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[F1-PP] The Beginning of Extermination - Domarus & Tricolor_Mina DHA

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Domarus said nothing more as the two of them walked.  Eventually of course they managed to reach the area where the sleeping dragon hatchling lay resting.  Mina giggled, returning a bit to her old self as she commented on how it looked cute.  That didn't help Domarus as he focused on the fact that it was nothing but simple code rather than a living breathing creature.  He watched as she dealt five  points of damage to it.  A painful reminder of how low a level she truly was.  When she finished her attack he would activate charge, rush in, and cleave the hatchling clean in half.  It didn't even have enough time to scream before it vaporized into crystals.  A completion screen for the quest popped up and Domarus hit accept as he and Mina received the item.  He turned to her.  "One down, nine to go."

ID#  116867  BD:  8


H[0] Domarus: 880/880 HP || 75/88 EN || 66 MIT || 3 ACC || 15 DMG
H[1] Tricolor_mina: 320/320 HP, 32 EN, 26 MIT, 3 ACC, T1 Bleed (9+), T1 Paralyze (9+)

Rhaegal the Emerald Hatchling 0/125 HP, 50 DMG, 25 MIT


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 ID# 116868 results:

 Battle: 1

 Craft: 5

 Loot: 6 (+2 is 8, no dice.)

 MOB: 3

Mina sighed grumpily when she saw that she couldn't seem to spot a treasure chest from where she was at the current moment. It was extremely annoying. She'd searched for a chest twice now, and she had completely failed for the second time. How annoying. She turned back to domarus, who was finishing off the little dragon. after he did so, she saw a small menu pop up in front of her face, showing the quest rewards. she clicked the accept button, and the rewards slipped into her inventory. A faint smile crossed her face with how quickly this had gone. It was... fun! It was legitimately fun! Mina couldn't remember the last time she had truly had fun with a quest for any kind of reason. even though the boss technically got one shot (Technically one-shot since domarus could kill it easily on his own though.)

*-~Thread Summary~-*
Domarus: 450 Col, Rhaegals Emerald, 2 SP
Tricolor_mina: 450 Col, Rhaegals Emerald, 2 SP

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