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[PP-F4] The Coldness that Surrounds

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Lilac eyes followed the man as he left, and it wasn't until he was out the door...and that she had watched him walk down the street from her window seat till he was out of sight till she threw her head down onto the table in exasperation. "Am I really that inept?" She asked herself.  Would it have been rude to ask for to add him as a friend? Probably. Did Ceres event want him as one? She wasn't sure. He was incredibly difficult and obtuse - but, wasn't she just the same?

Ceres groaned as she rubbed her head to and fro on the slightly sticky tabletop. It would be nice.... to have one friend on her list. One person to be able to casually message. Even if they hadn't started off so terribly - she doubted that he'd be the kind of person who would enjoy a back and forth conversation via messenger. Hell - they barely mantained the one they just had.

Ceres slowly retraced their entire conversation. Trying to figure out where she had gone wrong. Where it started... He had asked if she was lost. She, in earnest curiosity - asked why. Was that the wrong thing to do? Maybe he felt like she was questioning his persona and his motivations, when really it was just curiosity. Ceres didn't realize she looked lost. The conversation devolved from there...to the point where he even yelled at her.

Ceres turned her head to the side, cheek pressed into the wood now.

"Am...I really that bad?" She asked herself. "Am I really undeserving of talking to anyone?"

Maybe it would be better for her to return to the first floor and go back to living her boring life. At least that was what she was used to.

"People...are cruel."

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