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[PP-F6]-(A Hermit's Welcome)

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Through the blinding light of the Sun focused on his blade, Zeke's vision zoomed out of focus on the gradual pixels that glided up threw the air around his weapon and into the sky. The different colors of blue mixed with the green environment of the Jungle he was still traveling, made a nice composition his eyes preferred. Shaking his head left and right slightly, he adjusted his free mind away from the creature he just killed and placed his sword back into the sheathe or in other words unequipped it. (It's not any better than the sword I started this game with, but it looks different from the same thing I lugged around for so long now.) He thought and ignored the things he was attempting to forget, he walked on ahead as the rest of the Anaconda dissipated.

"The spring shouldn't be too far ahead, considering the quest Map is very distinct with it's coloring and that blue speck usually means a water source is located in it's place. Just hoping there isn't just a deep pit there like those other so called lakes I was looking for before." Zeke spoke to himself in a hushed tone to prevent being caught by someone else as he was speaking to himself. It was still unlikely anyone would be out here since the quest was just a repeatable one that was obscurely hidden among a pub full misfit NPC's.

Coming upon the area finally, he wandered inside more of a crag like enclosure instead of a cave since the rocks were cracked upon each other instead of dug out in a defined manner. The entire walls inside of the small cove were lit up with light blue in the darkened spring. The spring was in front of him finally and to top it off, the quest helped him find a new place to sleep since it was like his hobby to find dangerous resting places. With the empty flask in his hand, he reached out to dunk it in while he was bent down onto his knees. The spring water was naturally special and used for a potion that his quest giver needed to mend someone or something, it didn't matter to Zeke as long as it got delivered.

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The brunette sighed as she looked up at the wall of rocks in front of her, her eyes as dull and cold as ever. One of her only expressions was none, and people say she was an expert of carrying an unreadable mind. But she would not care less. Some could say that was a "gift" and some would say it was merely the trait of an anti-social girl. She had always thought the second reason was more fitted to her.

After cutting out of her daze, YukÅ had looked over at the water in front of her, moving to the edge of the lake (?). She would dip her hands in the water, contently watching as droplets would trickle down her gentle fingertips. "It's most certainly peaceful here.. What more could I expect from my favorite floor of Aincrad? It's.. beautiful here," she muttered as she cracked a slight smile for a second, before she quickly darted her eyes to the right once she had seen someone else in the same location as her. They had made eye contact, so they had both known that there was someone else in this location, but the teen had pried her lips shut, not knowing what to say to the new stranger before her.

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Being that he was nearing level Twelve and still in the beginner assortment of attire, it was clear he had nothing to do with anything big within the game but still tried to get things done at his lackadaisical pace. The only difference between his and some of the other Male players is that the chest piece was blue to fit the lake a little in it's almost unrealistic shade of a calm dark color. A Female that soon came across his daze, seemed to know a more useful information about the world but held the same face as he did and probably many others who now faced life and death. (I wonder how many actually came into the game with a different view and ended up this way because of it.) The thought appeared in his head but quickly was flushed away that he could never be as casual as he was comfortable with around Females, despite his attitude towards everything because he was still a Male at the genetic makeup inside of him.

(Don't look at her again, we know what she looks like now just give a nod and walk back to finish the quest.) Without making direct line of sight with her, he nodded without knowing if she saw it in the first place. A small cork, he placed into the vial to close up the glowing liquid before placing it into his inventory. Even though he gave off the feeling that he never saw her at all, he was still contemplating talking to her in his head. Her age couldn't be determined easily while she was sitting but if the girl truly wanted to be bothered, she probably would be somewhere else. (Hope she's doing better than she looks though, a face is known for giving away secrets visually and what do we not learn from if not with seeing expressions of manner with our eyes?) The boy wandered back towards the other direction with his stare to the ground.

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She tensed up as she stole another gaze at him and her mind exploded in a fit of.. scrambled eggs. She looked the opposite side of him to recollect her cool, before she stood up and walked over to him, still avoiding correct eye contact and body language. "I don't know why such little amounts of people choose to come to this floor.. perhaps this world lacks any appreciation to beauty," YukÅ sighed before grimacing as she saw her reflection across the pond once more. The face of the forsaken child. A child who should have never existed. She hated looking at herself, this face reminded her so much.. of people she had wanted to forget badly. "Talking to strangers again.. you never do learn," she had mentally scolded herself before oddly watching as the other player was attempting to bottle the water in a small container.

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