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[SP-07] Echo of the Madrigal <<DHA:7>>

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The greater glitch fell hard back to the ground, practically landing back into the hole it had just created and plugging it.

"Be ready!  When I kill it, we'll need to jump in, otherwise we'll get trapped here."

Both other players huddle close to each other, needing little convincing, and moved in proximity to Freyd.   The final thrust of his blade popped the glitch like some sort of distorted reality balloon, causing the hole it had created, then plugged, to re-open.  Gale force winds immediately suctioned everything not tied down into the vortex.  Quaestor kissed his wife and held her hand as she jumped in.  Freyd leapt in next, expecting his friend to follow behind him, only to see another long, tentacle like thing snag the man's leg and whip him back away from the edge.

Miri's screams were swallowed by the void, and the last thing he heard as the world went dark.


Freyd regains 95 HP from BH.

Galaxy Destroyer (x13): 13 EN -(Finesse 3, Turn Recovery) = 9 EN

ID #181968 | BD: 4+6-2=8 (hit).  Freyd deals (26*13=312-110=202) damage to Big Daddy Glitch. 

Freyd | HP:1819/1910 (1724+95) | EN:147/191 (156-9) | DMG:26 | MIT:79 | EVA:4 | ACC:6 | VAMP OFF:191 | HLY:6 | FLN:6 | TxVen 16/2 | LD:8 | PROSP 3 | BH:95 | Parry (1/2) | Vengeful Riposte (1/3) | Disguise (3/3)

Big Daddy-Glitch: HP:  0/1650 | DMG 440 | MIT: 110 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2  (200-202)

  • Critical (MD 9): Deals (484) DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals (242) DMG to every other player.
  • Critical (MD 10): Deals (528) DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals (264) DMG to every other player.

Loot Rolls:

Big Daddy-Glitch #1 (ID #181969 | LD: 17+8=25, CD: 10)

2*T3 Materials
(22) Intermediate Dungeon Map #181969


Thread Summary:

6 SP (1 page, +1 event, +2 quest, +2 sub-dungeon)

104,698 col (102,678 loot + 400 page + 850 quest + 770 sub-dungeon)
24 T3 mats (loot + sub-dungeon)

<Draigoch’s Jasper> [Vanity Quest Item] : 1 of 9, collect all 9 and meet whom that waits before you, only then will you get the grand prize.

T3 Perfect Weapon #181906a
T3 Perfect Weapon #181906b
T3 Perfect Weapon #181906c
T3 Perfect Weapon #181907a
T3 Perfect Weapon #181907b
T3 Perfect Weapon #181907c
T3 Perfect Weapon #181908a
T3 Perfect Weapon #181908b
T3 Perfect Weapon #181908c
T3 Rare Weapon #181909a
T3 Uncommon Consumable #181909b
T3 Perfect Armor/Shield 181924a
T3 Perfect Trinket #181924b
T3 Perfect Armor/Shield #181929a
T3 Perfect Weapon #181929b
T3 Perfect Weapon #181935a
T3 Perfect Weapon #181935b
T3 Perfect Weapon #181935c
T3 Perfect Trinket #181937a
(22) Intermediate Dungeon Map #181969


Edited by Arabelle
note: added sub-dungeon col/mats.
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