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[F7-PP]Calming Soul

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The quest for the essence of steel, and all that had happened that day had been three weeks ago when Hei woke up late and knew what he wanted to do with his girlfriend. Saphira had gone home to her shop the day before, so Hei was alone and it felt cold. Not the kind of cold that made one shiver because of temperature, but the cold of heart.
Even with them being together for weeks and nearly always walking sticking to each other he didn't know much about his love, and that made him feel a little angry. He knew she would talk to him, but he never knew how to ask her anything, as soon as she was around. - Today will be different. I'll finally make a move and learn about her. But how will I do this? - this was what he wondered about all morning, and when he had lunch he finally had the idea. As he always had loved hiking, and it was the perfect opportunity for talking without anybody being close by. He remembered that he had been to the seventh floor once and that it was the perfect mountainous range for hinking without many others disturbing them.

As soon as she had decided that he wanted to do this, he opened the message tab of his menu and typed:
Hey my Darling,
I hope you have slept well and are rested. I wondered if you'd want to share some precious memories with me and learn about what I like.
If so, meet me at the teleporter in two hours.

Yours Hei


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  • 2 weeks later...

Saphira was in her shop. With a paintbrush in her left and a colour pallet in her right hand she stood in front of a canvas and looked at the picture she was about to draw it already was half done. It was calming to draw something, even something small, it calms her the same way like a hug of her beloved Hei. The green dragon on the canvas looked back at her, the part she did draw today was now done and she heared her stomach grumble - Time to eat something - she thought, placed the colour pallet on a small table and the paintbrush in a glass filled with water next to the pallet. As she thought about what she could eat now she heared the soft bell sound of a message. As the girl opened her menu she start to smile, it was a message from Hei! Quickly she start to read it. As she had finished reading, Saphira wondered, what she should do in these two hours, beside eating something. Slowly she walked over to the washbasin to clean her hands from some colour leftovers, then she changed her clothes she only wear while painting to some clean things, took her raven cloak and left her shop. Slowly she walked through the streets of the first floor, wondering, what exactly Hei had planned to do today, she was sure that they would do something beside learning more about the other one as she reached a baker shop and her stomach grumbled again.
With a filled stomach Saphira left the baker again and continued her way to the teleporter. Punctual she reached the place of meeting and looked around to find Hei as she heared some quiet steps behind her.

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After he had sent the message, he started looking for the right gear to wear and decided that he would go without most of the battle gear he normally wore. - This time I am going out with her, just to be with her, not to do some questing - he thought, and so he unequipped the armour he wore and walked around in his shop, looking for something nice to wear. A he did not find anything that looked like what he wanted, he quickly went to the workshop and without any problems crafted some green light trousers and a brown shirt besides some leather walking boots. Now he was ready to go for a hike.

With his preparations done, he now had to decide if Huatli would come along, or if he could leave her at home for today. He liked having the raptor around, but she always needed attention, and he wanted to give all of this to Saphira today, so he left her at home when he went to get some food before he would meet with Saphira. He got some rolls and a little bit of cake, so thy would have something for a pick nick once they would have found a nice place for it.

When Hei arrived at the plaza where the teleporter was, he could see Saphira standing there already. - I hope she isn't waiting for long. Am I to late? - he wondered, while he slowly walked towards her. It seemed he hadn't noticed him by now, as she turned away and he used his chance to sneak up on her, and with a "I'm here" he hugged her from behind.

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Before Saphira could turn around to have a look behind her, someone hugged her from behind. Saphira had to cringe a little bit before she heared Hei's voice. Glad, that it wasn't a stranger who had hugged her, she turned around and kissed Hei. - Hey Honey - Saphira said with a soft voice and looked at him with a warm shine in her eyes. - So, it was your plan to do something today, where do we go now? - curious she looked at him, wondering, what they would do now and where they would go. She felt a little bit nervous, but she didn't know the reason for her nervousness, was it because of the reason Hei had sent the message? Not just doing something together but also talking about the things they like and what they had experienced in the real world. Waiting for an answer she looked at Hei, she smiled, she was happy that Hei wanted to talk about something like this with her.

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When Hei had arrived at the teleporter and hugged his girlfriend from behind he had felt her cringe under his touch, which made him feel a little guilty, as he for sure hadn't wanted to scare her. When she then turned around and kissed him, he has happy she wasn't mad at him or anything and returned the kiss. When their lips disconnected, she greeted him with her warm voice and he could see the glimmering shine in her eyes. It seemed she was somewhat nervous and curious when she asked him what they were about to do, what made Hei feel kind of excited. - If she is nervous about what we do, it has to be because it's really important to her - he thought, and so he took his time to think about how he would tell her what they were about to do.

After a few moments he said "Well, I thought we could visit one of the floors I visit in my free time and I could tell you a little about me. You don't know much, and I don't know any more. So before I'll tell you what we are doing exactly, let me introduce myself once again." he had to swallow, as he hadn't told anyone his name, since he had entered the game. "My real name is Li Chen Chung, Li is okay, or you can continue calling me Hei, whatever you like. And now, how about we go there and I'll show you what we'll do. Let's just say, it's the seventh floor and I hope you'll like it."

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Soon after Saphira had asked Hei the question he answered her. He told her, that they would go to the seventh floor, which he visit often in his free time, he wanted to tell her something about himself and the things he likes. But after this he said something kinda strange, he wanted to introduce himself once again. - But I know his name already... - she thought and tried to find out what he wanted to say with this words. Then he continued, Hei told her his real name, he seemed to be nervous about it. - His name sounds chinese, it sounds nice. - she smiled - Li Chen Chung. - She liked his name - I think I will continue calling you Hei, maybe Le too, if this is okay for you. - she was still smiling then she added - Uhhm...before we go to the seventh floor I should introduce myself as well. - Saphira looked at him - My real name is Safaia Kioshi but I prefer Saphira. - she hugged him before they entered the teleporter.
As Saphira looked around on the seventh floor she saw mountains, mountains everywhere. The biggest mountains had tops, covered with snow, the smaller mountains had snow-less tops but they were still big. The floor had a beautiful environment, while she looked at the mountains she got an idea - Could it be, that you like hiking? - Saphira asked Hei curious. 

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When he reintroduced himself, telling her his real name he could see her smile and his heart felt warm and like it was about to burst every second. - How can a simple smile make me feel that way? - he was wondering when she told him, that she would continue calling him Hei, even though she might use his last name sometimes. "No problem with this. I think by now we all got really used to our usernames" he replied before she wanted to reintroduce herself. - Safaia  Kioshi, that's such a nice name. And I think I already know where her username comes from - he thought, and just to be sure he asked. "Okay, so I'll call you Saphira for now, or maybe honey. I just wondered, is your name the Japanese word for sapphire?"

After this, they used the teleporter to get to the mountainous seventh floor and when he saw Saphira's big eyes when she was looking around, he knew he chose the right one. Shortly after that she asked him, if she was right with her assumption that he liked hiking and he had to smile  "Yeah, you're right. I love hiking in these mountains far away from all the other players and the like. And It's really good training too. How about you, do you like it?" he asked, hoping that she did, as he didn't want to drag her along doing something she didn't like at all.

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As Hei asked her on the seventh floor if she liked hiking too she remembered the question he asked her down on the first floor before they had entered the teleporter, she hadn't told him an answer till now. She thought a moment, then she answered his second question first - I don't love hiking like you, it is okay and kinda fun also this is the third time that I visit the mountains, I was twice there in the real world. - After she told him this she wanted to give his first question an answer, too. - Now to your first question, you are right, my name means sapphire in English. My family was poor and for my mom I was a treasure, she named her most precious thing after a real treasure to show the world, that money isn't all you need in life... - pictures came up in her mind, pictures of the past where everything was still right, or at least many things - There were many good times, but they had all an end as he left, he left us for that blonde, dumb woman... - Saphira felt her anger grow as she remembered the moment she did saw the two together, she had to take a deep breath to calm down again, then she felt the sadness again. Saphira didn't want to be sad, this day should be filled with fun and precious memories of her and Hei, she looked up to him, then she hugged him. It took her some time to fight the sadness back down, but having someone close helped her and as she had won the fight she looked again at him - Do you know a good place where we could go? Maybe something with a good view? -

Edited by Saphira
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Once they had arrived at the seventh floor, Saphira told him that she didn't love hiking, but that it was kind of fun and that she had been to the mountains just twice before, and that it had been in the real world. "So you have been to the mountains in the real word, that's cool. Not all people one meets have done that" Hei replied quickly, before Saphira could continue. Next she told him about her name, that really was the Japanese word for sapphire, and that her family had been poor. So the name showed how her family saw her. Then he noticed that Saphira must have remembered something from her past, as she switched from being happy to being angry, telling him that everything ended with her father leaving the family for someone else. After that she got really sad and Hei tried to help her through this, holding her hand and just looking at her, slowly he began talking again "That sounds terrible, but don't think about it now. There is nothing we can do from here. Just take a deep breath and try to focus on the good side of your life. Just embrace the warmth of my hand holding yours" he said and held her even tighter. He could feel that she was still fighting the sadness when she started hugging him, and he just stood there, holding her in his arms, waiting for her to come back.

After some time she opened her eyes and looked at him, and he could see that she must have fought down the sadness. When she then asked her if he knew a good place to go, probably with a nice view, he smiled at her and kissed her cheek, before he replied "Yeah, I really know a place. It'll be quite a hike, maybe two or three hours to get there, but you'll love it." Hei was sure she would really like the place he had chosen for their hike. It was a small hut on one of the higher mountains and the best was, there were both a table and a basket of holding he had filled with nice picknick food. Soon they would start walking the green and grey slopes of the glorious mountain range.

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Soon after she had asked Hei the question, if he knows a good place, she got an answer from him. He told her, that he knows a place and that it will took two or three hours to reach this place, she smiled. After this, they begun to make their way up to the mountains. Saphira couldn't wait to reach the mountains and the place Hei had choose, as she climbed on a rock which was nearly as high as Hei was, she remembered once more what he had told her earlier - Try to focus on the good side of your life... - with a bright smile on her face she looked at him - You are one of the few good sides of my life. - she thought with a warm feeling in her chest. After a few minutes on top of the rock she climbed careful back down to follow Hei again. As Saphira had reached her beloved Hei she jumped in front of him and grabbed his hands - Hei, please promise me, that you would never leave me with out a reason. I know it is not so good to think about an end now, but I just wanted to say it, if you ever would leave me, pleas name me a reason. - then she hugged him, glad to feel him close to her, she never had loved a person like this before so she wanted to keep what they had as long as possible.

Edited by Saphira
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  • 2 weeks later...

Once they had started walking Hei could see the excitement in Saphira's eyes. She might not love to go hiking as much as he did, but he was sure she couldn't wait for them to reach the place he had just mentioned. They walked along a grassy hill that was just interrupted by a few huge rocks that had one day rolled down from the higher regions when Saphira climbed one of them. She looked like she was a child again, smiling and enjoying the day already. When she climbed back down and jumped in front of him when he reached her, she grabbed his hands and told him he should tell her a reason if he would ever leave her. - What a strange request for a time like this. I don't think I'll ever leave her, but I can understand her. I wouldn't want to see a loved one go without knowing why - That was what he thought, but he couldn't show it, so he smiled a little and replied "Don't worry, I'll just never leave you. And if there is something that leads to our ways to divide I'll for sure tell you"  her with all honesty. After that she hugged him and Hei embraced it, also pulling her closer to himself but he was careful so he would not hurt her.

After the moment was gone they continued their way towards the higher mountains and Hei was happy that the weather was this good. There were only a few clouds at the sky and the sun was shining bright. The meadow in front of them seemed to glow green with all that sunshine and they could hear a small creek not far from where they were at the moment. When they reached it Hei kneeled down and took a sip of the crystal clear water. It was really refreshing and he had a silly idea. He made a cup of his hands and filled it with ice cold water, then he splashed it at Saphira with a big smile on his face.

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After the hug had ended the two continued their way up to the mountains. Saphira liked to be close to Hei and she enjoyed the walk, the closeness to Hei and the environment. It was some time ago since she had seen mountains and it was even longer ago, that she had visited them. After some time of walking Hei had found a small creek and kneeled down, Saphira wasn't really sure, what he did there and as she curious came closer Hei turned around and splashed ice cold water at her. A little bit shocked she looked at Hei - Did he really...? - Her shocked expression turned to a serious one - You... - she start to smile and wasn't able to stay longer serious, then she made two big steps to reach the creek, kneeled down too and splashed also some water whit the help of her hand-cup at Hei. With a smile she jumped over the creek, trying to get out of his range. Out of his range, on the other side of the creek Saphira waited for him with a smile  on her face - What do you think about making some sort of question and answer game out of the part that we want to know more about the other one? The one who is up may ask only one question at the same time, the other one gives an answer and asks a new question until we reach the place you want to show me. What do you say? - with a curious shimmer in her eyes she looked at him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hei was really surprised when he saw the shock in Saphira's eyes. He had thought it was a funny thing to do, but the glare she threw at him told him other, he was already about to apologize when her face changed and the serious expression disappeared and got replaced by a big smile. She quickly came closer and before he could react she was at the creek herself, getting some water in her hands and splashed it at him. The water was really cold and Hei cringed when it hit him, and he understood her shocked look. Splashing back he stood up, but she had already jumped over the creek and waited for him. It wasn't good if he would continue, as she was waiting with a smile, so Hei quickly followed her and she asked him if he was ready for some question game, where one could only ask one question and the other one had to answer before asking a question himself. "Okay, I'll say yes. I answered your question, so now it's my turn. " he said, smiling at her for what he just did. Now he had to think about something he wanted to know. Hei really didn't knew much about Saphira except her name, so he simply started by asking "Your real name is a Japanese word, so I want to know if you really are from Japan or if your mum and dad just liked the sound of the name." He hoped this was a good question to begin with. If he knew where she was coming from, he might be able to ask more precise questions, as he had been all around the world and knew a lot of places.

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After Hei followed her over the creek and had listened to her idea, Saphira didn't had to wait long for an answer. Hei told her, that he was okay with the question game and that it was his turn now, since he had answered Saphira's question, she had to smile - He really is a funny person. - As he start to think about a question he could ask her she took his hand in hers and continued walking. Slowly they followed a small path and Saphira waited curious for Hei's question as he asked if she really was from Japan or if her parents just liked the sound of the name they gave her. - I am from Japan. - Saphira answered him after a short moment, then she added - I lived in a small village, I think three hours away from Tokyo - She knew, that her answer was more than he had asked but only telling him that she was from Japan seemed a little bit to short as an answer to her. Now it was her turn to ask something and she was unsure what exactly she should ask, there was so much she wanted to know. So after some time of thinking she did choose a question, where one short sentence wouldn't be enough to answer it, or at least she hoped so - You said, that you wanted to tell me about the things you like...so what's your hobbies? -

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  • 2 weeks later...

While he had been thinking about what to ask, Saphira grabbed his hand and they started walking again, slowly following the way that now lead up the mountain once again. The path was brought enough for them walking next to each other and Hei embraced the touch of her hand. When she then answered his question, telling him that she was indeed from Japan, and that she was from a small village not to far off from Tokyo he started forming pictures of her in some rural town, helping a woman that looked like an older version of herself watering plants in a garden in front of a small house. He didn't knew if this was really something that had ever happened or if any of the stuff he was imagining was true, but it popped into his head and he wanted to ask her about it, but he knew it wasn't his time to ask, so he simply walked next to her, waiting for her to ask something.

After quite a while she seemed to have fund the right question, as she started talking. She asked him what he liked to do, like he had wrote in the message, and wanted to know what his hobbies were. This was a difficult question as much had changed, but he was sure he would be able to tell her what she wanted o know, so Hei just started talking: "Well, that's a goo question. As you may be able to think off for yourself, I really liked playing videogames back before the SAO days, but I don't know if I can count this into my hobbies, as it was mostly connected with my Job. Still I also enjoyed them in my freetime. Let me think about the other things I liked doing... I really liked to travel and see lots of new places. I visited many towns and always everytime I got the chance I also visited some smaller villages around, leaving the busy town behind me and enjoying the nature. Hiking also is one of my hobbies, but you might have realized this already."  After he had told her all this Hei paused for a moment, also stopping from walking and looked around. As his gaze wandered around in this virtual world, he thought about what to tell her next, and after a few moments he continued talking, but not walking and said "And as for now, Travelling is quite easy with the teleporter and the different floors, so I still do that, but it's not the same if you always need to watch out for some mobs to come and kill you. So since we are in SAO I changed a lot and with me my hobbies. Nowadays I really like to just chill and maybe swim a little on the first floor, and I really like visiting the public garden and to forget the time while I help out there, planting and harvesting what I planted earlier." this was about it, so Hei stopped once more, held on to her hand a little stronger and started walking once again.

While they walked Hei thought about the next question and his vision of her as a small kid helping her mother reappeared in his mind. He had to know about her past, and he hoped he wouldn't wake any bad memories, so he asked "So you are from a small town, was it a real town or more of a rural place with gardens and a lot of place for a small you to play in?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

The two of them followed a small path which was still big enough for them to walk side to side, connected with her hands and hearts. It seemed like her question was a little bit difficult for Hei but after he had thought a moment he answered and told her about his hobbies as he still was in the real world. He told Saphira, that he liked to play video games even if it was often connected with his job and that he also liked to travel and see many different places, he also repeated, that he liked hiking. After he had told her these things he stopped talking and walking. His gaze wandered around, it seemed like he was in thoughts again, so Saphira waited. While she waited for him to come back out of his thoughts she looked at him, at his face, his eyes which looked with the light of the sun even more beautiful, her gaze wandered over his chin and neck and back again to his eyes, his beautiful eyes as he start to talk again. He told her about his hobbies in the virtual world. He told more new then old hobbies, it seemed like his hobbies had changed like the world around him had changed, but not only his hobbies had changed. He had told her, that he had changed as well. Saphira wondered, how much of his personality was the old Hei and how much came with SAO. As he finished talking this time he hold her hand a little bit stronger, then he continued walking.
Saphira hold Hei's hand a little bit stronger, too. His warmth and closeness felt good ans calming. Some moments had passed as He asked his question, he asked if her village was a town or a rural place with lot of place for a little me.
Saphira had to though a moment then she answered him - It's more a rural place than a real town but there aren't that many gardens. There were two farms which had a big garden and some of the smaller houses had a garden, too. Our house had a small garden and every year we plant plants to have food even if the money was little. It was a hard work but together with my mother it was still fun and everything that wasn't full with plants was for me to play. And as I was old enough to watch out for myself, at leas a little bit, my mother allowed me to play on the streets, too. She was still there to watch me but I was actually quiet good at protecting myself. - Saphira had to smile a little bit, the memories of her past were bittersweet but she continued - Besides other people and the one or other stray there wasn't any danger. If you would enter this village it feels like you would do a step back in the past, there are just a few cars, there is a weekly market and if you want to go to another town you have to walk to the next bigger one and take there a train or bus. But actually I never had much time to play, there was always something that needed to be done and as I was old enough I had to help. - She ended and thought if she had forget something, but she was sure that she had answered his question good enough, maybe she had told him a little bit more then he had asked again but she couldn't help it. Now it was her time to ask him a question again but her head was empty and she needed to think a longer moment to find a question she could ask Hei.
After some quiet walking time Saphira asked Hei her question - This is maybe a weird question, but are you afraid of something? The fear of dying does not count. - she looked over to him and hoped that the question was okay for him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

After he had asked Saphira about the village she was from, it took her some time to find a good answer. They continued their way up the hill and it wouldn't take to long before they would reach the first stop he had thought of. With both of them walking hand in hand Hei felt a warmth he hadn't known before, as he had never really been the guy for close relationships. After a moment Saphira started to talk and told him about her past in the village and how she had planted with her mother and how there was not much time for her to play. - Her past must have been difficult for a child, I hope she can have a good time now, here with me - he thought, as he imagined her helping her mother instead of playing. After she was done he said "I bet your village is really nice, and I would like to visit it once we get out of here. Is it really that much like it is still in the past days?" he asked, but then he remembered that it wasn't his turn to have his question answered. "Forget about that, it's your turn to ask me something" after this they walked quiet again, while Saphira was thinking about a good question. 

After they had walked close to each other she finally asked him if he was afraid of something and added that being afraid of dying wouldn't count as an answer. As Hei started thinking about it, he realized that he wasn't afraid of many things, but now there was one more thing he had to worry about. "Uhm... I don't think it's a problem the it doesn't count, as I ain't really afraid of dying in this game. The design is tough through well enough for it to be fair, and as a good player I always stay where I should be save. In the real world I had to fight for my own interests, as my parents weren't happy with what I wanted to do, so maybe being ripped of the freedom to do what I want to do could count as a fear.
Oh, and right now I realize, there is another new fear I haven't known before. ... It's the fear to lose you" with this some what cringy romantic last part, he wasn't sure if he could add anything else. So he simply decided to continue walking next to her, her hand in his, and wait till they would reach the glacial lake that was hist first goal. Once the lake appeared in their view, he stopped and appreciated the view. Then before they would head down there, he had found a question "So I think it's my turn again. As you might have noticed I really like the game, even with it maybe being my death, how about you. Do you like this world, or would you rather be back to your own old life?"

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