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<F2-PP> Buzz Off (Return of the Queen)

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Embers smiled spotting Hestia fighting back, finally she was back in the action. But what the hell had happened to her? Embers knew the queen bee had attacked, and the next she saw, Hestia hit the deck. Her crimson eyes zeroed in on the Queen’s stinger. Was that the culprit? She let out a growl as she heard Hestia speak up, mentioning how the queen was all that was left as an issue. Spotting the bee’s hp bar, she managed to notice how the last minion was barely a hit away. Embers grinned. It was hers!

“Well, I’ll clear a path!” Embers charged forwards with reckless abandon, once again, and while her Scythe didn’t land on the queen, it wasn’t Embers pain target. Her Scythe found the wing of the last worker wasp, and it exploded right as Ember botched her landing, tripping over a rock and hitting the ground. Sitting up, growling in anger, she found Rowan having landed near her, and the girl gave a nod to Hestia. She was fine, and it was her turn to take that queen down a peg.  



Sword Art: Trample Act 9(6) -12en

ID: 103640 BD: 2(+2)=4 <Miss>

ID: 103641 BD: 4(+2)=6 <Hit> 54-25=19dmg

[H: 4/5] Hestia: 1425/1425  ENG:104/138  MIT:151  Thorns: 54  EVA:-1  ACC:0   DMG:16  Self Heal: 102  Rec: +3 (Bleed 24 DMG 1/2)

[H:3/1] Embers: 380/380 En: 6/38 Dmg: 9 Mit: 39 Acc: 2 

The Queen: 336/500  MIT:75  DMG:200  Ablities:
Bloodclot/paralytic immunity: Immune to bleed/stun/paralysis
Matriarch sting: CD: 6+ stings player with most hate  inflicting bleed and paralysis

Bee 1: HP: 0/250 MIT: 25 Damage: 125

Edited by Embers
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I look towards the queen as i raise my sword towards her as i take a calming breathe as i can only hope that this attack will land and allow this fight to end early that Cardinal won't just decide now is the time to put the fight into a stalemate. The true fate of ever fight that i get a part of as i rush forward towards the queen as i quickly use my blade to swing at the queen eleven times with each swing of the blade being parried by the queen's stinger. As the queen then quickly follows up with a stab towards myself as i side step it seeing the venom drip from it knowing that if i get hit i would be useless once more. I sigh softly as this was another exchange that was met with no progress from myself as i back away from the enemy once more as i glance back towards Embers with a small nervous chuckle. Welp, seems like the true destiny of my fights is happening. Stalemates where neither myself or the enemy hit one another.

Action: Legion Destroyer

#103643  BD:1  CD:6  MD:4+1=5

[H: 4] Hestia: 1425/1425  ENG:106/138  MIT:151  Thorns: 54  EVA:-1  ACC:0   DMG:16  Self Heal: 102  Rec: +3 (Bleed 24 DMG 1/2)

[H:3] Embers: 380/380 En: 6/38 Dmg: 9 Mit: 39 Acc: 2 

The Queen: 336/500  MIT:75  DMG:200  Ablities:
Bloodclot/paralytic immunity: Immune to bleed/stun/paralysis
Matriarch sting: CD: 6+ stings player with most hate  inflicting bleed and paralysis

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On the ground, Embers watched as Hestia and the Queen bee went toe for toe. Of course, the fight wasn’t even close. Hestia would win it, and Embers…Well, she hated herself. She did next to nothing, in terms of damage. It pissed her off overwhelmingly, however, she knew it was the truth. That and she had next to no energy for the fight. She let out an animalistic growl as she didn’t bother moving from her spot. Her part in this fight was done. And while part of her yearned for it, screamed for war and kicked the cage, despite the burning within her eyes, she held it back. Her energy was low, and she did nothing against the bee.

She was a warrior, and sometimes, people had to fight their own battles. This was not one of those ‘do it to prove a point’ battle, rather, she simply was useless. For now at least…

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I look towards the queen bee with a smile on my face as i prep my next attack against the queen as i quickly rush towards the insect like creature. I jump towards it activating my strongest attack and starts cutting into the beast one strike after another as it slowly depletes bit by bit as i feel a sting towards my shoulder as i follow up with a shield bash towards its abdomen. With a nod of my head i back away from the giant queen feeling rather satisfied as it is barely standing with where it is at as i glance towards Embers. Looks like this will be over faster then what i was expecting Embers. Hopefully my luck continues going uphill with what i just got. I say in a cheerful tone of voice as i glance back towards the giant wasp queen as it flutter in the air seemingly ready to strike at myself once more within a moments notice.

Action: Legion Destroyer

#103814  BD:10  18x11=198-75= 123    MD:5+1=6  49DMG   Thorns: 54   Total: 177  CD:1

[H: 6] Hestia: 1425/1425  ENG:96/138  MIT:151  Thorns: 54  EVA:-1  ACC:0   DMG:16  Self Heal: 102  Rec: +3 (Bleed 24 DMG 1/2)

[H:3] Embers: 380/380 En: 6/38 Dmg: 9 Mit: 39 Acc: 2 

The Queen: 159/500  MIT:75  DMG:200  Ablities:
Bloodclot/paralytic immunity: Immune to bleed/stun/paralysis
Matriarch sting: CD: 6+ stings player with most hate  inflicting bleed and paralysis

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Embers glanced at her energy bar. It would come back soon, but she stayed where she was. Even with her energy back, she knew her damage would be insignificant in the grand scale of battle, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t TRY and land a blow onto the oversized pest. Assuming it lived long enough as Embers watched the mob run into Hestia’s thorns, dealing more damage in that connection than she knew her Scythe could do.

“Kinda ironic, ain’t it?” Embers asked loudly “People argue what’s the best offense or defence. Who knew the answer was both?” Embers didn’t like that, but Hestia being…herself, had a point to that argument which had been playing inside her head. She glanced at the bee’s HP bar, and let out an annoyed growl. Dammit she needed to have more levels, better equipment. Something! She was getting outclassed by a tank! Someone whose primary job wasn’t’ even to DEAL damage.

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I chuckle a bit at hearing Embers' words as i look over to her for only a moment as i have a rather happy smile across my face as i do so. Well consider myself an anomaly alongside Calrex we're the only players who are playing the offense and defense game to what our builds are allowed to do so with. Calrex because of his unique skill and not needing any points in MIT and myself because i accidentally stumbled onto this rather successful build idea through just building what i valued the most. I say with a small shrug of my shoulders as i then refocus on the giant wasp menace as it charges towards me as i get into the first position of my sword art attack as i stare the creature down as i can only hope that i do the greatest amount of damage that i would be capable of in this situation. I charge forward towards the queen with a smile on my face ready to fight to protect an ally and friend as i charge forward my sword glowing a red color as the queen rushes towards myself its stinger poised at my face. My right hand gripping my shield as i wait for the best opportunity as i quickly raise my shield as the stinger starts to get close to hitting myself. I knock it off course by hitting it from the top right so it pierces through my right shoulder as i follow up by pushing the jagged metal on the front of my shield into the queen.

With this i stagger backwards ever so slightly from the force of the queen hitting me and piercing its stinger through my left shoulder as i move my sword and starts slicing into the queen repeatedly over and over again until it gets destroyed into a explosion of crystals. With what is left over being just a quest completed sign and two glass containers filled with some kind of honey looking substance. With that i turn towards Embers with a nod of my head and a smile upon my face. If i knew i was capable of this build back when i first started. I don't think i would change the path i went on. Tank to support to damage dealer was what was best for myself. I'm not much of a actual fighter unless it comes to something i believe in whole heartedly. Fight against manipulation in all of its forms, and fighting to protect people like you, my friends, or people like my guild who i consider family. I would die for them if it meant they could live for even a moment longer. I say towards the red haired girl with a smile on my face and a determination burning within my eyes. I walk over towards the girl known as Embers as i gesture back towards the direction of the main settlement of this floor. Want to head back towards the village. Maybe go to a later floor to kill some mobs, chill, whatever really. i offer towards the girl with a shrug of my shoulders. Trying to extend some kind of activity that could be some fun since i can know from some experience watching a fight could be frustrating to deal with.

Action: Legion destroyer

#104184  BD:10  18x11=198-75=122  MD:7+1=8   49 DMG  Thorns: 54   total damage: 176 DMG  CD:4

[H: 6] Hestia: 1425/1425  ENG:86/138  MIT:151  Thorns: 54  EVA:-1  ACC:0   DMG:16  Self Heal: 102  Rec: +3 (Bleed 24 DMG 1/2)

[H:0] Embers: 380/380 En: 38/38 Dmg: 9 Mit: 39 Acc: 2 

The Queen: 0/500  MIT:75  DMG:200  Ablities:
Bloodclot/paralytic immunity: Immune to bleed/stun/paralysis
Matriarch sting: CD: 6+ stings player with most hate  inflicting bleed and paralysis

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Calrex? Embers frowned hearing about him and, namely, this ‘unique skill’. Embers, had no idea what that was meant to mean. What was a unique skill, its impact? Embers found herself overwhelming curious now, so much so that the rest of what Hestia said about her build fell upon deaf ears.

What didn’t was the final killin’ of that damn bee! Embers let out a loud yell as Hestia brutally wipes it out, slashing over, and over again as Embers eyes seemed to light up. Beautiful. It wasn’t nothing like how the girl had reacted earlier today upon learning that Domarus’ intentions for a guild she liked. But it was close enough if she was honest with herself. Plus, with someone who burnt like that, you couldn’t force them out. But when they let it happen, god she loved it.

Hearing her talk about what she was willing to fight against. Embers, well, she wasn’t too surprised. Hestia was seemingly self-rightous and always, for some reason, puts others first. Embers hadn’t, and couldn’t, undstand that. Why place another so much over yourself?

“You’d better not die” Embers said as she walked over to the other girl, an angry look in her eyes “There is somethin’ bout you I don’t understand. But I will, and you ain’t dying till I get it”. Hestia had, somehow, gotten inside her head. Embers wanted to understand why her. And she would be pissed off if she never got an answer for it. “Hell, live long enough and who knows. You might just become a constant”

At the offer, Embers grinned. She was Supposed to have a meeting with Domarus later tonight. But.... "I can do some huntin' with ya" The girl said. She glanced at her inventory, namely, the list of quests. There was a question she kind of did want to ask...

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I look towards Embers and takes a slight step back in surprise at the sudden anger at the idea of myself just dying and the seemingly underlying threat with putting myself into such a situation could hold for my future. A small chuckle escapes my lips at Embers' words as i rub the back of my neck and just nods my head as i quickly follow up before anything more could be said. Well i don't know what this something could be either, but when you find out let me know i am kinda curious myself. Also, don't worry that much about the whole me dying thing i don't expect to die anytime within this game. After all if i die who is going to be the one protecting the players from dangerous bosses and there own stupidity at times of wanting to face a quest that is a bit too strong for them. I say towards the red haired girl with a small grin on my face and a playful look in my eyes as i look directly at Embers. I then smile at hearing the idea of being a constant in this girl's life understanding that as a concept of a true friend towards her to the best of my capabilities. Well i hope that i can reach that constant level then Embers cause you're a fun girl to hang out with. It is a rather nice change of pace from the rest of the friends i hang out with in all honesty you're different in the way you just voice yourself and say whatever without that much of a care seemingly. I say towards her with a slight nervous chuckle hoping that she doesn't take that as some kind of insult.

At hearing my offer get accepted a grin appears on my face. Well then lead the way towards whatever you would want to do Embers. That is if you had in mind something specific for this type of hunting you had in mind. if not i could always take us towards floor twenty three for some strong mobs to try and kill for some col. I offer towards the red headed girl my familiar resting by my feet by laying down on the ground as i remain in my combat gear holding onto sword and shield.

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Embers found a grin on her face. Hestia, for all her boring righteousness, had a bite to her. Even she could smell the reference to the first time they met, when they went after the tiger thing. It was almost amusing to Embers. That one request, a moment where she was willing to admit weakness, had resulted in so much fun. Hestia came into her life, and then she found the war against Domarus by her.

“You die, I’m coming after you, dragging your ass back to this hellhole of a game, killing you in the game. And then, I’m kickin’ your ass in real life” She said. While her tone was dead-hard, the smile on Embers face made it clear. This was far from a proper threat. And as Hestia piled on the compliments, Embers heard a voice in her head. A voice that told her why she liked this girl, why this girl was worth the effort. And why, maybe, just maybe. Hestia was deserving of loyalty.

At the prospect of a hunt, the girl grinned and was about to suggest something when she heard a noise. The sound of a message arriving. She let out a scowl as she opened it up and her eyes scanned the words.

“Damn idiot” the girl mutters as she rolls her eyes and looks up at Hestia “As much as I wanna kill crap, duty calls. Domarus wants another damn meeting. Something’ about, well…” Embers let out a slight shrug “It mentioned the Kids guild. I’d get on top of ‘em if I were you Hes. Stryders an idiot, but we both know what’ll happen to him if Domarus picks up his guild”. Embers didn’t want the Kid to fall to Domarus, but it wasn’t her place to stand in for him. It was his battle to fight, much like how, when Domarus and Hestia clashed. She would watch. Some battles, you just had to let it happen.

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I chuckle at the girl's words with a rather happy smile upon my face as i look the girl in the eyes with a rather big grin on my face. I wouldn't have it any other way Embers. You'll kill me in this game, or i will continue beating you every day to Sunday in our duels till you're able to take me on and make me submit in a fight. I say with the same big grin and a look on my face that seems like a mix of teasing and seriousness as if accepting that as my own fate from this day forward. I glance over towards Embers and nods my head at the reasoning for the girl having to leave rather early a feeling of disappointment and annoyance filling my being at knowing the source of the reason for why Embers is having to leave early. The annoyance being clear upon my face as a very brief flash of anger and frustration crosses through my eyes as i then let out a small sigh of matching frustration as i shake my head ever so slightly from one side to the other. Well i guess it can't be helped while you are working with him. Just know that as long as i am around i will try to have HDA open for you, and if Jomei won't allow you in...well i can always just create my own guild where anybody can be welcomed. I don't want somebody's past to define what they are allowed to do or just the way one acts. I say with a small nod of my head as i then take a small pause and chuckles ever so slightly. Man i must sound like i am trying to act as the judge, jury, and executioner at times with how i try to judge people's characters and then act on my judgements. I say while rubbing the back of my head ever so slightly as i then glance back towards the red head and gives a smile.

You get going to Domarus feel free to message me if you find out anything, or if you start getting worried he might try to pull something against you that could get you killed. Also for Stryder's guild...i will just have to convince my partner to work faster if need be since he is wanting to take this carefully when i would just prefer to run in and topple Domarus. I say sounding a bit annoyed only ever so slightly as i then turn to Embers. But i guess that is why me and Itzal work together well enough. He can be a good planner at times when i get a bit overly emotional. I swear sometimes he has to be a robot with how easily he can keep some emotions in check. I say in a joking tone towards Embers and then a small shrug of my shoulders as i continue making my way back towards the town of Urbus to head towards the teleport gate to the other floors. Knowing i still have time to try and learn of the twenty third floor before the boss fight.

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“Oh, I won’t be the one that kills you” Embers said “That’s Domarus’ job if he wants to prove his domance” While it probably wasn’t polite to say that in front of someone, she couldn’t stop herself from being just honest with the other girl. Domarus and Hestia, two titans who woulc class. In Embers mind, one of them had to die. One of them would kill the other. Domarus would certainly kill Hestia, but would she, with her self-destructive beliefs, kill him? She hoped Hestia would do it.

The offer to join DHA, Hestia’s guild, was once again met by hesitation by Embers. She was curious if it would be a place for her to join, a ‘home’. But, with Telranya there….Would she ruin it? She knew Telranya and Jomie were an item, married through the games design. But despite all she’d heard, she’d never met him. But, even so, it was a worry. She didn’t worry about herself, but rather, Telranya. But then again, that was a battle for another day…

“Judge, Jury and executioners” Embers let out a loud laugh “Hestia, you’re many things. But an executioner?” Embers didn’t finish her sentence. She knew Hestia wouldn’t kill, even if she was praying she would embrace herself.

A name was dropped she didn’t know. Itzal? Who was that? Hestia’s ally in her war against Domarus? Whoever it was, it was interesting to know that she had an ally. Maybe Itzal would kill Domarus? Whoever it was, there had better be blood.

“Well, regardless, I’ll see ya round. There’s something I wanna talk to ya about before ya make the big play on him” She said before making her own way to the floor mover. Domarus had something on Hestia, something big. What the hell was it? Embers wanted to find out.

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I let out a soft little chuckle at hearing that my death is meant to be done by what i could call my red haired nemesis as i shake my head slightly from side to side while looking at Embers with a smirk. If that is Domarus' job then i can guess i won't be dying while within Aincrad not while i have my guild and friends like yourself to stand by my side. I say towards the red head in front of me with a kind smile on my face towards the girl as we both enter the main settlement as i follow Embers towards wherever she is going for the meantime to finish off the conversation. I smile rather happily when hearing the words of doubt about myself being an executioner as i nod my head in agreement knowing that if the moment came to kill that she herself would be unable to pull the final move. That no matter how vengeful she could possibly be that unless pulled to the brink with...something..something she doesn't know just yet that she wouldn't kill a man. Especially if a prison could be built by the time that Itzal and i could take Domarus down then things would be rather simple. 'However, i swear that red headed megalomaniac knows just the right buttons to press to get a reaction out of someone.' She thinks to herself a bit bitterly and quickly forces herself to reality to give a goodbye wave towards Embers. Well when you want to talk just send me a message and i'll be there. I call over towards the red head as i make my way towards the teleport gate to move onto the next floor.

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Queen’s Honey: [Perfect Potion: +3 Damage for one thread]

2 SP +2Sp = 4SP

3400 Col


[Last Hit Reward] Matriarch’s Holy Stinger (Consumable):[Unique Item: Grants the Wielder double the Bleed Damage for one thread]


400 Col

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