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[SP-F1] â–ºEarnin' A Livin'â—„ (Eruda) (Complete)

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Griswold found the quest board in starting town, reaching it he scratches his beard. Griswolds large stature is imposing standing in front of the tiny board, as Griswold rips a slip from it in an instant "Aye, I'll be take that one." Pulling his shield and mace out, Griswold bangs on the front of his board with his mace "For Honor!" Griswold says proceeding toward the warp gate.

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Eruda sitting on the bench next to the quest board, looks up at the giant and hops to her feet. Eruda walks to the big guy and says "You're really big," looking up at his face and standing only at the his waist height wise. "Would you mind if i tagged along?" Eruda asked the big guy. She then says, "You seem like an interesting person to team up with. I won't be a bother I promise."

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Looking down at the tiny lass, Griswold "By all means dear, more the merrier!" Griswold says leading the way into the gate, with a quick scottish man yell "Floor 1!" he says with gusto. Popping on the floor Griswold turns around, waiting for the tiny sandy haired girl to pop in behind him.

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Eruda smiles and started running toward the giant to catch up. "So whats your name mister?" Eruda asks when she catches up to the man. "My name is Eruda, and I'm a tailor. Your should come to my store sometime." Eruda says with a smile. "I don't have much in there yet cause I just opened shop today but you can still come in and order something if you'd like." Eruda says walking along side the giant man trying to make conversation.

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Griswold looks at the small girl beckoning up at him, "Aye little lass I'm Griswold". Confused by her near nervous blurting of information out, instantly being about the game. "There's no reason to be nervous girl." Griswold says chuckling. Walking toward the »Blacksmithing NPC« It begins to monologue about quest procedure, Griswold only picks up the important pieces of information. "Alright laddie, lets go get us some metals!" He says trekking out of the village.

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Eruda listened to what little the NPC had to say and chased after Griswold. Not know really where to go first, Eruda follows behind Griswold in hopes that she doesn't get stepped on by him. "So where we headed to or do you know?" Not expecting an answer Eruda follows a couple steps behind him, minding Griswold's space.

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"Aye lass, he said to scan the environment for metals so that's what we are going to do." Griswold says in his heavy accent. "He said to be careful though, there is some worms that will try to stop us" Griswold says looking out at his surroundings with his hand covering his eyes. Off in the distance north of him Griswold sees a outcropping of stone presumably fit for mining, running toward it quickly. Suddenly a rock wurm rips through the ground near his feet. Quickly he draws his equipment and prepares himself for combat.

Griswold: 5/5

Eruda: 11/11

Rock Wurm: 6/6

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Eruda Quickly pulls out her Cutlass and prepares herself for battle. Eruda's sword glows dark blue and she uppercuts the Rock worm and makes it fly up a couple feet. The Wurm drops to the ground so hard that the ground shakes a little bit. Eruda smiles and readies herself for another attack.

Griswold: 5/5

Eruda: 11/11

Rock Wurm: 1/6

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Drawing hammer high, Griswold prepares to strike the foul creature. His maul is raised, and glows orange before Griswold slams the thing into the creatures leg with a crack. The creature bursts in nothingness leaving a small bag of change on the ground. Griswold moves and receives the bag of coins before walking toward the stone he set his sights on earlier.

Griswold: 5/5

Eruda: 11/11

Rock Wurm: 0/6 (LD 10)

Griswold Obtained:

» 30*Col

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"Well then, shall we be on to the next one lass?" Griswold says with a chuckle. Hopping down the small drop, Griswold strides out away from the mined spot before looking out at the environment on the floor. Seeing a small node of silver, Griswold begins jogging toward it. Lifting his mace as he reaches it, Griswold slams into the rock breaking off a piece of silver ore and adding it to his inventory.

Griswold obtained:

» Silver Ore

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Eruda quickly follows Griswold after jumping down the small slope. Eruda now standing by Griswold, sees another sparkle just outside the crack of the rock ahead of them. Not sure if Griswold saw what Eruda was seeing, she points in the general direction of the slight sparkle and says "Over there," and starts jogging that direction. Almost to the sparkly spot, another rock wurm bursts out of the rocks knocking Eruda over but not doing damage. Eruda jumps up to her feet and pulls out her Cutlass ready to fight. Eruda jumps at the wurm striking it with a slight blue glow to her sword. Eruda calls out to Griswold "You coming?"

Eruda: 11/11

Griswold: 5/5

Rock Wurm: 3/6

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Griswold moves to catch up with the tiny lass, his weight isn't easy to carry around like hers is. Coming into range behind her, a rock wurm emerges. The girl doesnt let up on it and Griswold takes advantage of the opening she left "Aye girl, good strike, buts now its my turn." Griswold begins to jump, but the wurm burrows under him and strikes him from behind. Griswold builds distance by putting his wooden shield against the creature and pushing it way.

Eruda: 11/11

Griswold: 4/5

Rock Wurm: 3/6

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Griswold was not about to lose faith, His weapon rearing orange with his dedication. Slamming into the creature with might, its pushed diagonally upward as Griswold's mace is used like a bat throwing the creature out into confetti of shards. Setting his sights on the bag it drops Griswold retrieves it before preparing to scan his surroundings for whatever Eruda saw. "Hey lass, where is what you saw?"

Eruda: 11/11

Griswold: 4/5

Rock Wurm: 0/6 (LD 9)

Griswold Obtained:

» 30*col

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Griswold sees the shine the girl does, and moves over to it. Looking at the rock intently he pulls his weapon up, but before Griswold could break a piece off hes forced to back up as another rock wurm manifests from the hole. Griswold jumps back while bashing the creature over the head with his mace.

Eruda: 11/11

Griswold: 7/7

Rock Wurm: 4/6

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"I'll try" Eruda say under her breathe while she tries to swing once again at the wurm. Instead of hitting the wurm, Eruda trips over her own shoe and falls down to the ground now face to face with the rock wurm. The wurn looks at me with what looked like a grin and head butt me in the face doing a little bit of damage. Eruda got to her knees with the sword still in her right hand, rubbing her forehead with her left hand while saying, "Well I guess old habits die hard. I hope you have better luck than I did," Eruda said to Griswold.

Eruda: 9/11

Griswold: 7/7

Rock Wurm: 2/6

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