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[F01- PP] Hunting Party <<The Second Lesson, Is Also Free>> (Kyot0)

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Cynthia gripped her saber handle as she entered into the blacksmith’s open forge area. Lyle Tealeaf, an NPC blacksmith, hammered away on a piece of red hot meta. Sparks flew as the metal was bent and forced into shape. Cyn strode towards the burly man. “I have a package for you,” she nearly had to shout over the clangor of the hammering. The blacksmith stopped, wiped the sweat from his brow, and looked at Cyn. The man continued working but he shouted over the din, “Aye little lass. Zachariah was sending me some more materials.” He picked up the chunk of metal with some tongs and doused it in a trough of water. The water hissed and steam billowed. Lyle pulled the piece from the water and set it aside. He removed his gloves and turned to Cynthia, “I’ll take the package.” Cyn handed him the package, “thank you lass.” The big man set the package aside and began to start work again. 

“Lass I’d you want to help more, I need some special materials- boar tusks- for a request. I’ll reward you for three.” Cynthia nodded her long scarlet hair shaking, and then turned to leave. 


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