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[F04-PP] Storm bring warmth, or not

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Still trying her best to be quiet she moves up to the tree that Cosi was behind, but then as he jumped out she was caught off guard and got hit by two snowballs One on her torso and the other on her arm dropping her own snowball on the ground. A small Eek Sound came from her before grabbing another hand full of snow and throwing it at Cosi hitting him in the leg. as he then was behind another tree, giving her a few words, "Hiding isn't always the best tactic, " she said before finding out that she was still quite in the open and she ran to the nearest tree giving a return fire while doing it. once behind a tree Mace started laughing, for the first time Mace was having fun in this game and as she stopped she let out a small sneeze. She started thinking of a good way to get Cosi with some snowballs and then she got it, Grabbing some more snow for a snowball Mace took a full on sprint to Cosi's location and Jumped behind his tree firing two snowballs into him before landing in the snow. She started laughing again while she was laying in the snow starting to make a snow angel.


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Cosi held his arms in front of his face to avoid getting pelted by snow balls from Mace's fast assault. He then quickly picked up another snow ball and was about to return fire before he saw that the dark haired girl had collapsed on the snow. She was in fact in the process of making a snow angel. "Had enough Mace?" Cosi said as he smiled. The blonde smashed the snow ball he was holding between his hands, walked over to Mace, and then let the powder fall on her face. He grinned as he skipped backwards just in case she retaliated and then looked up at the snow covered pine trees and the cloudy blue sky. It was beautiful. So beautiful it was almost hard to remember that this whole place, all of Aincrad, was just a bunch of code. And that it was made to kill them all. Maybe not purposefully but still it was a game of death. Players died every day whether to mobs, mistakes, or their own decision and all because some sicko had thought that it would be fun to make it so if you died in a game you would die in real life. And the front liners were only helping him through their slow pace. Cosi looked down to see that he had been clenching his fists so hard his knuckles had gone white. 


Searching for treasure:

ID# 107946- LD: 3+5= 8- result: nothing


Edited by Cosi
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Mace nods at Cosi with a smile it was quite rare for her to have this must fun with anyone apart from her brother, but then Cosi lets snow powder fall on her face, the First thing she did after that was grab snow from the ground and just throwing it to were Cosi was. Even if it did not hit her at all she still seemed to try her best. It seemed Cosi was done as well and it seemed he was wondering off a bit. She stood up quite fast and walked over to him, "Cosi... Um... Thanks," She said before giving the Blond a hug. This time it was a true story, almost a fairy tale as Mace's Frozen heart has melted at this point and was embracing Cosi with a Warm Hug. The Hug took a minute or so, and after that Mace lets got, "Thanks Cosi,  I'm so happy I have met you here, On the greatest Floor ever." She paused taking a few steps back from the hug, "You are the Greatest Cosi!" She said without noticing that she said it. Mace seemed to be happy about things and her cheeks were red from the cold altho she did not really bother. Somehow her smile on her face seemed to be one of the best smiles she ever gave to someone.


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Cosi is broken out of his reverie as he his hit by something. The tall blonde player starts before looking down and realizing that Mace has given him a hug. Cosi returns the hug- its a little awkward given that he only met her maybe half an hour ago- and smiles. "You're welcome. Though I can't say I know what for. All I did was stay quiet and then get into a snowball fight." Cosi chuckles slightly. The embrace lasts a little while longer before Mace releases him and steps back, exclaiming that Cosi is the greatest. The platinum blonde gives another chuckle. "You're pretty great yourself Mace. I'm glad I got to meet you here as well." Cosi smiled but it faltered and he began to look off into the cloudy sky. Does it really even matter that I met her? Once this game is beaten and we're all free I won't see her again. Everything I do in this game except survive doesn't matter at all in the end. The thoughts came unbidden to his mind but they struck a chord. This game would end. This nightmare would come to a close and then whatever happened here would mean nothing. That's pretty depressing but truly nothing in he matters except what we do to get out.


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Mace looked a bit confused but that was taken away quite simple, "Well you stayed nice even I was hostile, That is something. Not only that you played with me in the snow that was so much fun," Mace said to him before standing next to him looking at the clouds, "What are you thinking about Ni-san?" She asked him wanting to know. As she started wondering herself, about how she could around in this world, Sure it felt better to be here than in the real world, the only thing she missed was her brother, But he was the only one that cared for her. I think if mom still was here Dad would have cared as well and would not abandon me like he is doing now, I really don't care about him He can die for crying out loud, She thought to look at the sky as well before looking back to Cosi and started to poke him a bit in his side, "What you thinking off Sleepyhead?" she said again just making sure he heard her the first time as she kept poking him until she got an answer.


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Again Cosi's thoughts were interrupted by Mace repeatedly poking him in the side. And thank goodness for her. Cosi's thoughts had been getting subsequently darker. The blonde player shook his head and looked down at Mace. "Hey, stop poking me." Cosi grinned as he pushed her hand away, "And I wasn't thinking of anything really. Mostly just that I should be doing more to increase my Merchant rank." That wasn't true but its wasn't an outright lie. Cosi hadn't been thinking of that but he still did need to to that. He should probably set up his prices and open up his shop. That would could possibly help. Although Shield was around so not many people would come to him since he didn't have hardly any chance to get unique enhancements. Cosi shrugged his shoulders and began slowly walking back to Snowfrost. "So Mace. What kind of build are you going for?" Cosi called back to his dark haired companion. 


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She giggled a bit as Cosi pushed her hand away, but then something he said got a spark to her, "Wait so you are the other Shop owner on this floor, Why are you always closed then, and Not open like the... um ... Frozen Gemstone," she said as she poked Cosi one more time before stopping completely poking him. As he then asked her about what kind of build she was making, she thought a bit sure maybe she was a bit of a tank already having the max enchantment off Mitigation but she was not trying to be a tank, the shield was more of a way to protect herself. "Well, I have my shield and well very fitting War-hammer," she said opening her inventory and showing a blue scutum with gold markings off a mace with two wings, and her war-hammer looked like a flanged mace with a small spike on the top. the big shield drops in the snow while she still holds the war-hammer, "I'm going in the way of trying to use the war-hammer skill to stun my opponent. I just have the shield as a bit of own protection it maybe is one the better once having an MIT of 3,"  she said putting the war-hammer away into her inventory again keeping the shield ut for Cosi to look at.


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Cosi poked Mace back and grinned sheepishly, "Yep that would be my shop. The Wayward Market. Its a nice little place that I use as my workshop and house till I can afford an actual house." Then when Mace brought out her shield and hammer, Cosi nodded. "Those both look like great tools for a tank and a good plan as well. I agree that having mitigation and protection is reassuring. I've got a shield of my own" Cosi equipped Rose Gold and slung it off his back. The silver kite shield was trimmed in reinforced iron and was emblazoned with a large gold rose device complete with large thorn spikes. Cosi grinned and slung it back over his shoulder. "I identified it myself. Its served me well throughout my time here and I think it will for a long while." Cosi smiled again, "I really should open my merchant shop shouldn't I?" 


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Mace looked at the shield Cosi got out and she looks at it, Sure it was quite nice looking a bit smaller than hers and sure was a different form. "Nice shield, It really looks cool," she said inspecting the shield he had. as he then says he identified the item himself and how he had it for a while and ending up saying he maybe had to open his store again, Mace nodded at Cosi and smiled, "Maybe you should, I hear this Girl of the Frozen Gemstone is getting quite a bit of money on the side," She said. She then looked at the sun as it was almost midday now and the snow stopped falling, "Ni-san, I'm Happy that I met you..." She paused opening her menu as a few seconds later a friend request was sent to him, "I would Love yo spent more time with you and all, So, please... PLEASE accept it," she said to him wanting to become friends with him, As Cosi looked close as she had her menu open you could read Friend list but there were no people listed at all. Meaning Mace never made friends with anyone in this game after two years already have passed and if Cosi was to accept it He would be her first friend in the list.


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As Mace sent the friend request and implored the blonde player to accept it, Cosi grinned and opened his own menu. "I'm glad I met you as well Mace. I would love to spend more time with you." Cosi clicked accept on the request and with a ding Mace's name joined the list of his other friends. Cosi's own list was quite small. There was Ryoko and Kimihito, two low level players he hadn't seen in a while, Mars, Katagawa, and then Shield. Some of those names Cosi didn't know if they were really friends, just very good acquaintances. Cosi grinned at Mace, "There, we are officially friends now according to the game." The platinum blonde player chuckled lightly and then started heading back to the main settlement on floor four, Snowfrost. "I think I'm going to go open my shop. You're free to come along but if you don't I'll make sure to call you when its open and when we can go questing." Cosi paused as he waited for the girl's response.


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As Cosi accepted her request a small cheer came out but was gone fast as she started to look around, after that an even small cheer came out. For sure you could she Mace was getting happy now. She followed Cosi to the main settlement and was quite happy, "How far Is your shop into the Settlement, Otherwise I do wish to join you, maybe even help clean up the place if you want," Mace said slowly turning to the normal Mace she was before but still quite friendly to Cosi. "But I think you should open it, there are not a lot of people who do your kind of work," She said following Cosi just one foot behind. She was happy but still Mace was the same person she always was opening her door to one person and one person alone, that person seemed to be Cosi at this time, Maybe Cosi could convince her more times to come if he asked her, and if she did not want maybe he did need to act like the big brother and carry her with him even if she did not want.


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"Oh its not in the main settlement. My shop, the Wayward Market, is just outside the city of Snowfrost on the eastern road into it but still inside the safe zone." Cosi grinned and moved through the pine and spruce forests. He pushed past tree limbs and branches, and shuffled through the pristine white snow pack. They weren't too far from Cosi's shop but it would be a good walk to get there. "Yeah, that is true but the one person who is a merchant is Shield and he kinda has a monopoly on the whole thing. So I would have to work pretty hard to catch up to him but yeah it would do me some good." The blonde haired player grinned at Mace and kept moving through the forest while a light snow fall picked up and began depositing snowflakes on the two of them. They moved on in silence for a time when Cosi stopped and pointed. Just visible between the trees was a small structure. It looked like a log cabin had run into a stone tower, smoke trailed up from the chimney, the interior was lit, and while it was fairly small it was home. 


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Mace listens to Cosi what he had to say, and was surprised that it was not in the main settlement at all, "Oh, so just around here then, Fun," she said following Cosi as they walked past trees branches and snow. Sure it was going to take a bit and that was alright because she did like walking around here, she looked around a bit and seemed to remember the place and it seemed that this was quite close to a spot she has been before. As then snow fell down again and they seemed to see a house there, quite cozy for sure, "Ooh Cool, always wanted to go inside a house like that," She said as the looked at the house, she then looked to her map and it seemed that she walked passed here once before, "Ooh I have been here before, See that clear spot at the cliff, right there I have been sitting as well, quite a nice few if you ask me, Sadly I got bothered by a Freezing player," she said pointing at her map and showing Cosi what she meant. She then walked around the house for a bit before ending back at the door waiting for Cosi to open the door.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Cosi nods his heads as he approaches the cabin, "Yeah its a nice place. Hopefully I'll be able to upgrade but I hear that actual houses are terribly expensive and I have hardly any money." Cosi turned to Mace and smiled, "Hopefully once I open my shop I'll get more money." As the dark haired girl walked around his cabin, inspecting it, Cosi moved towards his front door and opened it, taking a heavy black padlock in this hands and opening it with a black key from his inventory. The lock opened with a heavy klink and then dissolved into to blue particles, The chain and lock appeared in The blonde's inventory. Cosi opened the spruce wood door, and motioned inside, letting Mace go first, "Welcome to my humble abode. Its nothing much to look at but it is home while I'm in this death." Cosi thought of his home in the real world. His family home was vastly different from this. Bigger for one. Also it had multiple levels but It was made of spruce and stone. 


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Walking in Mace looked left and right and started admiring the place a bit. it was quite a nice place for someone like Cosi to be in most of his time in Aincrad, and even mace would have loved to live in something like this in real life. Altho in real life, Mace just lived in a girls dormitory so having a small room and an open kitchen was all she kind of had but still this was something else. "It looks... Nice, From all the things here and all the places I have seen it feels quite homey even for a store. Taking care off all the things here and the other things around here it seems like you take good care of this place," Mace said placing her big shield against the wall next to the door and her war-hammer she had disappeared in her inventory and she looked around a bit, "do you have books I can read?" She asked Cosi before going on, "Sorry, I should not ask for something like that, Just ignore the question," Mace said looking around the house a bit more.


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Once Mace was inside, Cosi moved straight towards the hearth and worked on lighting a fire in the fireplace. Once he had gotten a warm fire going, Cosi stood up and turned to Mace, spreading his arms wide, "Yep this is my home away from home." The flooring was spruce wood planks like the outside of the house. There were two fairly comfy armchairs in front of the fire place, a couple bookshelves  behind those, with some side tables... well to the side of the chairs. There weren't too many decorations other than that; Cosi hadn't done much personalizing since he got the store. When Mace asked about books Cosi looked to the shelves, "You're free to check out any of those over there though I can't say I've looked at any of them. So I have no idea if they're any good." Cosi gave a sheepish grin. "You are free to check out the rest of the house or read. I'm going to head into the back and start cleaning up so that I can open this place to the public." Cosi headed back into his back room which served as his workshop. A goodness it was messy. Very messy. 


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She looked around a bit as she was told before she moved up to the shelves and looked at the names, they seemed interesting but not as what Mace was looking for. She did not want to read NPC made books but player made books like that small guild book or some of the others. as she then moved around, even more, she slowly followed Cosi into the back. In the door opening she stood still and looked at the mess in there, "Well you have some dust to clear here," she said moving in and looking at some of the things there, It seemed some boxes were around and she picked one up as the dust that was on top of it just disappeared and she moved to box to the side, "Really dusty in here isn't it," she said as she opened the box looking inside it. In there were just some normal things around and it seemed like those items were needed for this thing to do as a shop owner. "I don't know what all this stuff is but it looks important," she said looking a bit more and moving some things left and right.


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As Mace said it was very dusty in his workshop mostly because he hadn't been in here for a very long time. Items that he had randomly identified and found lay strewn about the floor and in boxes. His tools for identifying items lay in a disorganized heap on his multiple work benches. Cosi sighed, rolled up his selves, and then began to move times onto the wall racks he had for specifically that purpose. "Looks like We have our work cut out for us." Cosi kept moving items. He dusted off swords, shields, and armor before hanging them on the wall hooks or putting them on armor stands. The work space already looked more organized. 

Mace was moving some boxes so Cosi looked over her shoulder to see what she was moving. It looked like more tools and random stuff. "You can just put those boxes up on that shelf or beneath that work table over there." Cosi pointed to which one before returning to his own self given task. 


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As Cosi said to her she needed to move the box on a shelf or beneath a work table, she nodded and moved the box she had to the shelf, they seemed to have a bit trouble at first but then with by standing on her toes she got the box onto the shelf. She turned to Cosi and looked what she could do more to help him. "So... why did you never get to using the shop you own, I'm sure people would come here if they heard about it," she said picking up another box and putting it next to the other box on the shelf, "Like I would come here if I needed to sell things or get items identified," she said as she was standing on her toes again and placed the box down next to the other one. For sure this was not the best way to learn each other a bit more but it was okay for Mace as she did not want to get into a big conversation at all as she was not really keen on talking at all and just taking things slow was her get go option. 


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Cosi had finished dusting off and hanging the identified items on their racks and armor stands and had moved on to organizing his work tables and the instruments and tools strewn all over them. Mace continued moving the boxes and putting them up on a shelf though Cosi would have to look through  them all later. Thankfully there were not too many of the boxes. Cosi paused his work for a moment and turned to Mace, "Thanks for the help Mace but I think I can take it from here. I can promise you that the next time you come here that this shop will be up and running. But to do that I have some planning, price setting. and other stuff to do so I'll see you later mace." And on a slight whim Cosi would go over and give the shorter, dark haired girl a hug, "Make sure to stop by soon Izami." 


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