled, looking away. How do I get into these situations. This is unbelievable, I ran into a pervert and now I’m making conversation with him, ugh. She puffed angrily and grabbed her familiar by the scruff, “Well, thanks for you ‘precious’ time, I’ve got a quest to do.”


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Sharr got up from the ground, dusting off his rear. He watched the girl as she reacted from Sharr's "attempt" to "to get her off him". He wanted to reply to every accusation she said, but he thought it was best to keep it all to himself. 'Nope, not a pervert... I think I am someone who was born and named Sharr...' "Wait it wasn't? Pretty sure it was, I should at least get that right about you."

Sharr sighed as he thought about a way to make up for what he had 'accidentally' done. 'Yes, it was just a fortunate accident Sharr, nothing is your fault.' He then walked up to Spangie, then stopped making sure they were at least a meter apart, being weary of her personal space. 'I doubt she'll ever want to be close to me again, given just what happened.' "Aawwee don't throw all the blame on that cute little thing, you were the one that crashed on me, you ended up on top of me, and you had to make me get you off of me, trust me I tried." Sharr said, emphazing all the "you's", as he tried to grab her familiar by its scruff, planning to take it from her and let it go. "What was it you were saying about a quest? My name's Spangie by the way."


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Her face flushed red, “I barely know you!” She growled, sighing to herself. “Ugh,” she groaned, squeezing the skin on her forehead with her thumb and index finger. Calm down.. just some creepy who found himself in this game. Just walk away slowly.. slowly.. she inhaled and exhaled at a turtles pace and gave a forced smile. “Yes.. well, that’s nice..”

”Yes.. cute..” she rolled her eyes and glanced over to her familiar. She almost threw a tantrum when she saw the hint of amusement in his eyes. Why you little.. “I was chasing, and just so happen to fall onto you,” she huffed, crossing her arms. Her familiar suddenly got lifted into the air with a small yelp. “H-hey! Give him back!” She grabbed him back, not relaxing how heavy he was. With an ‘oof’, she fell to the ground with swirls in her eyes. “Aha.. are you seeing stars too Agni?” She gazed dizzily at the sky, pointing at a random cloud.


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