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F01, SP, The Second Lesson is Also Free

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Hunter stood there and stared at that quest pop-up window for a couple of seconds.  It wasn't that he was sick of the quest line, but he knew that there was bound to be something almost overwhelming for him to take on soon.  The NPC of Lyle stood by even though the A.I. in the game was super well made it was still just an NPC and as such it waited for his response as if no time had passed for now.  He accepted the quest as he turned back to Lyle and with that same grin he asked the blacksmith.  "What can I help you with Lyle, it is the least I could do after you opened up your home to me and fed me a good dinner?"  Hunter said inquisitively as he waited for the rundown on the quest.

"Well as you can see I am quite busy, and well with all the orders, I am filling...I have run short of materials.  I hate to be this guy but could you bring me (3) Boar Pup Tusks.  They are easy to find and their damage should not kill you right away."  He said as Hunter just nodded his head before heading out giving a small wave as he did.

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As he left Lyle's shop the moon lit the stone road out of the town of beginnings very nicely.  There was hardly anyone out and about, and the ones that were...were also doing some hunting for materials and the like.  The no life players that only lived for the game and probably made living selling materials to other players and NPC merchants. 

Once out in the fields he looked around and saw who was where in accordance to where the Boar spawning points where.  These things were like the boars in the real world and they spawned often in mobs.  He would have to be quick on his feet if he wanted to get the jump on the ones he needed to kill to get the materials.  Perhaps if he was lucky he could grab some spare ribs from the boars and have himself a nice snack after it was said and done.

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