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[F01-PP] <<The Third Lesson, Is Just As Free>> - Together Again

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“This is basically going to be a string of fetch and deliver quests, isn’t it?  First Zackariah, then Lyle, now we’re off to go visit this Hannah person.  Who names people with palindromes!?  That’s just… wrong.”  This was probably the closest to agitated that Assassin – or Sin-chan, as he always called her – had ever seen Freyd.  He wasn’t exactly what you’d call the ‘expressive’ type. 

His brief rant ended abruptly when they reached the City gates, when he suddenly stopped as if physically struck.

“I have way too much introverted shounen protagonist in me, don’t I?”

He simply sighed, as if answering his own question, then pointed in the direction Lyle suggested they travel to reach the grove.

"What about you, Sin-Chan?  What's your take on all of this?  I'm curious."  Freyd asked sincerely.  He was still sorting out how he felt about being trapped in Aincrad.  Hearing the perspectives of other could help, and her take on things had a tendency to be novel.



Level: 11 | HP:  220/220 | Energy: 22/22

DMG: 5 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 14 | ACC: 2 | SAV 1 | REC 1 | KEEN 1 | HOLYDMG 1 | BLEED 1

R2 2HSS, R1 Light Armor, Disguise

Equipment (In use)
Forgiven Disobedience (T1E3-2HSS)
Enduring Guile (T1 Light Armor)
Justicar’s Vambraces (T1 Trinket)

Ready Slots:
(3x)Starter Healing Potions(50HP)
(1x) T1 Damage Potion of Uncommon quality. (+1 Damage)


(1x) Safeguard potion 



Edited by Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows
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Assassin followed behind her newfound ally. The quest line didn't bother her as much since it was there just to level her up. Though if she didn't finish them soon, they wouldn't be any use to her. That's what they were doing now, shooting out these quests as quickly as possible.

"Hunh?" Not really paying attention to his rambling, the question went over her head. "Sorry I was spaced out. Not really listening." The girl shrugged. She was going to reciprocate before she noticed the quest tracker showing her the location of the woman in question. She pointed her out instead. "Hey, there's the lady we're looking for."

After a short talk, she explains the ring she received from Lyle wasn't everything that she needed to finish her work. They would have to go into a dark cave and find some rare emerald that drops off an enemy inside said cave. Light would be dim and it would probably be difficult to get around and fight inside the cave, but they would be fine. "No time to waste right?"


Level: 13 | HP:  240/240 | Energy: 24/24

DMG: 7 EVA: 1 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 18

Dagger Rank III

Equipment(In use)
Dark Cloak(LA): MIT II; EVA I
Kami Sori: DMG: III
Fastening Belts(Tri): ACC II; EVA I

Antique Dagger(Tri): LD 3
Ryuketsu no(Dagger): BLD II; PARA I

(5x)Starting Healing Potion[50 HP]
Safeguard Potion < using


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"Right," Freyd replied, smiling at her dismissal.  The cave wasn't very far.  They never were for starter quests.

"Looks almost nearly, totally not scary in there.  Shall I lead the way?"  The cave tunnel was open and wide, with a couple of turns but no significant rise or fall in elevation.  Glowing lichen provided some light beyond the first turn, reflecting on a series of small gemstones embedded in the stone walls.  Freyd grimaced at how trivially easy this was, but Sin-Chan was right - this was about optimizing potential.

"Care to do the honours? I think we need to each find our own."  He started searching the cave for another gem, confident that Sin-chan would have hers momentarily.

Another patch caught his attention, just around the corn.  These has a whiter, brighter colouring that better suited his sense of aesthetics.  Pulling out Forgiven Disobedience, he started tapping gently at the gem with its pommel, hoping to jar it loose.

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Unbothered by the shear darkness that almost misted the entire area, Assassin almost seemed to absolutely enjoy it. It wasn't that she was some edgy child, she was far from that trope, except for being named Assassin - again, not her choice in name - She just preferred to hide in the shadows to avoid anything that could attack her, or make it easier to get in close before anything realized that she was there. The dark cloak that she wore made her nearly invisible to Freyd. The only discerning features that he could make out of his roguish ally was the two bright-emerald pupils and a sheen of white hair glinting from the shine of the dim essences of lights that littered the cave walls.

For a moment, Freyd seemed occupied with his own machinations, whatever they were. Assassin, however, was on her look out. Without even giving the poor mob a chance hardly to spawn into existence, the guardian was felled with a single strike. "Korosu.." A darker tone over took her as she made her attack, but as it exploded into nothingness, she shifted back to a smile.

With the emerald drop in her inventory, now all she had to do was wait for Freyd to finish what he was doing.


Assassin: 260/260 | 20/26 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 18

Shadow Stitch > Cave Guardian BD: 8+2-1 DMG: 7*6

Cave Guardian: 0/20 | DMG: 50

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Freyd was momentarily distracted by the brief sound of struggle from around the corner.  His sword arm slowed as it came down, barely touching the pommel to the gem he was working.  It popped loose.

*RAW -- Urk.*

The monstrous thing that had suddenly spawned while his head was turned already had his greatsword driven through its centre.  Freyd had barely registered his intention for the motion before it came to pass.  The gem fell loose and back into its palm.  He trotted back around the corner, sword at the ready, to check on Sin-Chan.

"Is everything okay here?  I thought I heard something."  He spotted her emerald eyes, and little else in the darkness.  Ironically, his own black clothing gave much the same appearance, albeit unintentionally.  He held his jewel out, only to help reflect some of the light a bit better and make sure she was safe.  He needn't have worried.



[0] Freyd: 200/200 | 18/18 | DMG: 5 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 14 | ACC: 2 | SAV 1 |BLEED 1 | HOLY 1 | KEEN 1

Cave Guardian: 0/20 | DMG: 50


Edited by Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows
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"Yep!" The bright child-like smile took over the light. She held up the gem of her own, showing it off even. "I might be small, but I'm much stronger than you might think!"

With the quest easily finished, likely in record time, was there really anything else they could do now? They had to make their way out of the cave first, actually... uhm... which way did they come in again? All the walls looked the same to the young girl, shining with all the same gems and stuff. It made it hard to discern where they had come around.

"Hey, do you remember which way we came in actually? We went a lot further than I thought we would." She put her finger up to her lips while looking around, trying to remember which way they initially arrived at this point. She was drawing a complete blank on that detial.

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"Here," Freyd said.  "Take my hand, or place yours on the near wall.  There were no side tunnels in the cave.  As long as we follow the wall, it should lead to the exit.  It's an old trick used to solve mazes."  He walked as he spoke, assuming that she was following.  The polished surface of his bracers caught the tiniest hints of light in the passage, making him easier to see.

Within moments, they had found their way back to the exit.  Freyd was part way through giving Sin-Chan a satisfied nod when he caught a whiff of something foul in the air.  

"Do you smell a sk... urk."  He covered his nose to try to block the pungeant, acrid scent.  Twenty feet away, the monstrous source of the stink emerged - an enormous skunk nearly six feet long and half as tall.  Its tails stood fully erect.  As if to reinforce the threat of the noxious stench, the nearest tree behind it suddenly keeled over, its roots having been dissolved by exposure to its acidic spray.  Three more of the beasts then rounded the opposite side of the rise from the first, bearing down on them.

"We have to clear them out," Freyd said, his jaw set firm.  "If the next group of noobs that comes through here is less experienced, it will be a massacre.  I'll keep the new arrivals busy." His sword already slashing ahead of him.  "Get the first one and then at the rest of them from the side!"



[2] Freyd: 196/200 (-1, -3) | 12/18 (-6 + 1) | DMG: 5 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 14 | ACC: 2 | SAV 1 |BLEED 1 | HOLY 1 | KEEN 1 -> REC triggered

Giant Stinky Skunk #2: 50/50 | DMG 15

Giant Stinky Skunk #3: 40/50 (-10) | DMG 15

Giant Stinky Skunk #4: 2/50 (-36 -12)  | DMG 15 > Bleed 12 next turn




Edited by Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows
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Freyd helped lead her out of the cave. She probably would have found her way out at some point, but it was nice to find their way out pretty quickly. The smell on the outside of the cave was enough to get an audible reaction from her.

"Ew! That smells awful!" She complained, noticing the huge skunks that were about to surround them. The two of them split instantly. Assassin saw the first one alone, making it's first mistake of not taking her on as a group. The grinding of steel under her cloak sounded as she ran towards her target. She was fast, as usual. However, her luck ran a bit dry as she approached. The skunk jumped forward just as Assassin leaped at it. It's stubby claw raked her face, leaving red claw marks over her already present scars. She covered her face with her free hand, trying to quell the pain of the attack until it faded.



Assassin: 259/260 (-15-18) | 24/26 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 18

Giant Stinky Skunk: 50/50 | DMG: 15

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One of the skunks was split in half, white gooey stains spraying all over the site, instead of blood, then vanishing an instant later as the mob discorporated.  Freyd's sword sang like an angelic choir as it did so, unleashing a blazing wave of white light.  His next swing caught the one he'd missed in his initial attack, but the beasts were too spread out for him to catch them all, even with the extensive reach of a greatsword.  

He leapt off the boulders and fallen logs littering the cluttered forest floor area, keeping his enemies guessing and preventing them from landing any hits with their claws or bites.  Another foul blast started to dissolve one of the rocks he had been standing on, but he'd fortunately already moved on when it was hit.

"How's it coming, Sin-Chan?  We're having a grand time over here!"  Baleful chittering followed, suggesting that the skunks were not enjoying the exchange quite as much.




[3] Freyd: 196/200 | 10/18 (-4 + 2) | DMG: 5 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 14 | ACC: 2 | SAV 1 |BLEED 1 | HOLY 1 | KEEN 1 -> REC triggered, triggered SAV 1

Giant Stinky Skunk #2: 40/50 (-10) | DMG 15

Giant Stinky Skunk #3: 40/50 | DMG 15

Giant Stinky Skunk #4: 0/50 (-12)  | DMG 15 > Bleed 12 


Edited by Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows
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Easily angered by the attack that left a mark on her face, the Assassin's eyes locked on her target. A flip of her dagger into an underhanded grip, she exploded forward with as much force as she could muster. The two's eyes were locked. She could see the intent in the enemies eyes, easy to read like the open page of a book. It was going to try and strike her the same exact way. As she approached, her hand met the ground, lobbing her off to the side of the skunk. She reached back in to scrape her dagger against the skunk's side, just short of missing her intended target.

Frustration swelled in her ego, it was obvious she was already getting annoyed. "You big stupid meanie! Get out of here already!! You aren't going to bully me and get away with it without me fighting back!!" If Freyd had thought Assassin had shown the true extent of her speed, what she was doing now would change that. She dashed an amazing whirlwind around her opponent, causing it to get pretty disoriented.


Assassin: 259/260 | 23/26 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 18

Giant Stinky Skunk: 50/50 | DMG: 15

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"Why couldn't it have been bears?!"  He nearly gagged, just trying to choke out the words.  

The spray barrage that followed could have been even less pleasant if Freyd hadn't managed to stay just ahead of it, diving for cover and rolling back out of it almost immediate, several times over.  The skunks had actually managed to create a bit of a clearing, which would prevent them from using this area as an effective ambush site in the future.  Unfortunately, he still had two of them to dispatch before they could return to Hannah and complete their quest.

Freyd kicked away a fallen sapling in his path as he darted to remain clear.  It struck one of the skunks in the face, knocking it backwards and out of reach with a yelp.  Recalling his battle against the frost golem alongside Yuki gave him an idea.  He scanned the remaining trees for a suitable candidate.




[3] Freyd: 194/200 (-1 -1)| 10/18 (-2 + 2) | DMG: 5 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 14 | ACC: 2 | SAV 1 |BLEED 1 | HOLY 1 | KEEN 1 -> REC triggered, spent SAV 1

Giant Stinky Skunk #2: 40/50 | DMG 15

Giant Stinky Skunk #3: 40/50 | DMG 15


Edited by Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows
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Confusion was swirling in the opponents eyes. The skunk was obviously having an extremely difficult time tracking its target, but the moment that Assassin came in to strike true, it's claw was ready to slice her in half again. She slid under the skunk's claw and missed her attack. Once she was on it's other side, the after image speed of her form continued. She was so fast that it looked like she was running everywhere at once. Nothing but a black blur of speed coupled with a white wave of hair.

If she hadn't been doing all the running conditioning to improve her skill with this digital body, she probably would have been tired thrice now. She could go a bit faster if she wanted to, but she wouldn't be able to keep that speed up for very long. Keeping her energy up would be the best course of action since it regenerates so slow while in combat.


Assassin: 259/260 | 22/26 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 18

Giant Stinky Skunk: 50/50 | DMG: 15

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Freyd swung wide, clipping the nearer skunk on its right flank, right above its back leg.  It stumbled back, trying to to keep its footing, but struggling to maintain itself upright.  Its surviving partner lunged forward to intercept Freyd before he could press his attack.

"How the hell did these things get here?  If they've lasted this long against us, what would have happened to less experienced players?"

Several well-placed thrusts kept the second skunk from getting close enough to threaten him, but he had lost sight of the first one.  

"Watch it, Sin-Chan," he called out.  "One's wandered off.  I'll try to find and pull it back."  He raced around the area, seeking the other target.  It nearly bowled him over as it burst back out from cover.  Veering out of the way pressed his back again one of the fractured trunks and gave him a moment to recoup.

"Found it!"  His plan was falling into place.



[4] Freyd: 194/200 | 8/18 (-4 + 2) | DMG: 5 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 14 | ACC: 2 | SAV 1 |BLEED 1 | HOLY 1 | KEEN 1 -> REC triggered, spent and re-triggered SAV 1, triggered KEEN 1

Giant Stinky Skunk #2: 20/50 (-20)| DMG 15

Giant Stinky Skunk #3: 40/50 | DMG 15


Edited by Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows
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The whirlwind of afterimages that Assassin was leaving in her wake was starting to tire her out some now that she had been keeping it up for some time. She needed only to hit this thing probably a single time and it would disappear from their existence. She readied her blade for the next attack and scanned her opponent like a hawk, looking for the best opening possible to slash the skunk into two pieces. When she thought she had found it, she burst forward towards it with maximum speed and tried to do just that.

Another missed strike from both competitors and Assassin could just feel a dunce hat on her head. Why was something as stupid as a skunk giving her such a difficult time to hit?! She went back into her tornado of speed and kept the thing guessing for as long as she could. How much longer she could keep this up was really anyone's guess though. She predicted not much longer.


Assassin: 259/260 | 22/26 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 18

Giant Stinky Skunk: 50/50 | DMG: 15

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Pushing off with as much force as he could, Freyd twisted on his left heel to cleave into the partially shattered tree trunk.  There was a loud snapping sound as the blade cut clean across in a white blur.  The tiniest of smiles curled the edges of his lips as he watched the lead skunk round the corner, just in time to receive the impact of the falling log upon its skull.  A sickening crunch followed.  The final skunk limped over the body of its fallen kin, stumbling both due to its injured leg and the sudden collapse of its companion's corpse beneath its feet.

It looked very unhappy.

Bracing his sword out in front of him like a pike, Freyd tilted his head as if asking whether it was really going to do this - truly, daring it to charge and save him the trouble of hunting it down.  

"Bring it."



[5] Freyd: 194/200 | 6/18 (-4 + 2) | DMG: 5 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 14 | ACC: 2 | SAV 1 | BLEED 1 | HOLY 1 | KEEN 1 -> REC triggered, spent SAV 1, spent and re-triggered KEEN 1

Giant Stinky Skunk #2: 0/50 (-20)| DMG 15

Giant Stinky Skunk #3: 40/50 | DMG 15


Edited by Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows
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The child dashing around was beginning to slow. If she didn't hit this skunk with something soon, she was really going to start throwing a tantrum. A purple light wrapped around her blade as she activated her Shadow Stitch another time. She would ensure that this attack hit. If she couldn't hit it, it was really going to look bad.

Dashing in quickly, the skunk and the girl collided with each other while both trying to make an attack. She falls to the ground, rolls up off it then tries to start her tornado speed again. Unfortunately, she had pushed her speed to it limit. Moving was beginning to get hard.

"Grrrr- I'm going destroy you- you- big stupid jerk!!" The girl yelled at the top of her lungs, giving the skunk a terrifyingly angry look. It seemed completely unmoved by this development, which only seemed to stoke the flames to the treetops. "DIE!"


Assassin: 259/260 | 22/26 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 18

Giant Stinky Skunk: 50/50 | DMG: 15

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The skunk charged at him as best it could with its injured leg, stumbling a few times along the way.  Freyd held his stance and sword out to receive it, his right foot braced on a large rock to help keep him from sliding over top of the ridge behind him.  It must have thought him cornered, which he supposed was partially true.

"Where's Sin-Chan?" he wondered.  She had dispatched her guardian in the cave so quickly that he hadn't expected one of these beasts to be much trouble.  

Their collision threw both of them off balance, the skunk impaling itself on Forgiven Disobedience despite a last minute dodge to try and avoid it.  Freyd couldn't quite absorb the entire weight of its impact and tumbled over backwards into the ditch, pulling his sword with him as he did so.  Recovering his footing as best he could, the skunk pounced angrily down beside him, yelping as its landing aggravated its existing injuries.

Sin-Chan was right beside them, still facing off against he foe, which looked surprisingly unharmed, and she looked mad.

"Uh..." Freyd started, not sure he wanted to get her attention.  "Switch?"



[6] Freyd: 191/200 (-3) | 4/18 (-4 +2) | DMG: 5 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 14 | ACC: 2 | SAV 1 | BLEED 1 | HOLY 1 | KEEN 1 -> REC triggered, spent and re-triggered KEEN 1

Giant Stinky Skunk #3: 20/50 (-20) | DMG 15


Edited by Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows
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Trying to catch her breath, the feeling of exhaustion really waning her ego, the Assassin's anger could not be quelled until she had finished her opponent. She spun her dagger in her hand, with help from the system giving her the skill to preform. Soon, the blade lit up with a blood red aura. The terrifying glow hummed with power.

She leaped forward to slash her target in half when she heard Freyd's voice. "Switch?" Her dagger went wide, missing the intended target. The giant skunk attempted to head butt her, but she grabbed it by the head, jumped on to its back and rammed the overgrown animal into the dirt. Looking up at Freyd, he could see the pure aggression just in her expression.

"Leave me alone! I'm beating up the meany for hurting me!" A bit of growl in her voice, she peered at him with her ferocious emerald eyes.


Assassin: 259/260 | 22/26 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 18

Giant Stinky Skunk: 50/50 | DMG: 15

Switch Refused.

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Freyd and his final skunk opponent both paused and stared wide-eyed at the ferocity and speed of Assassin's attacks.  They turned and looked at each other, as if sharing a common concern.  Freyd shrugged, then stabbed it in the face just as it leapt in a fatal attempt to engulf him with its claws and bite.

It stood frozen in death, up on its hind legs, the tip of his giant bleached blade sticking awkwardly out of the back of its head.  A burst of white stars surrounded him as the skunk shattered into shards of fragmented data.  Freyd continued watching Sin-Chan's relentless assault, studying her patterns and motions, realizing how foolish it would be to intervene.  His face remained calm and dispassionate - a stark contrast to his companion.




[6] Freyd: 191/200 | 2/18 (-4 +2) | DMG: 5 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 14 | ACC: 2 | SAV 1 | BLEED 1 | HOLY 1 | KEEN 1 -> REC triggered, spent and re-triggered KEEN 1

Giant Stinky Skunk #3: 0/50 (-20) | DMG 15


Edited by Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows
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Dominating her opponent with ease, the girl doesn't take any chances. She raises her tiny blade into the air to embed it into the skull of the skunk. When she tried to drive the blade into it's head, it wiggled her off. Causing her to fall to the ground and cancelling her sword art. She fell into the grass with a heavy thud. The enemy wasn't finished with her just get though. It reached its paw into the air and slammed it into the head of the child. She cried in pain, and in anger.

"Ka-ah!!!" She coughed as the claw connected with her face and pinned her head into the dirt. She grabbed the restraint and tried to pull it off of her. "Agh! Let go of me you stupid jerk! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!" She squirmed angrily, unable to get a grip on her weapon that she had somehow lost in the grass.


Assassin: 258/260 (17-18) | 22/26 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 18

Giant Stinky Skunk: 50/50 | DMG: 15

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