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[PP-F01]<<Earning a Living>> Fishing for Information

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I don't think you could have botched this more if you had tried. Baldur almost laughed at himself. He watched as Snow moved throughout the store, looking at different options and fabrics, pulling out a few and holding them up to her. She had almost seemed saddened that he seemed to reject her choosing the previous one. If that were true, he was even more of a fool than he realized. But he wanted Snow to know that she didn't need to try and appease him, or do what he wanted. He had wanted her to want that haori, but his, Baldur's, goals with Snow were more important. He wanted to help her find her voice. Find her purpose. Find her footing. All of that was more important than Baldur's own vanity and insecurities. The fact that they were even here shopping for haori was already a huge enough compliment to him from her.

I just hope I'm not doing more harm than good.

Thankfully now, the haori was firmly settled about his shoulders.

Idly, he played with the haori himo as he followed snow at a distance, not wanting to influence her choices.

When she finally help up a white and light blue one, with stunning clouds along the hems of the sleeves, Baldur almost hadn't registered it. It looks nice, the clouds blowing lazily on the wind as the fabric rippled. But instead of showing it to him, she wandered over the merchant and paid for it.

There you go. He smiled internally.


"This one then," she stated definitively. "But I bought it myself. You already got me a pole today. So, let me get this haori to wear around the estate. When you're ready, you can give us all one to wear that looks like yours. I'm certain the guild would appreciate it."

She paused and gave him a lighthearted, concerned smile.

"When you're ready."

He gave her a warm smile for the gesture. Oh Snow, I will never be able to ask. He was saddened at the realization, but then, she suddenly took his hand and pulled him along, and the sad thoughts were left behind.

Her hand was small in his. Though their height wasn't that different, he was at least half again as broad at the shoulders, and he had large gaijin hands. Still, she had a life in her hands as she pulled him along that was infectious. 


"Now, there's one stand I want you to try since you've given me such a hard time about my spear fishing skills. It's time you put your skills to the test. Have you ever played the festival game with the baby koi fish and the paper circle? Here, come on. I know a stand that does it year round. The kids used to love watching me try for them."

The gaijin samurai laughed as he was swept up in Snow's festivities. He was terrible at this game, as he remembered trying it in previous festivals.

But perhaps today was a good day after all.

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Word count: 13,155
(I did not count anything in a quote box if it was in a previous post)

13,155/30 = 438.5
Snow level 23 = Tier 3 *5 = 15
Baldur level Level 32 Paragon 58 = Tier 9 *5 = 45
@Snow EXP Gain = 15*438.5 = 6,577.5 + 300 Quest EXP = 6,877.5
@Baldur EXP Gain = 45*438.5 = 19,732.5 + 300 Quest EXP = 20,032.5

Both Baldur and Snow gain the <<Fisher>> Profession

Both Baldur and Snow gain 1 <<Gleaming Scale>> from Quest reward

Snow Gains 400 Col + 2 Material
Baldur gains 3,004.875 Col from Laurel Wreath

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