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[F05 - SP] <<Blood in the Sand>>

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  • LEVEL: 17
  • HP: 340 / ENERGY: 34
  • EVA: 3 / MIT: 23 / ACC: 2 / DMG: 7
          COOLDOWN: 3 TURNS


    » [X2 AOE] BLAST
     [X2] STRAIGHT
     [X3] SCOOPED
     [X4] CYCLONE
     [X5] BACK RUSH

      +3 EVA

      +18 MIT / LIGHT MOMENTUM 1

     ➥ +1 DMG
     ➥ BLEED

     ➥ +2 ACC

     ➥ HEALS 40 HP

It had been awhile since Bahr had been so excited for a quest. And would you like to know why?

Because it was against a freaking Sand Shark. Bahr wasn't exactly sure what to expect, probably just a literal shark that swam through sand instead of water. No matter what, it was bound to be cool as hell. Immediately after hearing of such a creature, he readied his gear and exited the shop, switching the sign to 'closed' and locking up. He wasn't about to miss the opportunity to go fight a freaking Sand Shark. Seriously, every time he so much as thought about it he got goosebumps.

In stark contrast to the floor before it, the fifth floor was comprised mostly of deserts and barren wastelands. Yet again, he found a floor that he was not satisfied with enough to call home. Whatever quests existed here, he would be sure to conquer them and be on his merry way as soon as possible. No use lollygagging in a place as dreadful as this.

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It didn't take him long to find the spawning ground of the creature. The problem was, it didn't seem like it was around. Bahr silently walked into its zone looking around to see if any players had possibly come along and killed it shortly before he arrived. Nobody was there, and he hadn't seen anyone on his way in, either.

As he stood there pondering the circumstances of the field boss's disappearance, it appeared without any warning whatsoever, leaping out of the ground mere feet away from Bahr and taking a shot at his head with its razor sharp fangs. Bahr quickly unsheathed his weapon and leaned back, placing one hand against the ground to brace himself while the other twirled the sword just over his head. The weapon grinded against the monster's teeth and sparks flew before it completed its pass overhead and dipped back into the sand. Moments later, it surfaced again and attacked, but Bahr was ready and his sword already charged. He ripped into the monster with six strikes, the final attack managing to stun it.


Encounter: Sand Shark
HP: 125
DMG: 50


HP: 340/340 | EN: 34-9=25
DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 23

Bahr used [x6 Stun] Fight Blade against Sand Shark, -9 EN

Sand Shark: HP: 125-42=83/125 | DMG: 50 | ID: 119700 | BD: 5+2=7, Hit for 7x6=42 DMG | MD: 6-3=3, Miss | STUN INFLICTED


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The fight was already proving to be as exhilarating as Bahr had imagined. The sand shark was a noble adversary indeed, but that didn't mean Bahr wasn't up to snuff to defeat the creature. He had already managed to stun it, and it flopped onto the ground pitifully, leaving it open to another attack. True to his usual attack pattern, Bahr put his blade against his back and jumped onto the creature back-first, ripping the blade forward after it had slammed into the shark.

It shrieked in agony as Bahr rolled away and got back to his feet. The stun having now wore off, the creature buried itself into the sand once more and became imperceptible to the rest of the environment. Contrary to his usual fighting style, Bahr was going to have to play in a reactionary manner if he wanted to take this thing down. He couldn't very well go digging in the sand to try to find it - he would be gobbled up in an instant if it entered the monster's realm.


HP: 340/340 | EN: 25+1-5=21
DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 23

Bahr used [x5] Back Rush against Sand Shark, -5 EN

Sand Shark: HP: 83-45=38/125 | DMG: 50 | ID: 119701 | BD: 10, Crit for 9x5=45 DMG | MD: Stun locked | STUN EXPIRES | BLEED INFLICTED


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The Sand Shark, like many monsters in SAO, seemed to have an affinity for trying to hit players in the back when they weren't looking. Fortunately, Bahr had just the skill for creature's such as this; Back Rush. By the time the shark had surfaced and attacked again, Bahr's sword was charged and ready. He turned around and swung his blade all in one swift motion, smacking the shark away and causing it to shriek in agony. 

Much to Bahr's dismay, that seemed to be all the abuse the poor creature could handle. As it flopped around in pain on the ground, the Bleed that Bahr had inflicted on it earlier took effect and depleted the remainder of its health bar, causing it to combust into a cloud of blue pixels that were swept away by a harsh wind that rolled through the area. It was disappointing for such an epic battle to have ended so quickly.


HP: 340/340 | EN: 21+1-5=17
DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 23

Bahr used [x5] Back Rush against Sand Shark, -5 EN

Sand Shark: HP: 38-35-12=0/125 | DMG: 50 | ID: 119702 | BD: 6+2=8, Hit for 7x5=35 DMG | MD: 1, Miss | BLEED INFLICTS 12 DMG | Sand Shark defeated


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Bahr sighed as he observed his loot panel, the Sand Shark having given him an alchemical solution similar to other field bosses he had fought in the past. He had come here with such high hopes for the battle, but it had ended after only three attacks and the shark didn't even manage to damage him once. Talk about a letdown.

Bahr knew that he wasn't getting too strong. That definitely wasn't it. There were plenty of quests that he still wasn't ready to take on solo, even on lower floors than this. Too assume he was getting too strong too fast was vain and stupid. Perhaps the balancing of the game was just off. After all, a creature like that definitely had potential to be a much stronger foe. Then again, who was Bahr to make decisions like that? Perhaps the game was designed to be played this way, encouraging players to get a taste of higher floors before they were fully ready.


ID: 119703
LD: 10
Material gathering failed.


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The problem was that Bahr had cleared his whole day for that fight. He didn't have anything else planned whatsoever. He was standing in a world where you could fill you day with virtually whatever you wanted to do, and he had chosen to fight that Land Shark. And it was over in the blink of an eye. He searched around hoping to find anything he could possibly make use of for crafting, but the area was as desolate as they come. 

He kicked the sand as he thought about what to do next. The wasteland-esque atmosphere of this floor made everything blazing hot to the touch, and he was starting to feel the effects of that. Beads of sweat rolled down his brow and he wiped them away with his glove, accidentally wiping sand onto his face. Was a miserable locale. Was staying around worth it, even if he came across some rare loot of materials?


ID: 119705
LD: 12
Material gathering failed.


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He couldn't take it anymore. The heat was becoming too much. He opened up his menu and hastily navigated to the equipment panel, swapping his trousers out for lighter and more airable vanity pants. He breathed a satisfactorily as the change occurred, the breeze that flowed through the area actually offering a bit of relief from the unrelenting heat. Knowing they were lighter, he also swapped out his thick vanity gloves for the Gloves of Caerus he had taken along with him. They wouldn't make his hands so sweaty and gross in the heat, and they would also make it a bit easier for him to find stuff or get loot off of monsters.

That being said, he wasn't sure how much action he was going to get in a wasteland like this. As the next gust of wind rolled through, a tumbleweed rolled whimsically across the path he was on. An actual tumbleweed! It would have been funny were it not so cliche. Actually, scratch that. It was still funny.


HP: 340/340 | EN: 34
DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 5
LD: +3


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No sooner had Bahr dismissed his equipment window than he saw a monster not far away from him. It actually hadn't looked like a monster at first, considering it was in the shape of a cactus. The only reason he had noticed it this time was because he caught a glimpse of the health bar wrapped around it, which also blended into its green figure. It seemed that this was the sort of mob that was designed to blend in and surprise attack unaware passersby. Well, this time Bahr had the drop on his enemy.

He charged his blade and sprinted at the cactus, striking it six times before it could react. Apparently it hadn't been expecting to be detected, because the attack really did a number on it. In addition to getting stunned, it had also been afflicted with Bleed, causing the edges of Bahr's lips to curl upward into a grin.


Encounter: Mad Cactus
HP: 170
DMG: 51


HP: 340/340 | EN: 34-9=25
DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 5
LD: +3

Bahr used [x6 Stun] Fight Blade against Mad Cactus, -9 EN

Mad Cactus: HP: 170-48=122/170 | DMG: 51 | ID: 119706 | BD: 9, Crit for 8x6=48 DMG | STUN INFLICTED | BLEED INFLICTED | MD: Stun locked | STUN EXPIRES


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You never really expect something like a cactus monster to move fast until you see it for yourself. Once the stun from Bahr's previous attack expired, the cactus moved with blinding speed to circle around Bahr and go for his back, as many mobs do. He barely had enough time to charge up his blade and attempt to use a Back Rush to counter the blistering attack. The Mad Cactus had caught on to Bahr's little trick, however, and managed to back away just in time to avoid any damage from the attack.

Bahr couldn't rightly say he wasn't impressed. Perhaps this was the sort of thing he had to look forward to on the higher floors. Heck, this bizarre cactus was actually more intimidating than the shark, in its own unique way. Bahr continued to wear the same grin from before as he bent slightly at the knees and waited for his opponent's next move.


HP: 340/340 | EN: 25+1-5=21
DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 5
LD: +3

Bahr used [x5] Back Rush against Mad Cactus, -5 EN

Mad CactusHP: 122-12=110/170 | DMG: 51 | ID: 119707 | BD: 1, Miss | MD: 1, Miss | BLEED INFLICTS 12 DMG


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In a flash, the cactus had disappeared again, leaving nothing but a line of kicked up dust in its wake. Bahr charged his sword and waited patiently, not wanting to jump the gun again. He waited. And waited. And waited... Now!

He spun around and carved his sword through the air, barely managing to slice into the cactus on its back step. Combined with the Bleed damage, this forced its health bar into the yellow, a welcome sight for Bahr. Know he knew that its superior speed could be bested if he only remained patient. He jumped back and readied his blade again, studying the cactus's movements carefully as it reeled back from the attack and lurched its body forward again. Its crimson eyes flared up and peered directly at Bahr as a sinister smile etched itself across its face. He couldn't tell if it was happy or utterly pissed off.


HP: 340/340 | EN: 21+1-5=17
DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 5
LD: +3

Bahr used [x5] Back Rush against Mad Cactus, -5 EN

Mad CactusHP: 110-35-12=63/170 | DMG: 51 | ID: 119708 | BD: 8+2=10, Hit for 7x5=35 DMG | MD: 1, Miss | BLEED INFLICTS 12 DMG | BLEED EXPIRES


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Swift as it was, it didn't appear that the Mad Cactus varied much in its attack pattern. Once again it vanished in a puff of dust, leaving behind a trail of kicked up sand as it circled around Bahr, preparing to strike him from behind. Just as before, Bahr waited patiently as he charged up his blade, spinning around only when the time felt right to strike the creature before it could strike him.

He did indeed managed to strike his foe, but something different happened this time. Rather than back stepping in an attempt to avoid damage from Bahr's blade, it committed to its attack, sinking a harrowing punch into Bahr's stomach with one of its thorny appendages. Bahr coughed as a response and quickly dashed backward, gripping his stomach as though to avoid bleeding. Not that he would, though, since this was just a video game. Sometimes, in the heat of battle, it was difficult to remember that.


HP: 340-52=288/340 | EN: 17+1-5=13
DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 5
LD: +3

Bahr used [x5] Back Rush against Mad Cactus, -5 EN

Mad CactusHP: 63-40=23/170 | DMG: 51 | ID: 119709 | BD: 9, Crit for 8x5=40 DMG | BLEED INFLICTED | MD: 9, Crit for 52 DMG


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That last attack had caught Bahr off guard. It was obvious that he couldn't just stand by and play defensively anymore - his opponent was too swift and too powerful to take for granted. He charged up his blade and went on the defensive this time, using one of his oldest Sword Arts, Straight, in an attempt to deliver the killing blow. Much to his chagrin, however, the elusive plant dodged his attack masterfully, using its swiftness to easily sidestep the attack and retaliate with one of its own. Bahr barely maneuvered around its first punch, managing to bring up his sword to block the second punch only moments before it connected and effectively block it. The resulting force of the attack caused his sword to vibrate uncomfortably while Bahr was pushed back, his boots skidding along the sand for a moment before he came to a complete stop. He looked up toward the cactus afterward and eyed its health bar. Weather he hit it or not, Bleed would fully deplete it by the time it made its next attack.


HP: 288/340 | EN: 13+1-2=12
DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 5
LD: +3

Bahr used [x2] Straight against Mad Cactus, -2 EN

Mad CactusHP: 23-12=11/170 | DMG: 51 | ID: 119710 | BD: 1, Miss | MD: 4-3=1, Miss | BLEED INFLICTS 12 DMG


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There are times in a man's life when he isn't sure why he did what he did. This was one of those times for Bahr.

Despite knowing that Straight hadn't worked the first time, and despite knowing that the thing would die on its own anyways, he still decided to burn some of his Energy on yet another Straight. Just as it had before, the attack whiffed due to the creature's masterful speed, and it positioned itself perfectly for a counter attack that Bahr wasn't going to be able to dodge or block this time. Just as it was about to hammer arm with its thorny appendage, Bleed damage took effect and the creature burst into a million tiny blue pixels like a balloon filled with confetti.

Bahr released a sigh of relief and checked his loot panel, happy with the tremendous helping of col that the creature had dropped. With this, he would be soon approaching the 10k mark, a new person best for him.


HP: 288/340 | EN: 12+1-2=11
DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 5
LD: +3

Bahr used [x2] Straight against Mad Cactus, -2 EN

Mad CactusHP: 11-12=0/170 | DMG: 51 | ID: 119711 | BD: 1, Miss | MD: 2-3=-1, Miss | BLEED INFLICTS 12 DMG | Mad Cactus defeated

ID: 119712
LD: 18+3=21 | CD: 12

2040 col and (1) Unidentified T1 Perfect Trinket


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Bahr had been pretty pleased with his hunt on the floor so far. Even if the Sand Shark hadn't lived up to his expectations, he had still managed to get a healthy helping of experience from it. As for the Mad Cactus, it had given him an exciting and engaging fight with a worthwhile loot drop at the end. All in all, things were going pretty well so far. Perhaps this floor wasn't so bad after all, even if it did feel like an oven filled with sand.

It was pretty barren in terms of material gathering, though. Bahr hadn't managed to find a single material so far, and that trend continued even after his exciting fight against the Mad Cactus. The creature itself hadn't even dropped any materials, instead dropping copious amounts of col to fill the gap. Perhaps this was more of a col grinding floor as opposed to a materials gathering floor. Which made sense, considering its wasteland-esque atmosphere.


ID: 119713
LD: 4+3=7
Material gathering failed.


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At long last, Bahr had finally found something that looked worthy of being a crafting material. Yes, he was sure that settlers had traveled far and wide in search of such a stupendous find, the rarity of which on a floor like this would most certainly make it the most coveted of possessions. Indeed, there were few materials that Bahr had ever laid eyes upon that make him as excited and happy as this. What's the material he found, you ask?

A smooth rock.

Yes, a smooth rock. The mightiest and smoothest rock he had ever found. Having survived years of weathering by the sand, it had reached a level of impeccable smoothness to which only a baby's bottom could compare. Yes, what a marvelous find. He happily picked up the rocky ornament and stuffed it into his inventory, pleased to have found even one material in his search through the desert.


ID: 119714
LD: 19+3=22
(1) T1 Material acquired


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Where to you think sand comes from, anyways?

Think about it. All that sand really is is super tiny rocks. How did they get so small and become so plentiful? Were bigger rocks ground into infinitesimally smaller rocks over the course of eons? Or was sand the default, and larger rocks had to be compressed together by gravity and the forces of nature through the generations? If this were true, how long did it take for asteroids to assemble? Planets? It was all mind boggling, really. Bahr was sure someone out there had the answers, but it certainly wasn't him.

Anyways, his continued pursuit of materials had once again turned to failure. It was just sand everywhere he looked. Sand, sand, and more sand. Sand in his boots. Sand in his crack. Sand still on his brow from where he wiped it earlier. There was no escaping sand in a place like this. It truly was hell.


ID: 119715
LD: 11+3=14
Material gathering failed.


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Apparently Bahr's new Evasion armor was working out better than he thought, because a bizarre bird of some sort swooped down out of nowhere and missed him by less than an inch. He hadn't even had time to react, the creature making no sound save for the flapping of its wings after its embarrassing blunder. It appeared to be a vulture of some kind, only... really, really buff. Like, if vulture's could lift weights, this was definitely the vulture that did it the most. It actually looked quite uncomfortable. That's just how much muscle it had.

Before it could take off into the air again, Bahr charged his sword and thwacked it several times, which resulted in a stun. The bird instantly fell to the ground and kicked up a small cloud of dust upon impact, its hefty frame landing with a loud thud. Bahr wasn't sure why, but he couldn't hold back laughing at the embarrassing spectacle.


Encounter: Buff Vulture
HP: 170
DMG: 51


HP: 340/340 | EN: 34-9=25
DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 5
LD: +3

Bahr used [x6 Stun] Fight Blade against Buff Vulture, -9 EN

Buff Vulture: HP: 170-42=128/170 | DMG: 51 | ID: 119706 | BD: 6+2=8, Hit for 7x6=42 DMG | MD: 8-3=5, Miss STUN INFLICTED


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It was a good thing that the Buff Vulture was stunned, because what Bahr did next was just as embarrassing as what it had endured. True to his usual attack pattern, he had planned to put the sword on his back and essentially backflop onto the enemy and then rip the sword forward. It had proven successful the countless times he had done it before, but this time he slipped and fell flat on his face before he could complete the attack. With a mouth full of sand, Bahr couldn't even utter the curses that he wanted to, slowly rising to his feet as the oversized bird squawked and sprang to life, its stun having expired.

Bahr really needed to look into getting better shoes. It didn't seem to matter what kind of terrain he was on. Grass, mud, sand, ice, snow, rocks, tree bark, you name it. He had slipped off of it and fallen flat on his face. Guaranteed. Although, there was that one time he visited Olympia and managed to not slip on the clouds. Perhaps that was the only favorable environment he could hope for, not like he was ever going to see it again.


HP: 340/340 | EN: 25+1-5=21
DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 5
LD: +3

Bahr used [x5] Back Rush against Buff Vulture, -5 EN

Buff Vulture: HP: 128/170 | DMG: 51 | ID: 119717 | BD: 1, Miss | MD: Stun locked STUN EXPIRES


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As Bahr stood, embarrassed, thinking of all of the times he had fallen on his face, the Buff Vulture circled around for another pass at him, aiming for his back as most mobs do. Bahr had been so distracted that he had basically forgotten all about the big bird, charging up his sword skill too late and getting thwacked by the bird at full speed. This caused him to fall forward and faceplant into the sand yet again. 

He stood and spat the sand out of his mouth, which it seemed would now remain perpetually dry until the end of time, and looked out and the circling vulture with disdain. He considered stunning it again, but that didn't seem like a good idea given how low his Energy had dropped due to his recent blunders. HIt had been awhile since he had been so thoroughly humiliated by such a basic mob. Then again, this mob definitely worked out.


HP: 340-53=287/340 | EN: 21+1-5=17
DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 5
LD: +3

Bahr used [x5] Back Rush against Buff Vulture, -5 EN

Buff Vulture: HP: 128/170 | DMG: 51 | ID: 119718 | BD: 2+2=4, Miss | MD: 10, Crit for 53 DMG


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Yet again, the vulture circled around. This time, he was ready for it. He charged up his blade and spun around as the bird approached, swinging his blade and... missing entirely. Much to his chagrin, the bird had managed to completely avoid the attack by simply flapping its wings and taking to the skies again, canceling its attack and cackling as Bahr viewed his rapidly depleting Energy meter.

It took some quick mental math, but Bahr determined that - in a favorable scenario, he could still kill this thing before he ran out of Energy. It would take virtually all of his Energy to do so, but that wasn't a problem. As long as this bird ended up dead, that was all he cared about. If he missed another attack, however, he would most likely need to resort to fleeing. It wasn't something that he really liked doing, and it wasn't like he actually felt his life was in danger or anything. He just didn't want to spend several turns waiting for his Energy to recover before being allowed to use a decent Sword Art again.


HP287/340 | EN: 17+1-5=13
DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 5
LD: +3

Bahr used [x5] Back Rush against Buff Vulture, -5 EN

Buff Vulture: HP: 128/170 | DMG: 51 | ID: 119721 | BD: 2+2=4, Miss | MD: 1, Miss


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