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[F01 - SP] An Elusive Ally <<Feeding Your Enemy>>

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Yukiro was getting ready to leave town. He'd been chewed out once already, and he would prefer to avoid having suck an earful again. 
When he'd returned to the old lady who'd given him a quest to go out and tame a familiar, he returned without having tamed anything. The elderly woman had ranted and scolded him for not trying hard enough and not having been friendly enough to the monsters. 
But when he mentioned his strange encounter, her attitude changed completely.
"You... encountered what?" she'd asked disbelievingly.
"A small black cat. It glowed like hot coals and left footprints made of ash."
The lady looked at Yukiro for a moment, clearly surprised to hear this. "I can't believe it, you found him."
"I beg your pardon?"
She started to look off into the distance. "I only ever saw that little one three times. It was the reason I didn't get lost in the woods. It was possibly the only one that I couldn't quite tame..."
Yukiro watched her face. It seemed that he had encountered a particularly interesting creature. It only made him want to tame it even more.

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After some time of hearing stories of the ashen cat, Yukiro decided that he had some time to burn. He would have to search for the small cat in the evening or later at night. That seemed to be the only time to find it. Until then, he could eat, sleep, fight, whatever really. Just so long as he made sure he was ready to hunt down a familiar later that day. 
For the time being, he was going to get a snack. He went to his favorite NPC run cafe and ordered a small parfait. He had never been a fan of cold food, but the sweets here had changed that though quite a bit. He ate it slowly, savoring the flavor. 
Sadly, eating slowly when you're 6'7" was still quite fast. Before he knew it, the treat was gone. He waved over a waiter and paid his bill before leaving the cafe. 

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The next thing on Yukiro's list was to go and get some fighting in. It was always better to have a good workout during the day  before resting up for a long night. 
Or, at least, that was how Yukiro had always done it. 
he walked out into the fields surrounding the town of beginnings. An idea struck him. He turned away from his usual training ground and went into the forest. deeper and deeper he went, coming across more and more foliage, until he reached a certain cave. He began to creep in, trying to make as little noise as possible, listening to the air for any slight sounds. 
Sure enough, he heard what he was looking for. As he exited the other side of the cave he found himself in a small clearing. A small stream wound around a massive stone statue of an eight headed serpent. A sword had once been thrust into the stone beast's side, but it was long since gone now. But he found what he was looking for.

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Perched on the top of the giant stone statue was a massive cat-like beast. It's body was like that of a lion, but it was covered in sharp spines. An eerily humanoid face protruded from it's full mane, it's jaws filled with pointed, shark like teeth. A tail like that of a scorpion was whipping back and forth behind it. It was a manticore, one of the things he hated the most in this world. 
The large beast stood up. It was a full six feet tall on all fours, and was significantly more bulky than Yukiro. It leaped down from it resting place and growled menacingly at Yukiro. Yukiro calmly drew his sword, Jack's Purgatory, and took a fighting stance. The monster's quills shuddered, probably to show aggression. Not that it really mattered. All Yukiro cared about was making sure this thing died.
The creature crouched, ready to pounce. Yukiro lowered his sword into an open low guard, his favorite stance.

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