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[F1-SP] No Combat needed to level <FFLAF>

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It was a good day yet again, Hydra has been actively trying to get stuff done, It was very rare for her to get things done but she found out that there was a quest that could be done without going into combat at all, This was the quest called <The First Lessons are Free> and Hydra thought it be a good idea to start there and maybe move on to the other quests, that did not involve combat at all. For Hydra, this quest was the perfect start as she would not need to be fighting things as she was more of the support time and less a fighter, even with her hand to hand weapons she did not really get into fights end did not really want to. On Floor one Hydra looked around to see where the quest started, It started by simply going to an alchemist shop that was owned by an old NPC. But it looked like the city of beginners was a bit bigger then Hydra was thinking.

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Hydra walked around for some time and then she spotted an alchemist shop, "Wait, Ooh so this is it, okay let's see what I have to so," she said low as she walked to the door. "Hello there, I have come here to seek one Zackariah, Is he here?" she said once she was inside the shop. Then an older looking NPC walked in from the back, "Well hello there, you would be looking for me then, Name is Zackariah, Miss?" The NPC said. Hydra smiled at him "Miss ... Aris," she said, "Wait would that even work for an NPC," she said low to herself. Zackariah Smiled to Hydra, "I see Miss Hydravion, it seems like you are here for the request I put down. It is very simple, seek five Materials and bring them back here, "Zackariah Said before the quest updated in front of Hydra. "Think NPC would just use the username, It was a good try then," she said low before nodding at the NPC. "I can get you those five Materials," she said before walking back to the exit.

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Hydra walked out and made her way to the exit of the city, it was not hard to find and she felt like this was going to be harder then she was original thinking. Once outside she got an update pop up in her face, Leaving Safe Zone, from this point on it was PKers and Monsters. Hydra was not scared or anything for then yes she would try to defend herself from them but would not attack first. She started looking around for any materials she could use, Luckily for Her the System was based on just finding Materials but it seemed that the Materials near the gate already have been taken and she did not want to wait for the next respawn. It was no wonder that there would be No Materials around the gate of the city but it always could be a good shot for it and maybe with a bit of luck she could get something out of it.

# 105875

    LD: 6 FAILED

Materials 0

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As she started to walk away more from the gate she seemed to see fewer players and it almost looked like she was playing a solo game here, but that seemed to fail as she looked to her left seeing a party fight a boar, "A boar... Poor thing, I would not fight that thing," she said to herself. She started again looking around on the ground, behind some bushed under some rocks and in a tree. as she was about to give up she spotted something glowing, she walked up to it and picked it up, Crafting Material founded as she took it, it seemed like she was getting a bit better at this and smiled while putting the Materials in her crafting Bag she had, "One down, four more to go, well better get on to it," Hydra said low before standing up straight again and letting out a deep breath.

# 105879

    LD: 11 Succeed

Material 1

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Hydra walked along the path a bit before she noticed that she did found a spot where crafting materials could be founded but it seemed like it was no hope. Getting herself ready again as she started walking. "Okay, so not much luck this time, maybe I need to move down more," she said low before moving around and making her way around. The quest was not hard, at least from what he heard, Not that is was any problem but it seemed that this quest could take longer than it is needed. "Ha, what would the kids think now, Aris-san is digging in the dirt, Her beautiful nails and hair are getting dirty," she to herself getting out a bit of a laugh. Sadly at this time, Hydra did not find any materials. Hydra walked to the path next to her and looked around thinking of where to go, as she started her way to the plains with flowers, it seemed to be used by players but whatever it was Hydra did not want anything to do for it," she said to herself trying to ;let the criminal out or escape in some fashion way.

# 105880

    LD: 10 FAILED

Materials 1

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Following the path Hydra spotted a way off to the west, it seemed to lead to some flower plains. "ooh this looks interesting," she said low before walking the path to the west. Hydra walked around on this path and looked at the flowers that started to show up slowly, "These flowers are so nice," she said before kneeling at a flower at the side of the garden. Whatever it took for the searching hunt it seemed like it was slowly getting rite of them. It took not long as more flowers started to so near the path she took, once at a big open field she was kneeled down and started to look again. It took Hydra this time not so long and founded a Material right away, it was good that she felt like she was getting on her way, this quest did not seem to be done already and Hydra waited until the people and surely me as it is getting half 9 already

# 105881

    LD: 18 Succeed

Materials 2

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It took Hydra not long before she noticed that the area she was in was already cleared from materials she lets out a sigh and continued to walk on, It really felt weird to do something like this even for her age already. What was the meaning of this game, just to see who is strong or just for fun, maybe it was just to see what would happen for an experience way? no matter what it was, she was now part of it and she had to live with it, Thinking about it now she noticed that the younger people had it much harder than the older people. Just like herself she was calm and accepted the fact that this was it now, she seemed to not care for a bit but deep inside the adults were going through the same things as the kids. And most of them did not show, the adults were more scared then the kids and the kids did not seem to have a full look on what is going on.

# 105882

    LD 9 Failed

Materials 2

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Hydra walked more and more into the field of flowers, red once blue once purple once, all kind of colors. She kneeled down thinking about the known students she knew that would be in this game, "So all people of the gaming club would be here for sure, I have seen Dustin, but where are his brother and his friends," She said low before going through the flowers with her and only to pick one up and adding it to her inventory. Without knowing she sees that the quest updated and it seemed like she had a new Crafting Material, "Oh how interesting," she said before standing up again and moving along the flowers. It was still a bit hard to understand this game, and it seemed all to come down to good gear and luck. No matter what you did if your Luck was not good at all you could end up on the wrong side of the blade.

# 105890

    LD: 11 Succeded

Materials 3

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The field was full of flowers and Hydra stood there looking into the field in front of her, This was one of the better places In floor one. Hydra has heard that there were more places like this, everywhere. Like the older ruins on floor one and it big lakes and forests and even having small mountains. "This feels like a vacation, one that has been going on for about two years already. I'm not scared of death may be because I know Death could lurk everywhere even In the Real world," she said low before kneeling down again and picking up a flower she liked, but this time, however, it seemed like she did not have as much luck as before. as she took it, it just turned into a <Red Rose Gift Item>  no matter what it still was quite cool to see that this world tried to be as the normal one. But this world must be a bit like the old times at the times of Knights and castles. 

# 105891

    LD: 8 Failed

Materials 3

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Hydra looked down at her armor for a second and was thinking what she should take, The light armor with Red and brown leather while the chest was protected by a metal brass plate. She smiled as she looked at her Brass plate as it had a blue flower on it, Going into her Inventory she got out her Red hooded poncho. Still kneeling on the ground Hyrdra looked once more at the flowers only to pick one up again, A purple bol on it. Once it was in her Inventory it disappeared into quest items and the quest she was going updated fast, "So... one more, well this is going to be good," she said low standing up again and putting on her poncho's hood as she walked on trying to find items she needed or wanted. Her Red leather armor and her Red hooded poncho she was now wearing blew in the wind as she kept walking trying to find something she needed.

# 105898

    LD: 11 Succeeded

Materials 4

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As the wind began to blow around a bit more so did the flowers, Even if it was blowing quite hard now and the flowers did not seem to move at all. Hydra walked over to the flowers that were standing in a perfect circle She smiled a bit before moving again. As she kept walking she ended up a path she looked left and right and noticed that someone has been here walking the opposite way, "Who could it be..." she thought before she saw that the town of beginners was to her right, "Ooh stupid me I walked in a circle, Well Seems like I have to keep moving them as the Materials around here already have been taken by myself," she said before following the path away from the city. Hydra looked behind her only to see the city get farther and farther away from her, It was not long until the city was out of few, "Well Let's hope I can find my way back," she said to herself.

# 105900

    LD: 4 Failed

Materials 4

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She kept walking and walking on the path, It took her not long to find out that she has been walking for quite some time now and she turned around only to see that the path she took had already split into more directions, At first she chocked her shoulders saying, "No worry I can find my way back, I  have a map." After some other minutes, she decided to go to the side of the road to look for any crafting Materials she needed for the quest. She went off into a beaten tail in the forest next to her, she looked up and down left and right, And inside and outside. But of no help, it looked like there has been a party passing by that seemed to have claimed quite a lot of materials here. "Maybe It was time for me to get a Party as well, Maybe find a guild even so I don't have to fight and just support." she said to herself before walking back onto the beaten path back to the normal path she was following.

# 105901

    LD: 3

Materials 4

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Going on the path she noticed that she came across something she did not see or remembered being there while walking back. as she walked on she got a weird feeling something was going wrong, "Wait... Is this the right path to get back," she said low and turned back. While she did this her eyes spotted something next to a tree, as she kneeled down to see what it was she sees that it was a crafting Item. "Well done Toshiko, Well Done," she said as she picked up the item and put it in her inventory, after she did this the quest updated and she saw that she had to go back to the city and talk to the old NPC again, "Easier said than done, well let's go then," she said to herself as she moved on totally forgetting that she got lost. While moving a bit she seemed to see that she was tracking her own footsteps twice and then she realized that she has been here two times already.

# 105902

    LD: 16 Succeeded

Materials 5 Succeeded

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Hydra looked around to see where she came from but only to see that she was in the complete dark here, "well, Time to do some walking then?" she said to herself as she walked on the path again in the hopes to find the exit of the forest. She started to hum a song she did for her cousins from time to time, it was calming and slow more like a song you would do when to get someone to sleep, No matter what she kept walking. Then she got up with an Idea, "Maybe I can get some extra Materials on the side," she said as she started looking around for some extra materials. she looked and looked around but it seemed that she kind of already had found everything here she could, as she then kept walking on the path. It looked almost all the same here but Hydra was for sure that she was walking the right way to get out of this forest.

# 105932

    LD: 2 Failed

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It took not long as then she saw the light from the sun coming out from the trees and the path before her, She walked slowly to the light and sees that she came on the other side of the forest so she still needed to walk quite a bit. "Aah, well... I look like I got on the wrong path, just need to keep moving that way and I think I get there," she said to herself as she walked on the path again that she needed to be on to get to the town of beginners. Hydra looked around for any extras for her collection to add, It took her not long to spot an Item that could be used as a Crafting material. She picked it up and added it to her Inventory "getting a bit of extra on the side would never hurt," She said with a smile as she moved up again form the kneeling position. 

# 105933

    LD: 16 Succeeded | +1 T1 Crafting Material.

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Still, Hydra was looking at the ground to see if she could get any crafting Materials on the side, but she did not have as much luck as last time and seemed to be missing out on a lot at that point. But she wanted to make sure she got everything right from the start this time and was looking around for some more Crafting Materials, but just like the first time she did not have much luck in finding them, "Well... Maybe a little longer I will try just a few more times and then we will see," she said low before continuing her walk. It took Hydra not long until she spotted the old path she took first and as the looked on the map she sees that this area was already discovered by her. She opened the map once more to look how far the city was, and to a surprise to her, it was quite a walk to get there, but the sun looked like it was midday so Hydra did not see the fun of rushing back.

# 105934

    LD: 9 Failed

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She looked left and right and spotted to get into the flower fields again, it was here close to where she met one of the students she knew. She knew quite a few others but she had not met them yet or was still trying to see if she could meet them in any way. She then started to kneel down at some flowers and when with her hand through them maybe she could see with one was the best to pick. But sadly everytime she took one it seemed to be not a crafting materials, "Maybe there was a trick to get better Items, or maybe I just need to have luck," she said low standing up again and making her way to the city to finally maybe end the quest and see where she could be at once she done this quest. She walked for a few minutes and then she saw it, the gate of the settlement.

# 105935

    LD: 6 Failed

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She made It into the safe Zone as she wanted, This area just gave something of that left safe feeling of no matter who you were. The town of beginners was the place to be for some people and somehow it would always be full of people no matter what level. Hydra knew she been here quite a lot even helped the smaller kids out from time to time, meeting new faces could be fun but the stories that were told would not. No matter what was going on Hydra tried not to think about it too much and just moved on with her normal day, at least what you could call normal day here. Making her way to the workshop again it seemed that is still was early in the midday and people were moving around much more as when she left the town. she then came to the door of the workshop ready to end this quest and see what she gets out of it, to see if Leveling was okay without fighting at all.

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Opening the door again she was greeted by the man who ran the workshop, With a smile, he greeted her, "Aah you are back Miss Hydravion. I hope you found the Materials I asked for if you like just put them on the table here and I will see if they are all the things I wanted," he said making his way to the back where there was a table ready to make potions. Hydra followed him and laid the items she got on the table, a few things seemed to have changed from random objects to real quest items. "Here you go five Items you wanted, I hope I did not take to long," she said to the old NPC. Zachariah nodded and took out some glasses, "Let's see, We got one of that... Yes Yes, we got one of this one, also good. It seems like we also got that and that one, and last but not least this one," he said pointing at them while trying to explain something.

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The old NPC Smiled to her and picked up one bottle, "Okay If you can would you like to make a potion from this  and this, If you fail don't worry I have plenty of time ," He said before handing the bottle over to Hydra, "Okay so just need to make a potion, that is not hard I think," Hydra said as she got ready to make the potion. Hydra just tapped the bottle and after that the materials, shortly then the materials seemed to do the rest itself, and Hydra did not need to worry about it. Once it was done Hydra got a pop up from the item saying, Healing Potion Perfect. Zackariah looked at Her and smiled, "You seemed to be good at this, Maybe you should try it more often," he said with a smile before walking behind some curtains and coming back with a box, "Miss Hydravion can you do something for me, Can you bring this box of potions to the blacksmith not far from here, He is already waiting for it so  here you go," he said handing over the box to her without any other words.

# 105949

    LD: 12 Succeeded | Perfect

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