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Hyde’s storybook

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Username: Hyde
Real name: Okino Hiroshi
Age: 17-19
Gender: Male
Height: 5’6”

About: History/personality
Hyde (born Okino Hiroshi) had both his parents and lived a normal life. Except his parents never paid enough attention to him and his two siblings... oh yeah, he’s a triplet. His sister ended up a screw up like him, while his brother turned out to be an actual responsible kid. Over time, Hiroshi watched as his brother took over and stood in as a parent.

Hiroshi never got enough attention at home, so when he was at school he started acting out. Talking out of turn, cracking wise, disruptive behavior all around. He made people laugh and he kinda liked it. It wasn’t long before he was marked the class clown. It was intoxicating, at school he was the center of attention and very popular. But, when he got home it was a different story.

He would often hide in his room between two earbuds blasting music with his nose in a book. He often dreamt of a way to escape, without needing to drown out the noise of 4 other people. His friends at school suggested a video game, and he got hooked. He would play all day, but he wanted to stay focused on school because despite being the class clown, he still kept his grades up. Though, soon he fell deep into a rabbit hole, with parents that didn’t care, his newfound love for videogames or his constant distraction called comedy, he hardly had time for the work. His grades dropped drastically and he started to fall behind, barely keeping afloat. However, he still hadn’t reached that boiling point of a crisis he was headed straight towards.

On the outside it looked like he had no idea he was lost, but he knew. He knew all too well he was gonna wind up that one guy who’s 30 years old working a dead end, minimum wage job, barely making ends meet. But he couldn’t bring himself to turn his life around, he wanted to be seen. He wanted to be known by someone other than his siblings.


Outgoing- While at school, Hiroshi would always try to make new friends. The more friends he had the more attention he got, right? He spent months figuring out the right formula for turning boring conversation into the life of the party and put his trade into practice. He would often just let his mouth run while his brain put words together to make coherent sentences and it worked most of the time.

Kind-hearted- In order to have friends, you have to know how to care about someone, how to put them above yourself and make them a priority. Hiroshi was especially good at this, considering his parents cared little for him, he didn’t exactly have the highest self-esteem out there. His friends made him feel like a person and he wanted to be a good person.

Childish- Despite the hardships in his life, Hiroshi never let himself get knocked down. He would stand back up unscathed and try to keep a bright smile on. He often forgets that other people have this way of holding onto things and probably think it’s weird for him to just smile off a hard hit like it barely phased him, and as such will make jokes about the situation way too soon afterwards.


Absentminded- Because Hiroshi never lets himself stay down, he often forgets that something should knock him down. He’ll forget that the world around him has an effect on his life and will just ignore the details of a situation to a fault. It’s also easy to take advantage of this, because he won’t notice small details and is very easy to surprise... you know, for surprise parties.

Impatient- Hiroshi has always been a fun person, but when there’s nothing being done, or god forbid he’s waiting for someone, he can often get annoyed. He likes to relax sometimes but when he is sitting still but doesn’t want to be he can get antsy, and nervous. Why wait around when there’s fun to be had? It’s a whole world of party never stops, and he wants to keep it going.

Tactless- Hiroshi often forgets people like to let life’s hardships linger, and that you shouldn’t make jokes about a bad situation right after they happen. He also hates beating around the bush because it takes forever, so he’s rather blunt most of the time. Words carry a lot of weight, but on him they’re often light, because to him words bring joy and nothing else. He has yet to learn otherwise.

Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)


[SP Total: 5 | SP remaining: 0]

» First Aid | Rank 1



Weapon skills:

Weapons/Tools: (support package)
» Vanity Clothes | everyday outfit reminiscent of his outfit from the real world
» Vanity Rapier | just a regular old rapier
» (3) Starter Healing Potions (+50 HP)

col: 2,000

T1 Mats: 25
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)


Shae - Sister

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