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<F3-PP> Wearing on Patience 'Worn out Welcome'

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<<Worn Out Welcome>>

This quest takes place on Floor 3
This quest is repeatable for item only

The master NPC Armorsmiths Griswold, and his wife Hanna, have opened his services to new players of SAO a custom armor shop. He takes orders for no price, but instead asks for materials. That's right. YOU, the player, have to tell Griswold what kind of armor you want. He'll give you the material names and how to get them, and it's up to you to retrieve them.

Entering the shop on Floor 3, you encounter a surly smith and his loving wife. After describing the type of armor you desire (Cloth, Leather, Light Metal, or Heavy Metal) Griswold works with you to determine the right type of material, before sending you on your way to collect the needed materials. Upon returning with the correct materials in the proper quantities, Griswold and Hanna will create your very own set of Uncommon Armor. These materials can be found from fighting a dark elf in the Forest of Wavering Mists.


-At least two [2] Pages (21 or more posts)
-Defeat Dark Elf

Dark Elf Information:
<<Dark Elf>> is a mob and has the following statistics:
HP: 12
Damage per Attack: 9


  1. Leather Coat/Dragon Bone Cuirass (Light/Heavy): An uncommon armor with any standard armor enhancement chosen by the earner of the weapon which fits the armor type chosen. Only one person may earn this armor per thread.
  2. 1 Skill Point

The third floor. Embers hadn’t expected to be back here, but she realized that she had missed several of the easier quests, and free experience to level up was always welcome. After all, she didn’t have to take the hard decision each time, why not grab the easy options by the throat? The girl walked through the town, clad in her black armour and with her White-Tailed Hawk resting on her shoulder. Towering up at 6’0, Embers knew where she was headed on this damn floor.

The quest itself wasn’t, at least in theory, that difficult. Grab some stuff for the blacksmith and come back. While she didn’t want, or need, the item reward, it seemed stupid not to take advantage of a quest. And more importantly, the weaker players. She wasn’t sure why, but a conversation of late had been nagging her in her chest. Hestia. She liked the other girl, respected her. And something she said had, much to Embers annoyance, had stuck with her. Others players needed someone like her to show them it’s possible.

“Damn girl, getting inside my head” She muttered to her familiar as she walked towards the blacksmithy “If I find some lost idiots, I might drag ‘em along…”

@Froppy @Arabelle @Eatos

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Tsu had just finished the Worn out Welcome quest on the third floor with Arabelle, and went by pretty much instantly. The boss itself was weak, getting one shotted almost instantly. But as fate would have it, Tsu spotted Embers on the third floor, and if she was doing any kind of quest, Tsu figured she could help. She didn't really mind doing the quest again, helping made it worth it. Tsu jogged up to her and gave a quick wave. "Hey Embers, ribbit. It's good seeing you again. Need help with any quest, rrrribbit?" Tsu asked in a plain tone, not wanting to do anything to tick off Embers. Knowing how easily she could burst, Tsu wanted to keep the peace as long as possible. Although all Tsu could really do to help Embers on a quest was heal, she would still do her very best at just that, even if it was a bit more on the weird side.

Edited by Froppy
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"Teleport: Delilah." A few moments of nothingness passed, then the world was bright again. Arabelle attempted to shake the dizziness and disorientation out of her head as she stepped away from Floor 3's teleporter and regarded her surroundings with an uncharacteristic indifference. She had just received her new armor from a tailor named Hei and wanted to test it out before trying some of the harder quests. Floor 1 and Floor 2 were currently a bit too populated and the mobs on her level range have probably already been wiped out. Maybe even by players who were on the same level as hers. No matter how strong they became, for some reason, some players never gathered enough courage to leave the beginner-friendly fields of Floor 1.

Which brings her here, to the magical fantasy-themed main settlement(?) of Floor 3. Arabelle spent a few minutes walking aimlessly around the village, people-watching and looking at the pretty flowers growing along the sides of the path with the same distant expression on her face. Eventually, she found herself at the settlement's exit and paused to equip her scythe. Her new armor, she had already been wearing even before she teleported to Delilah.



Level: 7 - 15 SP
140 HP
14 Energy
5 Damage
1 Mitigation
1 Accuracy
2 Evasion
2 Paralyze

» [T1 - Perfect] Shikama Dōji -- Enhancements: Paralyze, Paralyze, Accuracy 
» [T1 - Perfect] Imperial Demon Army Uniform -- Enhancements: Mitigation, Evasion, Evasion

» 3 Starter Healing Potions (heals 50 HP) 

Rank 2 - Two-Handed Battle Axe (+4 DMG, access to rank 2 sword arts)

E - 

Two-Handed Battle Axe

Rank 1
» [x2] Whirlwind (2 Energy) - A single sweeping attack so powerful that it sends forth a shock wave to hit again.
» [x2 AoE] Smash (2 Energy + 2 per target hit) - An uppercut aimed at opponents head to send them reeling.
Rank 2
» [x3 AoE] Lumberjack (3 Energy + 2 per target hit) - Three wide sweeping strokes aimed at multiple targets.
» [x3] Ultimate Breaker (3 Energy) - A pair of uppercuts that finish with a vertical slam to the target's head.



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Embers spottes Tsu almost instantly, after all, the girls appearance was unique. The girl didn’t smile, but she also didn’t scowl at the other girl as she spoke up. Rowan, Embers familiar, simply stared at the girl with its beady eyes before flapping its wings and flying up into the air and vanishing. Embers didn’t seem to notice her familiar flying away.

“Been a while T” The girl cut herself off. Part of her wanted to laugh at Tsu, the offer was redundant. This was a quest she could, easily do herself. And yet, part of her wanted to say yes. “I wouldn’t say help, but it’s better than doin’ it alone eh?” Embers tilted her head towards the blacksmiths shop “Some quest, Worn something-or-rather. It’s low level, I skipped it on my way up. Figured I might as well have a crack at it, if you wanna come along, you’re welcome…” The girl glares up into the air “Even more with Rowan being an asshole today!!” She yelled the last, mostly up at the familiar which was nowhere to be seen.

The girl took a step forwards, before pausing "...What weapon do you use?" She asked, not being able to recall what Tsu actually through into battle. 

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Tsu giggled a little bit at her own silly offer. As if Embers would actually need help for this kind of quest. "Yeah, it's not that difficult, ribbit. I already took this quest myself. A 12 HP boss isn't exactly something you need help for, rrrrrribbit.Tsu joked, making a bit of fun of the boss. Then Embers yelled at Rowan and Tsu held back a smile. It makes me wonder why Rowan's her familiar. Embers asked what weapon Tsu used, and she took out her rapier. "I use a rapier, ribbit. Although I have no ranks in it, just ranks in first aid. I want to maximize my strengths before moving on the secondary goal, rrrrrrrribbit.Tsu answered, before putting the rapier away.

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"Even more with Rowan being an asshole today!" yelled someone from inside the safe zone. From a nearby tree, a flock of spooked birds took flight. Arabelle looked around and surmised that maybe the speaker was behind one of the nearby houses. Maybe the one with the NPC quest giver. But whatever it was, she was not going to check it out. She turned around and, finding the same path she and Tsu had followed yesterday, she started walking while keeping an eye on her surroundings.

Being alone was...weird. Usually, she would have someone by her side at every moment of the day and wouldn't be left with even a single moment of silence. Walking down the path now, Arabelle decided that the latter was way better.

She stopped to pick up a material and felt someone's gaze on her. No, it wasn't a someone. She looked up, hearing the leaves above her rustle. A white-tailed hawk perched on a nearby branch, gazing at her curiously. It didn't have the red cursor floating above it, like with most mobs in the game. Instead, the cursor was green. Someone's familiar?


ID: 101690 | LD: 16 [success]

T1 Mats: 1



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Embers nodded her head. The quest would be simple, a swing of her scythe and it would melt under her. But that was most things of these damn lower levels. She hated, loathed, that she was even forced to kill bosses that were barely worth the effort it took to raise her weapon.

When the other girl revealed her weapon, and her lack of ranks within it, Embers frowned at the frog girl “…You haven’t put any points into your weapon skill…?” Embers couldn’t believe it. In a FIGHTING game, this girl had opted to put more effort into healing others than keeping herself alive. How stupid did you have to be.

“Rightt.” She opted away from being honest. Tsu, while the girl hadn’t done anything to earn her proper respect, had been nice enough before so that she didn’t find a desire to yell at her for stupidity.


Rowan’s beady ice-blue eyes stared at Arabelle, its head tilted to the side slightly as it watched the player. The bird flapped its wings, landing on the girls shoulder before taking off once again, circling into the air and going in circles just above the Arabelle’s head.

@Arabelle @Froppy

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Tsu was just a little bit embrassed when Embers seemed to question Tsu not putting any ranks into her weapons. "Yeah, I know it sounds dumb, ribbit. But our guild has plenty of enough of DPS, and almost no support. First aid is the only skill I really need, and then I can focus on dealing damage, rrrrrribbit.Tsu said a little bit sheepishly. At least Embers wasn't lashing out at her. So that was nice. "I'll mostly be sticking to the backlines for now, ribbit. My apologies." Tsu said, before looking off into the distance where Rowan had flown off to. "Should we go after Rowan, ribbit? It looks like he found something, or someone, rrrrrribbit." Tsu asked, pointing to the buzzard that was circling in the air. Either Rowan had found something to snack on or maybe another familiar, which Rowan would also try and snack on knowing how Embers treated the hawk. 


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Arabelle was fond of birds. She liked crows the most - hence, her useless familiar Moondust - but she liked all types of birds too. So when the hawk familiar(?) descended from the branches to perch on her shoulder, she didn't duck down and scream like some people would do when they're approached by a really big bird. "Hello there," Arabelle said, reaching up to stroke its beautiful feathers. It didn't seem like it wanted to attack her, and most friendly animals in the game were treated as NPCs and lacked the green cursor, so she was now pretty sure the hawk was a familiar. But why was it alone? "Are you lost, buddy?"

In response, the hawk took flight. It didn't go very far and stayed just above her, flying in circles above her head. Arabelle liked birds. But she had no idea what that meant, so while keeping an eye on the hawk, she looked around once more for both materials and players. Since he was on this floor, his owner should just be walking around nearby. 


ID: 101705 | LD: 14 [fail]

T1 Mats: 1



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Embers honestly couldn’t care for the reasoning behind why Tsu refused to have damage in her kit. Her guild needed it? Stupid. If she ever gets attacked without her guild, she dies. Weakness. Glaringly big. She snorted at the stupidity, but said nothing. If Tsu didn’t see her weakness, then she would die for it. There was nothing Embers could do, nor cared to do.

She looked up, spotting Rowan circling in the air. Damn buzzard. He found something. The real question is what was so damn important he pissed off? A growl escaped the girls throat as she marched forwards angrily.

Rowan came down and landed on Arabelles’ shoulder right as Embers rounded the corner. Her crimson eyes locked onto the other girl instantly. She wasn’t running, but power marching forwards with a glare and a growl.

“Rowan, the hell was that!” She yelled, the Hawk turning to face his owner but not moving from Arabelle “I thought it was clear, you damn buzzard. I claimed you…” The girl raised her right arm, and almost instantly, the Hawk flew off Arabelle and onto Embers arm “And you claimed me…idiot, one of these days you’re gunna fly into a building and I won’t come and save you” Despite her aggressive tone, Embers was smiling and even gave her pet a snack before looking back up at the person who her bird had visited  “…The hell are you?”

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Tsu was about to add more to her reasoning for being a pure healer, but Embers snorted at her, which Tsu took as a 'shut up before I punch you for being stupid' snort. Tsu just followed Embers as she went after Rowan, not saying a word. When Embers was mad at anything or anyone, it was best to stay out ofbher path of destruction. It let you live longer. Of course when they actually found Rowan, he was perched on none other than Arabelle, who Tsu just waved at, still refusing to opem her mouth. Tsu was tempted to run, but she wanted to stay on Embers' good side, so that wasn't an option. At least Embers was smiling as she gave Rowan a snack. Maybe that finally cooled her down, probably not. Nothing could ever really do that. Tsu still didn't know why Rowan went after Arabelle, but at least he found a nice familiar face, making this their third coincidence now.

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Arabelle allowed the hawk to land on her shoulder once again and reached up to stroke its feathers with a gloved hand. "Do you want me to bring you back to your owner?" she asked, gently petting the familiar's(?) head. It was rare for familiars to be wandering the woods alone like this without being commanded by their owner to do so. Arabelle turned, ready to go back to the safe zone and ask around. But as it turned out, she didn't need to.

She spotted the tall redheaded woman first. And she recognized her instantly. It's that scary volleyball lady from back at the beach! Now Arabelle was well prepared to step to the side and let the danger pass until she realized that the woman was glaring right at her and the hawk perched on her shoulder. Arabelle dropped her hand. Her luck couldn't be that bad, right...? Then the hawk flew and landed on the redhead's arm. Arabelle turned to face her, wearing a sheepish grin with her hand raised to give a friendly little wave. She also noticed Tsu come up from behind the girl - damn this was their second time meeting each other by chance, were they actually destined for each other? - but turned her attention to the hawk tamer first. "I'm Arabelle!" she introduced brightly with her hands tucked behind her back. "And who are you, miss? I think I remember playing volleyball against you back at the beach party."

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Embers kept her focus on Rowan, and shook her head. She was getting more and more annoyed at Rowan of late. The hawk had been acting up lately, and Embers was overwhelming curious about why. He’d been flying off at random times, moody almost. Embers didn’t understand. She’d been treating this Rowan differently than the one back home. With more respect, more care and understanding. And yet, Rowan was more agitating and less obedient than previous. Why! Everyone said the better you treat people, the better they listen. So why the hell did Rowan act like this?

She looked up hearing someone talk to her. The girl. Embers frowned. Arabelle? Why did that name sound familiar? The word ‘Volleyball’ made the girl chuckle, that’s why she looks familiar. “Embers” She said as she stroked Rowans feathers gently “Sorry about Rowan, he’s been stupid lately” She let out a sigh, before looking at Tsu “…You know this girl right?” She asked the frog-girl “Come on, either bring her along or tag with her” Embers shrugged her shoulders at how little she honestly cared if the girls either followed her or left her to do her thing.

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Tsu stayed behind Embers silently and just gave a small wave to Arabelle, not saying anything in order to not piss off Embers. Who knew what would set her off. Rowan already seemed to be getting to her, so it was better not to press on. Arabelle introduced herself to Embers, reminding them of the beach party. That was fun, destroying Arabelle and Spangie at volleyball. Although just to mess with Arabelle, but not go too far like last time, Tsu pushed her chest up a bit and winked at Arabelle. It was always fun to tease her about size like that. When Embers turned back to Tsu, she tensed up a little bit before nodding her head when asked if she knew Arabelle. "Come on Arabelle, ribbit. We'll be following Embers for now. Just be on your best behavior, rrrrrrribbit." Tsu said, whispering the last part to Arabelle so Embers wouldn't hear. With how Rowan was being with Embers, Tsu was genuinely scared of Embers in her current mood.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Nice to meet you," the small purple-haired girl replied passively to Embers's brief introduction. Arabelle may see lots of entertainment in setting people off without a good reason to, but she wasn't stupid enough to piss off someone as intimidating as the tall woman she'd just been acquainted with. Granted, she hadn't really seen Embers getting mad or anything like that, but it was just a general impression. Or a stereotype towards redheads. Heh. But, if Tsu was warning her against it, maybe she should follow along obediently and see where this goes. Arabelle hummed and hid her hands behind her back with a cheeky smile. I guess I don't want to set Tsu off, too. She's been nice to me so far. Maybe I can even call her a good friend. "I suppose I will," she whispered back to Tsu. Then, a bit louder so Embers could hear her, "So, where are you guys headed?"

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Embers was honestly a little surprised that they both followed her to her quest. She had expected them to leave together. After all, as Tsu had said, this quest wasn’t too hard so she could solo it out. But then again, having people tagging could be interesting if they got ambushed by that stupid Pk guild that had been hunting her, assuming the rumour Domarus had told her. She smirked. Let them try, they’d die at her Scythe.

Embers growled at Rowan as they walked, unaware of the talking behind her back. She didn’t understand this damn bird! She shook her head as the Hawk looked her right in the eyes and ‘spoke’ back, making the girl scoff. Somehow, despite the lack of words, she could speak to him.

“Some dumb quest, worn out..something” Embers said to Arabelle’s question “It’s pretty simple, go to place, kill thing, return” She knew the quest was simple, but eh. She turned around, but kept walking bkacwards “Oh, about before, Rowans’ been acting up. Flying on his own, being an idiot” It was as close as Embers would get to an applogy, after all, Rowan acting wasn’t her fault and if the the other girl was hurt, well, they’re an idiot.

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Tsu sighed with relief when Arabelle told her that she supposed she would be careful around Embers. Normally, Tsu wouldn't exactly give a warning, but Arabelle was close enough to where that's what Tsu would do for her. Embers summed up the quest as going to a place, killing it, then returning, which made Tsu giggle slightly. That sounds like how everything is for her. Tsu didn't say anything about it mostly to avoid the chance of Embers getting mad, but the thought was still funny to think about. Embers then addressed Rowan being an idiot and Tsu nodded her head. "Have you tried to do anything about it to fix Rowan's behavior, ribbit? Maybe you could start punishments and discipline him for disobeying you. Just a suggestion, rrrrribbit." Tsu said, looking at Rowan with almost a glare. He was doing the stupidest thing in existence by disobeying Embers, something that Tsu never planned on doing anytime soon.

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"Oh," Arabelle said in response. She looked at Tsu from out of the corner of her eye. She knew she said she would behave, but what did behaving entail? What did she have to avoid? Arabelle had spoken to a fair amount of people in SAO and some of them seemed to be set off by the weirdest things. This was getting boring. Tsu had been pretty quiet, so should she also avoid making comments? Arabelle decided to try. "Oh, I remember that quest. The mob's pretty weak and I was able to solo it, so you should be able to solo it, too." Arabelle said with an innocent smile. Hopefully, this was good enough. Then, in response to what Embers said about Rowan, "Yeah, I get that. Mine acts up from time to time too and worse still, he's afraid of other people's familiars. I don't know why," she sighed. "Familiars are weird."

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Embers was, well, slightly happier to hear that the other girls familiar acted up also. So it wasn’t just Rowan being an asshole, familiars were all acting up. She looked at the Hawk, who acted as if he hadn’t flown off like an asshole…again!

“Trust me, I’ve wanted too but…” The girl shook her head “I can’t bring myself to punish him. He ain’t the Rowan from the real world, but I’ve…well, always had a soft spot for this idiot” She stroked the birds head, preening his feathers with her fingers with a softness that didn’t exist in the girls face.  “He just…he’s so independent, flies off with no warning…” The girl shook her head. She could worry about it later. She spun around on the heel of her boot to face the girls behind her “You’ve both done this quest right, it’s just about in the woods right?” She asked. She had already accepted the first half, and now just needed to find the location. Given they’d both done it, they could point her in the right direction.

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