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[PP-F2] There and Back Again (Lessa)

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 It was a cool day and the clouds had begun to blacken. The Second Floor was only slightly more dangerous than the first in these days since the Floor Boss was cleared, but there were still many potential dangers for weaker players who got caught unawares.

He had sent the message to her inbox out of both interest and loneliness. They had not spoken a word since the Guild disbanded and they went their separate ways, but he had no reason to believe that they were on bad terms.

"Lessa, I hope you are well. It has been some time. I've been doing some work around the lower floors since we parted but I've recently become interested in expanding my skills. I wanted to see if you were well, and interested in meeting up. Aincrad is a lonely place, and I've found myself stricken by it. 



For now, he had taken to watching the skies from the gate, letting the breeze gently wash over his features. There was a storm coming.


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