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[PP-F02] Bigger Risks, Bigger Rewards [Black, Hazado] <<Long Live The Queen>>

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Black huffed lightly. He didn't know what it was that drove his wild dance with the devil facing this monster at his level, but the adrenaline rush was surging through his veins coating his nerves with endorphins as he tapped the scimitar on his shoulder, trekking through the plateau once again. His garb was of a desert warrior's flavor as he rolled back his maroon sleeves. His eyes searched the terrain diligently until he found the familiar soil. Hot air flowed from his nostrils as he pondered his options. “Rumor says that if this boss crits..they can ignore a tanks defenses and one shot them at my level...but the exp you get here will make you stronger faster and you’ll be able to gain better skills to survive and make a living…” He muttered with his eyes downcast. “I can’t stay in the city forever just starving...got to make a living somehow..” His voice rang out as he kneeled down to find some berries that usually grew in the area.

“Heh, just my luck. “ He chuckled as he plucked a cluster of berries from the ground and placed them in his inventory. “Hopefully we can get a nice party going soon...then it’s back to whipping in the kitchen for me.” He grunted as he waited next to a tree just outside of the radius of the bosses spawn.
ID: 106515 LR- 20 (Gathering +1 T1 Mat Success!)

Used 1x "Yui's Grace"


Skills Rank 1 Curved Sword 

Gear: Vanity Curved Sword
Armor: Rare Desert Armor (2 slots of MIT)
HP: 20
MIT: 18
DMG: 1
ACC: 0
EVA: 0


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Hazado walked around on floor two, He seemed to come here a lot quite a lot. No matter how hard he tried he was somehow always getting to this floor no matter what, maybe it was time to get a house here but Hazado was not thinking about it at the moment. He walked Outside to the wilderness of the floor, The mountains were quite amazing to see every time he got out here. For a moment he was alone and he seemed to walk around with his armor, Green, and red cape with the logo of a Red Garnet in his shoulder.

It does not take long for Hazado to spot a player, Hazado moves closer to see the players tag and as it seems it was green Hazado walked up to the guy, "Hello there, I don't Know but your face says you are not from Japan, And also says You just started getting out here," he says beneath his helmet. Hazado was standing at 6'4" Feet with a spear on his back, Mph This is either a death wish or a bold move, He thinks. He looks the guy up and down, For sure this guy just started off the game and just started leveling.



LV 15 | HP 300 | EN 30 | DMG 5 | MIT 21 | ACC 1 | TAU 1 | Thorn -18


Heavy Armor Rank II

2H Assault Spear Rank II


** Equipped |*Battle Ready Vanity, Uncommon, Rare, Perfect, Demonic quality

Pantzer Tank Heavy Armor (Mitigation 1, Thorn 2) **

Rhino's Horn 2H Assault Spear (Taunt 1, Accuracy 1). **

3 Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP) *

1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) *

5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) *



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The emerald and ruby garb of the warrior was a refreshing sight as his armor glowed brilliantly enough to be considered certainly a notch above his own. The sable skinned warrior looked up to the man in interest as their contrast in height was an astounding six inches. The immense height was a bit unsettling to the young rottweiler-like soldier with his scimitar, tapping it against his armor. He examined the other player noting his tag was also green, which was somewhat comforting as he understood the risk of trying to make a living had darker threats than mobs.

He listened to the man as he rolled his tongue around the lollipop that hung from his mouth, seeming reticent for a moment as he watched the man size him up. “Yeah, sounds about right. You can call me Black, man. Shouldn't be too hard to forget, eh?" The ebony skinned player laughed, his body riddled with mirth. "I did get started. I tried to make the call to sit tight in the starter city on floor one and just sit this whole thing out. I figured that the American military or those from the United Nations would have some intel units looking into all this nonsense and I felt that given enough months..we’d have some team of high level techs finding someway to dismantle this game and rescue the rest of us…” He exhaled lightly as he scrutinized the man’s spear.

“Thought I made the smart move...but the more time that passes and the harder it gets for those on the frontlines...being a Marine back in the States..being the tip of the spear...I know that’s not easy.” He started opening his menu and sending out a party invite to Hazado. “So, I’ve got a decent amount of mitigation...but this mob can potentially one shot me. Wisest choice I’ve got is teaming up with a higher level player and making sure I don’t pick up aggro. If you’re up for it, I’d like to take it nice and slow and kill that wasp. Do that for me and I’ll see about hooking you up soon with some nice food of your choice. Everybody loves food, right?” 

He queried while he had been rummaging through a bush and kept picking through it until he pulled out a deliciously appetizing group of berries. "Maybe if I'm lucky I can start up a shop. Some of my best days in this game is spent whipping up food in the kitchen." He smirks confidently to the man. 


ID: 106521 - LR 18 (+1 T1 Mat gathered - Success!)
Note: (2) T1 Mats gathered

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Hazado opens his Menu and goes to his inventory and takes off his helmet revealing his brown hair medium long and brown hair, His face got a smile on it as well looking quite surprised. An American Military guy, Wow, how the heck did he get trapped in here, who knows what his commanders are doing. Think his commanders are working with my father? he thinks. He pulls his hand through his hair to fix it a bit and smiles again, as he then starts to speak English while having quite a British accent, "Nice to Meet you, Black, Call me Hazado, Nice to know the Military of other counties is trying as well, I just want to know what they are doing," He said to Black.

Black tells about being to the tip of a spear, "Yeah, The front liners are having it hard up there, Know a few myself, they are quite nice to talk to trust me," He said going back to normal Japanese again as he was now used to talking in Japanese. Hazado then got an invite to a party and without knowing he accepted it, Wait what monster can one shot even on crit... Wait, the darn wasp isn't it, he thinks to himself as Hazado's stats and Level get revealed as he gets into the party. "Level one... No worry, I take care of the wasp If it is getting to close to you, It does not hurt me, And She kind off hates me already As I killed her three times before getting her with the same trick over and over again," he says now knowing what he is up against. Haz looks on as Black gets some crafting items, "mph, you are sure Lucky there, ooh and do you know the way to the spawn point of the wasp, I Know where it is if you don't," he says with a smile on his face


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Huh..British accent..Japanese name..but then again I’m named after a color..at least with ten thousand people you don’t have to worry too much about your name getting taken. Black ponders. “Hazado the Red Hazard, my man..” Black greets Hazado as he  flashes a wicked grin as he flicks his candy stick skyward. “Well, if they ever find out the Akihiko Kayaba guy is behind it..it's clearly flagged  as an act of terrorism, so I expect maybe they’ll go all Seal Team Six on them like they did with Osama Bin Laden...or maybe if we’re lucky the man will just off himself. However, it’s difficult when you got so many hostages that could probably die with the flip of a switch. “ Black puffs out his cheeks and starts heading in the direction of the Wasp’s spawn in response to Hazado’s cue. “I do a lot of recon and scouting...sort of love the outdoors and the mountains out here aren’t as bad as Afghanistan..intensely hot days..freezing cold nights..nope..nothing out here but lush green grass.” He states as he pats the pine of a nearby tree, looking for some tree sap, but failing to find any. "Yeah, I hear a lot of people claiming that gathering can be a drag, so I try to do what I can on the go to support the hobby. Try to grab it on the go and maximize efficiency. You look into a profession you might like yet?"

He states keeping a casual pace, his cocoa color eyes transferring their attention to Hazado’s spear. “So, you say you’ve already killed this wasp over and over huh? I’ve seen the size of that stinger...I heard you don’t really feel physical pain. Can you imagine being stabbed through the chest with that thing for real? It’d puncture our dang lungs. “ Black chuckled as they followed a dirt path that led to a field of trees and within the core of the forest the loud buzzing sound could be heard as the queen followed a simple patrol pattern. “You know..back in 2012 I served alongside some British Royal Marines. Still got the pictures with them sporting those bullpup guns. I even got to shoot some of their light machine guns.” Black reminisced looking at Hazado.

“Guess I’m back fighting alongside another Brit..hope you’re just as fierce.” He quips before analyzing the target. “So, you got seniority. I’m not used to parties, but I take it you probably are. I heard about the switch mechanic. I also know you can probably aggro first and I wait a while...so, how do you want go about this?”    

ID: 106541 - LR 6 (Fail)

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While Walking on a normal tempo Black and Hazado talked a bit, he laughed a bit as he called him the red Hazard, "Quite funny, I never heard that one, Heard Rhino tank but not that one." Hazado Nodded at Black as he told about how this could be an act of terrorism but Kayaba was not really a person to turn evil as he helped people of Japan quite a lot. "If you hate the cold don't get too floor 4 or 5 really floor 4 is all snow while floor 5 is a dessert and yeah like you said freezing at night." Hazado has been to floor 5 before but never floor 4 somehow he skipped it but still planning to hunt some ice monster. 

"The stinger is quite strong trust me, You feel a bit of pain but most are turned down," Hazado said as they start to hear a buzzing not far away. Then Hazado face got a bit of a shock as he told about him working with British Royal Marines, "Maybe you know the Sir name Hazard, Quite fitting to give me that nickname as My Sir name is Hazard, And my father a Sergeant in the Royal Marines, Maybe you know him long brown hair likely in a ponytail and a goatee, very positive as well and quite strict," Hazado said getting a bit a sad look but that turned around when he spotted the Wasp.

Hazado puts back on his helmet and gets his spear from his back, "No worry about the Aggro I will hit it once you say the clear, I have an enchantment to deal with hate in this game. But if you don't want to get the hate I'm building up, I advice not to use the Switch mechanic, Just say the word and I will aggro that thing."

Entered Combat

Hazado walked up and started running with his spear in front of him, Full charge trying to hit the Wasp in its wing, His spearhead began to glow yellow and as Hazado was almost in contact with the wasp it flew up, "Darn you keep doing this," he says as he moves under coming to a stop behind the wasp. The wasp turned to Hazado looking quite angry, "Hello your majesty going to waste your time again by killing you," he said as you could hear that Hazado was having fun doing this. "Whatever you DO, do NOT ATTACK IT, It seemed to keep remembering my first move, Now let's see if it remembers my armor," He shouted to Black from behind the Wasp


ID Roll: # 106545

     BD: 2+1=3 MISS

@Hazado HP 320/320 | EN 30/32 | DMG 5 | MIT 21 | ACC 1 | TAU 1 | Thorn -18

    -2 EN Missed Attack

@Black HP 20/20 | EN 20/20 | MIT 18 | DMG 1


Queen Wasp: HP 50/50 | DMG 20



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Black enjoyed the company of another as he traversed through the landscape. Hm, this guy seems pretty well traveled if he's gotten to meet frontliners and seen floor four and five already.
He reflected on the man's world and began to imagine the rhythm of hip hop music flowing as he trekked through an icy field of snow or through desert sands. Crap..I hate snow...I bet it's going to be as crappy as the Mountain Warfare Training in Bridgeport...I swear they are going to try and make me a dang popsicle...I better get started on brewing up some hot cocoa or something in advance. 

Black scanned the back of his mind as his eyes roll up as if he was swimming deep in thought as if trying to recall whether he had met such a man. He had met many faces of the foreign soldiers, but before he could respond he noticed the man making preparations. 

"Alright, you got the green light, strike to kill." Black barked as he readied his scimitar for a follow-up strike. As Hazado warns him specifically to not attack it, Black taps the bottom of his lip with his index finger as if considering the likelihood of him being impaled and shattered into pieces. "Roger that. When you get him all pissed off at you, I'll be ready to sneak him from the side!" 


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Hazado Seemed to get a good look at the Wasp before it moves in for an attack, Hazado simply just with a quite and fast move dashes to the left and evading its attacks, "Eye for an Eye, My queen," He says turning right away as his spearhead becomes this time red, He moved to the Wasp with great speed even faster than before but ended Up missing once again as the wasp did the same as Hazado as she was dashing to the left, "It seemed to be learning, Ooh I going to have fun now," He said getting a grin under his helmet. Both Him and the Wasp seemed to miss their attack and it was getting not better as Hazado's Companion was going to wait again, "Keep a close eye on the smaller wasp around here, they may end up joining in if they find this out," he says referring to the times the Wasp queen got helped by her minions.


ID Roll: # 106552


     BD: 1 CRIT MISS

@Hazado HP 320/320 | EN 29/32 | DMG 5 | MIT 21 | ACC 1 | TAU 1 | Thorn -18

    -2 EN Missed Attack | + 1 EN Regen

@Black HP 20/20 | EN 20/20 | MIT 18 | DMG 1


Queen Wasp: HP 50/50 | DMG 20



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Black stood firm in anticipation, his eyes watching are the mob and the player danced around each others blows. The loud murderous buzzing of it's wings was a bit unnerving as Black’s feet dug in the dirt. He squinted, watching the spearmen move about in his heavy armor with the two handed weapon. Huh..wonder if I should go two handed with the katana or stick to the sword and shield combo. The blonde man grew deep in the intellection of the matter, the mentation carrying so many potential variables at play. He eyed his reflection in his curved sword. Maybe I could ask some of the frontliners and get their take on it. The warrior considered as he scanned the terrain for additional mobs. He wasn’t too fond of the idea of adds when there was already something out there that could kill him in one hit.

The idea that this was perhaps riskier than he thought began to come into play, but if they were quick enough, maybe they could slay the queen before they had to face the sting of the wilds. “Alright, take your time, I’ll check our six. Hopefully any adds aren’t strong enough to wipe the floor with me, but I got a few potions just in case..”


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Haz stood eye to eye with the wasp, They both were dancing around each other. Then as the Wasp moved to attack Hazado Did not move away from the wasp and the attack was made on him. It was quiet and the wasp was standing there as Black could not see Hazado behind him. Then the wasp moved back from Hazado with Speed quite a lot and it seemed it was missing some pixels on its body. Then you could see the Spikes on Hazado's arm glowed a bit and it seemed that the Wasp took damage and Hazado, not at all. "Still keep forgetting I have these, My lady. Black! Keep distance It is really pissed now," he says to him and gets ready for its next attack. No matter what was going to happen Black was not ready to go for an attack as it still seemed as that Hazado did not build up any Hate with the Wasp but it was really just pissed at Hazado for even coming here.


ID Roll: # 106552

    MD: 7 Hits

        Wasp Attack: 20 DMG | 20-21=-1| Total DMG 1 MIT

     BD: 3 MISS

@Hazado HP 319/320 | EN 28/32 | DMG 5 | MIT 21 | ACC 1 | TAU 1 | Thorn -18

    -2 EN Missed Attack | + 1 EN Regen

@Black HP 20/20 | EN 20/20 | MIT 18 | DMG 1



Queen Wasp: HP 32/50 | DMG 20

    Thorn: 18 | - 18 HP



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Black was relaxed as he saw Hazado handling the situation. His build marked him as a man of contingency. Even if his weapon couldn’t do damage, his armor reacted as a second weapon in itself. Much like how a sidearm or K-Bar was a Marine’s secondary weapon. It was effectively his form of counterfire against targets that had engaged him. Everything Black was witnessing, he had understood in terms of warfare that related back to his deployment in Helmand Province of Afghanistan. However, this was a new breed of infantryman. Black recognized this as his rifle and kevlar vest was replaced with weapons of the ancients warriors of legacy.

The curved Scimitar was the weapon of choice by the ancestors of his former enemies, and yet now he wielded it as they do. He also recognized the history of the weapon that helped the Moorish Empire conquer Spain. As Black’s beady brown globes watched the combat unfold, he remembered watching a history of how the two handed spear, though without the mainstream glory of the hero’s sword, it was known as the better weapon in every practical form.

He wondered if Hazado may have known this or if he had other reasons for choosing the spear. His thoughts drowned out as he heard Hazado mention the importance of him sticking to the rear. Black casually lifted up a thumbs up. “I got chu’ I’m coolin over here, fam.” He spoke in casual street flavor as he paused to conduct surveillance on the other areas, wary of any additional mobs coming to disturb the party. Damn, I wish I had a cigarette to light up right now...


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Hazado looks up at Black who gave him the thumbs up, but then it seems like the Wasp thought it would be a good idea to attack and hoping it would land a crit or so. With its full body the wasp charged to Hazado and Just in time Hazado pulls up his arm with spikes and it hit the wasp once again getting the damage from the spikes on Hazado's Armor. "Darn It, you are learning aren't you," he said as he spear-head began to glow again and Hazado started to swing his spear around in a circle, The wasp just moved out of the way of everytime Hazado gets he spear-head close to its body, "STAND STILL YOU DARN FRIGATE, YOU ARE BIG AND YOU STILL MOVE TO QUICK." He yelled at the thing in front of him and got a bit angry and he began to act quite reckless now. He tried to get closer and closer to the thing so he could hit it, "How Are you getting the drop on me," he said to the wasp as it seemed to be dodging every move Hazado threw at him. "One Hit and you are Dead TRUST ME YOU DARN INSECT!" 


ID Roll: # 106641

    MD: 6 Hits

        Wasp Attack: 20 DMG | 20-21=-1| Total DMG 1 MIT

     BD: 2 MISS

@Hazado HP 318/320 | EN 27/32 | DMG 5 | MIT 21 | ACC 1 | TAU 1 | Thorn -18

    -2 EN Missed Attack | + 1 EN Regen

@Black HP 20/20 | EN 20/20 | MIT 18 | DMG 1



Queen Wasp: HP 18/50 | DMG 20

    Thorn: 18 | - 18 HP



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Black’s eyes wavered as he had been paying attention to the Mob’s attacks. The fluctuation of his coronas at the next unfolding event was eerily disturbing. There it was. The critical hit that would have easily taken his life. Black released a misty air as he watched the mob relentlessly assault Hazado for a meager one damage after giving him all the wasp queen had. It seemed that if was banging its head against a spiked impenetrable wall at this point. Luck had been on the buzzing insects side as it flapped its wings gracefully to elude Hazado’s spear tip.

Black began to kick at the dirt in an idle motion, understanding it was not yet his time to enter the fray. He lingered in the back, perfectly content with the fact that come the next few seconds this battle would be practically over. Still he couldn’t help but notice a Wasp Soldier soaring vehemently towards Hazado in protection of the queen.

“Rhino! Watch your Six!”



@Hazado HP 318/320 | EN 27/32 | DMG 5 | MIT 21 | ACC 1 | TAU 1 | Thorn -18

    -2 EN Missed Attack | + 1 EN Regen

@Black HP 20/20 | EN 20/20 | MIT 18 | DMG 1



Queen Wasp: HP 18/50 | DMG 20

    Thorn: 18 | - 18 HP

Wasp Soldier HP 150 HP | 45 DMG


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Hazado notices that the queen did not attack And just stood there trying not to hit him because this time she did not want to die by his armor, "Suit yourself then My Queen, TIME TO END THIS," He Yelled but then he hears Black yell to watch his six as a Wasp soldier seemed to move in for the attack. Hazado started Laughing and started to Spin his Spear wild in the area around him. The spear blow Purple and Hazado swung wild around him with it while making some spins as well. "HA... HA HA HA, NOW THIS IS WHERE YOU DIE!" He yelled as he does all this He hits the Queen Wasp against the chest and the Wasp Soldier as well.

The Wasp Soldier flies back from the hit and the Queen seemed to stand completely still. Then the Queen Wasp exploded into blue polygons and the Wasp soldier got up looking quite angry at Hazado. He shacks his head a bit and looks at the Wasp, "Sorry got carried away there Now It is your turn to die," he said to the wasp. Hazado just looked at Black, "Your Turn to get into this fight, It is focused on me now So Attack as you like," he says to Black as he waves him over. The Wasp Soldier was really pissed at this point and was Pure focused on the guy that killed the Queen.


Roll ID:# 106645 | # 106646

    MD: 4 Miss

    BD: 9 CRIT +1

        DMG 5+1=6 | Hellish Twice 6x4=24 | 24 DMG

    BD2: 10 CRIT +2

        DMG 5+2=7 | Hellish Twice 7x4= 28 | 28 DMG

@HazadoHP 318/320 | EN 22/32 | DMG 5 | MIT 21 | ACC 1 | TAU 1 | Thorn -18 [H: 2 Wasp Soldier]

    -6 EN Hellish Twice | + 1 EN Regen

@Black HP 20/20 | EN 20/20 | MIT 18 | DMG 1



Queen Wasp: HP 0/50 | DMG 20

    DMG 24 | 18-24=0 | DEAD

Wasp Soldier HP 122/150 HP | 45 DMG

    DMG 27 | 150-28=122 



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The Queen had it’s wits about it as it called for reinforcements instead of attacking. However, due to the quick communication, Hazado had pulled a true ace out of his sleeve. He unleashed a shockwave of force behind an attack style Black had not seen before as the AoE spread intensely severing the Queen across her oblique and forcing her to shatter into pixels. The intensity surged through the stampeding Rhino as he followed up with issuing orders to Black to seize the moment and strike from the shadows.

Black was united on the concept as he lunged forth, his attack pattern stipulated by trying to render a Sword Art, but his movements lacked precision as he swung diagonally and his scimitar sliced through the air as the Wasp weaved around his strike. “This is like trying to hit a fly with a rock...they got sharp reflexes!” Black hissed as he backed off to give Hazado room to break into his inexorable fury.



@HazadoHP 318/320 | EN 22/32 | DMG 5 | MIT 21 | ACC 1 | TAU 1 | Thorn -18 [H: 2 Wasp Soldier]

    -6 EN Hellish Twice | + 1 EN Regen

@Black HP 20/20 | EN 1/2 | MIT 18 | DMG 1


ID- 106648

BD -4 (Miss) 

Queen Wasp: HP 0/50 | DMG 20

    DMG 24 | 18-24=0 | DEAD

Wasp Soldier HP 122/150 HP | 45 DMG

    DMG 27 | 150-28=122 


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The wasp seemed to move well even after the Hit Hazado pulled of, then Black came into the picture and the wasp moves out of the way, "Don't get to Talkative they Like it if you do it, and Somehow THis one likes me," he said referring to get a bit more focus into the game, but it kind of sounded like a jerk now. The Wasp then moves fast and attacks Hazado, Hazado just simply pulls up his arm with spikes and the wasp hit it getting back from the spikes after that. "He is A Stong One Watch out," he says as his HP bar moves down quite a bit.

Hazado then moved back as well but Charged back into the fight and hitting the Wasp up the air and while the wasp was still on the spear he slams it to the ground with a lot of momentum, "And He DUNKS!" he said as he hit the ground while Hazado smiled a bit under his helmet. "Your turn," he said as the wasp gets up now complete ignoring Black at all cost just to get Hazado


Roll ID: # 106650

    MD: 6 HIT

        DMG 45 | 45-21= 24 | 24 DMG

    BD: 8 HIT

        DMG 5 | 5x4=20 | 20 DMG

@HazadoHP 277/320 | EN 20/32 | DMG 5 | MIT 21 | ACC 1 | TAU 1 | Thorn -18 [H: 2 Wasp Soldier]

    -4 EN Sword Art | + 1 EN Regen

@Black HP 20/20 | EN 1/2 | MIT 18 | DMG 1

Wasp Soldier HP 84/150 HP | 45 DMG

    DMG 20 | 122-20=102 | Thorn 18 | 102-18=84 



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The vicious onslaught continued as Hazado wreaked mayhem upon the unrelenting insects. He decimated them with each attack as he called for a concentrated effort in slaying the monster. This wasn't the time for chit chat as only relevant and critical information was needed to be relayed. The incessant chatter could potentially drown out a players awareness of the battlefield as failure to realize additional mobs could prove to be fatal.


He waited like a panther stalking his prey the opportunistic nature shown in the bloodlust of his eyes. He held his sword at the ready as he dashed to the left and cleaved his scimitar across the buzzing behemoths body. Despite his tenacity, his damage was meager, but Black knew this was a war of attrition and every notch of damage counted. His muscles flexed after the tension of the blade colliding and cutting through the monster as he looked to Hazado to deal the majority of the attack. 



ID- 106652 -Hit


Wasp Soldier HP 80/150

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Hazado looks at Black as he gets all focused up and ends him up hitting the wasp Soldier, It did, however, seem not faced by it and turned his face to Hazado right away. Then from an unknown power, the Wasp moved to Hazado and then dodged his attack to the back of Hazado and hit him in the back with quite a lot of power making Hazado lose totally his balance and falls to the ground as his armor start to hit the ground with quite a lot of sound.

Hazado gets up right away and spins his Spear around before charging at him again and getting ready to attack the Wasp soldier. His spear started to glow Green again and getting to charge at him flinging him in the fly and hitting it back to the ground. "This Is What Stings, Call It Payback Stupid wasp," he said hopping back a bit and now paying close attention to its movement as it was the first time Hazado really got Damage by a monster as His HP Bar dropped quite a bit. "Make Sure that does not happen to you," he says to Black while looking at the wasp.


Roll ID: # 106704

    MD: 9 CRIT

        DMG 45+1= 46| Bypass MIT Crit

    BD: 6 HIT

        DMG 5 | 5x4=20 | 20 DMG

@HazadoHP 232/320 | EN 17/32 | DMG 5 | MIT 21 | ACC 1 | TAU 1 | Thorn -18 [H: 4 Wasp Soldier]

    -4 EN Sword Art | + 1 EN Regen

@Black HP 20/20 | EN 1/2 | MIT 18 | DMG 1 [H: 1 Wasp Soldier]

Wasp Soldier HP 60/150 HP | 45 DMG

    DMG 20 | 80-20=60 | Bypass Thorn Crit



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Black wasn't sure what the hell kind of steroid milk that wasp was drinking, but anything to make an armored man get turned into a ragdoll was uncomfortably making Black keenly aware of how easily his life could be snatched away from him. These wasps stingers were like bullets and he was in the middle of their domain without a kevlar vest and just holding a little kitchen knife essentially. Black didn't even know if his attacks were going to do any damage, but he let loose his Rage Blow attack and slashed straight through the wind. It was no use. The monstrosity was bobbing left and right and weaving around his attacks like a graceful dancer. 

"I swear after I stab this thing, I'm going to mount it's head on a wall!" 


ID- 106715 - Miss

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Haz looks as the wasp looks quite fast and dodges from the attack that has been throwing at it, the wasp was not having anything of the attacks. But then the Wasp moved to Hazado and attacked him with Full might. Hazado flew back a bit and there seemed to be a hole in his Chest as the Wasp pulls back from Hazado, "Darn It, Passed right through my armor," he says as he moves back from the wasp a bit holding his chest where the hole of pixels was.

Hazado then swung his Spear around and his sword art started to glow and as just before the wasp was fast and moved out of the way very easy. It was not going as plan And Hazado Seemed to be getting hit quite a bit there and was for sure getting lower on his Health now, But Haz did not give up and keeps going. "Black Keep up the Attacks and it will surely go down, So do it," Haz said to him.


Roll ID: # 106791

    MD: 10 CRIT

        DMG 45+2= 47| Bypass MIT Crit

    BD: 4 MISS

@HazadoHP 185/320 | EN 16/32 | DMG 5 | MIT 21 | ACC 1 | TAU 1 | Thorn -18 [H: 4 Wasp Soldier]

    -2 EN Sword Art | + 1 EN Regen

@Black HP 20/20 | EN 1/2 | MIT 18 | DMG 1 [H: 1 Wasp Soldier]

Wasp Soldier HP 60/150 HP | 45 DMG

    Bypass Thorn Crit



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