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[OP FL1] Where the grass grows greener

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The blades of grass bent to his feet as he stood there in the fields. It wasn't too far away from the safe zone ad he knew very well that the player killers were always on the prowl. He took a deep breath and tightened his bandana across his forehead. The air smelled so crisp and fresh to him. Too bad it's all fake he thought. " Gotta be stronger...." He spoke to himself. Problem was that not many monsters were this close to the city.

He had wondered if this was a wise move. To continue to venture forth or to turn back and meet friends. He huffed a bit as he played a game of wits in his own head. Either way he would win.

Gaze set forth at the city where it all started. He wondered how he would feel if this wasn't a game to the death." I don't wanna die..."He stated as he started heading back to the city. Plus he was hungry...that pizza was waiting for him and even though he wasn't there to eat it, he wanted to imagine a slice.

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He was casually walking down the cobble stone pathway today. He was dressed in his usual attire this evening as the setting sun beat on his back. Lots of terrible things had occurred today. He lost Yumi a while back and now no guild. His absent mind of the present made him unaware of the other player or how fast he was walking.

A gentle bump was felt as he struck Klein by accident from the back. " Oh.. sorry." He apologized quickly as he gazed at him..He seemed a bit low level so he chalked it up as someone who didn't fight." You okay?" He asked Klein.

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When he felt that graze, he instantly went on the defensive. Eyes narrowed a bit but he deemed that there was no immediate danger." I'm good." He gazed at the boy. Question is why are you out here by yourself " He knew his answer had to be training .Unless he want to be suicidal

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He stated at this player and shook his head."Headed back into town to get supplies.." He muttered softly and spoke again." Looks like your headed in the same direction. Did you wish to accompany me? " He tilted his head and slowly started walking.

He didn't care if the new player decided to take him up on his offer. It was just another face in the crowd to him. Someone he would either forget or run into later down the road. Gaze returned back to the city and he sighed gently.

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His eyes slightly lit up at the offer of company. Soon as the guy walked, he walked beside him. Thanks. I'll take you up on your offer."He spoke to him. He placed his hands behind his head looking at him." I'll buy you a drink at the city okay? Least I can do since your allowing me to join ya, ok?He grinned at him with his eyes closed"Names Klein. You?"

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He looked at Klein and shrugged at his question." Whatever you wanna do I guess." He spoke to him and gazed on." Names Kiluia. I live in the city for now." He offered him a friendly smile which seemed slightly hollow. He didn't want many friends anymore with the fear of being unable to protect them. " You looked like you were practicing earlier.. get anything good?" He inquired about him. Maybe he could take him out to other areas to fight.

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On the road just ahead of the pair, the distinctive ringing of blades could be heard. At a closer range it was obvious that a heated duel was occurring, between a 6"3 man in jagged armor, wielding a massive serrated two-handed sword. His opponent was 5"9 but heavily muscled, wearing a bandana and leather armor. As the onlookers observed, the tall man smashed the jagged blade into the challenger's shoulder. He collapsed, the standard duel victory announcement showing. The winner didn't pause to gloat or bask in his victory, but instantly headed back down the road.

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He was about to answer before he heard the ongoing duel in the distance. Eyes squinted slightly before his optics kicked in to help his field of vision. He spotted the well suited man in jagged armor and watched the victory at hand." That player got rocked..Least it wasn't to the death right?" His eyes moved back to Kiluia and he adked." Should we go introduce ourselves? "

He was happy it was a simple duel. He didn't have the strength to fend off an onslaught of player killers. He sighed a bit as he began to think of various ways to become stronger. If only he could locate his friends that joined, the battles would be less dangerous.

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He shrugged a bit and spoke. " Doesn't hurt to make more friends." He gazed at the downed player and the one walking away. He seemed strong. That was always a good sign. Kiluia naturally kept walking towards the winner and spoke. " Nice fight. Good old dueling is often needed." He walked by the downed player and shook his head. " You need to get stronger ..."

He glanced at Klein wondering what the guy would do at this point. Would he talk more or less? Was he scared of the new player? All these questions swarmed him as he waited for am answer from the player walking away from the two.

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Ether turned to the pair of players that just praised him on the fight. "Indeed, I wish it weren't so, but people don't usually negotiate in this game." he said as he removed his helmet. He had shoulder-length black hair, and ocean blue eyes. "Name's Ethereal but people call me Ether or Eth." he introduced himself, sheathing the two-handed sword as he did so.

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Klein nodded in approval at the words of both men. "Agreed! The fight was awesome. And did you guys have a problem in each other ?" He asked about the downed player. His wandering eyes soon landed to a distant Yami. " My name is Klein. Noob in progress. Self proclaimed title of course."Grin spread across his face as he joked about himself. It was always a good way to get a laugh at his own small expense.

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"Allow me to explain. This man was trying to impose a 'toll' on me, of several hundred Col, because I was on 'his' path. I obviously declined, and when I went to pass him he pulled a sword on me. At which point I got my equipment out and dueled him." he gestures at the weasel of a man. He was trying to scrabble away, and Ether let him.

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" Seems you were pretty generous with just a battle. I would of probably exposed him in town as a bad player." He stated to him. He watched the player scramble away and shrugged." To each his own,I suppose...Names Kiluia. Nice to meet you." right hand extended for a simple handshake if he were to accept it. Eyes glanced over to Yami because of his curious look on his face.

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"Noob in progress, eh? Sounds important. They call me the Fireheart Alchemist." he jested with Klein. "You'll want to get to a blacksmith and get kitted out, if you want to change that.".

Ether shook the offered hand, turning to Kiluia. "He probably just didn't think it through. Not worth humiliating him for making a bad choice. Pleased to meet you, anyway." he said, watching his opponent disappear. His eyes wondered to the new arrival, Yami.

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Upon hearing the two talk, he spoke in response to Ether." Gotta get me some col first mah man..and materials. " he knew what the terms were by observation of other players. He looked to Yami and responded by stating." A crook.. Who needs to learn his lesson in life." The guys seemed way out of his league, he thought. He would have to ask Kiluia for assistance.

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