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{PP-F2} Could Have Been Something <<Let There Be Light>>

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As Pinball retreated into the wild, the nameless girl heading back to town with the child, Pinball slumpt against a tree. His sword - exposed, for the most part, as he only carried it through a hoop in his belt - rattled and scraped against the bark as he didn't take care to avoid it as he sat. He took a deep, shaky breath, and then breathed out. Staring off into the distance, he let a wave of nausea wash over him. Talking to others had never been his strong suit, but now... it makes me feel sick. 
Pinball inhaled again deeply, his nostrils flaring as he shakily but greedily pulled in air, and then choked. He felt tears well up in eyes, and his face soured. You ruin everything. He angrily wiped them away before they could fall, and pushed himself to his feet. You're such a god damn baby. It was then that a small rewards screen popped up in front of him. The girl must have turned in the quest. Pinball stood, swaying slightly, before dismissing it, and turning his attention back to the empty world around him. 

Rolling for Col Reward: ID#109353  LD: 5 
5*25= 125 Col 


Edited by Pinball
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