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[F13 - PP] Insert Witty Name Here

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Level: 27
Health: 540
Energy: 54
DMG: 13 // EVA: 2 // MIT: 0 // ACC: 2
BRN: 24 // BLT: 24 // FALN: 4 // REGN: 5 // RECV: 1

>> [Rank 1] Curved Sword
>> [Rank 5] Katana
     // Ferocity
>> [Rank 0] Martial Arts
>> [Rank 2] Familiar Mastery: Fighter
>> [Rank 0] Survival

>> Tier Two Demonic Katana <<Jack's Kuiaratame>> [Burn // Blight // Cursed // Fallen]
Tier One Perfect Light Armor <<Shaded Coat>> [Evasion // Evasion // Regeneration]
>> Tier One Perfect Trinket <<Tearful Strands>> [Accuracy // Accuracy // Recovery]

Battle-Ready Inventory
>> [50 
HP] Healing Potions (2)
>> [40 HP] Healing Potion (5)
>> [DMG +1] Damage Potion (1)
>> [+50 Temp. HP] Over-Health Potion (1)
>> Tier One Rare Consumable <<Cake>> [Protein // Protein] (1)

The sound of a sword being returned to it's scabbard echoed off the walls of the dilapidated stone walls. A black-clad man stood in the middle of an empty room, groaning silently as he stretched before taking a peek at the battle-summary that appeared before him. "Man...no loot still? Never gonna be able to afford a house at this rate," he said to himself dejectedly, closing the summary and looking around the now mobless building.

Vines crept up almost every surface it could. Thick, green moss covered the floors. What wasn't covered in vegetation was little more than worn rocks, held together by mortar that crumbled at the slightest touch. It was a wonder that a strong wind hadn't blown through and knocked the building over. But still, Koga liked it. When a battle wasn't raging within these walls, it was actually a pretty tranquil place. Well, as long as you ignored the corruption that seemed rampant around here.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Level: 42 | HP: 840 | Energy: 84 | Base DMG: 13 | Base MIT: 72 | Acc: 4 | Thorns: 2 | Heavy Momentum: 1 | Bleed: 1
2HSS [5] | Heavy Armor [3] | Protector Familiar [3] | Survival | Howl | Precision
Scarecrow Sickle [+3 DMG/+1 BLD] | Rose Gauntlets [+2 Thorns/+1 HM] | Rosebud Charm [+3 ACC]

Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat.
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down).
Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests.
Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll.

"They weren't kidding about this corruption stuff," Lessa mused as she stepped over another fallen tree. It was as if the trunks, as thick as they were, simply could not support the deep blankets of moss that clung to them. "It's so weird. It's like some things are dead, and others are just too alive, y'know?"

Whether or not Riker knew, Lessa couldn't be certain. The wolf simply plodded along by her side, lifting his paws in dramatic fashion with each step. When he encountered particularly dense vegetation, rather than bounding through it like most dogs Lessa knew, he fell back to flank her. By following in the player's footsteps, he forced her to clear the way, ensure him easy passage. "Wuss," she muttered to him after he skirted a tiny puddle. 

Together, woman and beast picked their way into what appeared to be a crumbling castle of sorts. Just as she opened her mouth to say something more to her familiar, she rounded a corner and nearly bumped into the other player.

"Whoa, hey," she managed, stumbling back a step. She gave a short laugh, reaching back to rub at the nape of her neck. "Sorry about that." Slowly, she swept her gaze across the room. "I had no idea these particular ruins were ocupado."


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Koga: HP: 540/540 // EN: 54/54 // DMG: 13 // EVA: 2 // MIT: 0 // ACC: 2 // BRN: 24 // BLT: 24 // FALN: 4 // REGN: 5 // RECV: 1

Okami, the snow-white Wolf that tended to fight alongside Koga, turned towards a not too distance corner, and began to growl, his ears flattened against his skull, teeth bared. Koga looked at the Wolf, a flash of confusion before he heard what had set Okami off. The sound of a voice and footsteps came from the direction that Okami indicated, and Koga's hand went to his sword, partially drawing it as the footsteps grew closer.

A woman nearly ran into Koga, and stumbled backwards with an apology. The sound of Koga's katana settling back into it's saya clicked in the man's ear as he relaxed. "No worries, amiga," the Swordsman said with a lopsided grin. "Just doing some hunting. I'll be out of your hair in a second." Okami, noticing that Koga was relaxed, and having decided the new player and her companion weren't a threat, let his hackles fall and padded over to the other Wolf, tentatively sniffing him. "Well, looks like they're getting along just fine," Koga said with a chuckle. "The name's Koga. Yours?" he introduced himself, offering the blonde haired woman a hand.


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  • 11 months later...

As the other wolf shifted to the defensive, Riker simply regarded him with the faintest interest. His floppy ears pivoted forward, nostrils flaring as he collected the strangers' scent. Then, he padded forward, shoving that nose into the other familiar's personal space. "Dude," Lessa muttered out the corner of her mouth. Then blowing out a hard breath, she turned back to the other player. "No worries," she echoed, a smile unfurling like flower petals across her chapped lips. "Seriously, I'm in no hurry. Actually just doing some hunting myself. But I don't spend any time on this floor, so by hunting, I kind of mean more aimless wandering."

Finally, the other wolf appeared to let down his guard, joining Riker in that odd "getting to know you" dog routine. I hope there's no butt sniffing. "It's nice to see Riker interacting with another familiar," she admitted. "He's kind of a moody... well, lone wolf." Laughing softly at her own awful joke, Lessa grasped Koga's hand. "Lessa," she answered. "It's nice to meet you, Koga."

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"Pleasure's all mine," Koga replied in kind, giving the woman a firm shake before looking to the wolves once more. Unfortunately for Lessa, there was indeed butt sniffing. It wasn't long before the wolves were circling each out, doing...that thing..."Okami's pretty easy-going, thankfully. First time we've met another wolf familiar though. Glad to know he's actually getting along with one." Maybe he was getting along too well...well, better than having them fighting, he supposed. That would be a nightmare and a half.

"Say, this is actually my first time on the floor. Seeing as we're both doing some hunting, mind if we tag along with you guys?" the swordsman asked as he turned back to the woman. Couldn't hurt to have some company, right? Besides...this area was a little empty now...so not like either of them would benefit from sticking around watching their mutts sniff each other all day. "We could 'aimlessly wander' together for a bit."


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  • 3 months later...

"Right?" Lessa agreed, eyes wide with an odd mix of amusement and horror as she watched the two wolves get acquainted. "I thought I was being pretty unoriginal when I tamed a wolf. I assumed they were a really popular choice, and that everyone would have them. Little did I know, I'd only meet a couple more in all the years I've been here." She paused a moment, then loosed a quick shrug. "Though I suppose when your familiar can be a little demon, or a two-headed dragon, or a ghost thing, a plain-old wolf isn't as appealing." As if offended, Riker turned his enormous amber eyes her direction, and she gave a quick laugh. "I still find you super appealing though, don't worry."

At Koga's question, she nodded. "Yeah, we'd love to have you. I'd especially enjoy the company. Unlike Riker, I'm not really the lone-wolf sort. At least, not recently. After a long time living the hermit life, it feels good to get out and meet new people." Sheepishly, she added, "Which doesn't really explain why I was wandering an abandoned ruin, but I'm glad to have found you nonetheless."

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