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[PP - F01] Harvesting the <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>> (with Zuel)

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Resisting the attack, the boss monster casts Zuel's attack aside, returning to its primary focus: Rithe. She fought and fought against this thing, and it dedicated most of its effort to her as well, allowing the occasional tendril to defend itself from Rithe's companion. This time will be a bit different. Just one hit, and you'll be taken out. She seemed unconcerned with the possible damage to her well being from continued combat with this abomination of nature, perhaps because of the inordinate adrenaline pumping in her veins. "I'll try and paralyze it, like we did last time." That should give us the edge we need to send it back to the earth. She deflects a vine attack, and takes the opportunity to get within dagger distance. 

Another vine hit knocks her into the ground. Ow. Don't get so arrogant. Zuel will take you out in a single hit. She looks up at the monster as it closes in on her with tendrils, and gives a small smirk.


Rithe attacks with <<Will and Testament>>

ID# 104252 results: Battle: 1(critical miss)

[Hate: 1]Rithe: 17/20 HP 0/2 EN (+1 -2 EN)

[Hate: 0]Zuel: 106/120 HP 10/12 EN

Nepent Variant 14/15   MOB: 6(hit) 10 raw damage - 9 mitigation = 1 final damage

Mitigation: 5

Damage: 10

(Ignores mitigation on a natural 10)



Edited by Rithe
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While its attention was focused on Rithe, Zuel would take this chance to hit it from behind. His sword skill was powerful enough to take it out with one hit but it was difficult to land. Zuel charged in once again the tendrils of the Nepent Variant acting on their own to their masters defense. Zuel would ready the sword skill once again as his blade would glow brighter and brighter until it was at its brightest. Zuel would unleash the sword skill against the Nepent Variant one again hoping to finish it off. Unfortunately  Zuel's inexperience with using sword skills was apparent as his attack would once again be deflecting by the tendrils of the Nepent Variant causing him to miss the attack. Zuel would be recoiled forcing himself backwards as he regain his footing. He would scoff as he rose to his feet undeterred readying to try once again hoping that Rithe wouldn't be put in too much trouble while he prepared.


[Hate: 1]Rithe: 17/20 HP 0/2 EN 

[Hate: 0]Zuel: 106/120 HP 10/12 EN (+1 EN) (-2 EN)

ID#104253: Results: BD: 4 + 1 = 5 (Miss)

Nepent Variant 14/15   

Mitigation: 5

Damage: 10

(Ignores mitigation on a natural 10)


Edited by Zuel
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Rithe rolls back to her feet, tempted once more to beat the Nepent into submission with her fists. Is boxing a thing here? Martial Arts? I've never done it in real life but it seems like it would be extremely cathartic. But she remained resolute to her current plan: paralyze and let her ally finish it off. So she stands, rises to her feet, dedication to the strategy burning in her mind and heart. She recovers from the hit she took, taking a deep breath, and returning to the fray just after Zuel. His attack is repelled, and Rithe rushes the beast while its distracted. The simplest of tactics. Surround and attack all at once. Hopefully the Boss doesn't pull something well outside of its strategic expertise. She really didn't want to think about enemies with that kind of intelligence. So instead she occupied herself by striking at the beast repeatedly. 

I got it! "It's all yours!"


Rithe attacks with <<Will and Testament>>

ID# 104255 results: Battle: 10(super-critical hit, paralyze) 1 raw damage + 1 crit - 5 mitigation = 1 final damage

[Hate: 3]Rithe: 17/20 HP 0/2 EN (+1 -1) EN

[Hate: 0]Zuel: 107/120 HP 10/12 EN (+1 EN) (-2 EN)

Nepent Variant 14/15    MOB: 7(hit) 10 raw damage - 9 mitigation = 1 final damage(paralyzed)

Mitigation: 5

Damage: 10

(Ignores mitigation on a natural 10)


Edited by Rithe
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Rithe was able to paralyze the Nepent Variant with her dagger causing it to be unable to move. Zuel taking this opportunity would rush the boss once more hoping to finally land the Sword Skill. Letting his blade glow once more to activate the sword skill Zuel would yell out as he would close the gap between him and the Nepent Variant. Like before the tendrils would continue to defend even though its main body was paralyzed. Zuel's blade would be at its brightest as he activating the sword skill hoping for it to finally hit. Rithe's paralyzation proved to be what Zuel needed to finally land his attack as the tendrils were too slow to stop him now. Zuel would use the sword skill Vertical Arc causing Zuel to create a "V" pattern on the Nepent Variant's chest by making two successive strikes. As predicted the sword skill would powerful enough to finish off the field boss in a single hit as it cried out glowing bright white before shattering and fading into nothing.  Once again Rithe and Zuel had defeated the Nepent Variant and was time to check to see if the loot had dropped. Zuel would get a loot confirmation window to inspect the look and there in the item drop list was the Nepent's Ovule as Zuel would accept receiving it completing the quest for his party. "Alright lets take it to the NPC and complete the quest." He would look to Rithe as if nothing had happened and ready to leave.


[Hate: 3]Rithe: 17/20 HP 0/2 EN 

[Hate: 0]Zuel: 107/120 HP 5/12 EN (+1 EN) (-4 EN)

ID# 104256 Results: 6 (Hit)  Vertical Arc (4 Energy) Base : 5 x 4 = 20 - 5 mitigation = 15 

Nepent Variant 0/15 (- 15)

Mitigation: 5

Damage: 10

(Ignores mitigation on a natural 10)


Nepent's Ovule drop roll

ID# 104257 Results: 16 (Success) 


Edited by Zuel
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Paralytic effects take the Nepent Variant and hold it, imprisoning it in its own body. Now all that's left is to.. But before her thought could finish, Zuel was launching into action, obliterating the beast in a pair of spiteful strikes, showering the landscape in colorful shards. "We got it.. Good. Finally." She wipes the sweat off her forehead, and backs into a tree, leaning on it. Now that we're done, what should we do... Wait! What about the item. Rithe looks and discovers Zuel gingerly picking up the Ovule from the quest drop menu. Her tensed muscles slowly relax, and the soreness sets in as a dull buzzing sensation. "Now what do we-" She began, but stopped as she heard Zuel's instruction. Rithe was getting excited, this was a difficult quest. Hopefully the reward would be worth all the struggle. The pair departed from the forest, crossing the fields without event, any conversation being short from Rithe's weariness. They arrived in the small village, and began scouting for where the NPC was that needed the item. 

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Zuel would look around as he inspect the small village as people were coughing and wheezing. It is as if a plague had poisoned the town causing everyone to become ill. Zuel would look around and notice an apothecary  sign outside a building. "There. The NPC must be in there." He would motion to the building as they approached entering. A bell would alert the alchemist there that they had arrived. An old man would appear before them who was also looking quite ill himself. He would cough once before speaking to them. "Wh..what brings you two here to our little town?" Zuel would pull out the Ovule showing it to the old man as his eyes lit up with delight at the sight of it. "This is it! The finally ingredient I need to completely my medicine. With this I can save the village! How ever can I repay you?" Zuel would shake his head indicating there wasn't anything as the old man began to mix the Ovule into a large vial, big enough to make a potion for the entire village. "Thank you adventures! You have saved us all." After the NPCs dialog a confirmation window would pop up in front of Zuel to accept the quest rewards for completing <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>>. Zuel would hit complete to complete the quest for both himself and Rithe.

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