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[PP-F1] Training in the rain (Pinball, Räv)

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Räv approached the tree-line on the outskirts of the Town of Beginnings. The rain poured down around him. He readied himself before running with full force to a tree and attempting to climb it. He got a good distance, past halfway up the tree, before he lost his grip and fell to the ground with a thud.

I don’t remember it being this hard before perhaps I’m just out of practice. He stood up, opened his visor, and removed and rubbed the water off his glasses. Maybe this world treats slickness different than the real world.

He placed his glasses back on and returned to he spot he started from before, running at the tree again. “I know this isn’t really going to improve anything but I think it’s good to stay sharp.” He said to himself as he climbed. He was wearing <<The fortress>> for extra challenge. He didn’t want it to be too easy and seeing as he was used to wearing traditional combat armour with less weight and drag he thought it would be good to practice with the extra weight. He made it slightly higher when he heard lightning strike nearby, the boom of the thunder and the violent wind shaking the tree cause him to lose his grip once more and fall to the ground. He sighed and sat for a moment.


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Pinball loved the rain. There was something about it... filling him with an emotion he couldn't quite describe. It wasn't just the rain, either. Snow, or any type of stormy weather, really, filled him with the same feeling. Recently, Pinball spent most of his time in his shop, either sleeping or just screwing around and doing nothing productive. When it would rain on Floor 8, he'd either take a nap, or settle by a window with something to eat or drink and just watch the rain hit the glass. It rarely rained on his floor; it rarely rained on most of Aincrad, it would seem, so it came as a surprise to him when, mid-gathering, the rumbling of thunder pulled him from his daydreams. It wasn't long before it started pouring... the most violent type of weather that could possibly be on the first floor. Instead of going home, though, something else possesed him, drawing him deeper into the woods. 

He had just barely approached the edge of the forest before he noticed something in the distance. A lump, sitting by a tree. Pinball squinted his eyes. He couldn't make out a cursor, though the lump was humanoid in shape; the rain must have obscured his vision, and Pinball wasn't much of a scout. He hesitated for a moment, letting the sound of the rain fill his mind, before approaching. Pinball was quite fast, and in but a few moments he had closed the distance. A small green cursor hovered over the player's head. The player wore heavy armor of some kind, though Pinball couldn't really tell if they were a strong or weak player purely by appearance. Raising his voice to be heard over the pouring rain, Pinball spoke. "Um, excuse me? Are you alright?"

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Räv was slightly startled when he heard a voice coming from behind him. He turned to see who was coming closer, lifting his visor and wiping the water off his glasses once more so he could get a better look. “You are excused, and yes I’m fine. I’m just doing some training in the rain. GOP isn’t as good so it better to train when it’s raining then when it is dry.” He stood up after saying this a gave a slight bow in greeting. “I am Räv, it is a pleasure to meet you.” He said raising back up and adjusting his glasses. “What brings you out here?” he rain picked up so Räv moved closer to the man in order to be able to hear him. It was a nice cool rain, something to combat the summer heat. Räv could feel it leaking through the cracks of his armour, not that he cared. It was nice to get something cold in the heat of that suit. He wasn’t used to being trapped with his own body heat. Sure, the family uniforms were black and form fitting, but they were nothing compared to the hot forge  that was <<The Fortress>>. 


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At this point the rain had caused his cloak to become damp and heavy, though Pinball himself, thanks to this absorption, was still relatively dry. He hadn't taken his cloak off yet, and the hood hung low over his features. He only just now realized how suspicious he must look, but the man didn't seem frightened at all. That's either a testament to his level or his character. Either way, he was having a conversation now. He felt the heat building in his face. This wasn't his forte. "Training in the rain," Pinball echoed, then quickly added, "GOP? What's... what's that?" Pinball's eyes darted to the side, to a patch of mushrooms nestled in the roots of a tree's gnarled roots. Isn't that a political party? Pinball quickly latched on to the man's words, desperate to not let the conversation die. It was a shame it was the first talk he'd had with a real person in at least a week. "H-hey," he said, sticking out his hand, "I'm Pinball." He took a moment to gather his thoughts. "Uhh," he mumbled, looking at the pouring rain and the consequentially dark and grey  landscape, "just taking a walk."

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Räv chuckled, “My apologies, I misspoke. I meant to say grip not gop.” Räv thought for a moment, observing the man. He seemed nervous, it was common though not really something Räv experienced. Regardless as to how solitary his life had been thus far. “If you are going into the forests, would you mind if I join you? I haven’t really fought anything yet and if you run into something I would like to help and maybe get s feel for it. If not then that is fine, having help just makes things lot easier.” Räv smiled at pinball innocently, as if Räv had never hurt anything in his life. This was of course not the case at all. Räv had killed many people, it was how the money was made. Not that he had any remorse.
Räv removed the helmet on his head so he could let some of the warm air out of his armour. The rain felt great on his scalp. There is quite the variety of people in this game it seems. I wonder where I fit in the grand scheme of things. How may people like me are there in this game? For that matter, how many of my family are in this game? Food for thought later I guess.

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"Ah," he nodded, "that... that uhh, makes sense." He felt his face brighten and instinctually turned his head to the side, letting his gaze trail off and away from the man in front of him. His stare finally came to rest on the trees, and the dense clusters of that the forest sported further in. "Oh!" He took a step back, keeping his hands close to his sides. The long black cloak fell over his form, now conceiling his arms, face, and a good portion of his legs as well. "Yeah, sure. I can take you in there," he nodded, then hesitated. "Uhh, I'll have to stand back, though. You won't get anything if I fight it with you, though. I'd just be making sure you don't start a fight you can't finish..." He let his voice trail off towards the end, a bit rattled by the man's smile. How are people able to act so friendly to someone they just met? It gave him a gross, unidentifiable feeling. "But, uhh, yeah. If you're still interested in that, I could take you. I'd just be off to the side doing my own thing unless you really need help.

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