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[Shop - F1] Dragon Claw Needles (Re-Opened)

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crafting attempt #2 of the day

After having success disassembling the bracers I decide to try to make a cloak I think the material that I used for the bracer's and I began my routine of stretching, hydrating, heating, molding, drying, bending, And sewing After about 4 hours of work, I start getting it into its rough shape when the system finally snapped it into its final shape again. I quickly examine it looks good. It's kind of practical. "I think I'll save this for A rainy day"

I successfully created a uncommon cloak.

Item: A white cloak


Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

Description: A white cloak that does not look like there is much to it But it is practical +1 evasion

XP earned: 3

Rank 2: 20 total EXP and 3 Crafts a day

1=Epic fail


4-6=bad Item

7-9=Good Item

10=Uncommon Item

11=Rare Item

12= Perfect Item

Crafting Rank 2: 17/40

-1 Mats

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Crafting attempt #3 of the day.

After successfully making a uncommon cloak I decide to try and make some boots. I grab some more mats And begin work hydrating, Drying, stretch, heating, And molding the material to get it into its final shape As usual, this is stone snapped into its final shape. Once againI quickly grabbed The boots and examine them Terrible durability and they don't look that good Either "Once again, I have to try to salvage this."

I successfully created bad quality boots

XP earned: 1

Rank 2: 20 total EXP and 3 Crafts a day

1=Epic fail


4-6=bad Item

7-9=Good Item

10=Uncommon Item

11=Rare Item

12= Perfect Item

Crafting Rank 2: 18/40

-1 Mats

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Salvaging attempt #2 of the day.

As I take the boots I start to salvage them starting by dunking on in water slowly undoing the schemes takes about hour and 30 minutes before I finally start getting down to the base materials and Suddenly The System popped it into It's. Original material. "Yes, twice in a row. I'm happy."

Dice roll 1 - 6 Fail

Dice roll 7 - 12 Success

+1 material

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crafting attempt #1 of the day

I attempt to make a duster. I grabbed the material I need And I begin working sewing, stretching, forming The material until the The system message into its final shape. It looks like a 0K duster I go to put it on and it shatters into thousands of polygons. "I barely touched it."

XP earned: 1

Rank 2: 20 total EXP and 3 Crafts a day

1=Epic fail


4-6=bad Item

7-9=Good Item

10=Uncommon Item

11=Rare Item

12= Perfect Item

Crafting Rank 2: 19/40

-1 Mats

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Crafting attempt #2 of the day.

After my failed attempt at making a duster, I try again This time being more careful as I so stretchy form the material into its desired shape and Suddenly the system takes over and snaps it into its final shape I think the dark new duster and look it over It's not very Thick that it feels like it's very strong.

I successfully created a perfect duster.

Item:dark Blue Duster

Quality: Perfect

Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

Description: A dark blue duster that is very Light but unusually strong +3 damage mitigation

XP earned: 8

Rank 2: 20 total EXP and 3 Crafts a day

1=Epic fail


4-6=bad Item

7-9=Good Item

10=Uncommon Item

11=Rare Item

12= Perfect Item

Crafting Rank 2: 27/40

-1 Mats

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Crafting attempt #3 Of the day.

After seeing much success for making the duster was overexcited and try to make a pair of boots. I quickly grabbed the material began working hydrating, drying, molding, heating, And Sewing As I have The material starting to form the desired shape. The systems suddenly takes it And Snap it into its final form I Immediately grab the boots and examine them at first. They look okay, but they simply shatter in my hands Into thousands, Of polygons

XP earned: 1

Rank 2: 20 total EXP and 3 Crafts a day

1=Epic fail


4-6=bad Item

7-9=Good Item

10=Uncommon Item

11=Rare Item

12= Perfect Item

Crafting Rank 2: 28/40

-1 Mats

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Crafting attempts #1 of the day.

I attempt to craft a new duster of begin my usual routine, grabbing the material and I start to so stretch form material For 2 hours, until the system immediately takes it And Automatically snaps it into its final form I take the duster and I look it over as I'm doing so, it shatters into thousands of polygons in my hand I failed

XP earned: 1

Rank 2: 20 total EXP and 3 Crafts a day

1=Epic fail


4-6=bad Item

7-9=Good Item

10=Uncommon Item

11=Rare Item

12= Perfect Item

Crafting Rank 2: 29/40

-1 Mats

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Crafting attempt #2 of the day.

As I just failed at making a duster decided to try to make something else A bracers, I once again grabbed some materials and began work of stretching, Sewing, molding, And drying After an hour and half of working the material starts become the shape of a bracer, then the system takes it And Snaps it into its final form. Once again I take the bracer and look it over It has good durability, very light And really good quality

I successfully created a rare bracer

Item:The assassins bracer


Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

Description:A very lightweight and durable bracer , it seems like something an assassin would wear + 2 Accuracy

XP earned: 5

Rank 2: 20 total EXP and 3 Crafts a day

1=Epic fail


4-6=bad Item

7-9=Good Item

10=Uncommon Item

11=Rare Item

12= Perfect Item

Crafting Rank 2: 34/40

-1 Mats

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Crafting attempt #3 of the day.

After succeeding in making a bracer, I decide to try to make the duster 1 more time I grab some material and began Sewing, stretching, and forming its start taking the basic shape of A duster Until the system takes It and Snaps it into its final Shape this time I am careful moving it. I Notice it is pretty good looking, but it has very low practicality to it "I'm going to attempt to salvage this"

I successfully created a good-quality duster.

XP earned: 2

Rank 2: 20 total EXP and 3 Crafts a day

1=Epic fail


4-6=bad Item

7-9=Good Item

10=Uncommon Item

11=Rare Item

12= Perfect Item

Crafting Rank 2: 36/40

-1 Mats

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Salvage attempt #1 of the day.

I Start undo the seams As I do so I start rushing as a result to that I accidentally rip it destroying the item "Oh come on, there goes more material down the drain." I yelled out frustration and annoyance "Well, at least, I did. One good Craft Today"

Crafting dice roll 1 – 6 failed.

Crafting dice roll 7 – 12 success.

Salvage attempt failed. -1 material

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Zelrius walked into the store out of Pure curiosity. Someone had told him, Zelrius didn't remember who, That the newbie he had once traveled and defeated a floor boss with known as 5iou5, Or More commonly as Fives, Had opened a shop and was getting quite a lot of attention from the modest Building. So, as much as the arrogant boy hated to, Zelrius made his way back to Floor 1 to Check out the store.

Upon entering Zelrius was actually rather surprised at how much of it was filled and how often it seemed people came and went. When he Walked up to the Counter, Zelrius rang the Bell to call forth the Shop owner, And While he waited, Zelrius opened up his HUD Notepad and ordered what he wanted


Order: A Duster or Tunic of Some Sort with Damage Mitigation.

And Boots with Evasion, and possibly Life steal or something to the odd sort. Though that last part is entirely optional.

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As I hear a bell ring. I start Wondering "what could that be I don't own a bell. " I think to myself as I get Out of the workroom and head to the display room. I then notice Zelrius An acquaintance I met a few weeks ago I Notice he is looking into his HUD "How can I help you Zelrius What brings you all the way down to my little shop" I asked sarcastically as I reach around and grab the broom To start sweeping a little

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I walk into the shop, which looks quite fine, and head straight for the player standing. Hello, can I get that cloak right there? I ask, pointing to the:


tem: A white cloak


Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

Description: A white cloak that does not look like there is much to it But it is practical +1 evasion

How much will it cost me?

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I walk into the shop, unsure of what to ask when I meet the shop owner. Hello, Do you have anything in stock today? I finally sputter out and play with my hair nervously.

(OOC- I want to buy these)

item type: Boots

item name:BC(Buyers choice)

Quality: Rare

Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

Description:A pair of boots that have a almost black color to them with very faint streaks of blue. The boots Admit a tiny bit of energy out Of the souls +2 Evasion

This item may get enhance

Item:Chest plate


Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

Description:Chest plate That is as hard as steel, but made from leather It's black in color with faint blue stripes +2 damage

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Zelrius doesn't say a word, to Fives, He just slides his Notes over to him. It reads that He wants Boots of evasion of some sort, and A Duster or Tunic of a sort that has Something making him more durable. Zelrius reaches over the desk and picks up his bell that he brings around with him. Zelrius readied his Col for whatever price may come.

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As I'm talking to Zelrius , I notice two girls Enter my shop. They start to order items before I got to respond zelrius He gave me his list. "Boots with Evasion and a duster with durability." I quickly reached over and grabbed the black boots and the dark blue duster. "I believe these should suffice" As I sat Them down in front of him "Right now, I'm not taking col Only Mats and that would be 7 material For these 2 items"

item type: Boots

item name:BC(Buyers choice)

Quality: Rare

Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

Description:A pair of boots that have a almost black color to them with very faint streaks of blue. The boots Admit a tiny bit of energy out Of the souls +2 Evasion

Item:dark Blue Duster

Quality: Perfect

Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

Description: A dark blue duster that is very Light but unusually strong +3 damage mitigation

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Zelrius nodded, Taking the two items as he closes his Col Menu. Then he opened his inventory and pressed on several items, Then scrolled through the list until he found a few more. Zelrius had to scroung around through his Inventory a little while longer before finding one last Item. He sent the request for Trading Items to Fives

-5 Boar Skins

-1 Snake Skin

-1 Furred Lizard Pelt

"Aye, You ought to try using a little something called the Essence of Steel. It Makes ANY Item better, Or so it says in the Rumor."

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As I Accept the trade I hear zelrius mentioned something about essence of steel. "Can make a item better I will Have to look into that" I then extend my hand to shake On the exchange. "Pleasure doing business with zelrius comeback anytime." I then took the materials he gave me and put them into the stock room and prepared to do business with the 2 Customers "Oi Zelrius don't get yourself killed." I quickly said before talking to the 2 other customers

Items Sold

Item:dark Blue Duster

Quality: Perfect

Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

Description: A dark blue duster that is very Light but unusually strong +3 damage mitigation

item type: Boots

item name:BC(Buyers choice)

Quality: Rare

Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

Description:A pair of boots that have a almost black color to them with very faint streaks of blue. The boots Admit a tiny bit of energy out Of the souls +2 Evasion

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After putting the Broome back into the storeroom. I go back behind the counter, "How can I help you 2 ladies " As I extend my hand to introduce myself. "Nice to meet y'all. The name is 5iou5 But everyone calls me Five "I then began to pull out the remaining items for sale . "These are all I have left for sale but you could request for something To be made"

Item: A white cloak


Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

Description: A white cloak that does not look like there is much to it But it is practical +1 evasion

Item:Chest plate


Shop:Dragon Claw Needles

Description:Chest plate That is as hard as steel, but made from leather It's black in color with faint blue stripes +2 damage mitigation

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