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[PP - F01] Harvesting the <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>> (with Zuel)

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The pressure was on. Rithe fought against this carnivorous plant with as much determination as she could find in her being. Adrenaline keeping her limbs moving, her mind focused, coursing quickly through her veins. I can hold him off. I can buy some time. I can do this much. But a tendril whips past her face, reminding her of her danger, her adrenaline starting to fade. Just a little longer! Zuel is almost done I'm sure, so just a little longer! Barely deflecting a vine, Rithe dodges to one side, relying on her instinct to predict her opponents attacks, and it was working. But she was getting tired, fast. I'm not... I'm sure... She quickly glances over at Zuel and gives him a reassuring smile, narrowly avoid a punishing attack. 

Rithe attacks with <<Will and Testament>>

ID# 104061 results: Battle: 9(critical hit, paralyze)


[3 hate]Rithe: 20/20 HP 0/2 EN (+1 -1 energy)

[1 hate] Zuel: 120/120 HP 2/12 EN 

 Nepent Variant: 11/15 HP (5 MIT)(10 base damage)(Ignores MIT on a natural MD roll of 10) 


 MOB: 9(critical hit) 10 raw damage - 9 mitigation = 1 final damage(paralyzed)

A lucky hit later, and the Nepent is forced to a standstill. Now I have a breather. Breathing heavily, she tosses the knife from hand to hand, preparing to go into the fray once more.


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Zuel would smirk as he watch Rithe continue to distract the Nepent Variant as he finally regained enough energy to use a Sword Skill. "Rithe, Im ready." Zuel would rise to his feet and draw his sword as he walked over to the Variant. Zuel would put his sword behind his back as it began to glow to prepare to use his sword skill. Once the sword began to glow it brightest he would release the sword skill Snake Bite. Zuel would quickly strikes the Nepent Variant with three brisk angled slashes causing a critical hit. The Variant would cry out in pain as it began to glow into white light before shattering and disappearing as it was defeated. Zuel would be panting a bit as he looked over to Rithe and Sheath his sword. "Looks like we did it." He would walk over to her and smile lightly as he was still a bit out of breath from running out of energy from his last attack. "Ready to check the loot?"


ID: 104062

BD: 9 (+1 Critical Hit)

Rithe: 20/20 HP 0/2 EN 

Zuel: 120/120 HP 0/12 EN (-3 EN) 

Snake Bite (5 base) +1 = 6 x 3 = 18

Nepent Variant: 0/15 HP (-13)


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Just as the Nepent regained control over itself, Zuel launched into action, obliterating it with three quick slices. "Thank you." Rithe mumbles, collapsing to her knees "I wasn't sure how much longer I could last." She draws in ragged breaths, trying to curb her over-exertion. The adrenaline had left her body, but her heart kept beating furiously. I just fought for my life. Rithe pales as she understands just what she went through. I'm so exhausted, it feels like my body is heavy. She weakly sheaths her dagger. I'm definitely going to need some rest after this, and maybe something sweet. She found herself suddenly craving something sugary. Rithe rises as Zuel nears, nodding when he confirms their victory. "Yes, let's see what we have." Rithe approaches to where the boss was slain...


ID# 104063 results: Loot: 1(failure)

And finding absolutely nothing. No way. This has got be some sort a sick joke. There's no way I can do this again. Fear starts creeping up her spine, chilling her to the core. Rithe looks over to Zuel with anxiety in her eyes. "It's not here..." 

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Zuel didn't really seem phased much by the fact the Nepent's Ovule didn't drop from the boss. He didn't mind the idea of fighting the Nepents and the Variant over again since he was able to get a lot of practice using his sword skills and he had more things he wanted to test out. He would look to Rithe and notice that she was taking it hard and wasn't sure why. He would place his hand on her head patting it gently. "It's alright. How about we head back to the town of beginnings and try again tomorrow? You must be exhausted from all that fighting." Zuel would give her a weak smile as he looked pretty exhausted himself. Turning back to the direction they came he would lead the way to get them away from the area before the Nepent would begin spawn again. "You did really well for your first time fighting and you were even able to heal my injuries. You are a viable ally to have around Rithe." Zuel determined that this game was much easier and safer to progress with a party. As some time passed the return to the town of beginnings where the sun had just begun to set.

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Dread began seeping slowly into her system, like a sinister parasite. This is bad, we have to fight them all over again don't we. Rithe struggled to understand her predicament. Why? We fought so hard, but it wasn't good enough? That's ridiculous. Rithe looked at her ally and noticed his calmness. How? How could anyone remain so serene during all that? Her thoughts stopped immediately as Zuel delivered a revitalizing headpat. Maybe it'll be easier the second time around. Hopefully, it will be. She listened to her companion, still a little embarrassed after the sudden contact, and remarks "Yes, please. I don't want to think about this right now." But I'll have to face this fear eventually. As they leave the conflict zone, Rithe turns pink from Zuel's commendation. "I didn't really, I didn't even heal that much." Recalling the total destruction of the Nepenthes, she comments that "You did all the damage. You completely wiped them out all at once!" Zuel. He is definitely someone I could use the help of. The dusk was dark when the two walked into the plaza of the Starting City, when abruptly, Rithe's stomach growled. She looks at her ally, embarrassed. "That was...nothing." She averted her eyes from Zuel feeling guilty. I can't possible leech off this poor man any longer.

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The sun had set completely and the night sky of the town of beginning was illuminated with the stars as well as the street lights around. Zuel would look to Rithe as her stomach growled and laughed lightly. "Why don't we get something to eat. My treat." Zuel would lead them to a nearby quiet tavern that was also an inn that they could stay the night. They were seated as Zuel would take off his coat and order a steak medium rare and some ale. "We should probably go over our strategy for tomorrow. Although we managed to defeat all the enemies I believe there are some things we can improve on." The tavern maid would bring their refreshments as Zuel would take a sip from his drink. "I think it would be better if I didn't waste all my energy on the small Nepents so you won't have to put yourself in danger again for me to restore my energy..." Zuel would stop talking suddenly looking to her. "Actually... lets talk about it tomorrow." Zuel would notice that Rithe hadn't taken her jacket off. "Aren't you hot?" He would look at her curiously. Just then they would interrupted as their food would arrive. It wasn't the fanciest looking food in the world but it looked pretty good for the cheap price. 

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The stars slowly blinked into the sky, following the last rays of the sun. Rithe looks ashamed of her body's cry for sustenance, but her eyes light up when Zuel offers food. "Really? Thanks!" Rithe smiles, feeling a lot better suddenly. The tavern was relatively tranquil, with hardly any other patrons about. Unfortunately it was a bit too warm for Rithe's tastes, but kept her jacket on despite this. "Strategy, right. I guess taking it easier on the weaker enemies would be best. Saving strength for the boss." Processing tactical decisions, she didn't notice the drinks being served, resting her head on one hand and looking impassively at the table. But what if the Nepents try to swarm him. I guess I could try to paralyze one, and see if that helps any. She was defused by her companion's remark about waiting to discuss their game-plan tomorrow, clearing her thoughts. Agreeing to this, Rithe nods, and takes her drink, holding it in both hands to keep herself cool. His next words caught her off guard. "What?" She clutches the tunic closer to herself. "No, I'm fine." She lies. The sweat from the heat making her bluff fall apart. But then the food arrived, and Rithe began partaking without hesitation, eager for the distraction.

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Zuel could tell that she was hiding something but it wasn't really any of his business as he decided to not directly pry about it any further as began to eat his steak. He wondered if maybe it was possible that he had done something wrong since she was acting a bit suspiciously. Satisfied with the meal he would finish his ale as well looking over to her. "Feel better now?" He asked in a teasing manner since she was so hungry before. An old grandfather clock in the tavern would begin to chime lightly as Zuel would look over at the time "Its starting to get late we should probably call it a night soon. I am sure there are plenty of rooms upstairs, I already took care of the fee so you should probably get some rest." He would get up grabbing his coat and walk in the direction of the stairs. "I will be in the room next to yours if you need anything." Zuel would retire to his room tossing his things on a nearby desk as he laid back onto the bed with his hands behind his head as support. He had been completing quest after quest since he started this death game and couldn't remember when he was able to sleep peacefully. He would close his eyes and begin to drift asleep.

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Rithe began to eat. A lot. Her food was finished long before her ally's, as she ordered plate after plate of everything on the menu. It wasn't until after her 13th plate, when Zuel addressed her, did she realize what she had done. Oh, no. "Sorry! I'll cover my part of the bill, I swear." The food however, was delicious, and Rithe had enjoyed all of it. I'll have to remember this place. She wipes her mouth with a handkerchief, and also gazes at the clock. "Yeah. I'm so tired, I feel like I could sleep forever." Rithe thanks Zuel for his generosity in regards to the rooms, and happily returns to her room, flopping on the bed straight away. She doesn't bother removing her tunic, instead discarding the blanket from her bed and curling up inside the jacket. I need to sleep, but I can't stop thinking about what I saw. Rithe shudders, and coils up tighter under the jacket. She stresses for a while before falling asleep some time before morning. 

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The sun would shine through the window of Zuel's room as he would open his eyes and get up from his bed. He would gather his things and straighten up the room before locking the door up and looking over to Rithe's door. He would walk over and gently knock on the door. There wasn't any answer so he would knock again. "Rithe are you awake?" He wanted to go over the strategy for today and he thought they should head over to the boss area early. After her not answering again he would try to open the door to his surprise it was unlocked as he made a comment about her being careless to himself. He would notice that the blanket was thrown on the floor and looked over to her to see her curled up still asleep. Still wearing the same jacket she had on from dinner. Zuel would walk over to her reaching toward her jacket as if he was going to take it off but instead reached for her shoulder at the last second giving her a light shake. "Rithe wake up." He would shake her again hoping it would be enough to wake her up.

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Rika was alone. In her concrete room as she always was, the small ventilation port the only sound she could hear. She clutched Father's Gift closer to her body, seeking refuge from the cold, when a hand touched her on the shoulder. ~ 

She was crying in her sleep, curled in as tight a ball as possible off to one side of her bed at the tavern, when suddenly Rithe wakes with a start, emitting a strange yelp as she reacted to the touch and falling off the bed. She peers over the edge of her bed, now that she is seated on the floor, and sheepishly looks at Zuel, her hair messy from her troublesome sleep. "How did you-?  Oh, I left the door unlocked didn't I?" Quickly she dries her tears with the sleeves of the jacket and gives her ally a funny look. "So what did you need?" She says, not realizing how long she's slept. Isn't it still night? I'm still so tired. She thinks, yawning behind her hand.

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Zuel would become a bit surprised as she made a sudden noise and leaped off the bed when he woke her up. "Were you crying?" Zuel asked as he would walk over to her and extend his hand to help her to her feet before he would walk over to the window, opening the blinds to show her that it was already morning. "I thought we could go over our strategy for fighting the field boss today. We did well last time but I think we can still improve." He would walk over to the nearby table sitting down on the chair as he would pull out a map of the area. "Here is where we fought last time. This time we are going to have to take on the four Nepent this time in order to save some energy. I am just hoping that we don't miss to much taking them out or we might be out of energy for the Variant." He would look over to her as she still was wearing the same jacket he met her with wondering why she slept with it on. Her hair was still a mess but Zuel didn't really seem to see her any different because of it. "Are you listening Rithe?"

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Ignoring his question, Rithe accepts his hand and stands up fully. The light from the now unveiled window forcing her to squint and blink the sleep out of her eyes. It really is morning. It didn't feel like I slept at all. She straightens and brushes off her tunic before glancing at Zuel and his question. "Strategy, right. I'm not sure how well we do in combat translates to our chances of receiving the Ovule, but I'll hear you out." Well, actually, cutting time from our fight will be far more efficient in the long run, provided we fail again. Rithe sits down hard on her bed, and ruffles her already unkempt bedhead, what can we possibly do? We'd have to spend as little energy as possible fighting the weaker Nepenthes, so that Zuel can have the strength to defeat the boss in a single strike. Rithe appears to be thoughtful, as she formulates tactics. Unintentionally she had tuned her companion out(even though their strategies were quite similar) and snaps to attention when she hears her name called. "Yes!" She clears her throat. "Yeah, I think that if we take it easy we should have strength to spare when the Variant appears." I just want to get this over with, the shorter I have to be in the presence of Nepenthes will be best. Rithe rises once more, and walks up to Zuel. "I think we can do this, even better than last time."

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Zuel would rise to his feet as he would motion to the door. "Alright I will wait for you downstairs and then we could head out." Zuel would head back to his room to gather his things putting his jacket on and heading for the door. He would head downstairs to the desk where he would check out paying for their rooms waiting for her to come down as well. After waiting for sometime he would see her come down greeting her as he would lead the way to the southern gate to lead them before to the wooded area. "Ready to go?" He would ask before he would lead them through the road. As they traveled he would glance over to her every now and then not really sure what to say but he could tell that she was being protective over something. "So what made you want to play SAO?" Trying to get her to open up a bit to learn more about her. Finally making to the edge of the wooded area he would traverse through the woods leading to the open area where they found the field boss last time.  

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Rithe readies herself for the day, and exits her room not too long after Zuel left. She meets him in the lobby, and nods determinedly at his question, following him out the door. They made it to the entrance to the forest, when her companion poses his next question. "SAO... I've just always liked role-playing games..." She lied. Sorry Zuel, but I don't want to ruin your image of me. They traverse further into the forest, nearing where the battle had taken place earlier. Uneasiness returned. Our strategy has improved since last time. This should be easy. Once again, just as before, as soon as the threshold is crossed, Nepenthes come from the edges of the clearing. "Here we go. I'm counting on you, Zuel." As the army of two charged into battle, the Nepenthes began their assault. Rithe kept close behind Zuel to assist with healing as the need arose. Luckily for her it seemed as though all four of the monsters were more interested in the stronger party member.

<<Combat Start!>>


<<Rithe takes no action>>

Rithe: 20/20 HP 2/2 EN

Zuel: 120/120 HP 12/12 EN

Basic Nepent #1: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG ID# 104109 results: MOB: 2(miss)

Basic Nepent #2: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG ID# 104110 results: MOB: 5(miss)

(All Nepents are targeting Zuel. Spawner's choice)


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Zuel would draw his sword as the four Nepent would spawn. He would put himself out in front hoping to draw their attention keep them off of Rithe so he could focus them down one by one. Just as they entered the clearing two of the Nepent would rush over to Zuel and attempt to attack him with their small tendrils. Zuel would leap to the side to dodge one of the tendrils and dash backward out of range to dodge the second. Zuel would ready himself as he would prepare to land an attack of his own before the other two could retaliate. He would rush up to them swinging his sword but would miss as the Nepent would retreat as they saw him coming. Just as he closed the gap the other two would take the opportunity to attack Zuel. Zuel would quickly react as once again he managed to dodge the tendrils predicting that they would attack him right away after his miss. Zuel would leap back repositioning himself as all attacks had missed. He would look over his shoulder to Rithe as he was ready to attack again.


Rithe: 20/20 HP 2/2 EN

Zuel: 120/120 HP 10/12 EN (-2 EN)

ID# 104111 BD: 4 + 1 = 5 (Miss)

Basic Nepent #1: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG 

Basic Nepent #2: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG 

Basic Nepent #3: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG 

ID# 104112 MOB: 1 (Critical mis)

Basic Nepent #4: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG 

ID# 104113 MOB: 2 (Miss)

(All Nepents are targeting Zuel. Spawner's choice)


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The fight had begun. There were so many vines, it was hard to keep track of the action. Despite trying to stay close to the warrior of the group, she couldn't get close to the scene of the action. She briefly saw flashes of combat in between all the dust and tendrils flooding the area. Last time they were all taken out at once. But we can't afford be that carefree this time around. The battle raged on, but first blood has yet to be drawn. He's dodging attacks from all four of them at once?! Who is this man? But unfortunately he was unable to get an attack of his own to hit. There's too many to handle. I should help! But Rithe stopped herself. No, I must stick to the plan. They can't hurt him more than I can heal him. So she stood just outside the frenzied whirl of combat and watched Zuel carefully, waiting for him to need her help. 


<<Rithe takes no action>>

Rithe: 20/20 HP 2/2 EN

Zuel: 118/120 HP 10/12 EN

Basic Nepent #1: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG ID# 104114 results: MOB: 10(super critical hit) 3 damage + 2 crit - 9 mitigation = 1 final damage

Basic Nepent #2: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG ID# 104115 results: MOB: 7(hit) 3 damage - 9 mitigation = 1 final damage

Basic Nepent #3: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG 

Basic Nepent #4: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG 


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Zuel doesn't hesitate as he charges into battle once again in between the four Nepents to get into the attacking range. Two of the nearby Nepent would launch an attack at Zuel and without flinching he would take their attacks suffering minor slashes from their tendrils. Wanting to take advantage of the Nepent being off guard from attacking Zuel he would dash toward them preparing for his attack. Zuel would slash the first Nepent causing a critical hit almost finishing it off as an attack would come by the side of Zuel from one of Nepents as he would quickly dodge to the side but another tendril would come from where he had dodged too causing him to get hit from behind. Zuel would wince before making his way back to Rithe standing in front of her as the Nepent would begin to group up and move to them. He would look over his shoulder. "Listen the one that I managed to hit only needs a single hit. It would be a waste for me to try to finish it off. Think you can handle it?" He would ask her as the Nepent would begin to get closer and closer.


Rithe: 20/20 HP 2/2 EN

Zuel: 117/120 HP 10/12 EN (+1 EN)(-1EN)(-1 HP)

ID# 104116 BD: 9 (+1 Critical hit)

One handed Straight Sword Attack (Base 5) + 1 = 6

Basic Nepent #1: 1/7 HP [] 3 DMG (-6 HP)

Basic Nepent #2: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG

Basic Nepent #3: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG 

ID# 104117 MOB: 4 (Miss)

Basic Nepent #4: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG 

ID# 104118 MOB: 9 (+1 crit)


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Sword slashes are met with tendril lashes as the high-octane brawling continues. Wind and dust whips through the air, billowing through Rithe's hair as she finds a better vantage point. Her eyes go wide as he gets wounded. Now it's my turn. She rushes forward, rolling under a bombardment of Nepent attacks directed at her ally, and stopping quickly to avoid becoming collateral damage as Zuel batters one of the Nepenthes, sending it well into the red. Then she receives her orders straight from the party leader himself. "But you're hurt!" She hesitates and is nearly struck by a passing tendril. If I try to kill this thing, he could keep getting hurt! But if I went to help him now, he would still be dealing with four attacks at once. Rithe grits her teeth and unsheathes her dagger. "Just wait a little longer, I'll take this one out!" 

She lunges at the monster, but it simply deflected her strike and causes her to lose balance and stagger. She looks over her shoulder and notices that another Nepent successfully hit Zuel while she wasn't paying attention. I should have healed him! This thing needs to die!


Rithe attacks #1 with <<Will and Testament>>

ID# 104119 results: Battle: 1(miss)

Rithe: 20/20 HP 0/2 EN (-2 EN)

Zuel: 116/120 HP 10/12 EN 

Basic Nepent #1: 1/7 HP [] 3 DMG  MOB: 1(miss)

Basic Nepent #2: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG ID# 104120 results: MOB: 8(hit) 3 raw damage - 9 mitigation = 1 final damage

Basic Nepent #3: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG 

Basic Nepent #4: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG 



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Zuel would watch as Rithe would come to his side putting herself in the middle of the battle. Although Rithe missed her attack it gave Zuel an opportunity to focus his attention on the other three Nepents. Charing in once again he would be targeted by a nearby Nepent who would swipe its tendril at Zuel as he would duck the attack but another tendril would come from his blind spot scratching his leg but he continued turning his attention on the Nepent that hit him. Zuel would slash the Nepent landing a successful hit but unfortunately leaving Zuel wide open for the other two Nepent to attack him from behind. Both Nepent would slash his back with their tendrils as Zuel would be surrounded by the other three Nepent while the other one would be focusing on Rithe. He would slowly back up until his back would rest against hers causing them both to be surrounded by the Nepent.


Rithe: 20/20 HP 0/2 EN (-2 EN)

Zuel: 114/120 HP 10/12 EN (+1 EN)(-1 EN)(-2 HP)

ID# 104116 BD: 8 (Hit) One handed Straight Sword Attack (Base 5)

Basic Nepent #1: 1/7 HP [] 3 DMG  

Basic Nepent #2: 2/7 HP [] 3 DMG (-5)

Basic Nepent #3: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG 

ID# 104122 results: MOB: 9(+1 Critical hit) 3 raw damage +1 - 9 mitigation = 1 final damage

Basic Nepent #4: 7/7 HP [] 3 DMG 

ID# 104123 results: MOB: 9(+1 Critical hit) 3 raw damage +1 - 9 mitigation = 1 final damage


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