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[F01- SP] Living to Earn «Earning a Living»

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Log Entry Four

This is about the time I got a job. Yep, in this game you can get jobs, make stuff, and sell it to other players. Surprising since in every other rpg I've played you simply get skill ranks in smithing or whatnot and make stuff for yourself. So needless to say I was intrigued and took the quest. Maybe I'll go for merchant, they always seem to make bank in rpgs...


Cosi was walking around the town of beginnings wondering what quest to do next when out of one of the alleyways a young kid called out to him.

 "Psst, Mister," The kid was 13 maybe 14, "You wanna learn the finer art of cheatin- I mean making good sales?"

He stood there waiting to for Cosi to respond. 

"Oh! You're one of the master rank NPC in that profession quests. Heck yeah I'd love to be a merchant," Cosi said, elated to be doing something, "What do you need materials? need me to craft something?-"

"What? I mean sure go get me some unidentified items and I can show you how to identify-" Cosi left the kid still talking and raced off to the the town gates. He hadn't been doing anything for ever so he was happy even to be doing a fetch quest.



Level: 5

Hp: 100

Energy: 20


1H Straight Sword: Novice

Heavy Armor: Novice


Battle-ready Inventory-

Vanity One-handed Sword

Rare T1 Heavy Armor (mit 1, thorns 1)

5 uncommon healing potions (+40 Hp)

1 Damage potion (+1)

1 Pver Health Potion (50 extra Hp)


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Cosi literally ran out of the gates of the Town of Beginnings and into the rolling fields past burbling brooks and began searching for some items to identify. He hadn't gotten maybe thirty feet outside the gate when his running was interrupted. That is to say that he tripped over something. Something fairly large, very sturdy, and almost completely buried in the  relatively soft earth. Stooping down to inspect it, Cosi saw that it was something made of metal and after a couple minutes of digging in the dirt he discovered what it was: A shield. Covered in dirt and moss but a shield none the less. He picked it up thrilled to already have found an item in need of identification and completely by accident as well. He rubbed his shins when he had fell and slung the dirt encrusted shield over his back. Time to continue searching for items.


Roll ID: 104171- LD: 18- CD: 7- item found: T1 perfect shield


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Cosi turned to continue searching and found himself face to face with a boar. An angry boar and not like those boar pups he had fought with Katagawa but a full grown, extra nasty boar with hate on the side. Seems like in stumbling on the shield, Cosi had also stumbled inot the boar's little resting place, woke the boar up and was know faced with a cranky boar. The boar charged.

By some stroke of luck Cosi reacted fast enough to dodge out of the charging boar's way,. As the boar barreled past him he swung his sword, just managing to nick the boar as it raced past. The boar squealed in fury, slowed, and turned back around to face Cosi again. Cosi weakly smiled holding his sword with both hands. This boar's hide was tough and covered in bristling hair, he'd probably have to use a sword art to really damage this beast. 



ID# 104175- BD: 7- hit MD: 4- miss

2 base= 2 damage

1 energy

[H:1] Cosi- Hp: 100/100- 9/10 ENG- MIT: 17

Adult Boar- Hp: 48/50- DMG: 15


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The boar rushed Cosi again, bellowing in rage, its tusks glittering like sharped spear points. Cosi readied himself, preparing to side step as the boar charged and strike as it past. He switched to his murder- stroke grip and breathed out. He swung his sword and side stepped but the boar was too fast, its tusks swinging in a frenzy. The tusks caught Cosi right in the chest, goring him and throwing him back a couple feet. Cosi's stroke had completely missed and his sword art fizzled out without any benefit only serving to make him more tired. Cosi got to one knee, planted his sword point first in the ground, and leaned on it trying to catch his breath. Thankfully Cosi's plate armor had borne the brunt of the attack and had probably saved Cosi a beating. Cosi got to his feet gripping his hilt tightly and faced the boar which was coming around for another charge. Cosi decided to go meet him 


Combat- Snake Bite

ID# 104179- BD: 4- miss (-3 ENG) MD: 9- crit

Boar's attack: 15 base + 1 crit =16 - 17 MIT = 1 min

[H: 1] Cosi- Hp: 99/100- ENG: 7/10- MIT: 17

Adult Boar- Hp: 48/50- DMG: 15


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Cosi got up and charged the boar, preparing to dodge to one side and skewer the angry pig. The two charged each other and at the last second Cosi jumped to the side. But the boar had anticipated this and turned its head, catching Cosi with it tusks. Again Cosi's armor stopped most of the damage but the force of the blow still jarred him. Cosi's sword strike was thrown off, just skimming the boar's side and doing minimal damage. But with sheer force of will Cosi quickly shifted his strike throwing a powerful backhanded cut into the unprotected backside of the boar. It squealed with a mixture of pain and rage, red code shinning and particles bleeding from it. Cosi grinned, he was definitely getting the hang of this. Still thank goodness for good armor or he would have been impaled through the chest twice now. He grimaced at that thought but turned back to the fight at hand. That boar was most definitely still alive.



ID# 104180-

BD: 5+ 1 (using concentration)= 6- hit

2 damage

MD: 6- hit

15 base- 17 MIT= 1min

[H: 2] Cosi- Hp: 98/100- ENG: 7/10- MIT: 17

Adult Boar- Hp: 37/50- DMG: 15


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The boar charged was a fourth time, its dark red eyes shining with rage and pure hate. Cosi had woken the thing up from its nap so he guess he deserved this. He readied his sword, breathing heavily, and prepared to dodge out of the enraged pig's way. The beast rushed towards Cosi and just a second too late Cosi side stepped, catching the razor sharp tusks once more on his plate armor. Still Cosi's attack struck true, biting deep through the hide and into the boar's flesh. The powerful strike halted the beast's charge and forced him back. Taking this opportunity, Cosi struck again, grabbing the middle of his blade with his offhand and driving the point into the side of the boar again. The thing bellowed in pain and red flickering code was expelled from the wound. This boar isn't looking so good, Cosi thought to himself as he wrenched his blade free, which drove another bellow from the boar.  



ID# 104182- BD: 6- hit

2 damage

MD: 7- hit

15 base- 17 MIT= 1 min

[H: 3] Cosi- Hp: 97/100- ENG: 7/10- MIT: 17

Adult Boar- Hp: 26/50- DMG: 15


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Going on the offensive Cosi stalked toward the boar which crouched defensively, its bristles.. well bristling. It eyed Cosi's shining blade with what only could be fear then screamed in bestial rage and lunged at Cosi with is tusks. Surprised, Cosi tried to turn aside the boar's slashing tusks but was unable to. His chest plate adsorbed the force of the blow and Cosi was able to get a lucky parting blow before he was pushed back by the gore. A very lucky parting blow indeed. Cosi's blade slid past the tusks and straight into the monster's left eye. Red code was thrown out as the boar squealed and reared back on its hind legs.  It brought its lucks down again, nearly smashing the prone Cosi, and bucked about for a minute in agony. Then it focused on the one who had brought it such pain: Cosi. On the ground , Cosi gritted his teeth. This monster was not happy and even though it was nearly dead its tusks were still plenty sharp and it looked like it really wanted to kill Cosi now.



ID# 104183- BD: 5- miss

MD: 6- hit

15 base- 17 MIT= 1 min

[H: 3] Cosi- Hp: 96/100- ENG: 7/10- MIT: 17

Adult Boar- Hp: 17/50- DMG: 15


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Cosi scrambled to his feet just as the boar charged him. He tried bringing his sword up, just to try and get the blade up so the boar would charge straight into it. It was all he could do. He brought it up just in time and as the boar plowed full force into Cosi, Cosi's own blade was forced deep into the snout of the monster. Cosi was thrown to the side as the boar thrashed and jerked, wracked with pain. Cosi lay stunned on the ground for a second, the wind knocked out of him, then rolled over and pushed himself to his feet. The Boar was leaking read code in so many places and looked as if one good strike would finish the monster. Cosi brought his blade up and strode towards the beast, wary should it charge him again. Cosi was tired of this boar. Time to finish this fight and get back to searching.



ID# 104185- BD: 9- crit

2 base + 1 crit= 3 damage

MD: 9- crit

15 base +1 crit= 16- 17 MIT= 1 min

[H: 5] Cosi- Hp: 95/100- ENG: 7/10- MIT: 17

Adult Boar- Hp: 5/50- DMG: 15


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Cosi lunged at the wounded boar hopefully to catch it in the throat and trying to attack before the beast to respond in turn. The blade sank into flesh, wounding but not killing the beast. Cosi's strike had hit the boar's throat but it must have missed anything important because the boar was still alive. Cosi cursed his bad luck. The boar bristled with fury and squealed, but before it could strike back with its tusks Cosi pulled out his sword and jumped out of the way of the the thrashing tusks. They narrowly missed his legs, the air hissing where the deadly tusks swept past, and Cosi turned back for the finishing blow. Out good sword art strike and the beast would be dead. Then Cosi could take his shield and go find so more unidentified items for the merchant kid. The boar staggered but still stood then with a lumbering gait charged Cosi.



ID# 104186- BD: 7- hit

2 damage

MD: 4- miss

[H: 6] Cosi- Hp: 95/100- ENG: 7/10- MIT: 17

Adult Boar- Hp: 3/50- DMG: 15


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The beast ran towards Cosi. Its head down and its tusks pointing out like spears. The monster looked like it was trying to take Cosi down with it but Cosi was confident. He still had plenty health,the boar could only do minimum damage with his armor, and even it it struck him all he had to do was hit back and it would be dead. Cosi didn't even wait. He switched to a mordhau grip and side stepped the lumbering beast, striking it in the side of the head with  Cosi's cross guard. The beast fell, stunned, and Cosi stalked over to it. He hit it once more then again when it didn't die. On the third stroke the beast died and dissipated into red code. Cosi sighed and sheathed his sword. it was stupid that the monsters in Aincrad dissolved. How was he supposed to loot them when they did that?


Combat- Snake Bite

ID# 104187- BD: 9- crit

2 base+ 1 crit *3 sword art= 9 damage

MD: 4- miss

[H: 7] Cosi- Hp: 95/100- ENG: 4/10- MIT: 17

Adult Boar- Hp: 0/50- DMG: 15

Looting the boar-

150 Col

ID# 104188- LD: 5- nothing


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After killing the boar and not getting any loot, Cosi continued his search careful to not stumble upon anymore boars. He walked among the green plains, hunting for any objects that may be unidentified items. He searched in shrubs, by the river banks, and even under rocks. After going down to a river bank, Cosi say something shiny protruding fro the silt and mud. He walked over to it and dug it out of bank. Clearing the scum from it, Cosi saw it was a potion of some sort though even with the mud wipe away the glass was still covered in a layer of grime.  Cosi stowed the potion in his inventory and continued walking over the hills and past small trees looking for more things to grab. No more boars snuck up on him this time and he was cautious to not disturb any more wild boars, sleeping or otherwise.


ID# 104189- LD: 14- CD: 11- item found: T1 rare consumable


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Cosi continued searching, wondering what he would find next. Hopefully a sword because the one he had now was pretty terrible. Although he did order a really good one from that black smith Macradon at the Blazing Typhoon. Still the blacksmith seemed very busy so who knew when Cosi would get his requested items. So Cosi kept looking for stuff and avoiding the monsters. As Cosi was walking by a small thicket of trees he noticed something laying by the roots. He picked it up and saw that it was another shield. This one was a round buckler and covered in moss. This one seemed to be made, not of steel like the other shield Cosi has found, but of wood with metal lining the edge. Cosi shrugged and stowed the shield in his inventory. It wasn’t a sword but Cosi was fine with that. Now to get back to the merchant kid. 


ID# 104190- LD: 9- CD: 9- item found: T1 uncommon shield


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However as Cosi turned to leave something stirred in the bushes past the trees. Leaves rustled and twigs cracked. Cosi pulled out his sword and backed up. Out stepped another boar, fully grown, and angry. “Ah come on!” Cosi pounted. Why did these things have to be everywhere he was searching. And they were always so angry as well, like they had just eaten a really sour pineapple whole and some of the spines had stuck in their throat. The boar bellowed, a low loud sound, that a big pig would make which is exactly what it was.  Cosi responsed in turn telling at the beast, releasing his frustration. The boar looked a little taken aback and confused like it didn’t expect the small pale human to shout back at it. Cosi still fuming about his bad luck jumped the presented opportunity and moved to attack the big spiky boar. 

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Cosi lunged his sword flashing out and threw a diagonal cut at the massive beast except he wasn’t in measure and the cut whistled through the air past the boar. Still the boar squealed in indignation and charged out of the thicket at Cosi it’s tusks aimed for Cosi now exposed side. As the monster rushed forward, Cosi simply followed the momentum of his swing and stepped out of the charging boar’s path. The boar slowed, its hooves digging into the earth, and turned back to Cosi confusion on its face as if it had expected Cosi to just stand and be impaled. “Ha, no,” Cosi told the boar. He wouldn’t just stand there and let the thing hit him besides this one looked slightly bigger than the last boar he killed. Cosi readied himself for the beast’s next attack his sword up, the sunlight reflecting off of its metal blade. 



ID# 104191- BD: 3-miss

MD: 2- miss

[H: 0] Cosi- Hp: 100/100- ENG: 8/10- MIT: 17

Adult Boar- Hp: 50- DMG: 15


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The monstrous boar lowered its tusks and began to charge toward Cosi. Cosi waited till just the last moment to step out of the monster’s path of approach. But as he steeped out of the way Cosi stepped back towards the trees and his foot caught on one of the roots griping him. Cosi counterattack flew way off its mark as he windmilled his arms for balance but stumbled over another tree root and went down. The boar continued its charge, digging its hooves into the ground to slow itself, and then began its lumbering and slow turn back to the now prone Cosi. Cosi meanwhile stared up at the branches and the leaves of the trees his head spinning some from the fall. He shook it, picked up his sword, and stood up a little shakily, careful to not stumble on anymore roots. Cosi brought his sword back into a guard position and prepared for the beast’s next attack. 



ID# 104192- BD: 4- miss

MD: 2- miss

[H: 0] Cosi- Hp: 100/100- ENG: 6/10- MIT: 17

 Adult Boar- Hp: 50- DMG: 15


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The boar squealed, probably not at Cosi but because he couldn’t hit Cosi. Still Cosi couldn’t hit him so the feeling was mutual. The boar charged again heading straight for Cosi like a large, prickly, tusked cannonball. Jumping out of the way Cosi let the boar collide right with the trees behind him. It’s tusks crashed into and stuck in the tree trunk giving Cosi plenty of time to line up a good cut that sliced the monster’s hamstring. It squealed in pain and anger and wrenched it’s tusks free from the bark and turned to Cosi. It’s eyes stared right at him all bestial fury and hate. There was no intelligence in there just a hunger and thirst for retribution. It actually terrified Cosi quite a bit. This thing was made, literally to was coded, to fight and want to kill any of the players of SAO who got in this way. It wasn’t a real boar that responded to injury and had a sense of self-preservation. No it just wanted to kill. 



D# 104193- BD: 10- major crit

2 base + 2 crit= 4 damage

MD: 1- miss 

[H: 2] Cosi- Hp: 100/100- ENG: 6/10- MIT: 17

Adult Boar- Hp: 46/50- DMG: 15


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The hateful thing lunged at Cosi, it’s tusks thrashing wildly through the air as the boar tried to gore him. Cosi’s quick reflexes saved him as he jumped to the side just narrowly missing the boar’s berserker attack. Cosi then swung his sword at the boar’s side and was rewarded this the dull think of metal cutting through hide and into flesh. Cosi seemed to be getting the hang of fighting these boars, learning they’re attack preferences wasn’t too hard and they were so big it was easy to hit them. The he remembered that this was floor one. The beginning floor. The easiest one where the enemies were the weakest. Cosi would have to get to the higher floors if he wanted a real challenge and to train harder if he ever wanted to really be good at this game. He turned his attention back to the boar just to see it begin barreling towards him again. 



ID# 104194- BD: 7- hit

2 damage

MD: 5- miss

[H: 3] Cosi- Hp: 100/100- ENG: 6/10- MIT: 17

Adult Boar- Hp: 44/50- DMG: 15


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The monster ran full tilt at Cosi it’s tusks gleaming in the sunlight and it’s eyes staring him down. Cosi gripped his sword tighter and tensed his muscles, ready to jump out of the charging behemoth’s path. He jumped right before it got to him but the boar turned and followed it’s tusks piercing through Cosi’s armor and hitting flesh. Cosi grunted in pain but still managed to turn and thrust his sword into the beast’s side. The blade pierced hide and sank deep into flesh illiciting a roar of pain from the massive boar. It jerked pulling the blade from itself as it retreated. As usual the wound didn’t bleed but only red lines of ever changing code peeked out and leaked from the wound in the boar’s side. 

Cosi checked his health bar. He had only sustained one damage form the attack thanks to his armor but while the boar was wounded it still had a large chunk of health Cosi needed to remove. Cosi shifted his grip on his sword grasping it by the blade. It looks like he would have to use a sword art or two to finish this monster off. 



ID# 104195- BD: 10- major crit 

2 base + 2 crit= 4 damage

MD: 9- crit

15 base + 1 crit= 16 - 17 MIT = 1 min

[H: 5] Cosi- Hp: 99/100- ENG: 6/10- MIT: 17

Adult Boar- Hp: 40/50- DMG: 15


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The boar was still kicking and still really angry but Cosi didn’t care. This pig was going down. His body moved on just muscle memory now. The wait: a slight bounce in his step and tensing the leg muscles. His sword gripped, ready to throw a counterattack. 

The boar charged just like it also was did, a headlong charge right at its target. These lower level enemies are tough but exploitable, Cosi thought to himself as he simply side stepped the monster’s charge, his body moving on reaction more than conscious thought and struck at the monster’s side. He threw a mordhau strike, turquoise light leaping from the hilt and blade, smashing the cross guard into the beast. With such force behind the blow it staggered the creature, halting its movement, and allowing Cosi to quickly hit it twice more before retreating out of the way of swinging tusks. The blue-green light of the sword art faded, breaking into particles. Cosi switched back to a saber grip and eyed his opponent. 


Combat- Snake Bite

ID# 104196- BD: 6- hit

2 base *3 sword art= 6 damage

MD: 4- miss

[H: 6] Cosi- Hp: 99/100- ENG: 4/10- MIT: 17

Adult Boar- Hp: 34/50- DMG: 15


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As Cosi observed the boar he breathed out, his lungs screaming for air. This fight had gone much longer than the other because of those first few hiccups where neither Cosi or the boar could hit each other. Now Cosi’s energy was low and the boar still had a lot of hit points left. 

Cosi gripped his sword tighter, mostly because he was afraid of dropping it and waited for the boar’s inevitable charge. It charged again, nothing but wild hate and instinct fueling it. The boar barreled down towards Cosi, it’s tusks swinging. It tried to gore Cosi on those razor sharp edges but Cosi reacted as his body was now trained to. He side stepped out of the boar’s path into safety and swung a counter cut. But this time Cosi was too tired to put any real force behind the swing and his blade simply bounced off the boar’s bristled hide. 



ID# 104197- BD: 1- miss MD: 2- miss

[H: 6] Cosi- Hp: 99/100- ENG: 3/10- MIT: 17

Adult Boar- Hp: 34/50- DMG: 15


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