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[F01 - SP] Toast as golden as silence <<Earning A Living: Cook>>

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Neo was unsure where to go from here. She had just completed what appeared to be her final beginner quest, and there weren't many other quests around for her to grab.

I want to get to the front lines as quickly as I can, but if there's no quests left here that means I'll need to go to a higher floor. There may be some quests for me to do, but I don't know if they're actually within my level at the moment. That and I need to start making connections. If I don't start meeting with people soon, I'm going to have a hard time getting in with the people working hard to progress this game. Wait... What's that smell

Something smelled delicious. It was wafting over the air, intoxicating to all those who could smell it. Neo followed the scent to its source, a well kept NPC restaurant. She recognized the sign out front as one many people offering charity food sourced from. Even though the computer was the one running it, it was some of the best food she had ever had. Then again, perhaps everything tasted better when food and sleep was all you had to look forward to.

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Neo walked into the restaurant, unsure how to proceed. All she could think was how delicious the food smelled. Though it did bring back memories of the times past when she was sitting in a gutter, it also brought a feeling of hope for the future. She noticed another woman running around serving food to players in the restaurant, likely the head chef. Neo approached the woman and noticed she had a quest marker above her head.

Maybe I could also be a chef, instil these feelings in people before they even get a taste of my food. Wouldn't that be wonderful. I just hope that dialogue will progress without my need to participate, I might end up stuck in a quest if it doesn't.

After waiting a little bit for the woman to not be so busy, Neo walked up to her and attempted to initiate the quest in some way.

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It turns out that simply willing the interaction to occur will get it to happen.

"Do you want to learn how to be a cook? Yay! I love teaching adventurers, follow me! Hurry, come on, we don't have all day." The woman nearly drags Neo to the back room of the restaurant, pushing open the doors to reveal a clean, white kitchen. There's something cooking on almost every stove, and the woman is checking all of them, ensuring they are made to her standards. "Now I hope you know I'm very serious about this, so I must show you how exactly to cook it. Follow my EVERY step and you'll be one of the best cooks there are, but not better than me." She began to look around a bit to find things to teach Neo to cook, but came up short. "Sorry about this, this never happens, but the cooks have officially ran dry of materials. Go get me five more ingredients, then I will know you want to be a cook just like your dear Maggie here."

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Maggie. So that's her name. Was always curious about that.

Neo started to make her way out of the Town of Beginnings once more to find herself materials to use for cooking. As she walked through the roads, she wondered what would be the best source of ingredients for her to use.

I could try to get some meat off of the animals, but they don't seem to drop that. I could also try to find some plants, but they may not be suitable for cooking. I could try fishing with the rod that the old man gave me, but I don't really know how, or even have the bait to do it. Besides, I may need a specific type of ingredient. I think plants are my best bet. There were some bushes along the wall to the town, they might have some berries. Yeah, I'll try to find some berries.

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Neo left through the city gates and immediately turned to the bushes to try and find some berries. She searched about an eighth of the way around the town of beginnings, but came up with nothing.

Maybe there aren't any berries on these bushes, they certainly seem like the kind that would have them. Rats, I'll need to find another source for it then.

Neo turned away from the wall and decided to start scouring the fields for other plants. But not knowing what plants would work as ingredients would be hard for Neo to get around, she didn't even know if the plant's biology worked similar to real life.

Seeing as everything has been a pretty successful attempt at making things realistic, I'm guessing I'll still want to look for things that have color, but not overly bright. Overly bright would probably mean poison, and it would be a bad idea to poison food unintentionally. Or intentionally for that manner.


Roll ID: #101544

LD: 5 - Fail


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Neo began to scour the plains, but hadn't come up with anything yet. She had noticed that there weren't many boars around though.

The boars seem to like eating the materials that spawn, I bet that wherever they are will lead me to the most materials.

There wasn't a boar in sight, even though the plains were flat as can be.

Strange, I could have sworn that there were way more boars around. Maybe I was just lucky before? I doubt I was put into an instance for such a simple quest, but maybe that was the cause of finding opponents so easily before.

Neo shrugged it off and decided to keep looking in the same general area, hoping that one would spawn relatively soon. She knew she could be out here for a while trying to find ingredients, but it certainly wasn't helping that she had yet to find a single one yet.


Roll ID: #101545

LD: 3 - Fail


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Neo kept looking around, with still no boars in sight. She was beginning to wonder if the game had bugged and wasn't spawning anything when she spotted a plant standing a bit higher than the rest of them. She ran over to it and inspected it. It appeared to be some sort of herb. Not the best ingredient, but could certainly make for a decent spice if used properly. Neo plucked it out of the ground, causing it to disappear from her hand and show up in her inventory as another material collected.

Well, that's one, now only four more to go. Now I just hope that I'll be able to find the rest before another sundown, though I doubt that will happen without some effort from me.

Neo debated on how close together the plants could spawn. Neo decided to keep looking in this area, but was able to scan around a bit faster knowing that the plants weren't completely hidden in the grass.


Roll ID: #101546

LD: 17 - Success! (1/5 T1 mats collected)


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As Neo combed the area, she had started to become less thorough. She was getting a little distracted in her thoughts wondering what the cook would have her make first.

It could probably be anything, though I guess it would depend on what I end up bringing back to her. If I'm only bringing back plants I doubt that I'll be able to make anything that interesting. Probably a salad, if there's even enough leaves for that. Oh... I need to go back through this area again don't I. I might not need to, but I certainly wasn't paying that much attention to the ground in front of me now, was I.

Neo turned around and recovered the ground she had missed, wanting to make sure she hadn't missed anything. She hadn't, and decided to change up her pattern if only to break the boredom that was beginning to set in from her monotonously searching for ingredients.


Roll ID: #101547

LD: 3 - Fail


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The plains were turning into a monotony, filled with the same pattern of grass over and over. There was no discernible difference between one patch of land and the next. The only way Neo could tell that she was moving was by seeing her own two feet going forward. There seemed to be no end, Neo would look up to the horizon and see only more grass. Maybe it was her getting tired, or the game wasn't rendering, but one thing was certain, there were no ingredients to be found nearby.

You would think that there would be more, but I guess the developers couldn't make this easy could they. They just had to torment us by putting quest items tantalizingly out of reach. Give one and then stop all others from showing up.

Neo debated heading back to town and call it a day, but steeled herself and decided to keep searching as best as she could.


Roll ID: #101562

LD: 3 - Fail


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The monotony didn't stop, and it didn't look like it would be stopping. The grass brushed against Neo's shins, but she didn't feel it. Everything was beginning to blend into a single constant picture, only interrupted by the small change in height walking gave her. The grass remained unchanging, almost feeling like a looped video.

Maybe I got stuck in a loading screen, that would certainly be interesting. Though that would be terrible if I died simply because I crashed the game. That could be an interesting way out though. What would happen to you if the game crashed, he certainly didn't bother to take that into account. Maybe it would kill you like if you removed the NerveGear, or maybe crashing the game would prevent that feature from occurring. Either way, I doubt that this is the game crashing, just me stuck in plains with no end in sight.


Roll ID: #101563

LD: 3 - Fail


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Neo had become so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't realize that she had stopped moving. Her mind had become so consumed with possibilities she had begun to neglect the task at hand. Her mind flew to thoughts of being on the front lines, praised as a hero. As much as she understood that these thoughts were unlikely to become true, it still felt nice to entertain them and dream about it.

Being on the front lines, I'd dash in and save someone in the nick of time. They would be on their last shred of health and I'd finish off the boss, killing it in the last moments before it could strike. It would be glorious, no one would expect it and all would be praising me as the boss rewards showered over me to signify the defeat of the toughest boss we have yet to face, a creature all feared except for me, I would become the most popular person in the game, I would...


Roll ID: #101570

LD: 13 - Fail


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Neo continued to be engrossed in her own thoughts and ended up sitting down. When she did go to sit down, she suddenly felt something poking into her legs. She cleared her head, getting rid of the pipe dream-thoughts, and looked down at her feet. She noticed a strange plant poking up between her legs that had the interact action popped up for her to use. Tilting her head in curiosity, Neo grabbed at the plant. It dissipated and went into her inventory as another ingredient.

Strange, I don't even know what this plant is useful for. I certainly don't know it as something that is commonly edible, but I guess the game knows best.

Shrugging it off, Neo got back up and decided to continue her search, the monotony had finally been broken and there was now wildlife that she could see sprinkled throughout the plains.

Okay, back to searching this place.


Roll ID: #101571

LD: 20 - Successful (+1 mat; 2/5 mats collected)


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More determined than she ever was before, Neo continued to search through the plains of the first floor. However, her searches were once again becoming much less fruitful. This was in part due to her now inspecting every plant that wasn't plain grass. She had become unsure as to whether things were actually just there for decoration or could actually be gathered as ingredients for her quest. The game certainly didn't seem to be creating a consistent pattern yet for Neo to use. She kept searching as the sun once again crawled high into the sky. And though the heat beat down upon her like a drum roll, Neo kept pushing on in hopes of finishing this as fast as she possibly could. At the very least, the plains were becoming less boring as elevation changes became commonplace. Not enough to provide shade, but enough to provide a feeling of progress.


Roll ID: #101573

LD: 14 - Fail


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The feeling of monotony may have been gone, but in its place was now the feeling of tediousness. Having to continue looking through the same area again and again was wearing on Neo's nerves.

I wish I could find some other way to get these ingredients, but I doubt that there is any other way. I should've stayed with that old man and figured out how to fish, things may have been a lot easier that way.

While lamenting about not figuring out how to fish, the ground continued to roll into an expanse of grass. There may be other types of land on this floor, but they were certainly out of sight by now. By now, Neo was starting to wonder if she should turn around and backtrack to the Town of Beginnings.

I should go a bit farther, it couldn't hurt. None of the mobs around here are hostile so I can just keep going as far as I need to.


Roll ID: #101576

LD: 13 - Fail


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The time was beginning to grow late, the sun three-quarters through the sky now, and Neo was still yet to find any new materials.

The game really doesn't want me to finish this quest it seems. It is almost like it's being content with starving me of resources. I should probably start heading back to the Town of Beginnings now if I want to make it there by a quasi reasonable time. I just hope that I'll find the rest of the materials on the way back, I definitely don't want to be searching over the course of multiple days. If I have to though, I certainly will.

Neo turned to her left, walked a little ways more, and then turned to go back to town. She wanted to make sure that all new ground was being covered this time. Even if it was possible that plants could've spawned on her path after she left, it was better to play it safe.


Roll ID: #101577

LD: 13 - Fail

(13 really is an unlucky number isn't it)


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The hills had started become less prominent and fade into the flat plains of monotony that Neo had crossed earlier that day. Once again, this flat area was seemingly barren. Though the ground was covered in grass, it was the only thing preventing this space from becoming a flat expanse of nothingness. As Neo crossed it, she once again began to get lost in her thoughts. She was careful this time and didn't let her thoughts consume her a stop her search.

I need to get more items, and probably make some friends as soon as possible. However, I'm not sure how well I can friends with these new people. At home I always had someone that knew me well enough to help me communicate with someone new, but here I don't know anyone that could do that for me. I guess that means that  I'll need to work that much harder or just wait until people can start understanding someone who doesn't speak.


Roll ID: #101579

LD: 5 - Fail


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The monotony of the plains was unfaltering. Nothing changed about its landscape, nothing but simple grass could be seen to the eyes reach. Neo was falling deeper into her thoughts, though she did try to ensure she was still being observant in case something that wasn't flat grass did pop up.

I could probably use being a cook as a good way to make connections. Maybe I could try to provide for the front lines? No, that wouldn't be a good idea unless someone already knew me. They probably wouldn't  trust someone that just popped up to help them. Besides, I'm going to need an escort to and from the boss room just to stay alive if I cater to them. Hopefully, I can attract some good customers early on and get them to help me along. Not that I even know enough players to determine good customers from bad ones.


Roll ID: #101580

LD: 3 - Fail


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The plains once again were seemingly endless. There were no landmarks in sight and nothing was popping up above the grass. Even if there were ingredients to be found, they were not making an effort to be seen.

...I also need to figure out where to put my restaurant. I could put it on the first floor, but that seems like the obvious place to put it. Besides, I want the place itself to be nice and the Town of Beginnings is full of misery. I guess I'll need to figure out what floor I want to go for. I don't think I'll go past floor 10 though, that will probably be too high of a level for me. And anything above that would be almost certain death. If I'm going to set up on another floor, I'll want to figure out what I want in a location besides just being nice.


Roll ID: #101581

LD: 3


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The plains seemed to stretch wider, making the already large expanse of nothingness even larger than before. Neo didn't really take notice though, she was debating where she would like to put her restaurant. And though she had some idea of where to go, she was still uncertain if she could get what she wanted.

First thing I need to think of is environment. What kind of climate do I want? Temperate would be best. Too dry or too wet could effect the quality of food that I make, or at least make it harder to take to floors of other climates. A bit colder would also be a good idea. I don't want frozen, but a bit of chill will be well offset by an oven. That would probably mean some sort of mountainous or foothills region would be best. Now what kind of town would be the best place to set up shop?


Roll ID: #101582

LD: 2 - Fail


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The plains stretched even further, and Neo payed attention to none of it. She was carelessly lost in her own thoughts now, only passively searching for ingredients now. She was trying to figure out as many details about her shop as possible, and forgot that she needed these ingredients so she could learn how to the craft she was going to open the shop for.

I don't want a crowded city, that means that people will be rushing in and out. I want people to feel relaxed when they enter. On the other hand, I don't want a town in the middle of nowhere or people will never find me. Well, except the kind of people who like finding little backwater places that may or may not turn out to be diamonds in the rough. That would mean a town that's rural but has decent foot traffic would be best. Become a nice place for locals, but still be accessible to any random passerby.


Roll ID: #101582

LD: 1 - Fail


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