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[F22 - E3 - SP] Shadow

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That being said, things were going quite well.

As the battle raged on, Bahr's health continued to swell

While the beast sat and took hit after hit.

To have survived this long, it surely had grit.


It wasn't giving up, that much was sure.

Bahr had health, and it had the cure.

And a violent temperament that was strangely pure.

All it did was fight, no distraction, no detour.


One thing the fight did well was ensure

That Bahr still had "it," the will to endure

An onslaught of attacks, vicious and obscure.

And more than that, this he could still savor.


Once again, it missed its mark.

The battle had become just a walk in the park.

Dawn's Demise cut forward, illiciting a bark

From Doubt, the first noise it had made from the start.


It was dangerously low now, it sat on the brink

Of eating Bahr's blade and being thrust down the sink

Back into the water, the lake that would drink

Its life essence back, and return back to sync.


Bahr: HP1045+24+47=1116/1170 | EN: 86+1-10=77/114 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 79 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 4 | FLN: 12 | BLD: 36 | HB: 24 | BH: 47 | PHASE

Bahr used [x13] Galaxy Destroyer-10 EN

Doubt: HP: 570-346=224/1140 | DMG: 342 | MIT: 57 | ID: 139554 | BD: 6, Hit for 31x13=403-57=346 DMG | MD: 6-4=2, Miss


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This was it, the end was near

For the Doubt he'd held so close and dear.

He'd cast it away without shedding a tear.

In fact, he may even jump and cheer.


It had held him down for far too long.

Always made him feel horribly wrong.

Why should he have to get along

With a creature that tormented him, pain its song?


It was time to end it, no need to prolong

Its suffering, he needed to be strong

And cut it down while he still had the chance.

This would be their final dance.


Dawn's Demise flickered red, then was thrust

Into the heart of the creature, reducing it to dust.

This was the end, and an end just

For a creature close to his heart, but that he could not trust.


Now it was finally time for him to settle

When he would finally go forward, and test his mettle

Against the problems he had identified.

He had run out of time to shirk them and hide.


Bahr: HP1116+24+47=1170/1170 | EN: 77+1-10=68/114 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 79 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 4 | FLN: 12 | BLD: 36 | HB: 24 | BH: 47 | PHASE

Bahr used [x13] Galaxy Destroyer-10 EN

Doubt: HP: 224-364=0/1140 | DMG: 342 | MIT: 57 | ID: 139555 | BD: 6, Hit for 31x13=403-57=346 DMG | Doubt defeated

ID: 139556
LD: 7 | CD: 10

8370 col
(4) Materials
(1) Rare Trinket [ID: 139556]


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Tomorrow. Yes, that was the day

That he would finally pry away from the bay

And dispatch his Shadow, without any delay.

It was simply too late now to start it today.


That being said, he needed to weigh

The pros and cons that could lead him astray.

Of the possibilities, he could write an essay.

So he let the ideas marinate and saute.


“All in good time,” a tired cliche.

Though it rang with truth; patience does pay.

With timing and deliberation, he could feel the ray

Of absolution shine on him -  he’d be okay.


He’d reduce this Shadow to smoldering dust.

Give it the end he believed to be just.

Diminish it down to an inanimate bust

That would age, deteriorate, begin to rust.


Even then, it would take time to adjust

To the reality of everything we’ve just discussed.

His old self was out of practice, cover in the crust

That settles during disuse, along with disgust.


That said, he was feeling good.

Things looked better from where he stood

Than the did on arrival, perhaps now he could

See the forest for the trees, both leaf and wood.


ID: 139558
CD: 6 | LD: 4
(1) Material obtained, (2) Eggs obtained.
Egg total: 70


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It had been done - he’d set his mood positive.

The shift in perspective was what had been causitive.

Exploring himself been a composite of

Discovery and light, remarkable, expositive.


Ah, but alas, the sun was starting to set.

If he stayed out too late, he would regret

Allowing himself to slip into sleep debt.

That being said, he couldn’t leave yet.


He hadn’t yet gotten the catch of the day.

And what was with all the eggs, anyway?

Blue, red, yellow, even gray.

They didn’t hurt, he supposed, so he’d let them stay.


Huddled together in his inventory

Where perhaps, one day, he’d store the glory

Of his experiences woven into a story

After he’d extracted the Shadow and left in its place a quarry.


Back to the fishing,

He found himself wishing

He’d picked it up sooner, so he could start dishing

The catches he’d caught, the fish he’d been fishing.


It was never too late to start, though.

You just had to plant the seed and watch it grow.


ID: 139559
CD: 4 | LD: 18
(8) Eggs obtained.
Egg total: 78


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As the sun set, the moon rose to replace

And the sky blazed to life with the contents of space.

Like a bubble, it stretched over to encase

The castle of Aincrad, a strange little place


Where the people were trapped and slaughtered by ghouls

And fools, and jewels, even schools

Of murderers, thieves, those who ignored the rules.

To say it was sad was misunderstood; it was unapologetically cruel.


And strangely enough, to Bahr it felt more a home

Than where he had come from, a similar dome

That was self contained and sparse, but nowhere to roam

And felt like little more than a coffin, a tomb.


The silver lining in this, gleaming like chrome

Was that he felt he had purpose, he need no longer comb

Through the endless lists of jobs, schools, careers, some wicked biome

Of another’s fortune machine, to be a number in Rome.


Here, they knew him far and wide.

The Crimson Marauder, who never lied.

Who told the truth, and never did hide

Behind deceit, trickery, cowardice or snide.


Another thing he was known for, pride,

Had gotten him in trouble - he’d almost died.

One more than one occasion, he’d endured the ride

Of clinging to the edge, where he preferred to reside.


ID: 139560
CD: 9 | LD: 6
(3) Materials obtained, (4) Eggs obtained.
Egg total: 82


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As his eyes traced the hills, he finally realized

That now there was something more precious he prized.

Due to a cute woman with gold hair, he’d revised

The pattern of life that he’d previously devised.


She wasn’t a goddess, not someone to idolize.

But idolize her, he did. She’d made him civilized.

Or at least, as civilized as a beast could be.

He was still wild, for sure, to a certain degree.


She was the one who’d heard his plea,

His cry for help, his raw agony.

And placed an open palm forward while he’d taken a knee

And helped him stand up, heal, and be set free.


Perhaps a person with her warmth and light

Could once again remind him how to take delight

In the little things that made life feel right

And paint a picture of a future more bright.


Tomorrow. Yes, that was the day

That he would finally pry away from the bay

And dispatch his Shadow, without any delay.

It was simply too late now to start it today.


So he reeled in his line and put the rod away.

It had become too dark to stay.

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The next day, there was a dim Shadow that wept as it crept

Who snuck up on Bahr in his bed as he slept.

He heard it's sad cry and awoke, quite perplexed

By the figure before him, deranged and unkept. 


The sound it emitted, "You must accept,"

Pointing its finger, laughing for effect.

"You're a joke - a loser - a failure - inept."

With its jagged teeth bared, stained from neglect.


But its visage did have a strange sparkle and shine,

No doubt from the object that housed its design. 

A mirror in the dark, completely benign.

The Shadow, in truth, is a reflection of mine. 


He resigned with a sigh and gathered his Swine,

Stood up from his bed and twisted his spine,

Let out a strained grunt before leaving the shrine

Of the solitude, darkness, and dread he'd defined. 


The light from his "garden," however dim,

Felt bright, piercing, unnerving to him,

Due to the foul state that he found himself in.

A miasma of pain tearing limb from limb.

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