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(PP-F21) Hot Springs Vacation

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Tsu had only met Reinholt once, but it was clear that he was leveling up fast. He was in the guild, having joined recently. But with all of the training Rein had to be doing to level up so fast, Tsu knew that there was no way that he had taken a real break. They were tied at level 12 right now, so it was best to enjoy time with him while she could. Tsu was standing just outside the spa at the hot springs when she opened her menu and found Rein through the guild members list, then sent a message to him. Hey Rein, it's Tsu here, or who you remember as the frog girl probably. Anyway, I was wondering if you want to come with me to the hot springs on floor 21. I'll be right outside. See you there! Tsu sent the message and then sat down on one of the benches.


Edited by Froppy
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Reinholt was in his shop when he received a message from his fellow Guildmate, Tsu. She was telling him to come take some time off at the hot springs, which honestly a day of relaxation sounded amazing. Sure Tau, I'll be there soon. He responds to her message and begins to close up the shop to be on his way. He makes his way through Nimbus to the teleporter and soon finds himself on the 21st floor. After asking around he starts to head toward the Hot springs. Reinholt sees Tsu and waves toward her. "Hey Tsu. How's it going? Thanks for the invite." He says stopping next to the bench she sat on and pits his hands in his pockets. He wore plain looking clothing in shades of black and red. "Its my first time being up here to be honest. So lead the way." he says with a small smile. It was true, he hadn't been past the 10th floor much. He had no real reason to as the mobs up here were monstrously strong compared to where he was currently.

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It didn't take very long at all for Rein to show up, so it was good to see that she at least wasn't cutting into any of the business he may have been doing before this. Rein asked Tsu how she was doing after waving to her, while Tsu stood up and looked up at him. "I have been doing pretty good, ribbit. I just wanted to come here, since I've heard that the NPCs do massages now. So I was thinking we could get a massage before getting in the water, rrrrrrrribbit.Tsu responded pointing to a makeshift hut that was set up. He said it was his first time being up here, and for Tsu to lead the way, in which she beckoned for him to follow, leading Rein to the hut. There were two NPCs standing outside, holding towels for any players that would come by. "So we just take all our clothes off and put on a towel, ribbit. Then based on how most of these kind of places work, we should just go inside and lay down on the cushions." Tsu explained as she stripped down quickly and wrapped the towel around her waist before walking into the hut.


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"Massages huh? Sounds nice." he says as he follows her to the hut. "Alright, sounds good." He responds after Tsu explained how things worked. They reached the hut and she undressed, causing Reinholt to quickly advert his eye. He did feel a little weird being here with a teenager, but 90% of the people here were teenagers. So he would just try not to make it any more awkward than it needed to be. After she walked into the hut he follows suit, however does leave on his boxers. He grabs a towel, wraps it around him self and sighs. He waits for a moment, hoping to give Tsu enough time to get situated before he walks into the hut, ready to advert his eye or quickly turn and exit, depending on what he saw. "Alrighty, where are these cushions." He said aloud, carefully looking around for the cushions or Tsu.

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When Tsu walked into the hut, there were several cushions already laid out on stone tables to lay on, which Tsu promptly did. By the time Rein walked in, Tsu had gotten on her cushion with her back facing up for the massage. Tsu put her arms underneath her head to both get comfortable and to make sure Rein didn't see anything. "Just lay down on one of the cushions like me and then the NPCs can get started, ribbit. Are you okay Rein? You seem a bit uncomfortable, rrrrrribbit." Tsu asked, tilting her head a little bit out of curiosity. The inside of the hut was rather relaxing with the dim lights and candles all around, along with a sweet scent that Tsu couldn't exactly figure out.

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