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[PP | FL1] Dragons exist <<DHA:1>>

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Even with a tall, red coat blocking sight of the dragon and Chaser the young adventure knew what was happening. The small scaled creature was being destroyed. Although, Asmura was keenly aware that Kiluia’s maneuvering was strictly protective; and that was alright with her. The damage this baby dragon could deal was potentially disastrous for someone of the lower levels. As Chaser called out to the rest of the party that the dragon was “shooed away” a smile graced her features. Popping out from behind Kiluia like a spring a wide smile greeted Chaser and Kiluia.

As the sword was placed back into the sheath her attention was then turned toward her two counterparts. “What should we eat in celebration?” Asmura pondered, while looking toward the sky, “Oh, how about those pumpkin cheesecake muffins? Do you have more of those Kiluia?” Before he could answer the young girl ran forward toward the town—excited at the thought of sweets. “Come on! Let’s go celebrate!”

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://End of thread Summary//:


Asmura | 300 col + <<Rhaegal’s Emerald [Vanity Quest Item]>> + 3SP [1 Quest, 1 Event, 1 Page]

Kilulia | 300 col +  <<Rhaegal’s Emerald [Vanity Quest Item]>> + 3SP [1 Quest, 1 Event, 1 Page]

ChaseR | 300 col + <<Rhaegal’s Emerald [Vanity Quest Item]>> + 2SP [1 Event, 1 Page]

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