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I can't be active.....

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Okay, So, My Wi-fi is having a problem.....And it take a few days maybe or a week. I'm sorry , Mayonaka ><

But, I'll try to fix the Wi-fi as fast as possible > - < Gomene, Minna-san! But, I'll promise all of you. That as long as I'm standing still, I'll go to this forum! > - < Because well, I really love SAO. And I want to play Hollow Fragment .-.

Because that game is awesome! I guess, But, Let's wait until I have so many money : 3

So, I'm here to apologize! And I will make sure That I will always be in touch with this forum. This is a promise, And I will promise to came back. I Promise ! *lol so many promises XD

So, Bye bye everybody :' 3

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I'm Back Minna - Chuuu!!!! After panicking a lot, It's done! shuuush, I thought I'm going to die XD

Since.....No Internet -> No games -> no fun > no life

No Internet -> No Anime -> No life -> no fun :l

No Internet -> No Facebook -> no life - > no fwiends OAO

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