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Username:  Achi
Real name:  Itachi Uchiha 
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 4'5

About: History/personality
My friends always say I have a short fuse, but I just have no patience with those who disrespect others. I grew up knowing only respect and trust. I always worked my hardest and never asked for any rewards. However I just can't stand bullies. Like I said about having a short fuse, well in any situation were there is bullying, I will let lose.

I say that because those who prey on the weak  deserve no respect and thus are a waste of effort and time. I mean why would you work on a clock without gears, so I dispose of those who can't work right. It may seem irrational to the open mind, but I lost my little brother to bullying. He is dead because I didn't act, so I protect other people as I would have if my little bro was still alive. I also joined my schools track team to lessen the pain of his loss, so you can imagine after the six years of his loss that I've become pretty fast and my reflexes have enhanced quite a bit. So that is why when my mom got me nerve gear I knew that I could stop some bullies there.
Speed- After spending years of my time running on my own and during practice I have even surpassed my coaches. My current 400 meter lap time max time is about 47 seconds and I can hold that speed for about 8 and half minutes. To think that after all of this it is still just 8 minutes, my brother's killers will pay for what they did!

Cleverness- I can think my way out of any situation. Thinking on my feet was always my greatest strength saying that it helped me survive all these years when I got into fights with the wrong kind of people(aka those who pull out guns and knives during a fistfight). However this is also useful for lying my way out of trouble, thus the fact it has happened many times in class.

Strength- Before I leave for school every day I make sure that in honor of my brother that I will always push myself to limits, because that is what he would have done for me.
Reference: http://darkworldrpg.com/character-flaws/
Temper- Anyone who knows me well enough knows that when I get get angry, I explode and supposedly completely ignore and attack anyone trying to calm me down. When I am this angry it's like a wave of punches and kicks, so watch your back because one of these days... just one of these days. However the thing is though can't let lose around my mom because she would kill me after killing whatever was making me angry.

Patience- I've never been one to wait on others for stupid reasons, so I just end up getting angrier and angrier. If people think that I was bad in the real world, well they won't know what hit em. I also have a thing against waiting in line for stuff.

Grudges- If someone picks a fight with me or one of my pals, I'll nearly kill em before the cops show up; however I won't kill em just for the fact that they now know that THEY OWE ME, but also because if my my were to find out that I killed a man then she would probably ask the officer for his or her gun to shoot me in ever place on my body and leaving my head for last. Sorry about that but my mom just has a very strict rule against certain things and how she handles the punishments. However in this game there is no mom to stop me from killing those that I cannot forgive.
Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)





Weapon skills:
»1-Handed Strait Sword

»DPS Package

>1-H Strait Sword(Rare)

> Light Chain meal Chestplate (Vanity)
>(3) starter healing potions (50 HP)
>2,500 Col and (5) Tier 1 materials
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)


>Real life friends with "Sentinal"
Story Thus Far (optional)




Edited by Itachi Uchiha
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