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[F01 - SP] Creating Potions <<Earning a Living: Alchemist>>

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In Combat:


Nephthys: HP: 93/100 || EN: 5(6+1-2)/10 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 3 || THORNS 18

Boar: HP: 14(26-12)/50 || DMG: 15

ID: 132269
BD: 7 (4+3) >>Hit<<
Sword Art: Heft
DMG: 6*2=12

MD: 3 >>Fail<<
DMG: >>Miss<<

She stared at the boar, who was starting to get too close to Bast for Neph's liking. So what was it that the woman did? She literally ran right toward the boar, slashing it while managing to make it back away from the panther at the same time. Now Bast, she didn't realize what was going on because the panther fell asleep. Lucky her. She stepped back and away from the boar, noticing that it's health was nearly gone. This was good still. And she was keeping her lovely panther safe. So she didn't care anymore that it was taking so long. She just wanted to protect her feline friend who wasn't able to protect herself just yet. So, that was now her new goal, making sure that Bast stayed safe, and that Neph didn't die to a boar. That wasn't too much to ask was it? She certainly didn't think so as she dodged the boars attack.

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In Combat:


Nephthys: HP: 93/100 || EN: 4(5+1-2)/10 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 3 || THORNS 18

Boar: HP: 2(14-12)/50 || DMG: 15

ID: 132270
BD: 7 >>Hit<<
Sword Art: Heft
DMG: 2*6=12

MD: 3 >>Fail<<
DMG: >>Miss<<

Neph backed a few paces away from the boar, but in the direction away from Bast, she wasn't wanting the fight to get too close to the panther once more. She watched and waited, trying to see what was going to be the next course of action for this fight. She knew that she was going to be able to finish this fight soon enough, mainly just because the boar was so close to being dead as it was now. She fixed her grip on the spear before she she charged forward, slashing the boar's center once more before she moved away from the boar once more. She waited to see what kind of attack that the boar was going to try and do. But, as she watched the boar rush to her, she merely just pushed it back with the butt of her spear. The boar was getting weak, it could be seen in how it was trying to attack her.

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End Combat:


Nephthys: HP: 93/100 || EN: 3(4+1-2)/10 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 3 || THORNS 18

Boar: HP: 2/50 || DMG: 15

ID: 132271
BD: 6 >>Hit<<
Sword Art: Heft
DMG: 6*2=12

ID: 132272
LD: 8
CD: 2

651 Col
Uncommon Consumable (1)

Materials Found: 3/5

The boar was early done for. It's health was in the red. She was watching the boar and calculating. Making adjustments. She was going to get this fight to end perfectly, and she was going to go back to her quest. She was going to do this. Yeah, her mind was starting to go into repeat mode, she is going crazy from doing this quest solo. Perhaps she should have brought someone along with. Oh well, too late. She charged the boar and the moment that the tip of her spear slashed the middle of the boar, she watched it's health deplete and then the boar was fragments in the wind. Hey, look at that, there was some wind. She smiled lightly as Bast came over. She looked at her loot, just to see if perhaps some of the flowers were there, but nope. No flowers. That meant that she had to go back to hunting.

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Nephthys: HP: 100/100 || EN: 4/10 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 3 || THORNS 18

ID: 132273
LD: 19 >>Material Found<<

Materials Found: 4/5

She gently pet Bast's head as the panther sat down beside her. She felt the giant cat purr for a moment before they both started to walk once more. But instead of further out on the floor, they both seemed to gravitate towards walking back to town. It was as if they knew that they were almost done with the flower hunt. Besides, the flowers that they got on their way here, had to have re-spawned by now right? That is what Neph wanted to think at least as they both walked silently. Neph's eyes were focused on the ground as she walked, when something did catch her eye. She bent down and plucked the flower from the ground then. "Just one more to find Bast, then we can go back to town." A chirp came from the panther as they both started to walk once more. The town was still a bit away, so they had time to find that last flower.

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Nephthys: HP: 100/100 || EN: 5/10 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 3 || THORNS 18

ID: 132274
LD: 6 >>No Material Found<<

Materials Found: 4/5

The walk wasn't so silent right now, because Bast seemed to be having a conversation with herself. The panther was chirping and whistling, as if trying to figure out the best way to find this final flower. But at the same time, it was like she was trying to talk to Neph and Neph just didn't know how to translate panther to English. It didn't matter though, Neph was just listening to the panther, smiling at the different sounds that she would make. If one could listen close enough, it also sounded like Bast was trying to sing a song, but in panther. It was odd but enjoyable, mainly because in Neph's mind she was putting a beat to the panther's sounds, making it into an actual song in her own mind. This made her wonder if she should have someone record the two of them as they did this, just because she wanted to hear it over and over.

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Nephthys: HP: 100/100 || EN: 10/10 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 3 || THORNS 18

ID: 132275
LD: 3 >>No Material Found<<

Materials Found: 4/5

Neph got lost in her own thoughts soon enough though. Thinking about how she would be able to get a collar made for the panther. Or even if the panther would let her even put a collar on her. Was that going to be possible? That was a question that she might have to ask the panther when they were in town and not walking through the wilds looking for a single stupid flower that seemed to be eluding them once more. Hey look, her horrible luck was coming back, she didn't know where else she might be able to look to find this flower, but even though town was still a few minutes away, she didn't know if she was willing to get any closer though. She hadn't seen any flowers at the entrance to town, so why should there be something there now? That was something that crossed her mind as she veered off of the path a little bit to hunt elsewhere for a minute or two.

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Nephthys: HP: 100/100 || EN: 10/10 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 3 || THORNS 18

ID: 132276
LD: 20 >>Material Found<<

Materials Found: 5/5

Veering off of the path seemed to be the best course of action though, because she walked right into a giant flowerbed. The only problem about being in a flowerbed, trying to find the right flower. That was the new found problem. Great, just great. Flowers everywhere. That's when she heard the sneeze and she looked at Bast who was sniffing the flowers. Apparently pollen must have gotten in the panther's nose, because she was having a sneeze attack at the moment. Adorable tiny little sneezes. They were distracting, but not enough for her to miss the flower that she needed. She plucked it from the ground and looked at Bast. "Come on, let's get you out of the flowers." The panther whined as she dashed away from the flowers and rubbed her nose with her paw. The poor panther, no more flower beds for her. This still made Neph laugh though, because she knew that it wasn't going to be the last time that she heard that sneeze.

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Nephthys: HP: 100/100 || EN: 10/10 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 3 || THORNS 18

Materials Found: 5/5

With the final flower now in her inventory, the pair started to walk back toward town. Thankfully, town itself wasn't that far away from them, but there was still the fact that she had to make it back to the laboratory as well. She had to give these materials to the alchemist, and she wasn't in the spot where she had first met Neph. That is okay though, it was going to give Neph and Bast just a little more bonding time, avoiding the other players and NPCs. But still, where was that blasted lab. The NPCs were starting to crowd around trying to get Neph to buy things, and it was starting to freak the woman out. She didn't like the crowd, or even the feeling of being as crowded as she was feeling. So, she quickened her pace until she was finally in front of the lab. She walked in and handed the materials to the alchemist.

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Nephthys: HP: 100/100 || EN: 10/10 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 3 || THORNS 18

ID: 132278
CD: 6 >>Salvage<<
LD: 6 >>Fail<<
>> -1 Material <<

ID: 132279
CD: 6 >>Salvage<<
LD: 6 >>Fail<<
>> -1 Material <<

ID: 132280
CD: 5 >>fail<<
>> -1 Material <<

ID: 132281
CD: 1 >>Fail<<
>> -1 Material <<

ID: 132282
CD: 3 >>Fail<<
>> -1 Material <<

"Perfect! Now, let's get you set up to make your first salve. I know you can do it!" How was this NPC just so damn cheery? It was kind of freaky if you look at it from Neph's point of view. But still, she had Bast lay down in a spot free of basically everything before she sat down at the chemistry table. She was going to be able to do this, she knew it. The woman took her time, following the directions that shew as given. Her first attempt was a salvage and when she tried to salvage it, it failed completely. Well, that sucked. Attempt number two, another failed salvage. Okay, so perhaps crafting wasn't the thing for her? Attempt number three just flat out failed with no chance of being able to salvage. Attempt number four, the same as number three. He final attempt, number five, a complete and total failure. "Don't worry, I managed to get more materials as well. You can use them until you make your salve."

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Nephthys: HP: 100/100 || EN: 10/10 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 3 || THORNS 18

ID: 132284
CD: 9 >>Salvage<<
LD: 15 >>Successful<<

ID: 132285
CD: 10
>>Uncommon Salve<< // HP Recovery

Well, wasn't that kind of the alchemist. Though, how she managed to find these materials faster than Neph had was beyond her. But that was going to be a question for a different day. Right now, she was going to focus on trying to get this craft made. She knew what she wanted to make the salve had, she just had to be able to craft it. Attempt number six, she was able to salvage the material from the craft. Awesome, that was amazing and great and gave her a little bit of a confidence boost. She was now ready to do the next attempt. She had a good feeling about it. Using the material that she was just able to salvage, she tried once more, and managed to create an uncommon salve. She cheered silently as she made sure that the property was correct before she showed it to the NPC.

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Nephthys: HP: 100/100 || EN: 10/10 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 3 || THORNS 18

"Wonderful job! I am proud to see you adapt to the profession so well. Please, keep that salve as a show of good faith and good luck. I know that you can create more ad even get better at doing it!" Wait, was that supposed to be a compliment? Because it was kind of a backhanded one if it was. Either way, with a short whistle to Bast, the pair soon left the laboratory. "Well, I guess it's time to start hunting down a shop don't you think Bast?" A happy chirp followed by a whistle came from the panther as they walked the streets. The question was, did they want it on this floor or a different one? What if they just took the time to explore all of the available floors before choosing? These were all super hard questions at the moment to the woman. But, it was something that she was surprisingly ready to get done, and she was happy about that.

Thread Summary:


ID: 132272
Obtained: 651 Col & Uncommon Consumable (1)

400 Col

3 SP (1 thread, 1 quest, 1 December)
1051 Col
Uncommon Salve (1)
Tier 1 Material (5)


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