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[PP|F1] <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>> Harvesting the Weeds

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Orvilla was wondering through more of the first floor, it hadn't been long since she had left the town of beginnings but she was already making her way through the first floor easily, though the combat aspects of the game eluded her.  "I wonder what kind of stuff to do in this town, everywhere I've been so far has been really fun! I don't know why I was so worried in the end about leaving." Orvilla spoke out loud to herself as she entered the small town, which just happened to be situated not far from a lush pine forest coating the usual empty plains. 

"You there! Please can you help us? Our village has run dangerously low on medicine and none of our guardsmen is willing to go out to harvest it, we'd be willing to cover the troubles" The green-haired girl was shocked at first stumbling back at the sudden NPC in her face before understanding the situation and accepting "You want medicine? Ok! I can do that I just got to go gather some right?" The NPC shook their head at the comment "No you must slay a mob known as a Nepent but not only that but a rare variant to get the medicine we need, I know it's difficult but you're all we can ask" This would be the first battle Orvilla had ever gotta in since she had left she just hoping it wouldn't be her last "Ok! I'll do it"




Level 1

HP: 20/20

EN: 2/2

DMG: 3+1



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<<Secret Medicine of the Forest>>

Inhabiting the first floor felt like an admission of unworthiness. That somehow, in his travels across the iron castle, Daemien had gone and suffered a tragic loss so as to return to his foundations, rather than continuing his ascent towards the higher echelons of the brig.

But in truth, that was exactly what had pushed him to the fields of sunshine and their occluded, dim-lit forests in the first place. No amount of cooking so far had improved his progress, and there was very little to say if his skills would continue to be honed. It was with this in mind that he strode past the main entrance of Horunka -- if only he knew his way better around the confines of the beginner fields.

NPCs wouldn't do. Fortunately for him, there appeared to be another player mulling about talking to one for him. Fate shined on the doubtful, he presumed.

"Excuse me," he pardoned himself as he approached the young female -- at least, Daemien thought they were female. By their appearance, it was hard for him to tell; their voice was the greatest fetching hint by far. "I'm looking for a handful of spices around the forest. Tell me, are you familiar with the landscape around here?"

  DAEMIEN | HP: 60/60 | EN: 6/6 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 18 | REGEN: 1 | LD: 3


  • Torres Special
    -- [ Damage III | +3 DMG. ]
  • Enduring Stand
    -- [ Mitigation II | +18 MIT. ]
    -- [ Regen I | Heal 5 HP every turn for 3 rounds. DoTs will not trigger Regen. Does not stack with Battle Healing. Taking damage while Regen is active will refresh Regen to its full duration. ]
  • bauble.
    -- [ Accuracy II | +2 ACC. ]
    -- [ Evasion I | +1 EVA. ]


  • Costa de Estrellas
    -- [ Loot Die III | +3 LD. ]


  • Two-Handed Straight Sword | Passive | RANK 1/5




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Orvilla was shocked by the sudden appearance of the male player as she was fixing her mask, causing it to fall onto the ground her face showing for a bit as she went to grab it "Oh uh! Kinda yeah, I only recently left the town of beginnings but I kind of know the places around here. I was just boutta head into that forest over there if you wanna come with, I would promise it's safe but then I would be lying." Chuckling slightly she looked up at the player before fixing the max back onto her face covering it up once again with the small canine design, her poofy hair being pushed away from her face by it.

"Oh! I should probably introducey me self my name is Orvilla! Nice to meet you, stranger!" Heading off into the forest the small girl signalled that it was ok to follow her if he wanted to look for the spices in the same place she was looking to fight those Nepents.



Level 1

HP: 20/20

EN: 2/2

DMG: 3+1



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"--I would promise it's safe, but then I would be lying."

Just as she'd laughed, so too did Damien scoff with the lightest smirk. "Oh, don't worry about me."

With a snap of his fingers, the man pulled out his blade; a new one, uncomfortably fashioned by one of the land's 'greatest craftsmen'. It took on a form unfamiliar to his usual light-weight broadswords, a medieval, archaic, thing. The weapon's gleaming edge settled upon his shoulders in a horizontal fashion, once the tendrils of purple and pink had weaved their ways around it to forge the item into being. "As you can see," Daemien offered with a shrug and a lift of his strength, "I'm fully equipped for any situation. I can handle my own."

"Now you, on the other hand--"

He was about to continue, raising his index, but at the girl's darting all the man could do was cock his head to the side and follow along in elegant strides. She gave him her name -- at least the player wasn't rude about that front.

"Maxwell," he returned back. "Maxwell Torres."

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"Well, Maxxy I hope that magical sword of yours can take down some Nepents! Cause my friend here doesn't hit all too hard but he does keep me alive!" Orvilla pulled out her cutlass showing off the blade that for the most part had been hidden under her coat, as she held it the small eyes in guard opening up and focusing their view on Maxwell making sure they were always focused on him as long as the blade was in her hand. As they headed into the forest the shadows of the trees began to bear down on them, becoming almost as dark as a cave however the trickles of sunlight would keep their view ahead readable.

"I can't believe the first fight I'm gonna be in is with some plant, I always thought it would be a boar or another player or heck even some kind of slime" She giggled excitedly trying to press down the nerves she had about the upcoming fight if it wasn't for the chance that she could actually die in here this would be even more enjoyable.



Level 1

HP: 20/20

EN: 2/2

DMG: 3+1



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A cutlass. To Daemien, the choice of weapon was strange, unorthodox, but partially because in all his travels that sort of blade was less favored among the populous of Aincrad. With the way she was skipping about with joy, too, even he could tell that something was a little off about his companion for their journey.

"Nepents, you say." Even there, an exasperation for answers betrayed his voice just the slightest. Something else about their travel had seemed to tick him off about the idea that perhaps he wouldn't end up with the herbs he was looking for at the end of it -- but the wandering through the forest should be idyllic enough that he'd be able to memorize its winding paths and start a proper expedition here the next time he journeyed in.

Without a potential lunatic to take care of, the youth figured.

"Like... those."

A point of his blade to the distance; four dancing plants had scurried out from the underbrush and were rollicking about in the way of their path. With a tilt of his head, he set his edge back on his shoulders, ushering Orvilla towards them casually. "Well, pops always did tell me ladies first. Go get 'em.'"


Orvilla |
DaemienHP: 60/60 | EN: 6/6 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 18 | REGEN: 1 | LD: 3

Nepent #1 | HP: 7/7 | DMG: 3
Nepent #2 | HP: 7/7 | DMG: 3
Nepent #3 | HP: 7/7 | DMG: 3
Nepent #4 | HP: 7/7 | DMG: 3

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"Oh! So those are Nepents, they're not what I imagined at all when talking about a plant mob, I always thought they are like those plants from that old platformer game" Before she got any more distracted Orvilla shook her head and got ready to attack speeding towards the plants with her cutlass drawn and ready, though before reaching them hopping up and kicking off a tree sending herself flying above the Nepents, giving her the chance to stab down into one of them twisting her blade pointing down directly at the head of the Nepton.

ID# 173526 results: Battle:7

Stabbing into it she hit it deep with her blade, laughing almost manically as she felt it dig into the unsuspecting creature, but not long enough before pulling the blade out jumping down from it and rolling through the grass standing up quickly ready for the retaliation from the monstrous plant no doubt angered by the surprise attack.


Orvilla | HP: 20/20 | EN: 1/2 | DMG: 3+1 | REGEN: 1
Daemien |

Nepent #1 | HP: 3/7 | DMG: 3
Nepent #2 | HP: 7/7 | DMG: 3
Nepent #3 | HP: 7/7 | DMG: 3
Nepent #4 | HP: 7/7 | DMG: 3


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"That old excuse me?"

He didn't even have time to receive an answer before the girl seemed to bolt off a tree and sunder one of the writhing creatures. Daemien sighed pushing back his hair; this should've been typical of a bounding, eager player, and the man should've very well have expected something like this to occur. He'd cringe at the sound of her laughter, the girl's feral instincts for combat kicking in.

Tell him, were all new players like this?

The youth released his heavy grip upon his shoulders, pulling the blade to his side. "Hey," he beckoned to them with concern, "you're forgetting about the other three." With a casual wave of his scepter, he'd thrown out a blast knocking out two out of the three approaching enemies. Daemien thought it best for them to get the practice they'd needed.

Or maybe he just couldn't care enough about putting the fight to its necessary end. "At least keep an eye out for yourself."


ID: 173545 | BD: 6 + 4 = 10 | <<Blast>> vs Nepent #2.
The strike lands!
7 * 2 = 14 DMG

ID: 173546 | BD: 3 + 4 = 6 | <<Blast>> vs Nepent #3.
The strike lands!
7 * 2 = 14 DMG

ID: 173552 | MD: 5 | Nepent #1 attacks Orvilla!
It's a miss!

ID: 173553 | MD: 4 - 3 = 1 | Nepent #4 attacks Daemien!
It's a miss!

[1, 0, 0, 0] Orvilla HP: 20/20 | EN: 1/2 | DMG: 3+1 | REGEN: 1
[0, 1, 1, 0] Daemien HP: 60/60 | EN: 0/6 (-6) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 18 | REGEN: 1 | LD: 3

Nepent #1 | HP: 3/7 | DMG: 3
Nepent #2 | HP: -7/7 | DMG: 3
Nepent #3 | HP: -7/7 | DMG: 3

Nepent #4 | HP: 7/7 | DMG: 3

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"I am! Don't worry this isn't the first time I've handled a sword! I'm still sharp when it comes to technic just not combat" Even though Orvilla came off as distracted by the other player's comments, as well as allowing herself to banter in response with him, she would not allow a single hit from the Nepton's vine-like appendages to land a hit on her.  Soon charging back into combat swinging at the plant, unfortunately, missing her target by a few centimetres and flying past it turning back around and glaring through her masks at the plant "Dang it! I was so close too! Ugh, why do they have to be so viney!"

Hopping on the spot she noticed the last Nepton that had yet to be hit deciding to focus on both of them instead of attacking one at a time formulating a plan of attack in her head as she kept her guard up ready to dodge and defend from any incoming attacks that may fly her way.


ID# 173562 results|BD: 5| Basic Attack Vs Nepent #1

Orvilla HP: 20/20 | EN: 1/2 | DMG: 3+1 | REGEN: 1


Edited by Orvilla
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It was tiring just to watch her dart about in a frenzy; Daemien had taken a few steps forward past their rapid-paced form to put the last nepent out of its misery. The plant's form melted away like glass to the light swing of his sword.

"From the way you're rushing your opponent," he dryly commented, watching Orvilla prance as he scattered the spiraling ashes to the wind, "I'd barely believe you. You'd seem much better at dancing or--" he pointed at the lady's feet, before shaking his wrist. "-- whatever it is you're doing there than you are at getting the jump on your enemies."

"Sounds to me like you're better heading back for the first few lessons before coming out here."

The youth tutted, continuing to watch their duel with the plant carry on. Would it be remiss of him to continue heading into the forest and leaving the girl all alone? The thought of it crossed his mind for a spell as Daemien continued to stand, uncertain of her success.


ID: 173563 | BD: 3 + 4 = 7 | Basic Attack vs Nepent #4.
The strike lands! (-1 EN | 7 DMG)

ID: 173564 | MD: 3 | Nepent #1 attacks Orvilla!
It's a miss!

[1, 0] Orvilla HP: 20/20 | EN: 0/2 | DMG: 4 | REGEN: 1
[0, 1] Daemien HP: 60/60 | EN: 0/6 (+1, -1) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 18 | REGEN: 1 | LD: 3

Nepent #1 | HP: 3/7 | DMG: 3
Nepent #4 | HP: 0/7 | DMG: 3

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"I was doing them! I just got decided to take a break in between them that's al-" Orvilla was cut off mid-sentence as the Nepent swung out its vines attempting to strike at her, though because of her constant movement on the spot she was able to quickly dip out of the way spinning her body around like a ballerina before slashing down at the same vine that attempted to hit her, severing it from the plant and crushing under her boot before giggling sweetly.

"It's a shame they just fade out like this, I bet they'd make a pretty good salad" Laughing once again at her own little joke she sheathed her sword under her coat, walking back over to Daemien "So Maxxy what are we supposed to do now? Cause I was supposed to get medicine from a variant of these guys but doesn't seem like it was around to play"


ID# 173778 results | BD: 9 + 4 = 13 | Basic Attack Vs Nepent #1
Orvilla | HP: 20/20 | EN: 0/2 (+1, -1) | DMG: 4 | REGEN: 1

Nepent #1 | HP: 0/7 | DMG: 3


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"Oh, you're doing that--"

Just as the words left his lips, Daemien tasted foul vitriol for his circumstances; of course a low-leveled player would've been here to take on a quest such as this. How hadn't he seen the signs before hand? And here he would've figured their advice would be his shortcut. Rookie mistake number one.

He let out a groan, starting to pick up his paces into the forest once more. "Y'know," he began, "I'm sort of here for a different purpose than you, come to think of it. So if you're not exactly sure where the spices are, I can go look for them myself."

There was a moment of pause in his steps just as he'd turned around to address the player, and he set two fingers to his lips. "Um... Do work on your little prancing habit, won't you? I'm sure that'll keep you safe, at least. If you can't hit anything."


Daemien HP: 60/60 | EN: 1/6 (+1) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 18 | REGEN: 1 | LD: 3

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"Wait you're leaving? I thought we were doing an I help you out, you help me out kinda deal?" Orvilla followed the player through the forest as she looked for the variant Nepent that she needed to kill to beat this quest "I can still help you look for the spices you need! I'm sure we can russle them up from somewhere around here?" It wasn't that Orvilla was desperate to help the player, she could clearly fight after all, but the fear of not having someone with her as she was about to go after a much stronger mob than her sent anxiety through her soul.

"And it works, don't it? I can hit hard and I can avoid any attack that comes flying out at me with my little hop" It didn't take before her self doubting thoughts crept in, this was the first time she was being abandoned in the game by another player, the memories of all the children leaving her as they got adopted while she was left behind. Letting out a sad sigh she turned around "I guess it's annoying to fight along with a newbie, having to watch out for me all the time and not focus on yourself. It's ok I understand I wouldn't wanna be around me either" That is what she would say but even she was above such a guilt-tripping misery.


Orvilla | HP: 20/20 | EN: 1/2  | DMG: 4 | REGEN: 1


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"Wait you're leaving? I thought we were doing an I help you out, you help me out kinda deal?"

"I never said anything of the sort."

"I can still help you look for the spices you need! I'm sure we can russle them up from somewhere around here?"

And here he'd thought she'd already have the forest mapped out in her head. "I'd doubt it," he returned, eying the vicinity around him. Wild chanterelle? Don't mind if he did.

"And it works, don't it? I can hit hard, and I can avoid any attack that comes flying out at me with my little hop!"

Daemien scooted down near the dirt, light fingers working away at picking the mushrooms away from their position. Sure enough, just as he'd gathered the bunch, a small timer circle began to appear on the display. One bounce of his items-- they'd faded away into a trickle of squares, and the man stood back up again, dusting off his palms with the swat of his hands.

"To me," he said, "that sounds more like I'd be doing the dirty work for you." The youth shrugged back at Orvilla with a look of indifference. "After all, I did technically take out the majority of those threats from earlier. Best be pulling your own weight when you make these sorts of agreements."


ID: 174017 | LD: 17 + 3 = 20 | Gathering Materials.
+Tier 1 Material (1) obtained.

Daemien HP: 60/60 | EN: 2/6 (+1) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 18 | REGEN: 1 | LD: 3

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"It's not my fault I'm so low level! That's why I'm doing these quests so I can level up and fight on my own more reliably." Punching a nearby tree she gritted her teeth slightly as the sting of doing so spread across her knuckles, it was stupid sure but it really was the only way to vent out her frustration at the time. "Fine! You wanna go look for your stupid herbs or whatever then go! I'll go fight that stupid plant on my own." Orvilla shouted before speeding off from the other player heading deeper into the forest ready to take down any mob that she came across, why should she have to rely on some idiot when she knew she could fight even if her damage numbers weren't the highest around.

Soon entering the heart of the forest she looked around for the mob she needed to take down, still showing no means of appearing, regular Nepents would show every now and then but Orvilla only sped past them trying not to attract attention.


Orvilla | HP: 20/20 | EN: 2/2  | DMG: 4 | REGEN: 1


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Even the player's thump was puny. The light crack of wood earned the girl a scoff from Daemien, who shook his head and turned on his heel. Right as he'd continued shambling down the dirt path with a relinquishing of his weapon, his eyes scanned the trees, wondering if there was a chance to spot wild fowl amongst the canopy. It was only when Orvilla darted past his form that he'd realized--


His shuffling stopped, just as the kid's form shrunk in the distance. A thumb pointed in the opposite direction, the only thing on his face was a confused, blank expression. In a holler, he finally continued.

"The exit's this way."



The girl's crimson form only faded from view.

Another heave from the man, hands stuffed back into his pockets. With one sweeping gaze, he re-examined his vicinity of any goodies, before shuffling forth at a snail's pace once again.

Not his fault she was headed in doom's direction.


ID: 174040 | LD: 8 + 3 = 11 | Gathering Materials.
> Nothing found.

> Three turns have passed since combat. EN has been restored to full.
Daemien HP: 60/60 | EN: 6/6 (+4) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 18 | REGEN: 1 | LD: 3

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"What a dick, though he is right, I can't fight this mob on my own I could barely take down one of the regular ones, how am I supposed to beat something much stronger on my own." Sitting down under one of the many trees she stared up at the clear skies of the first floor, not really caring about the obvious danger of relaxing in a spot where powerful mobs could spawn in at any second.

In the corner of her eye, she soon noticed a figure moving around  "Come to apologise have you?" It was rare for her to be sarcastic, hell it was rare for her to be negative to anyone but herself, though the cocky attitude she had soon dropped as she noticed that it wasn't the asshole player from before but the exact mob she needed to slay, "Aww dammit!" Hopping up early she sped away to create some distance from it looking at a way to fight it.


Orvilla | HP: 20/20 | EN: 2/2  | DMG: 4 | REGEN: 1


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He could have been picking vegetables, by now. Cloves, stigmas, perhaps some roots if he was feeling plucky enough to rummage through the dirt. Not like most players would've noticed the difference.

It just so happened that the hunt for that rare variant that girl was looking for had managed to cross his path. And the squeal she made -- ugh, had the chef been out hunting for game that day, there would be nothing more he would've preferred to chase after them and silence her cry.

But players like these were special, now. Once he got to know someone, it was difficult to remove them out of his mind. He clicked his tongue just as the plant wriggled down its patrol path, passing Daemien's route with nary a care in the world. So much for personal sentiments, he figured, blade forming upon his fingertips.

Faster than light, the youth bolted towards its location. One slash of the foreign blade across its side would earn him its attention, but the whipping vine thrown his way only found earth where it landed.

Daemien kept his attention to his environment, just as he settled from the art's cool down. If Orvilla was nearby, he'd hoped she had her ballet shoes on.


ID: 174306 | BD: 8 + 4 = 12 | <<Straight>> vs Nepent Variant.
The strike lands! (-2 EN)
7 * 2 = 14 DMG | 14 - 5 = 9 DMG

ID: 174307 | MD: 5 - 3 = 2 | Nepent Variant attacks Daemien!
It's a miss!

[1] Daemien HP: 60/60 | EN: 4/6 (-2) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 18 | REGEN: 1 | LD: 3

Nepent Variant | HP: 6/15 (-9) | DMG: 10 | MIT: 5

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  • 2 weeks later...

Running back into the fight Orvilla charged at the Nepent Variant hoping to land a quick attack on the monster and finish it off with a quick blow to the side of its head, jumping in the air Orvilla pulled her cutlass from its sheath getting ready to attack before quickly have to charge her path as the monster tried to knock her out of the sky, it was a lot quicker than the other ones she had battled before, and could easily take her out if she was careful. "Hey! Let me kill it!" 

Swinging around the monsters attacks, she charged back into it once again this time going for the strike, landing the attack into its side she plunged the sword into the core of its body make sure to turn the blade before pulling away quickly making the distance to dodge any attacks it could throw if it survived. It did, as it releases a horrific screech the monster began to swing it large vines over at Orvilla attacking as though it was out for blood. Orvilla jumped back noticing the other player.

Breathing heavily Orvilla looked at Damien glaring at him, "Why'd you come back! I can easily kill it, I thought you didn't want anything to do with me!" Shoving him roughly the green-haired girl was clearly furious.


ID# 176592 results | BD: 7 | Basic Vs Nepent Variant
4 - 5 = 1 DMG

Orvilla | HP: 20/20 | EN: 2/2  | DMG: 4 | REGEN: 1

Nepent Variant | HP 5/15 (-1) | DMG: 10 | MIT: 5


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"You," he breathed, watching the variant's health bar sink whilst he felt his eye's bottom lid twitch from below his fabric patch. That green gauge hadn't bothered to budge more than an inch. "And your five damage or less? --Tell me you're joking. You've must've come better prepared."

Just as the nepent ahead of them had started to flail about in retaliation once more, Daemien shot forward with two strikes in quick succession. The first was a heavy blow to the vines in mid-air, fending the man's immediate vicinity clear of damage with one grand sweep. When the arms of the plant had faltered, the youth dove in for a second bolt, the tip of his blade pointed towards the writher's minute form.

In a flash, it'd blown up into a shatter of sparkles. The swordsman felt his feet slide against the dirt as he forced his body to slow, back leaning backwards and his hand grasping at something delicate and important. He pinched it between three fingers, the orb in his possession only taking on a faint waxy hue as he held it up for the girl to look.

"Maybe... take my advice before you come back here, alright?" He tossed the ovule upwards like a coin, catching it back in his palm. "Your gear," Daemien gestured with a point, finally looking back towards Orvilla with a single eye glowing with faint disdain. "It needs upgrading and care, just as your accuracy does. Maybe fetch yourself a better blade, too-- cutlass or otherwise, nothing dull in Aincrad's going to save you these days."

With another pulse of force, he'd shot the ovule the girl's way, half-expecting the player to have caught it.

"Don't take it too personally now." The steel he'd meted out earlier rested upon his shoulder once more, tip pointed towards the ground, its weight forced upon one side of his figure. "No one said anything about following you. 'Sides, you were the one who ran straight deeper into the forest."

Daemien cocked his head with a brief sneer.

"That's where the ingredients are, remember?"


ID: 176953 | BD: 7 + 4 = 11 | <<Straight>> vs Nepent Variant.
The strike lands! (-2 EN)
7 * 2 = 14 DMG | 14 - 5 = 9 DMG

[2] Daemien HP: 60/60 | EN: 3/6 (+1, -2) | DMG: 7 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 18 | REGEN: 1 | LD: 3
[1] Orvilla | HP: 20/20 | EN: 1/2 | DMG: 4 | REGEN: 1

Nepent Variant | HP: -4/15 (-9) | DMG: 10 | MIT: 5

ID: 176955 | LD: 18 + 3 = 21 | Rolling for Nepent's Ovule. Nepent's Ovule obtained.

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