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[PP|F2] Fox and the hound <<Feeding your enemy>>

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Mordecai was running on the rooftops from some players he had messed with, they never managed to catch him so he just kept doing it, when suddenly he flips off of one and lands in a roll stopping just short of colliding with a red headed lady. He had officially evaded another beatdown and would continue to have fun with this little group of players he had messed with so many times. The red head had caught his eye and he grins, leaning forward and extending a hand for a handshake. “Hello, the name’s Mordecai.” His suave nature finally mixed well with his introduction as he had gotten used to introducing himself with his player name. “And you are?” He asks kindly.

The way he spoke carried a confidence most boys his age didn’t have, and his words were smooth and his actions were confident. No underlying fear of failure or dread of misunderstanding. He was ready for it all because he had seen it all, but he wanted to see more.


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Kirbs let out a small shout as she felt someone run into her. She internally groaned. Can't she just have one day where someone didn't just introduce themselves in a completely cliche way? The redhead let out an inaudible sigh as she turned around and blinked. It seemed that this dude was already one step ahead of her. She laughed nervously and reached her hand out to shake his a couple times before pulling away quickly. Well, that was awkward. "Hello," she mumbled, her brows knitting together. "I'm Kirbs," she inhaled sharply, already waiting for a question or comment about her username. Dozens of introductions have prepare her for this moment!

Through the short duration, she had completely forgotten about the familiar what was currently strangling her. She gestured her hand towards the snake-like creature around her neck and let out a soft laugh-- which honestly sounded more like a wheeze. "And this is Scarfy. I wouldn't bother saying hello to him, though. He's a moody one," she chuckled, already knowing that Scarfy was glaring daggers into her head.


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She seemed to be struggling with the whole breathing thing, and Kai just smiled, giving her a little chuckle. It was kinda cute the way she didn’t get along with her familiar and yet still took it everywhere and trusted it around her neck. “Well, we’ve all dealt with the moody ones  where I come from.” He reaches out and lets it sniff his hand. Whether it let him pet it or not, Kai would pull his hand back and pull down his pink hood with cat ears. His guilty pleasure was much less private now than before. He never really minded being seen in it, but he did kinda feel weird at first. The lady in the cave changed that really quickly though.

”Would you be a dear and accompany me on the familiar quest?” He asks, shaking the pouch of familiar treats in front of her. He had hoped the familiar on the lady’s neck would go for the treats, but he was fine with it just suffocating her a little bit.

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She hummed, slapping away Scarfy's tail as he waved in front of her tauntingly. Boy, was this thing annoying her. Why must he sabotage every social interaction she had? "Where's that?" She asked, raising a brow. She didn't really wanted to pry but you know, you got to do what cha' got to do. Information doesn't magically come out of no where! Plus, she was curious! She held her breath as she watched his hand inch closer to her familiar. "Oh glob, I don't think that's such a good idea-" she mumbled, shifting her gaze to the stoic demon that wrapped around her shoulders. Kirbs stifled a sigh of relief when her familiar didn't react much to it. She silently thanked whoever was out there and released her built up sigh. Good, good. She would prefer stoic Scarfy over angry Scarfy any day. 

Kirbs stifled another laugh as she watched him pull up his hood... with wittle cat ears!

Kirbs scratched her chin a few times, as if lost in thought before she shrugged her shoulders. "Sure, I don't really think I'm doing anything today, anyway," she admitted, laughing nervously. Kirbs watched as her familiar eyed the bag suspiciously before looking away again. Sighing in relief, again, she turned back t him and grinned. "Lead the way, capt'n!" 

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She had already made herself seem pretty enjoyable, and Kai looks at her and he pats her head. “Don’t let that thing’s attitude slow you down.” He tries to make it confusingly endearing as he looks her in the eyes for a moment, smirks and takes off running. His foot comes off the ground and lands on a table, which he then uses to launch himself onto an awning. “Gotta keep up if you wanna stick around.” He jumps off of the awning and swings on a lamp pole sticking out of the wall. A hanging garden on the metal fence like walls makes a great ladder for the boy as he climbs up to the roof tops. With ease he had climbed up to where most players would avoid because it was convenient to. It was obvious he would rather have fun than be conventional.

”Stay down there and I won’t treat you to ice cream and root beer floats after!” He shouts down, taking off on the rooftops and jumping over alley ways with lots of flair. He had spent the last two years practicing that everyday and would spend the rest of his time doing so as well. It made life so much more beautiful when you could see the rest of the world.

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What is seriously up with people and patting her head? Sey does it, Bell does it, and now this stranger? Your damn hand doesn't belong on her head!  She silently sobbed inside as she thought about it. She blinked at him as he ran off. "Showoff," she muttered as she watched him swing around like bloody Tarzan. "Oh, I have you know that I am perfectly capable of doing-" she gestured to the table, the lamp post, and then to the fence, "-this!" Kirbs silently prayed for whoever owned the poor house with the maniac on its roof. Poor guy, am I right? I mean, she'd much rather keep her neck in tact but where was the fun of that? 

She flipped him off and scowled. "Like hell!" She wasn't giving up free food! It was in her moral code! She sighed once more and gave her familiar an apologetic look before scrambling up the side of the house. She wobbled a bit before finally regaining her balance. The redhead sighed in relief when few pairs of eyes looked at her. Was this such a normal occurrence nowadays? Her eyes went back to Mordecai's retreating figure. No way in hell was she letting this newbie show her off! Without much of a second thought, she ran after him. And holy- was this terrifying. Lets just say that leaping from house to house wasn't her forte. 

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Not a falter in his step caught him off guard, his balance was true and his freedom was apparent. There was no fear in his eyes and no preparation either, he was just going. He jumps an alley way that was different. The building he landed on was one story rather than two like the rest, so when he rolled back to his feet he turned and waited for Kirbs. “I’ll wait for ya just this once.” He smiles, then he thinks about what he did before and looks at her again. “And sorry I pat your head back there, it was weird.” He smiles and drops down to the ground, landing silently and smoothly. “South gate’s right here.” He starts walking towards it like a normal person and he smiles, his day had already been so much fun, so he was content with however today would end.

As he exits town, his eyes examine the crater and the edge above them. He smiles and begins the trek upwards.

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Kirbs yelped as she nearly lost her footing again, her heart beating twice as fast when her foot slipped a few inches on the shingled roof. This is why I don't don't skateboard, snowboard, and surf, she sulked, regaining her balance once again. So much for a smooth run. She's found a new fear, heights! It wasn't everyday you would jump on top of buildings like a bloody ninja! When she had finally caught up with him, she let out a sigh of relief and landed clumsily on the one story roof. "I hate balance," she mumbled, crossing her arms with a scowl. Her face broke off into a small smile and waved him off, "it's fine. I'm pretty much used to it by this point." She shrugged and followed him off the roof, screeching when her foot slipped again. Twas a pleasant landing; face first into the cobbled road, that is. She looked up and sent him a toothy grin. "I'd think I'd be crying if I felt pain," she said, giving a shrill laugh. Oh, but she was crying-- internally, that is. She scrambled up and followed after him. This day has be so fun, fun, fun so far.

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