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[PP - F01] Here Fishie, fishie, fishie...

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It was a nice day. Most days here on the first floor were. It was programmed to be agreeable. Warm sunny days, not too hot, mild cool nights but not too cold, with the favorable weather most of the time. That was why so many people had settled here in the beginning. It was just easy. That's why Dallas was exploring now. There were few mobs of any major value here, which meant most players were hunting elsewhere. The mobs that did exist were weak, and she could either flee or fight if she needed. Just like the weather, this was all just easy.

The sound of water had drawn her to a spot not far from the town. She had followed a brook to wear it emptied off into a larger body of water. Through her blindfold, she could see the toned down view of the world. The lake itself looked as though it stretched on for miles, and not a ripple broke the surface, aside from the odd fish here and there. She smiled as she sat at the edge of the water, pulling her knees up into her chest while she enjoyed the feel of the sun on her face. This was one of those nice moments that people talked about, the kind of thing that made the game worth living. That was something though wasn't it? The game worth living? For so long people treated this place as if it were just a game, a virtual prison that they could not escape. Much like World of Warcraft. But lately, this world was starting to feel real. Sure the mind knew it was all a construct of digital data, but if you closed your eyes, and let go of your thoughts, it was as real as anything else. 

Dallas sighed quietly as she picked up a pebble from behind her and tossed it into the water, causing it to skip several times before sinking. "This is nice"

@Pinball @Rithe

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Surprisingly enough, Rithe wasn't in her room when morning came. She was on one of the many fields of the first floor, practicing, training, trying to get the hang of unarmed combat. She was not yet aware of how to attain the quest required to gain the Martial Arts skill, so she was just standing on rocks and tree logs balancing in hilariously ineffectual martial art stances. Here we go... Trying for two minutes this time. After her exhaustive fight against dozens of boar pups, Rithe had become aware of her interest in hand-to-hand combat. It wasn't like this "training" was actually affecting her in any positive way, but she was determined. Determined to keep her balance, at the very least. W-whoa.. She wavers briefly before righting herself, and breathing out carefully. She had picked a strategic position, a large(ish) tree branch hanging over a river, so that if she fell, the water would break her fall (which she had made use of few times already). 

She tires to pull off a 'crane' stance, bringing her hands and one leg up into the air, wobbling on one foot. Okay... There isn't really a timer function, so I'll just have to count. She breathes in and focuses intently. One, two, three, four, five, six... She rocks back and forth, trying to stay upright as the time passes. Rithe doesn't notice a player enter the area and continues to count. Eighty-nine, ninety, ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety... wait who's that? Finally noticing the newcomer, Rithe turns her head to look, barely offsetting her center of balance. Her eyes go wide, as Rithe falls awkwardly from the branch, plummeting into the water below. 

Luckily, it seemed that this new player was far enough away to avoid being splashed. She pulls herself up to the surface, and swims slowly to the side. She wasn't a very strong swimmer and was very embarrassed to demonstrate her lack of expertise. She climbs out of the lake and looks nervously over to the sitting player. "Sorry.." She mumbles sheepishly. 

(Rithe's stability at the start of the thread: 99%)

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He had only just pulled out his fishing pole, taking a seat in a rather fluffy patch of grass he had been delighted to discover. It was a relatively large lake he sat facing - but Pinball attributed that to the fact that the First Floor was perhaps the largest floor in Aincrad, being at the base of the floating castle. He took a deep breath of the cool, morning air, rolled his head around his shoulders, and cast his line. The hook hit the water with a soft plop, and then sank beneath the surface. 
He wore his fluffy white snow jacket, with the leather padding he called armor worn under it. A jar filled with some sort of shadowy substance hung, tied to his belt, and there was a two-handed spear slung across his back, suspended by a strip of leather. 
He hadn't fished in a really long time - at least, not for materials. During his exile, he had fished for food, and he had actually grown sick of eating seafood for a long time because of it. Still though, it was nice to - 
His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pull on his line. Pinball stumbled to his feet, pulled forward by the sheer force of the tugging. "Holy-
And in a rather loud burst and spray of water, Pinball felt something sharp slash across his chest. It must have kicked him, because then he was sent flying backwards, landing against his spear. He hit a tree with a loud thwack, and then slid down to the ground. Pinball winced, touching his chest. There was a long, bright red diagonal slash across his torso. Red pixels floated from the wound, but Pinball pushed himself to his feet. 
This thing doesn't belong on this floor, he thought grimly, gritting his teeth. It's here because I'm here. I can't let it get away. Pinball pulled his spear from its "sheathe", and the temperature around the demonic weapon plummeted as the icy spearhead was exposed to the already cool air. 
Pulling itself from the water, dragging a longsword loosely in one hand, was a very dangerous looking shark-person. 

Player Stats: 


Level: 42
Health: 840 | Energy: 84
DMG: 15 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3
Combat skills:
►<<Charge>> [50/50]: Rank 4 - Master
Weapon skills:
►<<2H Assault Spear>> [50/50]: Rank 5 - Grandmaster
Armor skills:
Extra skills:
►<<Familiar Mastery: Fighter>> [18/18]: Rank 3 - Grandmaster
►<<Martial Arts>> [0/50]: N/A
Utility Skills:
►[Active] <<2H Assault Spear: Ferocity>>: +1 Base DMG
►[Active] <<Bullrush>>
►[Active] <<2H Assault Spear: Finesse>> ~ Rank 3 
»[Equipped] [Demonic] Naughty or Nice Blade: +2 Freeze, Phase, Cursed
»[Equipped] [Perfect] Leather Armor of the Amatuer Duelist: +3 EVA
»[Equipped] [Perfect] Warrior’s Focus: +3 ACC

Fishing: ID# 105953  CD: 2 (Loot Mob) 
Shark Soldier: ID# 105953  MD: 9 (Crit!) ~ 127 DMG Taken! 

- Enemies - 

Shark Soldier: 420/420 HP | 126 DMG 

- Players - 

Pinball: 713/840 HP | 15 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ 

((OOC: Stay. away. from. the. shark.)) 

Edited by Pinball
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It was always amazing how fast things could change. The seasons could change in a matter of weeks, the weather could change in minutes, and her time alone could change in seconds. It was one of those moments that you needed to be there to really understand. As if out of nowhere someone fell into the water not far off, and off to the other side, someone was fishing. How had she not noticed these people? She sighed in an almost frustrated way as she stood up. The girl who had fallen in the water was swimming towards her, following the soft apology she had offered. 

Dallas had meant to reach down and help the girl out, and maybe even tease her a little for falling in the water, but her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden sound of conflict. it seemed the fisherman had bit off more than he could chew as a shark looking fish man monster thing emerged from the water. Dallas's instincts took over as she dropped to the water's edge to help the girl out as quickly as she could. If there was one of those monsters, there would be more, and she didn't want to see this girl get hurt. 

Once the girl was safely out of the water, Dallas drew her saber and stood to face the monster who was now Heavily Agroed on the fisherman. She was ready to help if she needed to but wasn't about to interfere if he could handle it.

@Pinball @Rithe

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She accepts the other woman's hand, using it to help her out of the lake. How embarrassing... Brushing herself off, Rithe looks over at the point of contention, nervous. "Thanks.." She says absentmindedly, more focused on the intense fight, than on the nearby player. What's going on? She looks back at the woman standing next to her, then back to the fight. "Should we do something..?" Worried, Rithe shifts in place, the water from the pond dripping off of her leather jacket. I can't just sit here. But try as she might, she can't force her feet forward. Now's not the time to freeze up! What if he dies while I watch?! In what is perhaps her biggest mistake yet, Rithe breaks from her fearful instincts and charges forward. She can tell just by the sensation of the rippling air around the combatants that they were well out of her ability to fight, but maybe she could do something else... Not enough time to put the wraps on, but I might have enough time to heal him. Rithe runs up to the tree that the man had collapsed onto, and quickly places her glowing hands over his wound. "Not sure how much this helps." She says, eying the incoming enemy fearfully. Why is it so cold around this man? His spear! It's absorbing the heat from the air. She staggers back after her healing was completed, not entirely satisfied with the result, but terrified of the shark-solider approaching. She takes step after step back, retreating far behind the fisherman with his frozen spear. 

Rithe heals Pinball for 67 damage!

Rithe: 240/240 HP 21/24 EN

Battle-ready inventory


Equipped Items: 

Father's Gift(Light Armor): Uncommon(1 slot), mitigation for 1 slot.

"A long, slender, dark leather tunic that reaches to just below the knees and stretches to the wrists. Despite noticeable padding in vulnerable areas, the design is quite sleek."

(VANITY)Hoya of Minos(Pendant): 

"A lovely gold-chained pendant with a beautiful ruby stone"

(A sought out gift for weddings, dates and birthdays. The Hoya of Minos is a pendant that changes form every time someone does the quest so it has a variety of appearances, though it always remains a pendant.)

Battle-ready Inventory:

Runic Animosity(hand-wraps): perfect(3 slots), damage for 2 slots and bleed for 1 slot.

"Strips of obsidian colored cloth, etched with crimson runes and symbols of unknown origin. Designed to be wrapped tightly around the hands(and by extension knuckles) of the user to aid in unarmed combat. Have been known to 'cut' opponents, even though they are a blunt instrument."

Vital Statistics



Health: 240

Energy: 24

Skill Points: 15 unused / 28 total

Damage: 3 + bleed

(Base damage of 1 + 2 (from weapon) )

Mitigation: 9

(From Armor 9)

Accuracy: 0

Evasion: 0


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Pinball's head shot over to the two approaching players, then shot straight back to the creature approaching him, dragging its sword along behind it, digging up a trail of dirt. "N-no! Hey, hey!" But the girl was already up to him, and she placed two hands on his chest. Immediately he felt a warm sensation spread across his chest as his wounds stitched themselves together, ever so slightly. Pinball shook his head, putting an arm out in front of the stranger as she backed away. "Thank you," he finally grumbled, then snapped again, "but stay behind me!" Softer, then, he added, "Please.

Pinball unstrapped his spear from his back, the bluish, almost transluscent spearhead almost glowing as it hit the morning light. "Zomekko," he whistled, holding his weapon out in front of him. And from the jar, a fog of shadow spilled from the edges, landing on the ground until eventually the blob took on the form of a shadowy, black cat with pure white eyes. He shook his weapon, getting her attention. Without a sound, Zomekko floated up to his weapon, a trail of evanescent shadow trailing behind her. Pinball leveled his spear to charge, sparks of red energy coalescing around his boots. His spear was now surrounded in an aura of shadow that looked like it was almost trying to crawl up his arms, becoming a part of him and his weapon. "Stay there," he repeated to the girl behind him, and he charged. 

Pinball was a blur as he ran. The Shark Soldier immediately retaliated with a slash of his sword, the blade humming as it passed harmlessly over Pinball, who had rolled out of reflex. He was close, now. He popped back up, unleashing a furious barrage of spear thrusts and stabs that finished with the same diagonal slash the Shark had given him earlier. The blows seemed to tear easily through anything the Soldier wore that held any semblance to armor. The Shark Soldier stumbled backward into the shallows of the lake, dropped to its feet, and started shaking violently. The air around him only got colder still as ice now crept up the Shark Soldier's sword, legs, arms, and chest. Pinball took a step back, releasing a quick, pent-up breath. He turned back to @Rithe with a quick glance at @Midnight_Lace, placing the butt of his spear in the dirt. "Are you alright?"

Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-14 EN] [Phase Activates] [Freeze Activates] / Charge! +5 DMG and Bullrush 
Shark Soldier: ID# 105962  BD: 9 (Crit!) MD: 8-3= 5 (Miss!) ~ 15+5+1= 21*15 = 315 DMG + Stun + Freeze! 

- Enemies - 

[STUN] [FRZ] Shark Soldier: 115/430 HP | 129 DMG 

- Players - 

[H:2] Pinball: 798/860 HP | 72/86 EN | 15 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ ((+67 HP!)) 
[H:0] Rithe: 240/240 HP | 21/24 EN

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