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[F11 - NYL - PP] Christmas Time Forgiveness

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Level: 14
HP: 280/280
EN: 2828
DMG: 9 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 2 || REGEN: 5 || LIGHT MOMENTUM 1

» Curved Sword - Rank 1
» Katana - Rank 3

» Kiba [Perfect Katana [Damage // Damage // Damage]]
» Arrow Ring [Rare Ring [Accuracy // Accuracy]]
» Mythic Jacket [Uncommon Light Armor [Mitigation // Regen // Light Momentum]]


Dear Yukiro,

I don't know if you have heard of the Christmas time event, but if you would be willing to talk to me I am on the 11th floor. Be warned, there is snow falling right now, so it might be a bit cold.

From, Tala

It took her a bit to figure out how to word that obviously simple message. But in her mind, it wasn't simple, it was horrid and evil. She didn't know what all she was wanting or going to say. She just knew that she wanted to officially apologize to Yukiro. She wanted to be sure that he knew that she was sorry, and not just her saying it because they were all getting the asses kicked by a gorilla. That wasn't fun by the way, she was still a bit sore, especially in her back from being thrown back into that boulder. But if it hadn't been for Yukiro, Koga, and Noctua, Tala would probably be dead. Though at the time, that had been her intention.

She sighed as she shook her head. She didn't plan on leaving the town, knowing her luck, that would get her killed, which she didn't need. She was told about Koga and Noctua, she was..happy? Yeah happy. Her brother seemed to actually be genuinely happy for once in possibly a very long time. Just that thought made Tala smile lightly as she sat down on an empty bench in front of the Cathedral. Now, the biggest question on her mind, was Yukiro going to come and talk to her? Or was him saving her the extent of her seeing him, just when she is in danger? Because if that's the case, she will walk right out of the town's safe zone and find the first thing to fight.


Edited by Tala
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Dear Yukiro,

I don't know if you have heard of the Christmas time event, but if you would be willing to talk to me I am on the 11th floor. Be warned, there is snow falling right now, so it might be a bit cold.

From, Tala

Yukiro, fortunately, was able to warm up through the hot cocoa he'd purchased. It was some very hot cocoa. 
He put the warm drink into his inventory and focused on the message. Tala was up here too, huh? A small part of Yukiro wanted to smile, but he couldn't quite bring himself to do so. He scanned the message again. 
"Tala... You forgot to mention where you are on the 11th floor," he muttered. Ah, well. It didn't take a genius to figure out how to find her. 

Yukiro paused. His legs suddenly didn't want to bring him closer to the bench Tala was sitting on. He just looked at her for a moment. Then, with a deep breath, he approached her. 
The snow crushed underneath Yukiro's feet as he came to a stop in front of Tala. He wasn't quite sure what to say. 
But once he saw Tala, words just started to flow out of his mouth. 
"Excuse me, miss, are you alone tonight? If you wouldn't mind, may I accompany you?" 



520 HP | 52 EN | 8 DMG | 3 ACC | 36 MIT | 3 EVA | 1 REC | 1 FLN 

2H Straight Sword - Rk 5


  • "Unnamed" - 2H Straight Sword (T2 Demonic) ACC x3 Gain 3 to the BD on an attack roll, cannot be used to make a critical hit | FALLEN x1 Successful attack rolls of 6-8 (before modifiers) gain 4 fallen damage to your total base damage.
  • "Hero's Hakama" - Light Armor (T2 - Perfect) MIT x2 Prevent 36 damage from successful attacks against you | REC x1 
  • "Ravenfeather Treads" - Light Armor (T1 - Perfect) EVA x3 Reduces the die value by 3 on an enemy’s attack against you. Cannot be used to avoid a critical hit.


  • Yumi - N/A

Battle-ready Items:

T1 Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) x5
Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP) x3
Crystal of Agile Dragon Wings (Teleport crystal) x2
T1 Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) x1
T1 Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) x2

"Jack's Purgatory" - T2 Demonic 2HSS - Cursed//Burn (24)//Blight (24)//Freeze (24)
"Cloak of Twisted Worlds" - Light Armor (T1 -  Rare) EVA x2 
"Leggings of Shattered Torment" - Light Armor (T1 - Rare) 18 MIT 
Vicious Dragon-Fang Potion (+3 Damage for a thread) x1


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Something dawned on her after a moment, Yukiro was never going to be able to find her, she never told him where she was going to be on the floor. She sighed as she placed the hot coco down beside her and buried her face in her hands. Well, there went that then right. She stayed just like that, her head in her hands, trying to figure out what to do, when she heard the snow crunching. She decided to ignore it, figuring it was just going to be some person who was here for the event.

"Excuse me, miss, are you alone tonight? If you wouldn't mind, may I accompany you?"

She looked up and saw Yukiro standing there, no jacket on, with a cup of hot coco in his hands. "How are you not cold Yukiro?!" This was the first thing that she managed to say, well, more like it just burst from her mouth before she could even think on it. But either way, she managed a small smile and nodded, "I would love the company, but only if you think I deserve it." There was more that she wanted to say, but she had to think on it all. No she didn't, "Yukiro, I'm...I'm so sorry."


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"How are you not cold Yukiro?!" Tala shouted instantly. Yukiro looked at her, a little surprised, but smiled. He wasn't sure why he smiled. He just did. 
"I'm cold," he said simply. 
I would love the company, but only if you think I deserve it," Tala paused, but only for a moment, "Yukiro, I'm...I'm so sorry.
Yukiro hesitated for a moment before sitting on the bench next to her. He looked at the ground and shivered for a moment while he thought of something to say. 
"It's okay," he said quietly, glancing up and barely smiling at Tala, "But, um, please don't scare me like that again. I really thought you were gonna..." 
Yukiro's hand lightly took Tala's. 
"...I don't want to lose you, okay? 'Cause--" 
Yukiro quickly took his hand off of Tala's and looked back at the snow-covered ground. He could feel it, he was blushing again. And this time, he didn't even know why. 
"...Anyway, I forgave you, so no more feeling bad, okay?" 


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"I'm cold." She wanted nothing more than to help keep him warm, but she didn't think that she could hug him. Instead, she remembered that she had a blanket, so she opened her inventory and gave that to him instead, "Here, this might help." She watched as he sat down beside her then and she waited for him to take the blanket. She had gotten a smile, but now, he seemed barely able to manage a smile. It hurt, it really did. She hurt him bad didn't she. Yes, Tala, yes you did.

"It's okay, but, um, please don't scare me like that again. I really thought you were gonna..." He stopped then before he took one of her hands and she lightly wrapped her fingers around his hand, not really wanting to let it go. She knew that the rest of that sentence was supposed to be, she didn't want to hear it though. "...I don't want to lose you, okay? 'Cause--" He moved his hand from her own then and she sighed lightly. Wait... "'Cause why Yukiro?"

She leaned over to look at him and he was blushing, but why? "...Anyway, I forgave you, so no more feeling bad, okay?" She leaned back against the bench and nodded, "Okay, I'll try."


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"'Cause why Yukiro?
Yukiro pulled Tala's blanket a little closer around him. And evaded the question to the best of his abilities. 

"Okay, I'll try," Tala replied. Yukiro let out the breath he was holding. It wasn't the answer he was hoping for, but it would do. Sitting up he snuggled a little tighter in Tala's blanket. 
"Thank you," he whispered. 
A moment of silence passed. Yukiro's mind wandered to his relationship with Tala. No, wait, that had been a lie. Of course... 
Well if it was a lie... 
Yukiro decided to break the silence.  
"Alright, I've decided," he said, standing up and offering a hand to Tala through the blanket. His face was still a little hot, but he ignored it to the best of his abilities."If you were just faking it before, then I'm gonna make something real. Come on, let's go enjoy a festival!" he said, giving Tala the biggest, warmest smile he could manage, "If you'll have me, of course." 


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She was glad to know that the blanket she gave him was helping, even though she really wanted an answer to her question. But, she wasn't going to pester, he would tell her sooner or later, she hoped. "Thank you," he whispered the thanks and she nodded, "You're welcome." During the silence that came after it, she really just wanted to lean over and place her head on his shoulder, but she didn't. She held back. She didn't blame him though, for not wanting to touch her or even really talk to her, she probably ruined whatever it was that she could have even had.

"Alright, I've decided," she jumped a little as she looked at him. He was holding his hand out, and was still blushing? "If you were just faking it before, then I'm gonna make something real. Come on, let's go enjoy a festival!" Ouch, but yay? She took his hand though and she stood up and nodded, "Of course I will silly." She smiled as she looked around. "Since you're the one freezing, where do you want to start?"


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Tala took Yukiro's hand and stood up. "Of course I will silly." she smiled. Yukiro smiled back as she began to look around.
"Since you're the one freezing, where do you want to start?
Yukiro fashioned the blanket into a makeshift cloak to wear, hanging off of his shoulders and wrapping around his whole body. Once he was satisfied with the 'cloak' Yukiro gently took Tala's hand. 
"Hold on to me so I don't lose you in the crowd, okay?" he said, a little redder than before. 
and looked around. 
"I don't know... How about... Have you eaten yet? We could get some food. Or we could... Do something?" 
Wanting to face palm at his own suggestion, Yukiro resisted the urge to do so and gently pulled Tala toward the many booths. 
"What about you, do you have any ideas?" he asked, looking around at the various things to do, "I don't know what they have to do here." Yukiro looked down at Tala with a slight smile. 


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He smiled even as he turned the blanket into a 'cloak', it made her giggle really. It was adorable and funny to watch him do. The moment he took her hand though she wrapped her fingers around his hand and held onto it, possibly a little tight. It was more just so that she couldn't let go, or wouldn't let him. One of the two, she won't say. But I will, it was both. "Hold on to me so I don't lose you in the crowd, okay?" "Okay," she noticed him blush and she started to plot something good. Yes, good.

"I don't know... How about... Have you eaten yet? We could get some food. Or we could... Do something?" Now that she thought about it, when was the last time she actually ate...a few days at least. Thank god someone is feeding her nutrients in the real world. Either way though, she shook her head, "No, I haven't eaten yet." Or in a while. The last part was purely in her mind though. He seemed to be nervous, or at least, that is how she perceived him to be.

"What about you, do you have any ideas? I don't know what they have to do here." He was looking down at her, and they were coming across a flat rock. She smiled back as she stepped up on the rock and kissed his cheek, "Food sounds good."


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Yukiro was unprepared for the sudden kiss. Again. Was Tala doing this just to fluster him? 
Well, whether it was intended to fluster him or not, it did. 
He froze the instant it happened. The sudden kiss had caught Yukiro off guard. For a moment he just stood there. Then his face started to burn red and he looked at Tala, his eyes wide. 
Fortunately, he didn't react as badly as he had the first time.
His mind refused to let him say anything for a few moments. Then it started to act on it's own. 
He quickly leaned forward and kissed Tala on her lips. Only for a moment; he quickly pulled away and looked away. 
His mind suddenly exploded. Every moment of the kiss replayed in his mind over and over again. 
No no no no no! Wha-- Where did that even come from!? 
Yukiro was unable to utter a single word; he wasn't even capable of looking at Tala! He stared at his feet, beet red, internally scolding himself with all of his might. 


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Now, the first reaction she expected. Even before when she had kissed his cheek he had gotten flustered. She still thought it was cute. Nothing was said between then, but she was smiling, and even a true smile at that. Would you look at that, she does have a heart everyone. He wasn't stuttering like crazy this time though, instead, he was just silent. Oh no, I went too far didn't I... I should have just kept walking and not even both-...

Now it was her turn to be shocked. She barely registered him leaning until, until he kissed her, on the lips, even though it was mere seconds long, she still blushed in return. Not as red as poor Yukiro though. She watched as his gaze shifted from her to his own feet and she laughed lightly. Leaning forward, she removed her hand from his just in time to hug him. "I missed you Yukiro, I really did." She whispered the words to him before she started to pull out of the hug.


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Tala leaned into Yukiro, letting go of his hand and hugging him tightly. Yukiro didn't hesitate to hug her back this time. 
I missed you Yukiro, I really did," she whispered. 
Yukiro pulled her a little closer. "I missed you too," he whispered back. 
For a long while he just held her, enjoying the moment while it would last. 
Finally, when a particularly cold breeze blew by, Yukiro let his arms return to the warmth of the cloak/blanket. A big smile found it's place on Yukiro's face. 
Wait, did this mean... Were they... 
Are we d-dating? 
If his face wasn't already bright red, it certainly was now. 
Then, it's okay to... right? 
Yukiro gave Tala another quick kiss before adverting his eyes once again. 
"S-so, um... what now?" he asked, stuttering, "Shall we, um..?" 
He offered his arm to her, trying not to blush. Failing to not blush. But not even trying to conceal his elation. This... was turning out to be a very, very good day. 


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He hugged her back, and she leaned into him when he did. Only crappy part, she had to stay on this rock to be able to have this advantage, otherwise, she was tiny compared to him. He had pulled her in closer and she carefully took a step, trying to make sure that she wasn't about to fall off of her perch on the rock. "I missed you too." It was a whisper like her own, but it made her smile all the same. But, a cold breeze had to come by and ruin the hug, it even made her shiver, or was that just because Yuki let go of her and she felt all of the cold again. Either way, she didn't like it.

She looked at him though and poked his cheek gently, "Why are you so red Yuki?" She might have figured it out soon enough when he quickly kissed her again and she smiled. "S-so, um... what now? Shall we, um..?" Ah, there was the stutter, she laughed lightly as she took his arm. "I don't know about you, but sitting and eating some nice warm food sounds good." She smiled, but that soon disappeared as she went to step off her rock. Apparently the surface had gotten slippery because she missed her footing and fell right into Yukiro instead, "Sorry..."


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Tala laughed and took Yukiro's arm.
"I don't know about you, but sitting and eating some nice warm food sounds good."
Yukiro was about to attempt a reply when Tala suddenly fell forward, right into Yukiro. Yukiro's arms automatically moved to catch her, steadying her as much as he could. 
Yukiro gently held her to make sure she wouldn't fall. "N-no, no, it's okay," he reassured her, "I'm just glad you fell into me instead of anywhere else. In fact, here..." 
Yukiro bent down and gently scooped Tala up in his arms, holding her close to his chest. 
"That should help," he said with a grin, trying not to show how chilled he was. The makeshift cloak was open wide so that he could carry Tala like this. He moved her a little closer; she was warm. 

Yukiro started off towards where he assumed they could get food. He made sure to keep Tala close, both for warmth and because he simply wanted to be close to her. 


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These were the moments that she was glad she wasn't always a klutz. Right now, was just that one odd little chance that she happened to be. While she was glad he did catch her, she wasn't glad that he felt like he needed to carry her. Okay, she liked him carrying her, but she could tell that he was cold. "Falling into you was a good thing, but Yuki, you don't need to carry me, especially when you are this cold." He didn't need to show how cold he was, she just knew, mainly because she was starting to get cold as well.

Stupid snow. When he brought her closer to him though, she managed to snuggle into him more, mainly because she wanted to keep him warm. But it felt good to be close to him anyways, even if she would have never admitted it before. "What sounds good food wise to you Yuki? Since I'm the reason your cold, and don't try to say that you aren't because I know better, snow sucks. I want you to choose." There was a smile on her face as she stated this, with a bit of a tone that said that she wasn't about to change how she was thinking on it.


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"Falling into you was a good thing, but Yuki, you don't need to carry me, especially when you are this cold," Tala said. But Yukiro noticed that she made no moves to get out of his arms. With a slight smile he started forward. 

"What sounds good food wise to you Yuki? Since I'm the reason your cold, and don't try to say that you aren't because I know better, snow sucks. I want you to choose." Tala smiled up at Yukiro. 
"Alright, I'll choose. Hmm... how about ramen? We never did go that one time. Actually," he stopped, looking around, "Is there anywhere to go fr ramen around here?" 
After a moment of looking he decided that, if there was, it wasn't in the immediate area. "I guess we'll have to look around. Wanna check out the festival while we're here? I mean... we are here." 

Naturally, this was then moment that his Nerve Gear decided that he needed to trip. And not just anywhere. He needed to trip right into a snow bank. Yukiro's body suddenly started to fall forward. In a display of incredible acrobatics he fell flat on his face, directly into a soft pile of frozen, snowy powder. Naturally, this meant that Tala was slam dunked into the snow right along with him. 
It took a moment for the chill of the snow to overtake the pain of his face slamming into the icy ground, but once it did Yukiro flipped over onto his back, Tala still in his arms. 
"Aah! I'm sorry, are you okay!?" 


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"Wow everyone loves ramen," she chuckled at that little fact. But he was right, they never did go from that one time that they were supposed to. "That does sound good though, but um, I don't know what all is here though." She spoke the truth there. Now, what happened next, she wasn't expecting, at all. Why was Yukiro falling? Of course, she didn't know what he was falling into, until she felt the freezing cold snow all around her and she instantly froze.

It didn't take long for Yuki to pull her from the snow, but by that point, she was shivering and wet from the snow. "I-i'm fr-freezing..." So here she was, moving to sit on the ground, her arms wrapped around her knees as she shivered. Normally, this wouldn't get a second glance, but she was five feet and two inches tall, so she looked like a literal child crying right now. Far from the case, but she was cold, oh so very cold.


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Yukiro shifted to he was sitting on the ground. Tala was wet and shivering.
"I-i'm fr-freezing..." she stuttered out. 
Yukiro blinked at her. She was curled up in a ball and shivering. The sight made Yukiro feel incredibly guilty. 
"I'm so sorry," he said quietly, shifting her into his lap and wrapping his arms around her to keep her warm, "I didn't mean to do that, I'm sorry." 
An idea struck Yukiro. He quickly unwrapped the blanket from his own body and curled the fabric around Tala. 
"No arguing! You're cold and I'm making you warm!" 
For another long moment, he just held onto her, trying to warm her up, and refusing to let her escape until she had stopped shivering. And he kept holding on for a while after she stopped. 
Once he was sure she was warmer he picked her up again, this time being very careful not to slip anywhere. 
"Here, let's go get you warmed up." 


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She looked at him and shook her head, "Wh-why are you sorry?" It wasn't like he purposely tripped, right? She hoped he didn't, because if that was the case, he was going to have hell to pay the moment that she was warm again. She leaned back into him though when he wrapped his arms around her, warmth.

She was about to protest his taking the blanket off of himself though, but then he said no arguing was allowed. She grumbled as the blanket was wrapped around her and just sat there. The shaking soon stopped, she was still cold, but at least no longer shaking like a twig, so that was a good thing.

Then, she was being picked up again, "You know, I can walk..." She managed a smile still but she nodded, "You need to get warmed up too, time for ramen?" She looked at him, curiosity perking a bit as she wondered if that still sounded good to him. It sure did to her, but then, food in general sounded good to her.


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