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[F09- PP] A Grip of Steel «The Iron Guardian» w/ Mars

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Log Entry 18

I go questing with Mars again. This time we hear about a difficult field boss that drops some good loot from this shady info broker. Thank goodness Mars does an insane amount of damage or less I would have probably died. 


Cosi was sitting around his shop on floor four doing nothing. It was fairly boring he had been doing a lot of quests recently but he was still hankering for some more. So he decided to shoot Mars a message. He was sure that the two of them could find a good quest to do. Hell, If Cosi could probably go on any quest with Mars. The martial artist did an obscene amount of damage. If Cosi only did half as much he would be content. Maybe I will once I switch my build. Cosi shrugged to himself and sent Mars that message.


Hey Mars,

You up for another quest? I was thinking of just keep on heading up, say floor nine, since I've go to six and seven and eight since our last quest. I met a lot of new people as well. 

Anyways if you're down for it meet me at the western entrance of whatever main city is on that floor.

Your Friend, Cosi


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He sighs softly as he makes his way out of his shop having finished his crafting for the day as he is once more stocked up on more potions for damage dealing and mitigation that he will ever need to be within this game with the only benefit being he can just use them during quests to have them be useful in that manner at the very least. He opens up his inventory reading donw the list of items he has that he would be able to utilize if he entered a quest that might be slightly above his paygrade in terms of being able to handle it. nine damage potions, seven potions of mitigation, five overhealth crystals. And that isn't even counting the safeguards i have stored up for when players would need them for a boss of some kind. He mutters softly to himself planning on grinding to gain some more materials since he was running low until he hears the small blip that he has gotten use to being Pinball as he sighs softly. What quest is it going to be this time? Or is it going to be another fishing adventure with Pinball almost killing us again. He says softly to himself only to raise a eyebrow at seeing that it is Cosi instead asking for help with a quest on floor nine as he grins rather happily at that rather eager to put in the use of survival for himself that he had acquired with said player to be able to move though floor nine and not die of heatstroke.

The black haired martial artist quickly sends a message abck saying he will be back there as soon as he is able to do os as he heads towards the teleport gate on the seventeenth floor in the city of Sparta as he enters the town and steps on the gate quickly teleporting out and onto the ninth floor that is the lava pit that he swear is meant to be hell since it even has Cerberus on this floor. He makes his way towards the designated location that Cosi had sent him and when he arrives he nods towards the blonde haired warrior. How you doing Cosi? he asks the blonde haired player just out of simple courtesy.

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Cosi didn't have to wait long for Mars to show and greeted the dark clad, dark haired player warmly, "I'm doing great. I've been doing a lot of fishing and gathering so I was itching to do a real combat quest. How about yourself Mars?" Cosi started walking into the city as he waited for Mars' response. The blonde tank didn't know any of the quests on this floor so he figured the best place to find out would be the center of town. If it was anything like the Town of Beginnings or Snowfrost there would be a quest board and some info brokers there that could give.. well quests and information. Cosi relayed his thoughts to Mars, "I figured we would head into town to see what quest information the info brokers here have. Unless you know of a good quest to do on this floor?" Again Cosi waited for his companion's response and kept walking.


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He just chuckles softly at the question and shrugs his shoulders ever so slightly as he looks towards the blonde haired player. I've been doing quests with Pinball so naturally i've almost died a few times as of late cause of that spearman having really terrible luck. Managed to make us fight a boss mob that almost killed him, and proceeded to fight four enemies who knocked us close to dead if they had a few lucky strikes. He explains towards the blonde haired player as he makes his way towards the destination of where a NPC info broker had told him the quest would be one time while he was on this floor just looking and gathering information about said quests upon the floor. I've actually gotten a quest from a NPC info broker that is about fighting some iron clad being in a ruins of some castle looking place supposedly and the creature will drop some sort of item that we are meant to bring back to said NPC info broker for the quest's completion. He says towards Cosi with a nod of his head and gestures for the blonde haired player to follow him towards the quest destination so the duuo can go and do such quest for the reward that it will offer for the two of them which he honestly doesn't have that much recollection juts how much the reward was.

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Cosi chuckles a little at the mention of Pinball. The spear user was an interesting player. And he was definitely unlucky. Cosi remembered the first encounter he had with the player and his shadow cat. He probably could have died from one of the sand worms so Cosi definitely understood how Mars could nearly get offed. "That does sound like something that would happen to Pinball. Glad you made it out alive." Cosi grinned lopsidedly. Cosi stopped to listen to Mars' next comment. the blonde tank nodded in agreement, "Sounds great. Lets go do it." Cosi motioned for Mars to lead the way and followed. Cosi was very glad that he and Mars had done the traveler quest because now the heat of this lava covered floor was bearable enough for him to still wear his scarf. And Cosi was starting to get attached to it. The scarf gave him a little flair, plus it always reminded him of his favorite floor: floor number four. 


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The dark clothed martial artist leads the way towards the questing destination using the knowledge he has acquired beforehand that he made sure to have just so he can be prepared for anything since at the end of the day the one who holds the knowledge of what they are going to fight fully and utterly will be the ones walking away. 'One of the reasons being near Pinball is a risk to my health since he seems to have this uncanny luck to bring out the weirdest creatures possible just by him merely existing in a place for too long seemingly which puts my lie at risk.' he thinks to himself ever so slightly bitterly as he moves through the lava infested floor making sure to do his best to avoid stepping in any lakes or puddles of lava that would come and form from the ground. His familiar the fire liger jumps in and out of the lava and fire as if it is just a wonderful swimming pool which makes sense since this is its home floor and is made of fire so not that surprising to the martial artist.  So than Cosi met any interesting players since last we had a chance to talk? I haven't had much chances to be social so knowing of any such players would be rather nice, or having a chance to meet them.

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Cosi follows Mars out of the city and into the plains of craggy hills, and lava lakes. He walked alongside the martial artist, watching as Mars' familiar jumped in and out of the lava and magma. Cosi turned to Mars as the dark haired played asked about if he had meet any new players. Cosi nodded his head vigorously, "Have I! I definitely had. I' met a tank from the front lines, his name is very fittingly Shield, as well as I went on a fishing trip with Neo, the girl with the pink hair that doesn't talk. The one with a cozy cafe down on floor seven." Cosi paused to think if there were any others, "Oh yeah! Also Hazado and Hestia. Hazado is a tank only a single level higher than me and Hestia is another tank from the front lines. All of them are really nice and helpful. Especially Shield. He gave me a whole lot of advice and he'll be accompanying me on my trip to find my familiar." Cosi grinned lopsidedly again, but it faltered. He normally would have thought to himself that meeting people was the best part of this death game but now Cosi could only think of how the two front liners- as helpful as there were- were going too slow. They weren't pushing hard enough or progressing fast enough. Hoepfully Cosi could change that.


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he nods his head at hearing this information as he makes sure to keep a mental note of it in the future encase the duo would ever need some extra help from one of these people as he can already imagine the usefulness of having Neo join them on a quest or two as a trio or a team if he can get Pinball to come along. Not caring that much to have frontliners get involved that much within his personal affairs while he is gathering strength since it would only cause problems in the end for him since they hold a bit more sway due to reputation and thus would be difficult to see what kind of people the lower tiers are without any guidance. To watch and wait to see just who are the select people who are most likely going to crack and break from the stress of the game, so he can be prepared and keep an eye on such people so he can be prepared to take them down in some fashion when they eventually snap. With having frontlienrs around however it does make that much more difficult since people are more likely to behave and less like their normal selves, and their is a weird affect of most people becoming ever so slightly more sane and less inclined to do bad when near one with the threat of death that they can also represent. 'Kinda like a police forth that isn't a official one if one would stop to think about it.' he thinks to himself.

He gazes forward as he passes by similar lava pool to the next till the land slowly starts becoming rather rocky and unstable sort of path with the road narrowing to a mountain pass with a road that leads to a castle like structure in the far distance.

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The duo walked in silence for a time, passing lakes of fires, hoodoos composed of red rock, and scorched ruins. The landscape slowly began shifting becoming more rocky with less lava pools. The pair of players, one dark haired clad in lightweight black garb and the other blonde armored in plate mail, followed a path of path sand that wound its way up the rocky hillside, leading them ever closer to what looked like the ruins of a castle or fortress. Cosi broke from his thoughts to look over at Mars. The other player seemed to be engrossed in thought as well, though it was hard to tell. "So what kind of monsters or difficulties can we expect in this quest?" Cosi ventured to ask a question. As he waited he resigned himself to studying the ruins they were approaching. They were scorched like everything else on this floor and besides a couple crumpling towers and spires it was fairly well intact. It looked to be a sort of garrison, probably for knights, complete with your classic moat and draw bridge, crenelations, and guard towers.  


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He snaps back to reality hearing the voice of his blonde companion as he glances over towards him as the duo enters the mountain pass like part of the questing path as he nods his head in understanding of the question. According to my information about the quest any tier two player that was a DPS could tear through this quest with absolute ease without any problems, and since i am mid tier two that means i can make sure that we're safe throughout this entire quest. Though if you meant in terms of tanking the hits i think the same could apply that people who got to tier two would be able to handle any of the problems that would come from this quest with ease due to having thorns aiding them also. he says towards the man that he is entirely willing to call the tank of the group of what could be three if he can get Cosi to agree to becoming a questing partner alongside himself and Pinball. 'Though that would simply require myself to help him power level through everything during the times that the two of us have our schedules sync up for such a thing.' As he thinks this he hears a loud thud as a enemy makes himself known as he draws his blade ready for action as Mars just nods at the mob as he takes his steps forward activating his strongest sword art as his fists glow with energy. I'll take care of this one Cosi. He moves over towards the creature within a instance as his black garb rustles ever so slightly from how fast the martial artist sprints over towards the creature as he follows up by punching the creature causing it to shatter into nothing.

#106654 BD:3+3=6  15x15= 225 DMG

Mars: HP: 600/600     ENG: 60/60    DMG: 15 DMG   ACC: 3  EVA: 3    Savvy: 1(ACC when dodge)   Regen: 10 HP 3 rounds

Iron knight: 0/72  Thorns: 12  DMG:120


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The pair enter the castle as Mars answers Cosi’s question. “Cool, sounds good...” Cosi trails off as a tall- about seven feet- knight in full plate leaps down from the the ceiling. Then Cosi’s jaw drops as Mars simple takes two steps- one a small stride then next a massive leap- and then punches the mob into nothing but black shards and prices of code. Cosi nods his head in muted amazement. I keep forgetting how hard Mats can hit. No sooner had the blonde player thought this when another knight landed beside the tank, it’s sword hissing out of its sheath. Almost on instinct Cosi drew his sword and jammed it into the knight’s gut. The blade sank up to the hilt but the plate clad being simply cocked its head then clocked Cosi right in the jaw. The blow sent Cosi sprawling, right up to Mars. 


Combat: Snake Bite

Cosi- Hp: 288/300- ENG: 30/30- DMG: 4- MIT: 44- THN: 18 Action: ID# 106655- BD: 7+1= 8- hit 4*3= 12 damage

Mars: HP: 600/600     ENG: 60/60    DMG: 15 DMG   ACC: 3  EVA: 3    Savvy: 1(ACC when dodge)   Regen: 10 HP 3 rounds

Iron knight: 60/72  Thorns: 12  DMG:120 MD: 1- miss


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He glances between the two enemies that appear as another knight appear seemingly eager to continue the fight where the other had left off as he lets his fists glow once more with the power of a sword art to finish this off as quickly and swiftly as he would be capable of to prevent this fight from going on longer than what would be needed for the two players. He moves forward once more as he strikes at the spot along the mob that looks like rather big and obvious strikes to disable the creature, but much to his surprise the creature just pops out of existence after his last strike as he blinks slowly as his mind takes a few moments to register what had occurred. Huh...guess i am stronger than what i had expected. He says to himself with amazement at this occuring as he stands straight up after that to get ready for the next mob that should be within the castle. he glances towards the blonde haired tank and just gives him a friendly nod of his head as he continues deeper into the castle to head towards the equivalent of whatever the throne room would be.

#106656 BD:6  15x4= 60

Cosi- Hp: 288/300- ENG: 30/30- DMG: 4- MIT: 44- THN: 18 Action: ID# 106655- BD: 7+1= 8- hit 4*3= 12 damage

Mars: HP: 600/600     ENG: 42/60    DMG: 15 DMG   ACC: 3  EVA: 3    Savvy: 1(ACC when dodge)   Regen: 10 HP 3 rounds

Iron knight: 0/72  Thorns: 12  DMG:120 MD: 1- miss

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After Mars dispatched the second knight with equal ease as the first Cosi scrambled to his feet. I definitely need to level up some more as well as get my familiar and switch my build. Then I might be some use in these situations. . I’m just glad Mars tolerates my presence. Cosi shook his head to clear it, rose to his feet, and hurried to follow the darkly garbed martial artist. The pair made their way up a set of stairs to the crumbling castle’s second level. After a couple more turns through corridors Cosi and Mars found themselves in a much larger room. A dilapidated throne room by the looks of it. Pillars, some stable others broken, supported the ceiling at regular intervals and in between them were stained glass windows. Most were shattered and broken, probably from the floor’s heat. A red carpet made its way to the dais where the throne was. One the throne sat another knight but this one was larger and adorned in a copper crown and a tattered red cloak. Once he caught sight of the knight Cosi turned to Mars, “I’m guess that’s the big boss that’s carrying the drop?” 


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He continues deeper into the castle as the duo handles the last of the knights that were trying to stop them as he grins ever so slightly as the throen room reveals the last enemy a knight whose size is rather morphed and different looking out of proportional from not being anything human sized by a longshot. Looking more so like a giant suit of armor as its crystal turns red signaling its a mob as it tries to charge down the duo who had entered the throne room as Mars himself gets low to the ground legs bent as his hands glow with a red energy as he smirks. Yes this would be the final mob according to that info broker. Now time to use all of the power that i can muster without being buffed. He says in a amused tone of voice before kicking off of the ground and sprints towards the enemy with once he is in close range goes for a swing at its right leg. His fist connects with its legs and causes it to shatter into nothing as he than grabs the item that drops from its destroyed form before it has a chance to hit the ground and turns back to Cosi with a confident smirk on his face that is hidden by the mask. Enemy destroyed. Now their is only to hand this off towards the info broker to end this mission. He says in a rather calm tone of voice.

Action: Charge+All Might  -16 ENG

#106728 BD:8+3=11+1=12  DMG: 18x15= 270DMG

Iron guardian: 0/225   200 DMG  Thorns: 12

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Again, Cosi ]'s jaw hit the floor when Mars defeated the boss mob in one hit. It was a massive hit which completely shattered the large knight's right leg, but Cosi thought that he would would have gotten used to the higher level martial artist's insane strength. Apparently not. Cosi quickly nods his head and moves to the stairs, heading back out of the crumbling castle. On the pair's walk out Cosi turned to Mars, "So, where will we find this information broker?" Cosi faced forward again as he waited for his companion's response, then he quickly turned back to Mars, "Also how do you unlock the martial arts skill? I noticed it's not on the normal skill list." Cosi grinned sheepishly at the dark haired warrior and tugged on his scarf. It was an weird question but Cosi wanted to know. It seemed like an incredible powerful skill, and then, even if Cosi didn't put points into it, it would skill be a cool skill to have. 


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Mars just shrugs his shoulders seemingly unsure of that answer about where the broker will be found as he walks alongside Cosi towards the outside of the castle holding onto the item in question a small crystal within his hands as he moves through the ruined hallways and rooms. I honestly don't know Cosi where we will find this information broker i assume the town, but he could be anywhere along the path in reality that we just took. Also you get martial arts after punching a rock a lot on floor two i can take you to it if you want to help you get the skill since it can be a bit of a pain otherwise. He says towards the blonde haired tank as the duo exits the castle as in the distance on the other side of the small area that separates the castle from the mass of land that is the mountain pass which is a rock bridge is the information broker in question from which Mars had gotten the information from. The black haired warrior just gazes at the man unfazed and unworried as he crosses the bridge of rock to head towards the mountain passes' entrance so that he can head back towards the main settlement, and first of all the location of where the information broker is so he can talk to him about turning in the item for the rewards.

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Cosi nodded his head at Mars' answer about the info broker, "Fair enough. Let's just hope we run into him sooner rather then later because then we can get this quest done even faster. Not that we didn't finish it fast. Your took care of that." Cosi chuckled and lightly punched Mars in the arm. He instantly felt awkward but tried to play it off, "and that seems pretty cool. You down to go there after we finish this quest? Give me a few pointers about how to just punch the hell out of monsters." Cosi grinned lopsidedly again. He enjoyed these quests done with Mars. While he didn't do much it gave him something to aspire to. Something to build towards and to push him forward. Cosi nodded to himself. If there was one person that Cosi hoped would go with him to the end, it was Mars. Because Cosi wasn't stopping for anyone but Mars seemed so strong that Cosi doubted that he'd have to push the martial artist. 


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He gazes forward at the sight of the info broker making his way across the passageway from the castle towards the mountain pass as he prepares himself for a fight of some kind since this seems rather strange and setup with how things are going at the moment.  I'll accompany you on that quest to give you some pointers and with helping you get through that faster than what you would by yourself. Cause let me tell you that quest can be rather mind-numbing at points due to the amount of health it has. I say towards the blonde haired fighter as i than toss the crystal over towards the info broker when they get over to him a few minutes later as he stares directly at the broker. Objective complete. Now what is the reward meant to be? He questions the information broker whose eyes dartz between the two players over and over again with a hand at his side that the fingers twitch ever so slightly as if having to argue in his mind whether to do something or not.

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"Awesome. Sounds great..." Cosi pauses as the two spot the info broker. Mars makes his way over to the man, who is covered in a heavy brown cloak with muddy eyes and stringy brown hair, and tosses the item drop to him. Cosi follows Mars, notices the objective complete, then waits for the quest to end so they can get their reward and go. It doesn't come. Cosi looks to Mars and then back to the broker. The man looks between Cosi and Mars. He's much shorter than the two, and is clutching something beneath his cloak. Cosi fumes silently as the NPC's eyes flit around the area. Then he's done. Dumb NPC AI just give us the reward and we can be down. Cosi takes a threatening step forward, "Hey! We gave you the item drop so give us whatever Col the reward and we'll be out of your hair." The man jumps and looks at Cosi then quickly away, staring at the floor. Cosi scowls, "Hey! I'm talking to you!" Cosi reaches out to grab a handful of the info broker's cloak just as the man pulls out a short sword and tried to stab Cosi with it. Cosi easily avoided the attack and drew his sword to retaliate. Literally just drawing it out of its sheath and slamming the pommel into the info broker's face. "Bad idea" Cosi stared down at the broker who had fallen to his knees, "Mars please break him." 



Cosi- Hp: 300/300- ENG: 27/30- DMG: 4- MIT: 39- THN: 18 Action: ID# 106778- BD: 9+1= 10- crit: 4+1*3= 15 dmg

Mars- ???

Info Broker- HP: 135/150- Damage: 200- (Paralyze, on a MD of 9 or 10, for 1 turn; Battle Healing, on a CD of 10 or higher, heals the Mysterious Broker 50 HP) Action: ID# 106778- MD: 2- miss


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He looks towards the info broker who goes for an attack against Cosi and fails miserably while his ally is able to stab the now turned infobroker though interestingly enough the crystal of Cosi doesn't change color. So you're a NPC simple as that not a real broker that means their are NPCs who are programmed to trick us. interesting. He says aloud as he lets his fists get covered in red energy as he charges forward and punches the broker in the side of the head breaking him upon contact as he turns into pixels and drops the crystal they had gotten from the iron guardian. Well...that was easy at the very least Cosi. Though next time it seems like my luck is on par with Pinball's in terms of picking quests that might end up killing us sooner rather than later. He says towards the blonde haired tank as Mars picks up the healing item and pockets it in his inventory and starts to make his way back towards the main settlement before any other surprises can occur like a giant lava monster rising from the pits of the floor.

Action: All Might -17 ENG

#106779 BD:7+3=10 270 DMG


Cosi- Hp: 300/300- ENG: 27/30- DMG: 4- MIT: 39- THN: 18 Action: ID# 106778- BD: 9+1= 10- crit: 4+1*3= 15 dmg

Mars- ???

Info Broker- HP: 0/150- Damage: 200- (Paralyze, on a MD of 9 or 10, for 1 turn; Battle Healing, on a CD of 10 or higher, heals the Mysterious Broker 50 HP) Action: ID# 106778- MD: 2- miss

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