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[PP-F4] The Beginning of The Grand Mass Tank {Nikki}

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Raidou took out the monstrosity of a weapon produced by the master blacksmith Seldentar. Raidou attempting to lift the beast with one arm, only succeeds to drag the weapon. Raidou struggles to move The Black Star, moving out into the field trying his best to become strong enough to wield such a heavy sword.

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Nikki had been sitting on the snowy shore watching a young man sliding around on the icy lake. He had a large and ungainly weapon that he seemed to have a great difficulty controlling. Despite his best efforts, he seemed almost incapable of lifting the heavy weapon. It seemed he was trying to wield it with one hand, which given its size would likely prove impossible given that it appeared to be a two handed great sword. He had been going at it now for a fair amount of time, resulting in many slips, trips, and falls, many of which Nikki found to be entertaining. Up until this point she was surprised he hadn't fallen through the ice yet.

After watching for a few more moments the blue haired tank figured that it might be time to intervene lest the young man slip through the ice and perish. She got up slowly from her spot on shore and took a graceful step onto the ice. She slid easily along its surface, the tips and heels of her iron boots acting as make shift skates to help her glide. "Hey... What are ya doin?" She asked pleasantly as she crossed the lake to meet him. She felt no need to identify him as the man with the sword as there was no one else here.

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OOC: Its a bastard sword, hand and a half weapon, the blade is thin though, its rediculously heavy

Raidou is caught of guard, as the blue haired royality came up from behind him startling him with a "Hey... What are ya doin?". Still struggling to contain his weapon, he manages to lift it for a moment, coming out of the snow for a small amount of time, its 2 inch thick, 4 foot Gray-blue blade glistening from the moisture. Raidou loses his footing and drops onto the ice with a thud and a slight crack.

Raidou was content on getting the weapon up, he strains and finally gets up, weapon raised up over his shoulder. Almost blowing a blood vessel in his head, the weapon seems to be almost crushing underneath its sheer mass. Raidou was sure his new audience was curious why he would need such a heavy weapon. Quick to dispel any and all questions, Raidou shouts out "I need it this heavy so I can take on enemies much larger then me, and stop them dead" his fierceness visible and his resolve adament

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Nikki smiled a little wider as she neared him. He had intended to use that heavy brute of a weapon to stop larger enemies dead. She was certain such a weapon was almost entirely useless, but then again who was she to judge. Instead she simply continued to move around him effortlessly, watching his form, and continued attempts. The ice itself had several chunks missing from it, from where the weapon had been lifted and dropped. She giggled a little coming to a stop in front of him. "Mind if I give you some pointers?" She said playfully, as she pulled her spear from her inventory and braced it along her shoulders.

Nikki had the second longest weapon to date in SAO. The longest belonged to a spear wielder by the name of Nero. Hers however was no where near as heavy as what this sword seemed to be, but length and weight worked in a similar fashion when striking with ungainly weapons. Without waiting she began to show him how to properly hold an ungainly weapon. "You need to pull it in using yer entire body to support it" As she spoke she gripped the spear by its lowest point and draped it over her shoulders.

She took a second to adjust her footing now adopting a wider stance. "You also need to keep yer feet at about shoulder length to distribute yer weight evenly. it grants more balance and control." She pointed to her own feet now with her free hand, showing that hers were the same as her shoulders. She held this for a few moments keeping her knees bent and and raising up her free arm in front of her.

"To swing, yer gonna wanna put yer whole body into it. I know my spear is not as heavy, but it works the same way." She said as she took a step foreword twisting her body and launching the spear off her shoulders. she used her free hand to gain momentum in her swing as she brought the spear around in a large arch. It moved fast and as it came to an end she brought it back up onto her shoulder again. "This is obviously not the way I normally use a spear, butI am known to swing it to blindside evasive enemies. By the way, I'm Nikki Styx, Lieutenant of the Ebon Vanguard."

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Raidou listens intently, as Nikki seems to know her stuff. Nikki seems to be clad in equipment making her akin to royalty. Her spear seems really large, probably nice and heavy, so she most likely knows her way around heavier weapons. Raidou keeps the weapon held high, still struggling to keep it up.

Raidou follows Nikki's instruction Raidou spreads his legs a bit, to match his shoulder width. Raidou begins to lift the weapon and slightly losing his footing. his right foot raises up as his weight is redistributed on his left. struggling to keep his balance Raidou swings the weapon in a horizontal sweep to the right, throwing him into a spin. The swordn is raised to his shoulders as he slides in his 360 degree spin. As the spin ends Raidou's right leg slams down on the ice as the weapon swings out from his body, the momentum cracking the ice underfoot as his balance equals out, he begins to slide and falls flat on his face.

While Raidou lays on his face, he looks up at the blue haired royalty, as she says "By the way, I'm Nikki Styx, Lieutenant of the Ebon Vanguard."

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Nikki couldn't help but giggle a little as the player with the oversized weapon fell over. Clearly this was not something he was familiar with. Of course most players had problems learning to use there gear the first few times around. "That was a good try." She half laughed as she held out a hand to help him up. "I can see you have some degree of skill, but yer gonna need more practice."

She waited until he was back on his feet before backing up a about 10 feet. She was going to show him again, but this time she wanted him to see it from the front so he might get a better view of the mechanics of the swing. She took a second removing her outer winter wear, revealing her blue dress, and black armor that had become the staple of her appearance. "Alright So ill do the swing again, this time watch the way my upper body works. Especially my core, all the energy fer the swing comes from here." She gestured to her tummy with her free hand as she loaded the spear onto her shoulders again.

Nikki took a deep breath, inhaling and then releasing before taking her first step. Her foot slammed down hard onto the ice as she began twisting herself hard to the left. She was using the momentum of the spin to guide her strike, popping the spear off her shoulder, and allowing the centrifugal force to keep the weapon up and in movement. Her other foot came down onto the ice now as she stepped foreword, following the arch of her spin, allowing the spear to do one solid rotation before coming to a stop back on her shoulder. The entire swing had taken only a second, but the force generated, even with her considerably lighter weapon was quite noticeable.

"You cant try to slow down until you've made at least one rotation, otherwise you will lose your momentum, and yer balance. Why don't you give it another try." She spoke in an encouraging tone as she took a couple of steps back to give him room. She shifted her spears grip now so that she was holding it properly about mid shaft, and equipped her shield using to hold herself up on the ice.

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Raidou was getting a bit fed up, carrying this weapon out into the frozen tundra, being unable to even lift it easily, His anger and determination manifests, "I'M GOING TO LIFT THIS WEAPON!" Raidou yells out to the silent snow domain. Sparks fly off his left arm, as Raidou rips the weapon up his armor using his left arm to help lift it. pushing it off of his gauntlet quickly moves the weapon left, and his momentum picks up. Raidou tries to follow Nikki's instruction as the weapon begins to lead him into a right spin. Halfway through the spin, Raidou's balance begins to get lost from the ice underfoot. Not about to have is balance deteriorate Raidou makes a bold move, and jumps with the spin.

His sword drops out from his body, the sword glows with his fury. With vein like cracks on the ice, and him coming down with a slam his stance is adamant. Raidou stands there having successfully completed his first swing of the heavy weapon, out of breathe from the sheer exertion it takes for one swing of the mighty blade. Suddenly the ice gives way, and Raidou and his bastard sword plummet into the ice, about to lose it all.

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