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[PP-F1] Assessments <Itzal & Grimm>

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Level: 84
HP: 1,680.  1,710 with Acrobatics.
Energy: 168

DMG: 17 (base 1 damage + 9 dmg (Velnia) +5 sword skill +1 Athletics +1 Ferocity)
Stealth Rating:  +5
SP Available:  8
Total SP:  493

Combat Setup
Slot 1:  +3 EVA / +1 EVA +2 MIT
Slot 2:  +2 BLD/PLZ +1 Keen 
Slot 3:  +3 ACC

Looting Setup
Slot 1:  +3 ACC
Slot 2:  +3 LD
Slot 3:  +3 EVA

Rank 5 one handed straight sword 
(+5 DMG) <50 sp>
Rank 5 light armor (+25 MIT) <50 sp>
Rank 5 Search and Detect  (+5 LD) <50 sp>
Gatherer (turns each material found into the ammount of 4) <10 sp>
Picking (+3 LD when opening chests) <15 sp>
Rank 5 Charge (+5 dmg first attack) <50 sp>
Rank 5 Battle Healing (+5% total health per combat post) <50 sp>
Rank 5 Hiding (+5 Stealth Rating) <50 sp>
Rank 3 Exceed Mod Limit (+3 Mods allowed)  <10 sp>
Expert Martial Arts (+3 unarmed damage) <23 sp>

Reveal +2 LD when searching for dungeons and labyrinths. You may search for a sub-dungeon once every 15 posts (instead of 20). Reduces the personal post cooldown when searching for a labyrinth to 3 posts (instead of 5). <9 sp>
Detect  Grants +2 Stealth Detection. Grants +1 LD when searching for sub-dungeons and labyrinths <9>
Night Vision Ignores any penalties from low light or darkness. Negates the bonus Stealth Rating from low light or darkness. <5>
Dismantling +2 LD when opening a treasure chest.   <8 sp>
Athletics: Gain +1 base damage and +(10 * Tier) HP while wearing light armor.   <9>
Sprint & Acrobatics +1 Evasion while wearing light armor. <15>
Ferocity:  +1 base damage when using Sword Arts of the specified weapon type (one handed straight sword) <15>
Untraceable:  Negates the effect of the Tracking skill against the user. <9>

Extra/locked Skills:
Survival Increases out of combat health regeneration to (15 * Tier) per post. Grants immunity to most damage dealing environmental attacks/effects.  <3 sp>
Disguise:  Gain +1 EVA until the start of your next turn.  3 Turn Cooldown.
Familiar Mastery: Gain +(1 * Tier) base damage per Rank when fighting with your familiar. This does not stack with the Damage enhancement. <18>


Sitting silently in the shadows of his hiding place, Itzal watched and waited for a certain player to show up. His hood hugging his head and the shadowy mist covering his face active, he was practically invisible if it weren't for the search skill. That and the fact that he had the hide skill active made it very difficult for others to locate him. It also didn't help that it was currently nighttime, and with the thick canopy of branches and leaves from this dense forest, the moonlight and sunlight was practically nonexistent here. That gave Itzal the advantage of his opponent's sight being hindered by the darkness penalty. Of course there was the possibility of him bringing a light, and if he did he'd have to give him points and props. However from what he could tell, that wasn't likely to occur as the player didn't know where he was going. Most players didn't even bother purchasing the glowstone, even when they knew they'd be plunged into dark places like this. And seeing as how his new apprentice didn't have the search skill, he definitely didn't have any night vision to protect him from the penalties of darkness.

As such he really didn't expect the player to spot him. Of course there was his raven Aldion, who could stay silent, but this particular area had all forms of wildlife. Including crows and ravens. So while Itzal was in his hiding place, Aldion was socializing with his fellow fowl friends. Of course he was also keeping an eye out for their young apprentice, who should be arriving at the coordinates soon. They of course, lead him into this area off the main road. It was nothing but forest mainly, no openings, no groves, no pathways or the like. It didn't even have an 'ambush vibe'. And that was the whole point. Today, Itzal would start his first day of training off, with a demonstration. To show that stealth, is not just about the numbers...

@Grimm Reaper

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A week, that was the agreed upon amount of time before Are would train Ozwald. That week had passed by fairly slowly for Ozwald, but he had managed to not only pick up a new look, but also a few more skills that would help him out in the long run. Today was the day, Ozwald strapped on all of his armor, fastening the buckles on his gloves tightly before taking out the mask he had bought specifically for this training. Last week when Ozwald had met Are he had said to keep his identity secret so Ozwald bought this faceless mask, made of iron the mask was always cold to the touch and the eye holes were designed so that attackers could not see them. 

The first floor was no stranger to the leather clad man making his way into the dark forest that Are had set up as there meeting. The darkness of the forest was penetrating, almost seeming to run right through Ozwald, and his familiar Ryoto. Not trying to sneak Ozwald made his way through the forest that would be their meeting place, stopping where the coordinates said Are would be. The sound of animals, namely corvids surrounding the man adding to the dark and spooky atmosphere that the forest was giving off.


Name: Grimm Reaper
Level: 28
HP: 560/560
EN: 56/56

Damage: 14
Mitigation: 5
Evasion: 2
Accuracy: 3

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Razor's Edge(Tier 2/Perfect/Handwraps)[Bleed 2][ACC 1]
Armor: Rogue's Gambit(Tier 2/Perfect/Light Armor)[EVA 1][REC 2]
Misc: Two Sided Coin(TIer 1/Perfect/Trinket)[ACC 2][EVA 1]

Martial Arts [Rank 5]
Light Armor [Rank 1]
Hiding [Rank 2]

Extra Skills:
Familiar Mastery: Fighter [Rank 2]

Martial Arts Finesse [Rank 3]

Battle Ready Inventory:
Starter Healing Potions(+50 hp)*3
[T1]Health potions(rare)(+40 HP)*5
[T1]Damage potion(uncommon)(+1 DAM)*1

Housing Buffs:
Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Skylight (Hiding): +1 Rank to the Hiding skill.
Basic Training: +1 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]

Guild Hall Buffs:
Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.



Edited by Grimm Reaper
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He heard the footsteps and movement before he saw the figure. Not bothering to turn his head, as the movement might make the leaves rustle and therefore give him away, he didn't do anything as he waited patiently. True, there could be other players who wandered into this forest from time to time, but the chance of that was extremely low. Even still, as an added failsafe, Aldion was to observe any player approaching and let Itzal know if he recognized any of them. Well it wasn't just Aldion who looked in the direction of the newcomer, but a few of the other ravens he was with as well, which helped disguise him more. Tilting his head to observe the newcomer, he didn't recognize him by his appearance, but by his walk. Aldion let out a caw twice, which a few of the other ravens did as well after him. Itzal hearing and seeing his familiar caw twice, knew it was his apprentice. He waited silently until his apprentice walked further onto the exact coordinates. After he reached it, Itzal counted to fifteen. Not three or ten, but a number not often counted to. When he did, he rushed out from the brush and tall grass he'd hidden in and kicked his legs at his apprentice's feet, forcing him to lose his balance. Itzal immediately pushed himself to his feet, drew his blade, swung his other leg to knock his apprentice onto his back, and held his black blade against the player's throat.

"Always be ready for anything. Especially a surprise attack at any moment." With that he withdrew the blade from the player's face and reached down to help him to his feet. Aldion glided down and landed on a lower branch, giving a simple caw as greeting to the newcomer.

@Grimm Reaper

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White feathers cascaded to the ground around the now fallen Ozwald as Ryoto, the cockatrice familiar that he had bonded with, flew away from Ozwald's shoulder in a flurry. The fall to the floor was sudden and swift for Ozwald, knocking any of the air that was previously in his lungs out of them, but the blade pressed against his flesh was the bigger problem. When it had finally registered to Ozwald that what was happening wasn't an ambush and was instead just a first lesson of sorts from his new teacher. Being hauled back to his feet by Are he was finally able to catch what meager amount of breath he had left. 

Ozwald didn't know what to say, so instead he just nodded at his teacher showing that he heard what the man had to say, and that he was listening and ready for whatever insight he had to offer. Ryoto had finally calmed down as well, landing on a branch nearby to clean himself and his feathers seemingly unperturbed by the assault of his master now that it didn't seem like there was an enemy. 

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Aldion cocked his head as he looked at Ryoto, being extremely curious as he'd never seen nor observed a fowl of his species before. Genuinely curious, the raven flew and glided over to a branch closer to the cockatrice, and gave a little greeting to the strange creature. While he was doing that, Itzal pulled out of his inventory a glowstone, took his apprentice's hand and opened it, and placed the stone in it. Once in his hands, the stone would begin to glow, giving off a pale blue light that, while lighting the place up enough to see around him, gave off a somewhat eerie feeling to the area. This of course didn't bother Itzal, who'd been all over Aincrad. Including that weird pit in the tenth floor which he couldn't even begin to understand nor comprehend. "Use that to see. Come on and follow me." he said, leading his apprentice deeper into the forest, which only seemed to get thicker and darker somehow. "We should probably party up for a while too. That way we can keep track of each other's status," Itzal said, his eyes watching his apprentice carefully underneath the mist. He quickly opened his menu and sent him a party invitation, and waited for a response.

@Grimm Reaper

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Ryoto was not a very smart bird, and he was very playful which was a bad combination for the crow that landed near him. Cocking his head the reptile chicken hybrid hopped closer to the bird squawking like only a chicken can. Ozwald on the other hand was being very quiet, his british accent had been getting harder and harder to hide, and with the fact that Are told him to keep his identity a secret he tried to talk very little. The accent was one that was rarely seen inside of the game they were trapped in due to the fact it was only released in Japan so it was a dead giveaway to his identity. 

Ozwald opened up his menu barely after his new teacher accepting the invite to party before closing it again, the health bar and status for Are joining his own at the top of his view. "What is our plan?" Ozwald finally opening his mouth to speak, the mask he was wearing hiding the movements of his mouth, his british accent coming through despite all of his work to hide the obvious trait. 

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Aldion hopped back to another branch, having been a bit surprised at the sudden jump made by the cockatrice. Aldion wasn't exactly fearful, as he was very agile and good at aerial maneuvering in particular. If anything the black raven knew that this dense forest gave him an advantage because he could weave through places the big bird couldn't. All the same, Aldion tried to strike up a conversation with the strange creature if it could. Itzal watched as the player accepted the party invite, which he expected he would. He shouldn't, but he would learn that in a moment or two. Itzal quickly opened the menu, not answering him just yet, and when he reached the 'party' menu he flipped his menu around to show his apprentice. There were two players set in the party: "<<Unknown>>" with a level of eighty four, and "<<Grimm Reaper>>" with a level of twenty eight. "Your name is safe with me, but until you get the untraceable mod you are not allowed to party with anyone other than me when you're in your disguise. Is that understood?" Once he said that he pulled the menu away, closing it down and continued to walk through the forest. "Also, please don't try to keep your voice hidden from me. With me at least you're free to practice how you want to be seen and heard in peace. If anything I might be able to give you some pointers. As for your name, what do you want me to call you? What alias did you choose for yourself?"

@Grimm Reaper

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The bigger bird wasn't interested enough to follow the crow that had landed near it, and the chirps and other sounds that he made were nothing that the dense animal could understand. Instead of following the bird just sat on the thick branch watching the pair before him converse. "I chose Spectre, a bit on the nose, but it fits." Ozwald nodded to Are, or unknown as his menu called him, agreeing that he wouldn't hide his accent around him, and agreeing that he wouldn't party with anyone while dressed as Spectre. 

Ozwald was glad to be learning from someone who was both incredibly strong, and had a fighting style very similar to one that he would like to use. He knew that he wouldn't immediately grow to be able to fully utilize the skills that he was picking up through the system, but with time and effort he was hoping that Are would be able to teach him how to do just that.

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Itzal nodded and began to lead him through the forest, whistling to get Aldion's attention. The raven cawed in response and, after giving the cockatrice a curious glance, took flight and flew overhead before landing on Itzal's shoulder. Grimm seemed intent on staying quiet for the most part, but Itzal was fairly certain that once they'd spent more time together he would begin to open up a bit more. At the very least he didn't want his newfound apprentice to be quiet all the time. Only when it was needed. But that would be a lesson for another time. For now he walked through the forest, his search skill active which enabled him to find the quickest and easiest pathway to the location he had in mind. Eventually they would end up reaching the clearing he'd found a long time ago. It was a fairly large circular clearing where the trees and brush almost seemed to stop like a wall around them. There were still a few trees, some bushes and patches of long grass, but for the most part it was relatively clear. In addition the combination of moonlight and starlight light the place up like the sun. Itzal opened his menu and pulled several things out. These included sleeping bags, firewood and cobblestones, a black kettle, two tents and other such camping supplies. "You can set the tents up. I'll get the campfire going."

@Grimm Reaper

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Are wasn't able to see it at all but Ozwald's eyes lit up at the prospect of camping. Studying to be a zoologist, and a general love of nature had given the man an ample amount of time to spend out in the wilderness camping, and he loved it. Whistling sharply Ozwald summoned his cockatrice back to the campsite having the cat sized creature stretch across the back of his neck like he normally did.

Ozwald nodded at the man, things were still a bit awkward so he wasn't talking much even though he was normally fairly talkative. Getting to work Ozwald grabbed both the tent spikes and the cloth that would act as the actual tents and began assembling them spiking the poles into the dirt before placing the cloth over them so that it formed two triangle prisms each about fifteen feet away from the fire. Ozwald didn't know if the cloth could catch fir within the game, but he didn't want to take any chances at all. "The tents are up, what else can I help with?" Ozwald's voice seemed to be more chipper than it had earlier, and that had everything to do with the activity they were currently doing.


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Hearing grimm's words Itzal turned to see the tents in perfect condition and evenly spaced out. 'huh.' He thought. 'looks like I'm not the only one who found a way to bring real life skills into the game with me. Neat.' With a flick of his wrist, he sparked the campfire to life and backed up a bit. "Do you know any methods in cooking food over the fire without needing to be there?" he asked. Itzal was never good with cooking anything. He only recently managed to get past the point of burning everything to a black crisp even on a successful attempt. That's why he tended to leave the cooking to more competent players and just bring previously prepared food with him wherever he went in his inventory. Of course, if this guy could cook then he'd have a much more enjoyable camping experience than he'd ever had before. Which would be a nice turn of events. While this was happening, Itzal was sorting through his inventory, moving several items he was going to need for this session into a bag which he would then pull out from his menu. As Grimm made his way over to the campfire, a large leather bag would materialize out of nowhere, and Itzal began to check inside to see if everything came out as it should.

@Grimm Reaper

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"I am not a great cook, but i know enough. Our best bet would be something more akin to stew, but direct heat from the fire might cook it too fast." Ozwald suggested, he had been camping before, but he had always just brought rations, or things that were already prepared for him before he got to the area he would be camping.Crouching above the fire "What ingredients could we get?" Ozwald asked, taking the cooking oriented supplies from the pile and placing it slightly of to the side of the bigger fire "I don't know if this will work, but this might make it take longer so that it doesn't burn." Ozwald was no professional, and while the idea was sound, the actuality may prove to be less than great. Ozwald crouched low stoking the fire, from his experience he knew that they shouldn't begin cooking immediately anyways, so the fire could die down a bit and be less hot for the food to cook. 

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"Listen, if you can cook food and not turn it into charcoal, that's good enough for me," Itzal told him before pulling some supplies out. He then handed the supplies to Grimm, including tin foil. "There's a camping trick I heard about from another player. Put the appropriate foods in the tin foil here and keep it above the fire, and it cooks over time without burning anything. I could never get it to work, so perhaps you'll have more success." Leaving him to it, Itzal whistled to Aldion, and even gestured for the cockatrice to come over. "We're not feeding you two, so go out and find some food for yourselves." Aldion bobbed his head in acknowledgement before turning around and flying gracefully into the forest. With that he turned his attention back to the large bag he had pulled out and began looking inside. 'Martial arts huh?... That could be a bit tricky to work with. I had hoped he would have some form of weapon, but I suppose we can't do anything about that. From the looks of it he has short claws on his gloves... Alright then.' Itzal nodded and pulled a few things out, though kept them hidden from Grimm's view.

@Grimm Reaper

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Ryoto wasn't a very smart creature, and it was impossible to tell whether or not it understood what Are had said to it, but either way the bird reptile hybrid sprinted off into the woods sticking to the ground because of its clumsy flight not working well in the dense forest. "I think I can manage with that." Ozwald accepted the supplies that Are handed him, setting it up so that some food was wrapped in tin foil placed on some warm coals "Hopefully that works." Ozwald said standing up from his crouch next to the smoldering coals. "So what's next?" Ozwald asked turning to face his blank and emotionless mask towards Are, the mask not fitting the voice that could be found underneath, one that was chipper and joyous rather than the ominous that the mask seemed to represent. Despite the look that Ozwald currently had, he was generally an easy going and loving friend.

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When Grimm turned to Itzal, he'd see him wielding a black sword, but more basic than his usual one. "What's next, is we see where you are in regards to level of combat. I want to see how you fight, and what you do in a tight spot." This was going to be a challenge, as Itzal had martial arts himself but had never mastered it... That being said, he did talk to some masters, and knew how one should fight with martial arts as opposed to how most people fought. It would be interesting to see how Grimm fought as a default method. Gesturing to the circle Itzal had cut into the ground, which gave them both about fifteen feet to work with he gestured for Grimm to enter the circle. "Without sword arts and with a basic sword this won't deal any real damage against you so you don't need to fear that. However I will not be going easy on you, and in fact I never will. Not even with this assessment. Now then." Itzal took a one handed stance and prepared himself for his apprentice's advance. "Whenever you're ready, step inside."

@Grimm Reaper

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Ozwald was decently nervous, the man before him was definitely much stronger than he was while his weapon may not be able to hurt him that didn't mean this fight would be easy. Despite this Ozwald knew that hesitation was something that he could not show in front of his newfound teacher. Taking a step into the ring that Are had formed Ozwald made sure to both keep his stance solid and light, balancing his weight on the balls rather than on the flats of his feet. Ozwald wasn't a beginner when it came to real life martial arts, training back in the real world put him at above average when it came to the sport, while he wasn't as good as the person he was helping train, he had picked up enough to call himself good. Ozwald brought his fists up to his chin, guarding his torso with his arms, and his face with his fists. Not going in for the attack Ozwald just readied a proper stance for combat.

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If Itzal's memory served him correctly, a martial artist's best advantage when it came to fighting someone with a weapon such as a longsword as Itzal's would be dodges and counters. Specifically if he could knock the sword out of the way by slapping the flat of the blade, or Itzal's hands, and therefore create an opening. Either that or wait for Itzal to make a mistake and create an opening himself, though he'd be hard pressed to find one. Keeping his sword in a guard position but low enough that his sword's length gave him an advantage, he began to rotate around the edge of the ring. Analyzing his opponent's stance he noted that he was in fact using the best stance, giving him stability but also free to jump back from any lunges. Attacking his feet was out of the question, and he had to attack in a way that would prevent him from parrying the attack with his hands. The claws specifically were an interesting feature however, as it indicated he used his knuckles at some point. Which was more boxing than it was martial arts, in which case he'd need to restrategize. That however was the reason he preferred the straight sword despite it's absurdly weak damage: it was easy to adapt in combat. Itzal decided to start with a feint attack, activating the charge skill to reduce the distance between them in the blink of an eye, go for an overhead strike but curve his momentum at just the right angle to turn it from a vertical slash to a horizontal slash at the last second.

@Grimm Reaper

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Ozwald had anticipated the charge, in the circumstance closing the distance was the best bet to get an attack in, but he hadn't expected it to be so fast barely being able to get his arm up to block the overhead swing. Or so Ozwald thought, not feeling the blade slam into his forearm, but instead slam into his ribs causing him to step to the side. The hit to the side didn't do any damage or at least none that mattered just as Are had said, but it still knocked some of the wind out of Ozwald. When fighting an opponent with a weapon the unarmed duelist's best bet was to get the weapon out of the hands of the opponent. Which was where Ozwald's claws came into play, they served a dual purpose, one being to cause bleeding wounds on a foe, the other being to hook around a weapon and rip it out of someone's grasp. Not letting the moment slip away Ozwald brought one of his feet up to try and place a high kick into his opponent's chest with the close proximity.

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Anticipating a comeback and counter, Itzal brought his weapon back from it's strike, never leaving his defensive guard, before noticing his opponent twist his body for a long kick up towards his chest. Stepping to the side, specifically in the general direction of where Grimm's foot was swinging, Itzal swung his blade through Grimm's leg, and immediately pulled up, twisting the blade so that the flat end came into contact with the underside of his leg. The reason for this was that when the flat end of the blade hit something, it didn't pass through the limb as it would via the blade. Therefore instead of cutting through him and dealing damage, Itzal forced the leg to go up much higher than Grimm would have intended it. At best it would knock him onto his back, where Itzal would then perform a flurry of stabs into him before leaping back prior to any counter attack. If it only caused him to stumble backwards Itzal would again strike him with a flurry of strikes but be more careful to jump back before his opponent could counter. If Grimm used his momentum to simply backflip, Itzal would just sheath his blade as he would have stepped outside of the arena.

@Grimm Reaper

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Ozwald knew that the kick into the chest was already really risky, it would lose him not only a lot of balance, but also the ability to dodge any attack thrown at him. Ozwald anticipated something similar to what Are had done to him, bring his foot higher would cause Ozwald to fall, and getting out of that would not be an easy task. Feeling himself falling backwards Ozwald formulated a plan, but he was not the greatest at acrobatics and had never attempted something so complicated before. Instead of letting himself fall backwards completely Ozwald brought his arms behind him to seemingly catch himself. Ozwald felt what would have been if they were in real life a broken wrist as his hands connected with the floor, but with the game he was still able to use his hands as a springboard launching himself not backwards but rather up and over Are, landing behind him running a few steps before falling to the floor. While the maneuver had a somewhat desired effect Ozwald did not have the skills to fully pull it off.

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