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[PP-F1] <<The First Few Lessons are Free>> [Etherial, Yuurei]

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Waiting outside of the area where she would pick up a quest she looked around to see who was all left in the Town of Beginnings. It’s been a while and she hasn’t tried to level up or help beat the death game. At the time It was all about trying to survive and make it back to the Real World. But for some reason, she wanted to try and leave the town and start an actual adventure and meet new people. It was getting boring on Floor 1 and so she decided to pick up one of the very first quest that you could have done at the beginning of the game.

Standing Infront of Zackariah she waiting to see if anyone was willing to accompany her while she does the quest. But before she started to look she decided to accept the quest before turning around and seeing another girl. It was only the matter of her saying the first words… But she was to shy to even say the basic world. ‘Hello’




Level: 3

HP: 60

Energy: 6

DMG: 1

Keen: 0

ACC: 1

MIT: 0

EVA: 3

Para: 2

SP Available:  2

Total SP: 7


Equipped Items

Silberklinge (+1 ACC +2 Para)


Snow Loyal (+3 EVA)

Silberklinge (+1 ACC +2 Para)



» First Aid (Rank 1)






Extra/locked Skills: 




Mithril:   T1 = 16 <> T2  = 0 <> T3 = 0




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The Gaijin was walking through the Town of Beginnings quietly contemplating her next move. After having talked with Dagger in the field while practicing her sword skills, she was finally getting the hang of this new skill. It was certain that she needed to finish the remaining Lessons quest line before she got too high of level to get the bonus experience from them. With a sigh, she walked back to Zachriah's place to get the address for Lyle again when suddenly.

"Hello..." A girl said as she was about to walk into the door. Yuurei eyed her up, taking note that she looked a like a really inexperienced player. Probably someone that was looking to start their own journey in this death world. Yuurei bowed slightly to her. "Ohaiyo gozaimasu. You were looking to start the quest here? You should probably head inside then." She said, walking into the door and holding it open for her.


Name: Yuurei
Level: 9
HP: 180/180
EN: 18/18

Damage: 5
Mitigation: 18
H.M.: 2
REC: 2

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Yuurei Shikiri: Dmg III
Armor: Yuurei no Kaze: HM II; Rec I
Misc: Samurai's Plate: MIT II; Rec I

Curved Sword [Rank 1]

Battle Ready Inventory:
Starter Healing Potions*3


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With no surprise at all the girl responded back. After all, it was only polite to respond back if someone greets you. She smiles before saying something. “I already accepted the quest. I was actually on my way to complete it.” She said in a quiet manner. “Would you like to come along?” It was only a matter of time will she know if the girl would tag along with her or leave her to herself but by the way she looked she was about to start the same quest.

Looking over at her stats and gear Eitheral felt kind of bad. The girl must be a lot stronger than her and is probably went on lots of adventures. She probably doesn’t want to be hanging with someone that just got the courage to even leave The Town of Beginnings.

“I’m hoping that I will soon have a great adventure I can talk about when we get back home but I can’t do it being stuck here.” She wasn’t sure what she was saying at that point she just doesn’t want to start off the wrong foot on her new journey.

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Yuurei stood paused in the doorway. She didn't expect her to already have picked up the quest. Oh well, she wouldn't complain, but then she asked her if she wanted to join her for the first lessons. She had finished this quest what felt like years ago. The only reason she came here was to find the start of the second one. If she joined the girl, she would be able to get the quest location again when she finishes it. So, it wasn't such a bad idea actually.

"You know what? Sure. I don't mind tagging along at all. I have nothing better to do right now, just as long as I don't break past level 15 before I finish the other beginner's quests." She mentions, motioning the snow-haired girl to take the lead since she was taking the quest. Might as well make introductions. "Yuurei. Just call me Rei."

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It was a shock to hear the girl say she’ll tag along. It was almost like a metrical. Could she finally be making new friends? After seeing the girl wave her arms in the motion of Etherial to lead the way she would nod to her. "Yuurei. Just call me Rei." She said it was strange but she doesn’t really have a shorter way to say her name. “I’m Etherial. Glad to meet you.” She gives a smile off once more

Looking at Yuurei she looked like she was in her late teens just like her. She had the same colour hair as her which made her feel more comfortable. Etherial was a little awkward around people mostly because of her hair colour. Not many people usually see someone with snow white hair on a young girl. She smiled and started to walk towards there destination. “So why did you join this death game?” she said to the girl before holding onto her rapier.

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Well, what a question to ask someone you hardly knew. Though, she could see why she would ask such a thing. Yuurei was quiet for a moment, she didn't want to tell her the entire reason that she had gotten her own copy. "A friend bought the game and headset for me." She put it simply. Best to leave the depressive backstory out of that one. She wanted to get off that topic really quick so she made a u-turn in the conversation.

"Etherial. Mind if I just call you Ether for short? Seems a lot easier to get out." One thing noticable about the girl upon inspecting her, Yuurei very clearly inspired her samurai get up off Japanese warriors, yet she had a very American accident. It was clear that even if she prided the wear of Japan, she wasn't from the country at all. "This quest is pretty easy. Just need to find some materials is all."

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She was shocked to see her actually respond to it. But it was a quest that was brought up all the time in the town. It was nice to see that she might have another friend.. A real friend from the real world on here with her. Etherial looked down for a moment. She was alone. She bought the game to try something new. Something she thought was dumb while growing up. But before finishing her memory she hear the girl mention about her being called Ether. She gives a nods. “I like it.” She then hear her mention more about the objective of the quest. It was to obtain materials which sounds simple enough.

With that being said she decided to give it a try to find material for the quest. But unfortunately she was unsuccessful. “Eventually I’ll get the materials.” She said with a smile on her face as they continue to walk around for a bit.

ID# 163381 results: LD: 3

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As the duo left the safe zone, she was well aware that she wasn't going to be collecting any materials today. She could if she wanted to, but they wouldn't work like quest materials for Ether. The system wouldn't allow people to cheat like that, so Quest Materials were apparently different entities from regular ones. That being said, regular materials can't be substituted for quest ones.

She could tell the other woman was having some problems. If anyone could really spot out those depressed faces, it was her. Rei's life had been anything but peachy. "You doin' alright? Seems like something is bothering you a bit." The gaijin asked, folding her arms across her chest. It normally wasn't her style to get involved in other people's business, but this seemed like the type of face that needed help. After having just shaken off the suicidal thoughts she was having, she couldn't ignore others who might need help.

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She looks over at Rei. “Yeah everything’s alright. I was thinking about what you said.” She paused for a moment. “Do you still see your friend? You know the one that bought you the game and the gear to play?” She said knowing it’s a hard question to answer. “If you were wondering I bought the game and gear to try something new. Growing up I saw my brother playing games all the time and I always hated when he did. I figured if I tried this I can see why he loves it so much. But instead out of the unfortunate events I’m the one that get’s stuck in one.” She never thought about having suicidal thoughts but just hide away in the Town of Beginnings to make it home one of these days. “My brother would of loved it here. I can’t imagine what he had to think about me being stuck in here.”

With that being said she decided to look around to see if she can gather material. This time thought she did manage to find one and manage to gather it. She gave a smile before looking back at Rei. “One down four more to go.” She giggles a little before continuing on with the search.

ID# 163383 results: LD:16 (Success) +1 Mat

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Rei shook her head when asked if she still sees that friend. "Unfortunately no. My friend sacrificed his Nervegear and pre-order of the game to give to me. I don't think he intended to get me locked in the game and I don't blame him for it. I made the decision to play the game. I'll conquer it and become a better person." She said matter-of-fact-ly. Just because she was having a difficult time doesn't mean that she couldn't rise above it and become a better person in the process. That was the whole reason she was picking the game back up after three years of inactivity.

Then Ether found her first material. "Nicely done. It took me a lot longer to find my first one, I'll admit. I was never good at this scavenging stuff." She admitted, following behind the other girl wherever she went. She would have her katana ready in case any monsters attacked them.

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Hearing her say that was a shock. But it’s understandable. No one predicted this game to be a death game it was a shock not for only the players but even the family members of the players. It was only the matter of time then Etherial would look around once more for materials. Luckily for her it seemed easy to spot the materials. “I cant imagine it taking to long to gather materials for this quest.” She looked at Rei once more “I don’t seem to have an issue looking for them. Unless it was just a bad luck of the draw when you did this quest.” It was only a matter of time until she would look around and see the wonders of the floor that she missed out on for many years. “What have you seen in this death game? Like what floors.” She wasn’t trying to make it sound bad but more just curiosity. Etherial has been outside of the Town of Beginnings but didn’t really do much so it was all new for her.

ID# 163386 results: LD:11 (Success) +1 Mat (2)

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"In all honesty, I tend to have some pretty bad luck so it was probably a key factor as to why this quest in particular was so difficult for me." Rei admitted, looking at the quest material in Ether's hand. She was getting along pretty well so far, but one could hit a snag if they bragged too much, that's how karma worked.

As for what other floors she's seen, she had been up to floor 24 to meet some of her guild mates, but other than that, she hadn't done many other quests on floors higher than the 5th. There wasn't much reason to risk going higher anyway. "I've been up to floor 24 once before, but other than that, I generally stay below the 5th floor. I'm still not strong enough to just be walking around on any floor that I want." She said, with a bit of a shrug, still keeping an eye out for any danger.

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Hearing Rei mentions that she tends to get back luck kind of shocked her a little. But again, everyone here seems to have bad luck. After all, they’re stuck inside a death game. Stopping for a moment to see if she can find any materials but unfortunately wasn’t able to find any in this area. “Looks like we’ll need to find a new place to look don’t you think?” she smiles before heading east of there position and see if she had any more luck in that general area.

“Do you have any goals in this game? Like besides to survive and leave it.” She wasn’t sure what everyone had in mind for a game that could literally kill them if there HP hits zero. It doesn’t seem like something people would really think about in some sort of way but also doesn’t want to take the chances. She starts to look around to admire the floor still while moving towards the next position she was wanting to go to.

ID# 163810 results: LD: 3 (Failed)

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Yuurei threw her hands behind her head and rested them in her palms as she followed the girl to the new area. A new position wouldn't be a bad choice if they were having trouble finding materials. She remembers how far she had to go out just to find her first one. Not a lot of amazing memories on this quest when she had done it by herself so long ago. The girl was a little more talkative than she was used to, but Bistro was sort of the same, so she had gotten used to it.

"Uh, not really. Just gonna see what I can accomplish I guess. Surviving this game would be quite the accomplishment in and of itself, honestly." Rei said, trying to look around for any materials to help the girl find anything that she could use for the quest. Unfortunately, she didn't think she could see quest specific materials.

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She looked around and saw a piece of material. It was probably the easiest one that she’ll probably get this whole entire time searching for the materials. “Let see here. That three materials? So just two more and I’ll be able to get the item crafted to continue on with the quest?” She thought to herself thinking that this quest seems easier than what a lot of people been telling her. But the fact she had someone with her probably made it better. “Sorry if this isn’t much of a fun journey for you. I’m sure following someone around isn’t the most fun thing in the world.” She said that though with a smile so hopefully that brightens things up a little while saying that. “By the way do you have anything you would like to ask for me while we’re waiting for me to complete this quest?” She was trying to find an excuse for her to talk to Rei while they search for the materials.

ID# 164532 results: LD: 17 (Success) +1 Mat (3)

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