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[OP-F1] Out for a stroll

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Tor looked around as he walked through the busy streets of Starting City. Left and right there were buildings and a lot of people. Some he knew were NPCs but others were players. Everything was still knew to him in this game since he had only been playing for a few days. The news of the game becoming real affected Tor, though not too much enough that sent him into a panic like most other players. He decided to survive if that's what was needed to be done.

Brushing aside the thought, Tor decided to walk up to a bench near the small pond in the middle of the city and sat down. His blazing red coat covered his lean, toned body but he didn't mind. Thankfully his short black hair wouldn't get in his way while he walked or fought neither. When finally sat down he looked up at the sky and thought, I know that it's not real but still, it is one amazing sight.

After a few minutes of admiring it he could feel sleep coming to him so he decided to take a nap right then and there...

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Tor woke up to the orange rays of dusk hitting his eyes. He gave a long yawn and got up from the bench. "I feel like fighting some monsters." He walked up toward the entrance of the city, and took a deep breath admiring the beauty of what lay before him. The green grass spread out across the hills of varying sizes, the trees of different shapes and how flocks of birds move about the sky in a single motion.

"Now, where are they? Oh there they are." he said just as he's eyes set upon the boars running wildly around the closest hill next to the entrance. With his mind made up Tor walked up close to the boar from behind. As he did this he took out from behind his back two normal looking daggers. He raised the daggers and brought them down hoping with enough force...

misses the downward swing and alerts the boar 1-4

misses the downward swing but doesn't alert the boar 5-8

hits and does additional damage to the boar 9-10

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  • 4 weeks later...

Kenith is also in the Grasslands attempting to kill a few boars to grind EXP. He also notices Tor attacking a Boar as well. He gets ready to kill another Boar. He quickly attempts to add damage by doing a horizontal slash.

1-4 He misses and the Boar attacks him.

5-8 He successfully hits and damages the Boar.

9-10 He does enough damage to kill the Boar.

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Zelrius continues farming. He's been doing this for days now with little to no sleep. The area he's been clearly marked with light footprints that are purposely made visible. The whole ground, from town to where he is now, is marked with them. The footprints match patterns that would seem weird to some, and go on for miles on end. Zelrius, now huffing from Fatigue and lack of sleep continues to fight Boars here, but even the simplest monsters seem to be giving him a bit of trouble now.

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Kenny misses and the Boar attacks him. Ugh... He groans. He has had a bad luck streak for quite a while... He notices Zelrius fighting another Boar, he notices how Zelrius is tired and affected by fatigue. He continues to fight his Boar hoping that Zelrius will be okay.

1-3 He misses again.

4-7 He successfully attacks.

8-10 He kills the Boar with a sword skill.

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(been lookig for roleplay on this finally found one forgive me if I sound retarded)

Takuto walked casually to the fields, he knew he had to kill at least one monster and practice before attempting the dungeon. Takuto noticed other players fighting and he studied them, he watched how they fought and how they used their sword skills to hit the boars. "I think it's time I try", Takuto said to himself charging a boar.

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Kenny notices another player enter the area near him. As he misses again in frustration. He gets knocked to the ground as he is attacked by the boar again. His health enters red. He grunts and activates a sword skill. He rushes and successfully beats the boar finally. He sits down tired. He saw the other players fighting boars. He quickly used a Health Crystal. "Heal!" He shouted as he used his Health Crystal. He then sees the player rush and attack a Boar. He decides to watch the player battle the Boar.

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Takuto gets hit by the boar throwing him a few feet, he gets back up and the boar charges again.

Takuto jumps over the boar and uses a sword skill to deal the death blow he spins in the air and comes down hard on the boars back he then slices it with most of his strength,killing it finally.

He then notices another player watching him. Takuto waves hoping it doesn't make him look too sociable.

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Sighs with relief, " whew that was close". He looks down and thinks. Why is it so hard to talk to people?

He notices another player close to the one he had waved to he looked exhausted had he been doing this all day? After he stares at the player for a while he goes back to killing boars himself. Since he found a technique to it it wasn't as exhausting as the first boar.

After killing a few more boars, Takuto calls it a day. He puts his sword back on his back he admires its gleam in the sun.

" To think this game will be my end, It's so beautiful". he then turns and walks back to town. hoping no boar decides to attack again.

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Kenny saw the other player going back to the town. Kenny did a quick check of the time and saw it was getting late. After killing one more boar. He went home. But not after buying a new sword. He bought a one handed straight sword called Krestillence. Then he got a room in the Inn. He sat in his room. Thinking of a quick schedule for tomorrow.

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At the Town of New beginings Takuto repaired his sword.

The blacksmith looked at Takuto: Are you a one handed sword user or are there noo shields desirable to you yet?

Takuto: I can go much faster with my one handed sword than with a bulky shield.

Blacksmith: But you don't use a rapier that is much faster than what you have.

Takuto:I didn't say I wanted to move faster than what I already do, I want to move faster than me with a shield while causing enough damage to destroy my enemies. Besides, rapiers are to weak for my playstyle anyways.

Takuto then gathered his sword, put it on his back and left the shop. His stomach rumbled," Well I guess i need something to eat to have strenght for tomarrow", Takuto found a nice inn to order some food and spend the night.

"The Black Dragon Inn", Takuto read aloud as he walked by the sign. "Hmm... I hope they have good food",he looks down at his stomach.

Takuto opens the door the npc innkeeper asked if he wanted to rent a room. "Yes", said Takuto as he paid for the room.

"also", he said,"Can I have a meal?"

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Takuto orders a simple stew meal of some rabbit. He looks around envious of everones companionship and friendship while he is alone and a horrible social disaster. He continues to eat his meal and begins to think of a strategy for the boars the next day. Takuto gets up and pays for the meal he retires to his room and sleeps.

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Takuto looks up from his boal of stew noticing one of the players from the field walking down stairs. Takuto's eyes grow wide It's the one he waved at maybe he can finally make friends with someone."Hi my name is Takuto I am the player from the fields who waved at you",he said as he reached the palyer's table.

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Finally, the Boar disappears, but right after doing so, Zelrius collapses, unsure of whether to get back up or not. His face tightens in concentration and strain, as he tries to get back up. He manages this but very weakly, again he stumbles off towards another boar. When his attacks begin, the game's 'Fatigue' affect begins to bring down his skills a little at a time. By the time he finally gets the boars attention, his skills are worse then a Noob.

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Kenny had a suspiciously strange feeling that he should check on that person he saw at the plains. "Uhm... Should we check on that person on the plains? When I saw him he looked seriously tired... Besides. It's been almost an hour..." He said. Getting up after he finished his roasted rabbit. "C'mon. Let's go..."

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